#!/bin/bash # Automatic interactive installer for mtproto proxy https://github.com/seriyps/mtproto_proxy # Supported OS: # - Ubuntu 18.xx # - Ubuntu 19.xx # - Ubuntu 20.xx # - Ubuntu 21.xx # - Ubuntu 22.xx # - Debian 11 bullseye # - Debian 10 buster # - Debian 9 stretch # - Debinn 8 jessie (not well-tested) # - CentOS 7 RED='\033[0;31m' GR='\033[0;32m' YE='\033[0;33m' NC='\033[0m' WORKDIR=`pwd` SRC_DIR=mtproto_proxy SELF="$0" info() { echo -e "${GR}INFO${NC}: $1" } warn() { echo -e "${YE}WARNING${NC}: $1" } error() { echo -e "${RED}ERROR${NC}: $1" 1>&2 exit 1 } usage() { echo "MTProto proxy installer. Install proxy: ${SELF} -p <port> -s <secret> -t <ad tag> -a dd -a tls -d <fake-tls domain> Upgrade code to the latest version and restart, keeping config unchanged: ${SELF} upgrade Interactively generate new config and reload proxy settings: ${SELF} reconfigure -p <port> -s <secret> -t <ad tag> -a dd -a tls -d <fake-tls domain> Reload proxy settings after manual changes in config/prod-sys.cnfig: ${SELF} reload " } to_hex() { od -A n -t x1 -w128 | sed 's/ //g' } case "$1" in reconfigure|reload|upgrade|install) CMD="$1" shift ;; *) CMD="install" esac PORT=${MTP_PORT:-""} SECRET=${MTP_SECRET:-""} TAG=${MTP_TAG:-""} DD_ONLY=${MTP_DD_ONLY:-""} TLS_ONLY=${MTP_TLS_ONLY:-""} TLS_DOMAIN=${MTP_TLS_DOMAIN:-""} # check command line options while getopts "p:s:t:a:d:h" o; do case "${o}" in p) PORT=${OPTARG} ;; s) SECRET=${OPTARG} ;; t) TAG=${OPTARG} ;; a) case "${OPTARG}" in "dd") DD_ONLY="y" ;; "tls") TLS_ONLY="y" ;; *) error "Invalid -a value: '${OPTARG}'" esac ;; d) TLS_DOMAIN=${OPTARG} ;; h) usage exit 0 esac done echo "Interactive MTProto proxy installer." echo "You can make the process fully automated by calling this script as 'echo \"y\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\" | $0'." echo "Try $0 -h for more options." set -e source /etc/os-release info "Detected OS is ${ID} ${VERSION_ID}" do_configure_os() { # We need at least 'make' 'sed' 'diff' 'od' 'install' 'tar' 'base64' 'awk' case "${ID}-${VERSION_ID}" in ubuntu-19.*|ubuntu-20.*|ubuntu-21.*|ubuntu-22.*|debian-10|debian-11) info "Installing required APT packages" sudo apt update sudo apt install erlang-nox erlang-dev make sed diffutils tar ;; debian-9|debian-8|ubuntu-18.*) info "Installing extra repositories" curl -L https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb -o erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb sudo apt update info "Installing required APT packages" sudo apt install erlang-nox erlang-dev make sed diffutils tar ;; centos-7) info "Installing extra repositories" sudo yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm \ wget \ https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm info "Installing required RPM packages" sudo yum install chrony erlang-compiler erlang-erts erlang-kernel erlang-stdlib erlang-syntax_tools \ erlang-crypto erlang-inets erlang-sasl erlang-ssl ;; *) error "Your OS ${ID} ${VERSION_ID} is not supported!" esac info "Making sure clock synchronization is enabled" if [ `systemctl is-active ntp` = "active" ]; then info "Replacing ntpd with systemd-timesyncd" systemctl disable ntp systemctl stop ntp fi sudo timedatectl set-ntp on info "Current time: `date`" } do_get_source() { info "Downloading proxy source code" curl -L https://github.com/seriyps/mtproto_proxy/archive/master.tar.gz -o mtproto_proxy.tar.gz info "Unpacking source code" tar -xaf mtproto_proxy.tar.gz mv -T --backup=t mtproto_proxy-master $SRC_DIR } # cd mtproto_proxy/ do_build_config() { info "Interactively generating config-file" # So, we ask for port/secret/ad_tag/protocols only if they are not specified via # command-line or env vars if [ -z "${PORT}" ]; then PORT=443 read -p "Use default proxy port 443? [y/n] " yn case $yn in [Nn]*) read -p "Enter port number: 1-32000: " PORT ;; *) info "Using default port 443" ;; esac fi if [ "${ID}" = "centos" -a "`sudo firewall-cmd --state 2>&1`" = "running" ]; then read -p "Should I configure firewall? 'd' to disable firewall completely 'n' if you will setup firewall by yourself [y/n/d] " yn case $yn in [Yy]*) info "Opening ${PORT} port" sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=${PORT}/tcp --permanent sudo firewall-cmd --reload ;; [Dd]*) warning "Stopping firewalld" sudo systemctl stop firewalld sudo systemctl disable firewalld ;; *) warn "Please make sure proxy port ${PORT} is open on firewall! Use smth like: firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=${PORT}/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload" ;; esac fi if [ -z "${SECRET}" ]; then SECRET=`head -c 16 /dev/urandom | to_hex` read -p "Use randomly generated secret '${SECRET}'? [y/n] " yn case $yn in [Nn]*) read -p "Enter your secret: 16 hex characters 0-9a-f: " SECRET ;; *) info "Using random secret ${SECRET}" ;; esac fi if [ -z "${TAG}" ]; then TAG="8b081275ec12abd306faeb2f13efbdcb" read -p "Use empty @MTProxybot AD TAG? Answer 'n' to set AD TAG [y/n] " yn case $yn in [Nn]*) read -p "Enter your ad tag from @MTProxybot: " TAG ;; *) info "Using no AD TAG" esac fi if [ -z "${DD_ONLY}" ]; then DD_ONLY="y" read -p "Enable dd-only mode? (recommended) [y/n] " yn case $yn in [Nn]*) DD_ONLY="" warn "dd-only mode disabled" ;; *) info "Using dd-only mode" esac fi if [ -z "${TLS_ONLY}" ]; then TLS_ONLY="y" read -p "Enable TLS-only mode? (recommended) [y/n] " yn case $yn in [Nn]*) TLS_ONLY="" warn "TLS-only mode disabled" ;; *) info "Using TLS-only mode" esac fi if [ -z "${TLS_DOMAIN}" -a \( -n "${TLS_ONLY}" -o -z "${DD_ONLY}" \) ]; then # If tls_domain is not set and fake-tls is enabled, ask for domain TLS_DOMAIN="s3.amazonaws.com" read -p "Use '${TLS_DOMAIN}' as domain name for fake-tls? Answer 'n' to change to another [y/n] " yn case $yn in [Nn]*) read -p "Enter domain name: " TLS_DOMAIN ;; *) ;; esac info "Using '${TLS_DOMAIN}' for fake-TLS SNI" fi PROTO_ARG="" if [ -n "${DD_ONLY}" -a -n "${TLS_ONLY}" ]; then PROTO_ARG='{allowed_protocols, [mtp_fake_tls,mtp_secure]},' elif [ -n "${DD_ONLY}" ]; then PROTO_ARG='{allowed_protocols, [mtp_secure]},' elif [ -n "${TLS_ONLY}" ]; then PROTO_ARG='{allowed_protocols, [mtp_fake_tls]},' fi [ -z "${PORT}" -o -z "${SECRET}" -o -z "${TAG}" ] && \ error "Not enough options: port='${PORT}' secret='${SECRET}' ad_tag='${TAG}'" [ ${PORT} -gt 0 -a ${PORT} -lt 65535 ] || \ error "Invalid port value: ${PORT}" [ -n "`echo $SECRET | grep -x '[[:xdigit:]]\{32\}'`" ] || \ error "Invalid secret. Should