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base repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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base: cb298317c7ef
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head repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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compare: e9d68968a5c4
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  • 7 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jun 23, 2019

  1. Rewrite, but I broke it.

    pleroy committed Jun 23, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    5a7d3e1 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    a903ff1 View commit details
  3. It works.

    pleroy committed Jun 23, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    d1d60dd View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    d32248d View commit details

Commits on Jun 24, 2019

  1. Lint.

    pleroy committed Jun 24, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    605da33 View commit details
  2. After egg's review.

    pleroy committed Jun 24, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    5bec087 View commit details
  3. Merge pull request #2220 from pleroy/SnCnDnReduced

    Rewrite JacobiSNCNDNReduced
    pleroy authored Jun 24, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    e9d6896 View commit details
Showing with 73 additions and 58 deletions.
  1. +73 −58 numerics/elliptic_functions.cpp
131 changes: 73 additions & 58 deletions numerics/elliptic_functions.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,37 @@

#include "numerics/elliptic_functions.hpp"

#include <tuple>

#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "numerics/combinatorics.hpp"
#include "numerics/elliptic_integrals.hpp"
#include "numerics/polynomial.hpp"
#include "numerics/polynomial_evaluators.hpp"
#include "quantities/elementary_functions.hpp"
#include "quantities/numbers.hpp"

namespace principia {

using quantities::Sqrt;

namespace numerics {
namespace {

void JacobiSNCNDNReduced(double u, double mc, double& s, double& c, double& d);

// Maclaurin series for Fukushima b₀. These are polynomials in m that are used
// as coefficients of a polynomial in u₀². The index gives the corresponding
// power of u₀².
PolynomialInMonomialBasis<double, double, 0, HornerEvaluator>
fukushima_b₀_maclaurin_m_1(std::make_tuple(1.0 / 2.0));
PolynomialInMonomialBasis<double, double, 1, HornerEvaluator>
fukushima_b₀_maclaurin_m_2(std::make_tuple(-1.0 / 24.0, -1.0 / 6.0));
PolynomialInMonomialBasis<double, double, 2, HornerEvaluator>
fukushima_b₀_maclaurin_m_3(std::make_tuple(1.0 / 720.0,
11.0 / 180.0,
1.0 / 45.0));

// Double precision subroutine to compute three Jacobian elliptic functions
// simultaneously
@@ -32,70 +53,64 @@ void JacobiSNCNDNReduced(double const u,
double& s,
double& c,
double& d) {
double m, uA, uT, u0, v, a, b, x, y, z, my, mc2, m2, xz, w;
int n; // TODO(phl): Used after the loop.

constexpr double B10 = 1.0 / 24.0;
constexpr double B11 = 1.0 / 6.0;
constexpr double B20 = 1.0 / 720.0;
constexpr double B21 = 11.0 / 180.0;
constexpr double B22 = 1.0 / 45.0;
constexpr int max_reductions = 20;

m = 1.0 - mc;
uA = 1.76269 + mc * 1.16357;
uT = 5.217e-3 - m * 2.143e-3;
u0 = u;
double const m = 1.0 - mc;
double const uT = 5.217e-3 - 2.143e-3 * m;

for (n = 0; n <= 20; ++n) {
if (u0 < uT) {
LOG_IF(FATAL, n == 20) << "(scd2) Too large input argument: u=" << u;
u0 = u0 * 0.5;
double u₀ = u;
int n = 0; // Note that this variable is used after the loop.
for (; u₀ >= uT; ++n) {
DCHECK_LE(n, max_reductions)
<< "u₀ = " << u₀ << " u = " << u << " mc = " << mc;
u₀ = 0.5 * u₀;
v = u0 * u0;
a = 1.0;
b = v * (0.5 - v * (B10 + m * B11 - v * (B20 + m * (B21 + m * B22))));
if (u < uA) {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
y = b * (a * 2.0 - b);
z = a * a;
my = m * y;
b = (y * 2.0) * (z - my);
a = z * z - my * y;
} else {
for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) {
y = b * (a * 2.0 - b);
z = a * a;
my = m * y;
if (z < my * 2.0) {
c = a - b;
mc2 = mc * 2.0;
m2 = m * 2.0;
for (int i = j; i <= n; ++i) {
x = c * c;
z = a * a;
w = m * x * x - mc * z * z;
xz = x * z;
c = mc2 * xz + w;
a = m2 * xz - w;
c = c / a;
x = c * c;
s = sqrt(1.0 - x);
d = sqrt(mc + m * x);

double const b₀1 = fukushima_b₀_maclaurin_m_1.Evaluate(m);
double const b₀2 = fukushima_b₀_maclaurin_m_2.Evaluate(m);
double const b₀3 = fukushima_b₀_maclaurin_m_3.Evaluate(m);
PolynomialInMonomialBasis<double, double, 3, HornerEvaluator>
fukushima_b₀_maclaurin_u₀²_3(std::make_tuple(0.0, b₀1, b₀2, b₀3));
double const u₀² = u₀ * u₀;

// We use the subscript i to indicate variables that are computed as part of
// the iteration (Fukushima uses subscripts n and N). This avoids confusion
// between c (the result) and cᵢ (the intermediate numerator of c).
double bᵢ = fukushima_b₀_maclaurin_u₀²_3.Evaluate(u₀²);

double const uA = 1.76269 + 1.16357 * mc;
bool const may_have_cancellation = u > uA;
double aᵢ = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
double const yᵢ = bᵢ * (2.0 * aᵢ - bᵢ);
double const zᵢ = aᵢ * aᵢ;
double const myᵢ = m * yᵢ;
if (may_have_cancellation && zᵢ < 2.0 * myᵢ) {
double cᵢ = aᵢ - bᵢ;
double const two_mc = 2.0 * mc;
double const two_m = 2.0 * m;
for (; i < n; ++i) {
double const xᵢ = cᵢ * cᵢ;
double const zᵢ = aᵢ * aᵢ;
double const wᵢ = m * xᵢ * xᵢ - mc * zᵢ * zᵢ;
double const xᵢzᵢ = xᵢ * zᵢ;
cᵢ = two_mc * xᵢzᵢ + wᵢ;
aᵢ = two_m * xᵢzᵢ - wᵢ;
b = (y * 2.0) * (z - my);
a = z * z - my * y;
c = cᵢ / aᵢ;
double const c² = c * c;
s = Sqrt(1.0 - c²);
d = Sqrt(mc + m * c²);
bᵢ = 2.0 * yᵢ * (zᵢ - myᵢ);
aᵢ = zᵢ * zᵢ - myᵢ * yᵢ;
b = b / a;
y = b * (2.0 - b);
c = 1.0 - b;
s = sqrt(y);
d = sqrt(1.0 - m * y);
bᵢ = bᵢ / aᵢ;
double const yᵢ = bᵢ * (2.0 - bᵢ);
c = 1.0 - bᵢ;
s = Sqrt(yᵢ);
d = Sqrt(1.0 - m * yᵢ);

} // namespace