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base repository: whitequark/Boneless-CPU
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base: b793d1bfc341
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head repository: whitequark/Boneless-CPU
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: 0838613c35c7
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  • 3 commits
  • 13 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 8, 2019

  1. Copy the full SHA
    caa3ca3 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    153caf3 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    0838613 View commit details
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ build/
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions boneless/arch/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
import re

from . import mc

__all__ = ["TranslationError", "assemble", "disassemble"]

class TranslationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, *args, lines=False, **locs):
super().__init__(message, *args)
self.lines = lines
self.locs = locs

def __str__(self):
if self.lines:
return self.args[0].format(*self.args[1:], **{
loc: f"line {indexes[0] + 1}"
for loc, indexes in self.locs.items()
return self.args[0].format(*self.args[1:], **{
loc: f"indexes {''.join(f'[{index}]' for index in indexes)}"
for loc, indexes in self.locs.items()

def parse_text(input, *, instr_cls):
output = []
for index, line in enumerate(str(input).splitlines()):
m = re.match(r"""
(?: (?P<label>[a-z][a-z0-9]*):\s*)?
| (?P<instr>[a-z].*?)
| (?P<direct>\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)\s*(?P<args>.*?)
(?: ;.*)?
""", line, re.I|re.X)
line_output = []
if m["label"]:
if m["instr"]:
except ValueError as error:
while error.__cause__ is not None:
error = error.__cause__
raise TranslationError(f"{{0}} at {{loc}}", error,
loc=(index,), lines=True) from None
if m["direct"]:
if m["direct"] == ".word":
line_output.append(int(m["args"], 0))
raise TranslationError(f"Unknown directive {m['direct']} at {{loc}}",
loc=(index,), lines=True)
return output

def emit_text(input, *, instr_cls):
output = []
for index, elem in enumerate(input):
if isinstance(elem, mc.Label):
elif isinstance(elem, int):
elif isinstance(elem, instr_cls):
mnemonic = str(elem)
padding = "\t" * max(0, 4 - len(mnemonic.expandtabs()) // 8)
words = []
encoding = " ".join("{:0{}X}".format(word, len(elem.coding) // 4)
for word in words)
except mc.UnresolvedRef:
encoding = "<reloc>"
output.append(f"\t{mnemonic}{padding}; {encoding}")
raise TranslationError(f"Unrecognized value {repr(elem)} of type {elem_type_name} "
f"at {{loc}}", loc=(index,))
return "\n".join(output)

def assemble(input, *, instr_cls):
if isinstance(input, str):
input = parse_text(input, instr_cls=instr_cls)

label_locs = {}
label_addrs = {}
instr_sizes = {}
fwd_adjust = 0

def resolve(obj_addr, symbol):
# If the label isn't defined it could mean one of the two things:
# * We're in the first relaxation pass.
# * It's an external symbol.
# In both cases we return `None`, as a request to downstream code to lower to largest
# possible encoding.
if symbol in label_addrs:
result = label_addrs[symbol] - obj_addr
if result > 0:
# Each time we shrink a chunk, we need to move all labels after this chunk lower,
# or else relative forward offsets after this point may increase.
result -= fwd_adjust
result = None
return result

