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base repository: GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow
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base: 7bfb6411f605
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head repository: GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow
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compare: 87bea67c5e71
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  • 2 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 6, 2019

  1. Copy the full SHA
    23f5abe View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    87bea67 View commit details
Showing with 124 additions and 13 deletions.
  1. +124 −13 software/glasgow/applet/memory/onfi/
137 changes: 124 additions & 13 deletions software/glasgow/applet/memory/onfi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,80 @@
# Memory organization
# -------------------
# The NAND flash architecture is highly parallel to improve throughput, and is built around
# limitations of the storage medium. This results in a somewhat confusing set of terms used to
# refer to various subdivisions of the memory array. The following is a short introduction that
# should clear things up.
# To recap, NAND memory is programmed in smaller multi-byte units and erased in larger multi-byte
# units. The programming operation can only change a bit from 1 to 0, and the erase operation can
# only change a bit from 0 to 1.
# The basic unit of a NAND memory is a page. A page is the smallest unit that can be independently
# programmed. A page consists of a power-of-two sized data area, and an arbitrarily sized spare
# area, e.g. 4096 and 224 bytes correspondingly. The spare area is used to store ECC data, block
# erase counters, and any other necessary auxiliary data.
# Pages are grouped into blocks; a block is the smallest unit that can be independently erased.
# A block consists of a power-of-two number of pages, which is a multiple of 32 on ONFI compliant
# memories.
# Blocks are grouped into LUNs (short for "logical unit"); a LUN is a single physical die, with
# its own command decoder, page cache(s), drive circuits, etc.
# LUNs are grouped into targets; a target is one or more dice that share all of their electrical
# connections, including the data bus and the CE# pin. Bus contention is avoided because each LUN
# will only drive the bus when it detects its own address. It is usually possible to issue
# operations to multiple LUNs at once as well, though it is not trivial to get the right commands
# and data to the right LUN.
# Targets are grouped into packages; a package is one or more dice encapsulated into the same piece
# of epoxy with electrical connections. A package has a separate CE# pin or pad for each target,
# and may have more than one data bus, depending on the pinout.
# The memory can be addressed in terms of rows and columns. A column is an index pointing to
# an individual byte within the page. It can point into both the data and spare area, which
# logically appear consecutive, and are read as one contiguous block. (There is usually no
# physical distinction between data and spare areas.)
# A row is an index pointing to an individual page, and by extension a block containing that page.
# The row address bits can be separated, from least to most significant, into page index, block
# index, and LUN index. Some devices have structure beyond just being a linear array of blocks and
# pages, and so some row address bits will gain additional significance.
# There are no gaps between rows. That is, all pages inside a target may be addressed by
# incrementing a row counter starting from zero. In particular, unless multi-LUN operations are
# used, a target may consist of any number of LUNs yet respond to exact same commands.
# Besides uniquely addressing a page, a row may be used to address a single block, e.g. for
# the Block Erase command. In this case the low order bits that select a page within a block
# are ignored.
# Subpages
# --------
# Although, naively, it may appear that a page may be programmed arbitrarily many times, changing
# more and more bits from 1 to 0, this is not actually permitted by device manufacturers. Indeed,
# in the case where page programming is possible more than once (typically only on SLC memories),
# the page is divided into several subpages, and each subpage can in turn be programmed only once,
# sometimes with restrictions on order of programming of individual subpages.
# Planes
# ------
# The simplest memory die has a cache that fits a single page, and can program or erase only one
# page or block at a time. Naively, increasing programming speed would require increasing page size
# (which makes fragmentation worse), or using more than one die (which makes packaging more
# expensive). A middle ground between these is to add a second page cache, and allow programming
# more than one page, or erasing more than one block, at a time. This is called "multiple planes".
# In a device with multiple planes, blocks are grouped into planes through interleaving. For
# example, in a device with two planes, odd blocks belong to plane 0, and even blocks belong to
# plane 1. When issuing multi-plane operations, there is an additional constraint that in all
# of the selected planes, the page index must be the same. For example, in a device with two
# planes, a multi-plane operation may affect any even and any odd block, and if the operation
# is page-oriented, the offset into the block must be the same for both.

import argparse
import logging
import asyncio
@@ -12,21 +89,22 @@
from ... import *

BIT_CE = 0x01
BIT_CLE = 0x02
BIT_ALE = 0x04
CMD_WRITE = 0x02
CMD_READ = 0x03
CMD_WAIT = 0x04
CMD_WRITE = 0x03
CMD_READ = 0x04
CMD_WAIT = 0x05

class MemoryONFIBus(Module):
def __init__(self, pads):
self.doe = Signal() =
self.di =
self.ce = Signal()
self.ce =
self.cle = Signal()
self.ale = Signal() = Signal()
@@ -62,6 +140,7 @@ def __init__(self, pads, in_fifo, out_fifo):

command = Signal(8)
select = Signal(max=4)
control = Signal(3)
length = Signal(16)

