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base repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
base: 7d3b44c9be00
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head repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
compare: 1ede2de8a3c3
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  • 9 commits
  • 32 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Sep 6, 2019

  1. Split buildPythonPackage into setup hooks

    This commit splits the `buildPythonPackage` into multiple setup hooks.
    Generally, Python packages are built from source to wheels using `setuptools`.
    The wheels are then installed with `pip`. Tests were often called with
    `python test` but this is less common nowadays. Most projects
    now use a different entry point for running tests, typically `pytest`
    or `nosetests`.
    Since the wheel format was introduced more tools were built to generate these,
    e.g. `flit`. Since PEP 517 is provisionally accepted, defining a build-system
    independent format (`pyproject.toml`), `pip` can now use that format to
    execute the correct build-system.
    In the past I've added support for PEP 517 (`pyproject`) to the Python
    builder, resulting in a now rather large builder. Furthermore, it was not possible
    to reuse components elsewhere. Therefore, the builder is now split into multiple
    setup hooks.
    The `setuptoolsCheckHook` is included now by default but in time it should
    be removed from `buildPythonPackage` to make it easier to use another hook
    (curently one has to pass in `dontUseSetuptoolsCheck`).
    FRidh committed Sep 6, 2019
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    f7e28bf View commit details
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  2. Copy the full SHA
    9dd6537 View commit details
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    755de1c View commit details
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  4. python: bootstrapped-pip: update wheel, setuptools, pip

    wheel 33.4 -> 33.6
    setuptools 41.0.1 -> 42.2.0
    pip 19.1.1 -> 19.2.3
    FRidh committed Sep 6, 2019
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    dc95e17 View commit details
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    afe67e5 View commit details
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    0570a6b View commit details
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    5718ed6 View commit details
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    bf4f885 View commit details
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  9. Copy the full SHA
    1ede2de View commit details
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