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base repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
base: 097ae482d428
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head repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
compare: 604b7c139f4d
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  • 1 commit
  • 6 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Aug 29, 2019

  1. Fix letsencrypt (#60219)

    * nixos/acme: Fix ordering of cert requests
    When subsequent certificates would be added, they would
    not wake up nginx correctly due to target units only being triggered
    once. We now added more fine-grained systemd dependencies to make sure
    nginx always is aware of new certificates and doesn't restart too early
    resulting in a crash.
    Furthermore, the acme module has been refactored. Mostly to get
    rid of the deprecated PermissionStartOnly systemd options which were
    deprecated. Below is a summary of changes made.
    * Use SERVICE_RESULT to determine status
    This was added in systemd v232. we don't have to keep track
    of the EXITCODE ourselves anymore.
    * Add regression test for requesting mutliple domains
    * Deprecate 'directory' option
    We now use systemd's StateDirectory option to manage
    create and permissions of the acme state directory.
    * The webroot is created using a systemd.tmpfiles.rules rule
    instead of the preStart script.
    * Depend on certs directly
    By getting rid of the target units, we make sure ordering
    is correct in the case that you add new certs after already
    having deployed some.
    Reason it broke before: would
    be in active state, and if you then add a new cert, it
    would still be active and hence nginx would restart
    without even requesting a new cert. Not good!  We
    make the dependencies more fine-grained now. this should fix that
    * Remove activationDelay option
    It complicated the code a lot, and is rather arbitrary. What if
    your activation script takes more than activationDelay seconds?
    Instead, one should use systemd dependencies to make sure some
    action happens before setting the certificate live.
    e.g. If you want to wait until your cert is published in DNS DANE /
    TLSA, you could create a unit that blocks until it appears in DNS:
    arianvp authored and flokli committed Aug 29, 2019
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