def translate(elem, output, n_pass, *, indexes=(), allow_unresolved=None):
length = None
elem_addr = len(output)
if elem is None and n_pass == 1:
# `None` in input is OK during the first pass as a placeholder for a complex address
# computation that relies on a symbol that isn't defined yet; but after that it must
# be expanded, because we never return closures in the output.
elif isinstance(elem, int):
elif isinstance(elem, list):
for index, nested_elem in enumerate(elem):
translate(nested_elem, output, n_pass,
indexes=(*indexes, index), allow_unresolved=allow_unresolved)
elif isinstance(elem, mc.Label):
if n_pass == 1:
if in label_addrs:
raise TranslationError(f"Label {repr(} at {{new}} has the same name "
f"as the label at {{old}}",
new=indexes, old=label_locs[])
label_locs[] = indexes
label_addrs[] = elem_addr
elif isinstance(elem, instr_cls):
# First, try encoding without relocation. This usually succeeds, and is faster.
length = elem.encode(output)
except mc.UnresolvedRef:
# Compute the expected instruction size; necessary since offsets are computed
# from address of the next instruction.
length = instr_sizes.get(indexes, elem.max_length)
# Second, relocate and try encoding again. This will always succeed if
# the referenced label is defined, and will refine our size estimate.
length = elem(lambda sym: resolve(elem_addr + length, sym)).encode(output)
except mc.UnresolvedRef as error:
# If we still can't encode it...
length = elem.max_length
if allow_unresolved is None:
# ... add a placeholder sized for the worst case during initial passes;
for _ in range(length):
elif allow_unresolved:
# ... use the longest encoding if we're emitting relocations;
rel_length = elem(lambda sym: 0).encode(output, use_longest=True)
assert length == rel_length, f"Illegal longest encoding at {indexes}"
# ... raise an error otherwise.
raise TranslationError(f"{{0}} at {{loc}}", error,
loc=indexes) from None
elif hasattr(elem, "__call__"):
translate(elem(lambda sym: resolve(elem_addr, sym)), output, n_pass,
indexes=indexes, allow_unresolved=allow_unresolved)
length = len(output) - elem_addr
elem_type_name = f"{type(elem).__module__}.{type(elem).__qualname__}"
raise TranslationError(f"Unrecognized value {repr(elem)} of type {elem_type_name} "
f"at {{loc}}", loc=indexes)
# The assembler will terminate as long as two conditions are fulfilled:
# 1. The size of relocatable chunks never gets higher as the relative offsets shrink, and
# 2. The contents of relocatable chunks only depends on offsets.
# In other words, each relocatable chunk is a linear function of offsets. We can't easily
# check (2), but we can and do check (1) here as a precaution.
if length is not None:
old_length = instr_sizes.get(indexes, length)
assert length <= old_length, f"Expansion at {indexes}: {old_length} to {length}"
instr_sizes[indexes] = length
# Correct the offset in future forward relocations by accounting for backwards shift
# of labels caused by the instruction we may have just shrunk.
nonlocal fwd_adjust
fwd_adjust += old_length - length
return output

# Iterate to fixed point. This does more work than strictly necessary (if there are both
# forward and backward references, at least three iterations), but produces obviously correct
# result: if the (n-1)th and (n)th pass converged, then (n-1)th pass has updated every label
# to the same value as in (n)th pass, and (n)th pass has relocated every reference to
# the address of the label in either of them.
n_pass = 1
output = translate(input, [], n_pass)
while True:
fwd_adjust = 0
old_output = output
n_pass += 1
output = translate(input, [], n_pass)
if output == old_output:

# If there are unresolved relocations, ensure they are either reported as an error or emitted
# as the longest possible encoding, for future linking.
if None in output:
fwd_adjust = 0
n_pass += 1
output = translate(input, [], n_pass, allow_unresolved=False)

return output

def disassemble(input, *, instr_cls, labels=False, as_text=False):
index = 0
output = []
addr_f = [0]
addr_r = {0: 0}
while index < len(input):
instr, length = instr_cls.decode(input, index)
while instr.length != length:
# This instruction is not well-behaved: it will not roundtrip to a sequence of
# the same length, probably because it uses a noncanonical prefix form. Truncate
# the instruction so that the prefix is decoded separately and try again.
instr, length = instr_cls.decode(input[index:index + length - 1])
index += length
except ValueError:
index += 1
addr_r[index] = len(output)

if labels:
labels_at = set()
for index, instr in enumerate(output):
if isinstance(instr, instr_cls):
for op_name in instr.pc_rel_ops:
label_at = addr_f[index + 1] + getattr(instr, op_name).value
if label_at in range(addr_f[-1]):
setattr(instr, op_name, f"L{label_at}")
for label_at in reversed(sorted(labels_at)):
output.insert(addr_r[label_at], mc.Label(f"L{label_at}"))

if as_text:
return emit_text(output, instr_cls=instr_cls)
return output