@@ -74,7 +153,9 @@ def __init__(self, pads, in_fifo, out_fifo):
NextValue(command, out_fifo.dout),
If(out_fifo.dout == CMD_CONTROL,
If(out_fifo.dout == CMD_SELECT,
).Elif(out_fifo.dout == CMD_CONTROL,
).Elif((out_fifo.dout == CMD_READ) | (out_fifo.dout == CMD_WRITE),
@@ -84,6 +165,13 @@ def __init__(self, pads, in_fifo, out_fifo):
NextValue(bus.doe, 0)
NextValue(select, out_fifo.dout),
@@ -111,7 +199,7 @@ def __init__(self, pads, in_fifo, out_fifo):
NextValue(timer, wait_cyc),
If(command == CMD_CONTROL,
NextValue(bus.ce, (control & BIT_CE) != 0),
NextValue(bus.ce, Mux(control & BIT_CE, 1 << select, 0)),
NextValue(bus.cle, (control & BIT_CLE) != 0),
NextValue(bus.ale, (control & BIT_ALE) != 0),
@@ -190,6 +278,11 @@ def __init__(self, interface, logger):
def _log(self, message, *args):
self._logger.log(self._level, "ONFI: " + message, *args)

async def select(self, chip):
assert chip in range(0, 4)
self._log("select chip=%d", chip)
await self.lower.write(struct.pack("<BB", CMD_SELECT, chip))

async def _control(self, bits):
await self.lower.write(struct.pack("<BB", CMD_CONTROL, bits))

@@ -320,8 +413,9 @@ class MemoryONFIApplet(GlasgowApplet, name="memory-onfi"):
follows the ONFI 1.0 specification, but tolerates the very common non-ONFI-compliant memories
by gracefully degrading autodetection of memory functionality.
Only the asynchronous NAND interface is supported. An external pullup is necessary on
the R/B# pin.
Only the asynchronous NAND interface is supported. All R/B# pins should be tied together,
and externally pulled up. All CE# pins must be either connected or pulled high to avoid
bus contention; for unidentified devices, this means all 4 CE# pins available on the package.
The NAND Flash command set is not standardized in practice. This applet uses the following
commands when identifying the memory:
@@ -341,15 +435,16 @@ class MemoryONFIApplet(GlasgowApplet, name="memory-onfi"):
* Cmd 0x60 Addr Row1..3 Cmd 0xD0: Erase (all devices)
* Cmd 0x80 Addr Col1..2,Row1..3 [Cmd 0x85 Col1..2]+ Cmd 0x10: Page Program (all devices)
pin_sets = ("io",)
pins = ("ce", "cle", "ale", "re", "we", "r_b")
pin_sets = ("io", "ce")
pins = ("cle", "ale", "re", "we", "r_b")

def add_build_arguments(cls, parser, access):
access.add_pin_set_argument(parser, "io", 8, default=True)
for pin in cls.pins:
access.add_pin_argument(parser, pin, default=True)
access.add_pin_set_argument(parser, "ce", range(1, 5), default=2)

def build(self, target, args):
self.mux_interface = iface = target.multiplexer.claim_interface(self, args)
@@ -359,9 +454,25 @@ def build(self, target, args):

def add_run_arguments(cls, parser, access):
super().add_run_arguments(parser, access)

"-c", "--chip", metavar="CHIP", type=int, default=1,
help="select chip connected to CE# signal CHIP (one of: 1..4, default: 1)")

async def run(self, device, args):
iface = await device.demultiplexer.claim_interface(self, self.mux_interface, args)
return ONFIInterface(iface, self.logger)
onfi_iface = ONFIInterface(iface, self.logger)

available_ce = range(1, 1 + len(args.pin_set_ce))
if args.chip not in available_ce:
raise GlasgowAppletError("cannot select chip {}; available select signals are {}"
.format(args.chip, ", ".join("CE{}#".format(n) for n in available_ce)))
await - 1)

return onfi_iface

def add_interact_arguments(cls, parser):
@@ -450,7 +561,7 @@ async def interact(self, device, args, onfi_iface):
if await onfi_iface.read_onfi_signature() == b"ONFI":
parameter_page = await onfi_iface.read_parameter_page()
onfi_param = ONFIParameters(parameter_page[512:])
onfi_param = ONFIParameters(parameter_page)
except ONFIParameterError as e:
self.logger.warning("invalid ONFI parameter page: %s", str(e))