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base repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
base: 921b2ccff895
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head repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
compare: 3dedec4ab831
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  • 2 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Mar 26, 2019

  1. pkgs/top-level/stage.nix: don't override overlays and config in `…

    `nixpkgsFun` already sets them via `args`. Doing this also introduces unexpected
    hard to debug errors, see the patch.
    oxij authored and danbst committed Mar 26, 2019
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    e8dac0c View commit details
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  2. pkgsMusl, pkgsi686Linux, pkgsStatic: fix infinite recursion with over…

    Consider example:
    $ nix-instantiate ./nixos -A system --arg configuration '
          boot.isContainer = true;
          nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: {
            nix = self.pkgsStatic.nix;
          }) ];
    When resolving package through overlays, we figure out that
      nix == self.pkgsStatic.nix
      nix == (import <nixpkgs> { inherit overlays; }).nix
      nix == (import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [(self: super: { nix = self.pkgsStatic.nix; })];}).nix
    and we enter infinite recursion of nixpkgs evaluations.
    The proper fix should terminate recursion by assigning self fixpoint
    to inner custom package set. But I get infinite recursion somehow, so
    I use `super`. It is less correct modulo deep custom overrides, but behaves
    correctly for simple cases and doesn't OOM evaluator.
    Fixes #57984
    danbst committed Mar 26, 2019
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    3dedec4 View commit details
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