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base repository: GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow
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base: 12d256cfd2e2
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head repository: GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow
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compare: aab41274f638
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  • 1 commit
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 25, 2019

  1. implement WAV export.

    This also makes the applet more efficient by performing the unsigned-
    to-signed conversion with numpy, or avoiding a roundtrip, in case
    libsamplerate is used.
    whitequark committed Mar 25, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    aab4127 View commit details
Showing with 136 additions and 9 deletions.
  1. +14 −7 software/glasgow/applet/audio/yamaha_opl/
  2. +122 −2 software/glasgow/applet/audio/yamaha_opl/index.html
21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions software/glasgow/applet/audio/yamaha_opl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -559,16 +559,21 @@ async def serve_index(self, request):
return web.Response(text=index_html, content_type="text/html")

def _make_resampler(self, actual, preferred):
import numpy

import numpy
import samplerate
except ImportError as e:
self._logger.warning("samplerate not installed; expect glitches during playback")
async def resample(input_queue, output_queue):
while True:
data = await input_queue.get()
await output_queue.put(data)
if not data:
input_data = await input_queue.get()
input_array = numpy.frombuffer(input_data, dtype="<u2")
output_array = (output_array - 32768).astype(numpy.int16)
if input_data:
await output_queue.put(output_array.tobytes())
if not input_data:
await output_queue.put(b"")
return resample, actual

@@ -578,7 +583,7 @@ def resample_worker(input_data, end):
input_array = (input_array.astype(numpy.float32) - 32768) / 32768
output_array = resampler.process(
input_array, ratio=preferred / actual, end_of_input=end)
output_array = (output_array * 32768 + 32768).astype(numpy.uint16)
output_array = (output_array * 32768).astype(numpy.int16)
return output_array.tobytes()
async def resample(input_queue, output_queue):
while True:
@@ -746,8 +751,10 @@ class AudioYamahaOPLApplet(GlasgowApplet, name="audio-yamaha-opl"):
$ play -r 49715 output.u16
For the web interface, the browser dictates the sample rate. Streaming at the sample rate other
than the one requested by the browser is possible, but degrades quality. To stream with
the best possible quality, install the samplerate library.
than the one requested by the browser is possible, but degrades quality. This interface also
has additional Python dependencies:
* numpy (mandatory)
* samplerate (optional, required for best possible quality)

__pin_sets = ("d", "a")
124 changes: 122 additions & 2 deletions software/glasgow/applet/audio/yamaha_opl/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1>
<p>This webpage lets you submit commands to a real Yamaha synthesizer and listen to the output. The synthesizer is a <b>shared resource</b> (and isn't very fast, although it does not have to run in real time), and everyone who submits a file is in the same queue, so you might have to wait until it's your turn.</p>
<p>Supported chips: {{chips}}.</p>
<p>Play a <a href="">VGM/VGZ file</a>: <input type="file" id="file" accept=".vgm,.vgz"> <input type="button" id="play" value="Play"> <input type="button" id="replay" value="Replay" disabled> <input type="checkbox" id="loop"> <label for="loop">Loop</label></p>
<p>Export PCM: <input type="button" id="exportFull" value="Export full"> <input type="button" id="exportLoop" value="Export loop"></p>
<p>Status: <span id="chipStatus">no chip</span>, <span id="netStatus">idle</span>, <span id="playStatus">stopped</span>.</p>
<p id="errorPane" style="color:red; display:none">Error: <span id="error"></span></p>

@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1>

this._context = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext);
this._buffers = [];
this._buffersRaw = [];

this._queueStart = 0;
this._queueEnd = 0;
@@ -43,12 +45,34 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1>
dataView.byteLength / 2, sampleRate);
var f32Buffer = audioBuffer.getChannelData(0);
for(var i = 0; i < f32Buffer.length; i++)
f32Buffer[i] = (dataView.getUint16(i * 2, /*littleEndian=*/true) - 32768) / 32768;
f32Buffer[i] = dataView.getInt16(i * 2, /*littleEndian=*/true) / 32768;


this.getAllSamples = function() {
return this._buffersRaw;

this.getLoopSamples = function() {
var buffers = [];
var skipTo = this.loopSkipTo * 2;
var sourcePos = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < this._buffersRaw.length; i++) {
if(skipTo >= sourcePos + this._buffersRaw[i].byteLength) {
// skip
} else if(skipTo >= sourcePos) {
buffers.push(this._buffersRaw[i].slice(skipTo - sourcePos));
} else {
sourcePos += this._buffersRaw[i].byteLength;
return buffers;