be 32 chars of 0-9 a-f" [ -n "`echo $TAG | grep -x '[[:xdigit:]]\{32\}'`" ] || \ error "Invalid tag. Should be 32 chars of 0-9 a-f" [ -z "${TLS_DOMAIN}" -o -n "`echo $TLS_DOMAIN | grep -xE '^([0-9a-z_-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$'`" ] || \ error "Invalid TLS domain '${TLS_DOMAIN}'. Should be valid domain name!" echo ' %% -*- mode: erlang -*- [ {mtproto_proxy, %% see src/mtproto_proxy.app.src for examples. [ '${PROTO_ARG}' {ports, [#{name => mtp_handler_1, listen_ip => "", port => '${PORT}', secret => <<"'${SECRET}'">>, tag => <<"'${TAG}'">>} ]} ]}, %% Logging config {lager, [{log_root, "/var/log/mtproto-proxy"}, {crash_log, "crash.log"}, {handlers, [ {lager_console_backend, [{level, critical}]}, {lager_file_backend, [{file, "application.log"}, {level, info}, %% Do fsync only on critical messages {sync_on, critical}, %% If we logged more than X messages in a second, flush the rest {high_water_mark, 300}, %% If we hit hwm and msg queue len is >X, flush the queue {flush_queue, true}, {flush_threshold, 2000}, %% How often to check if log should be rotated {check_interval, 5000}, %% Rotate when file size is 100MB+ {size, 104857600} ]} ]}]}, {sasl, [{errlog_type, error}]} ].' >config/prod-sys.config info "Config is generated with following properties: port=${PORT} secret=${SECRET} tag=${TAG} tls_only=${TLS_ONLY} dd_only=${DD_ONLY} domain=${TLS_DOMAIN}" } do_backup_config() { cp $SRC_DIR/config/prod-sys.config $WORKDIR/prod-sys.config.bak } do_restore_config() { cp $WORKDIR/prod-sys.config.bak config/prod-sys.config } do_reload_config() { sudo make update-sysconfig sudo systemctl reload mtproto-proxy } do_build() { info "Generating Erlang interpreter options" make config/prod-vm.args info "Compiling" make } do_install() { # Try to stop proxy in case this script is run not for the first time sudo systemctl stop mtproto-proxy || true info "Installing" sudo make install info "Starting" sudo systemctl enable mtproto-proxy sudo systemctl start mtproto-proxy } do_print_links() { info "Detecting IP address" IP=`curl -s -4 -m 10 http://ipv4.seriyps.com || curl -s -4 -m 10 https://digitalresistance.dog/myIp` info "Detected external IP is ${IP}" URL_PREFIX="https://t.me/proxy?server=${IP}&port=${PORT}&secret=" ESCAPED_SECRET=$(echo -n $SECRET | sed 's/../\\x&/g') # bytes ESCAPED_TLS_SECRET="\xee${ESCAPED_SECRET}"${TLS_DOMAIN} BASE64_TLS_SECRET=`echo -ne $ESCAPED_TLS_SECRET | base64 -w 0 | tr '+/' '-_'` HEX_TLS_SECRET=`echo -ne $ESCAPED_TLS_SECRET | to_hex` info "Logs: /var/log/mtproto-proxy/application.log" info "Secret: ${SECRET}" info "Proxy links: Normal: ${URL_PREFIX}${SECRET} Secure: ${URL_PREFIX}dd${SECRET} Fake-TLS hex: ${URL_PREFIX}${HEX_TLS_SECRET} Fake-TLS base64: ${URL_PREFIX}${BASE64_TLS_SECRET} " } # info "Executing $CMD" case "$CMD" in "install") do_configure_os do_get_source cd $SRC_DIR/ do_build_config do_build do_install do_print_links info "Proxy is ready" ;; "reconfigure") cd $SRC_DIR/ do_build_config do_reload_config do_print_links info "Config updated" ;; "reload") cd $SRC_DIR/ do_reload_config info "Config updated" ;; "upgrade") do_backup_config do_get_source cd $SRC_DIR/ do_restore_config do_build do_install info "Code upgraded" esac