this.scheduleAtLeast = function(atLeast) {
if(this._buffers.length - this._queueEnd < atLeast) {
console.log("need at least", atLeast, "buffers;",
@@ -143,8 +167,85 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1>

function makeWAVFile(fileName, numOfChannels, sampleRate, bytesPerSample, sampleBuffers) {
var totalSampleBytes = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < sampleBuffers.length; i++)
totalSampleBytes += sampleBuffers[i].byteLength;

var id_length = 8,
fmt_subchunk_length = id_length + 16,
data_subchunk_length = id_length + totalSampleBytes,
RIFF_header_length = id_length + 4,
RIFF_chunk_length = RIFF_header_length + fmt_subchunk_length + data_subchunk_length;

var header = new ArrayBuffer(RIFF_header_length + fmt_subchunk_length + id_length);
var headerView = new DataView(header, 0, header.length);

// "RIFF" chunk
// ChunkID
headerView.setUint32(0, /*"RIFF"*/0x52494646,
// ChunkSize
headerView.setUint32(4, RIFF_chunk_length - id_length,
// Format
headerView.setUint32(8, /*"WAVE"*/0x57415645,

// "fmt " subchunk
// Subchunk1ID
headerView.setUint32(12, /*"fmt "*/0x666d7420,
// Subchunk1Size
headerView.setUint32(16, fmt_subchunk_length - id_length,
// AudioFormat
headerView.setUint16(20, /*PCM*/1,
// NumChannels
headerView.setUint16(22, numOfChannels,
// SampleRate
headerView.setUint32(24, sampleRate,
// ByteRate
headerView.setUint32(28, sampleRate * numOfChannels * bytesPerSample,
// BlockAlign
headerView.setUint16(32, numOfChannels * bytesPerSample,
// BitsPerSample
headerView.setUint16(34, bytesPerSample * 8,

// "data" subchunk
// Subchunk1ID
headerView.setUint32(36, /*"data"*/0x64617461,
// Subchunk1Size
headerView.setUint32(40, totalSampleBytes,

return new File([header].concat(sampleBuffers), fileName, {type: "audio/wav"});

function downloadFile(file) {
window.fileUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file);

var a = window.document.createElement('a');
a.href = window.fileUrl; =;

var playButton = document.getElementById("play");
var replayButton = document.getElementById("replay");
var exportFullButton = document.getElementById("exportFull");
var exportLoopButton = document.getElementById("exportLoop");
var loopCheckbox = document.getElementById("loop");
var fileInput = document.getElementById("file");
var netStatusSpan = document.getElementById("netStatus");
@@ -155,6 +256,8 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1>
playButton.onclick = function(event) {
playButton.disabled = true;
replayButton.disabled = true;
exportFullButton.disabled = true;
exportLoopButton.disabled = true;

var player = new PCMPlayer();
window.player = player;
@@ -189,6 +292,7 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1>
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "vgm", /*async=*/true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Preferred-Sample-Rate", player.preferredSampleRate());
var sampleRate = 0;
var seenBytes = 0;
var totalSamples = 0;
var seenSamples = 0;
@@ -203,6 +307,7 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1> = "none";

if(totalSamples == 0) {
sampleRate = parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Sample-Rate"));
totalSamples = parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Total-Samples"));
player.loopSkipTo = parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Loop-Skip-To"));
chipStatusSpan.innerText = "chip " + xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Chip");
@@ -217,14 +322,17 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1>
viewLength = bytes.buffer.byteLength;
var view = new DataView(bytes.buffer, 0, viewLength);
seenSamples += view.byteLength / 2;
player.addSamples(view, parseInt(xhr.getResponseHeader("X-Sample-Rate")));
player.addSamples(view, sampleRate);
seenBytes += CHUNK_SIZE;

if(xhr.readyState == 4) {
player.complete = true;
exportFullButton.disabled = false;
if(player.loopSkipTo > 0)
exportLoopButton.disabled = false;

@@ -239,6 +347,18 @@ <h1>Yamaha OP* Web Gateway</h1>
netStatusSpan.innerText = "waiting";

exportFullButton.onclick = function(event) {
var fileName = fileInput.files[0].name.replace(/\.vg[mz]$/i, "") + ".wav";
downloadFile(makeWAVFile(fileName, /*numOfChannels=*/1, sampleRate, /*bytesPerSample=*/2,

exportLoopButton.onclick = function(event) {
var fileName = fileInput.files[0].name.replace(/\.vg[mz]$/i, "") + " (loop).wav";
downloadFile(makeWAVFile(fileName, /*numOfChannels=*/1, sampleRate, /*bytesPerSample=*/2,
<script type="text/javascript">