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base repository: m-labs/nmigen
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base: aed2062101af
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head repository: m-labs/nmigen
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compare: 585514e6ed66
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  • 1 commit
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Apr 22, 2019

  1. rework named port handling for Instances.

    The main purpose of this rework is cleanup, to avoid specifying
    the direction of input ports in an implicit, ad-hoc way using
    the named ports and ports dictionaries.
    While working on this I realized that output ports can be connected
    to anything that is valid on LHS, so this is now supported too.
    whitequark committed Apr 22, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    585514e View commit details
Showing with 26 additions and 29 deletions.
  1. +1 −1 nmigen/back/
  2. +16 −18 nmigen/hdl/
  3. +2 −2 nmigen/hdl/
  4. +7 −8 nmigen/test/
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion nmigen/back/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ def on_statements(self, stmts):
def convert_fragment(builder, fragment, hierarchy):
if isinstance(fragment, ir.Instance):
port_map = OrderedDict()
for port_name, value in fragment.named_ports.items():
for port_name, (value, dir) in fragment.named_ports.items():
port_map["\\{}".format(port_name)] = value

if fragment.type[0] == "$":
34 changes: 16 additions & 18 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -344,16 +344,19 @@ def _propagate_ports(self, ports):
# Collect all signals we're driving (on LHS of statements), and signals we're using
# (on RHS of statements, or in clock domains).
if isinstance(self, Instance):
# Named ports contain signals for input, output and bidirectional ports. Output
# and bidirectional ports are already added to the main port dict, however, for
# input ports this has to be done lazily as any expression is valid there, including
# ones with deferred resolution to signals, such as ClockSignal().
self_driven = SignalSet()
self_used = SignalSet()
for named_port_used in union((p._rhs_signals() for p in self.named_ports.values()),
if named_port_used not in self.ports:
for port_name, (value, dir) in self.named_ports.items():
if dir == "i":
for signal in value._rhs_signals():
self.add_ports(signal, dir="i")
if dir == "o":
for signal in value._lhs_signals():
self.add_ports(signal, dir="o")
if dir == "io":
self.add_ports(value, dir="io")
self_driven = union((s._lhs_signals() for s in self.statements), start=SignalSet())
self_used = union((s._rhs_signals() for s in self.statements), start=SignalSet())
@@ -415,24 +418,19 @@ class Instance(Fragment):
def __init__(self, type, **kwargs):

self.type = type
self.parameters = OrderedDict()
self.type = type
self.parameters = OrderedDict()
self.named_ports = OrderedDict()

for kw, arg in kwargs.items():
if kw.startswith("p_"):
self.parameters[kw[2:]] = arg
elif kw.startswith("i_"):
self.named_ports[kw[2:]] = arg
# Unlike with "o_" and "io_", "i_" ports can be assigned an arbitrary value;
# this includes unresolved ClockSignals etc. We rely on Fragment.prepare to
# populate fragment ports for these named ports.
self.named_ports[kw[2:]] = (arg, "i")
elif kw.startswith("o_"):
self.named_ports[kw[2:]] = arg
self.add_ports(arg, dir="o")
self.named_ports[kw[2:]] = (arg, "o")
elif kw.startswith("io_"):
self.named_ports[kw[3:]] = arg
self.add_ports(arg, dir="io")
self.named_ports[kw[3:]] = (arg, "io")
raise NameError("Instance argument '{}' does not start with p_, i_, o_, or io_"
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ def map_ports(self, fragment, new_fragment):

def map_named_ports(self, fragment, new_fragment):
if hasattr(self, "on_value"):
for name, value in fragment.named_ports.items():
new_fragment.named_ports[name] = self.on_value(value)
for name, (value, dir) in fragment.named_ports.items():
new_fragment.named_ports[name] = self.on_value(value), dir
new_fragment.named_ports = OrderedDict(fragment.named_ports.items())

15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions nmigen/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -531,11 +531,14 @@ def setUp_cpu(self):
self.rst = Signal()
self.stb = Signal()
self.pins = Signal(8)
self.datal = Signal(4)
self.datah = Signal(4)
self.inst = Instance("cpu",
o_data=Cat(self.datal, self.datah),

@@ -544,22 +547,18 @@ def test_init(self):
f = self.inst
self.assertEqual(f.type, "cpu")
self.assertEqual(f.parameters, OrderedDict([("RESET", 0x1234)]))
self.assertEqual(list(f.named_ports.keys()), ["clk", "rst", "stb", "pins"])
self.assertEqual(f.ports, SignalDict([
(self.stb, "o"),
(self.pins, "io"),
self.assertEqual(list(f.named_ports.keys()), ["clk", "rst", "stb", "data", "pins"])
self.assertEqual(f.ports, SignalDict([]))

def test_prepare(self):
f = self.inst.prepare()
clk =["sync"].clk
self.assertEqual(f.type, "cpu")
self.assertEqual(f.parameters, OrderedDict([("RESET", 0x1234)]))
self.assertEqual(list(f.named_ports.keys()), ["clk", "rst", "stb", "pins"])
self.assertEqual(f.ports, SignalDict([
(clk, "i"),
(self.rst, "i"),
(self.stb, "o"),
(self.datal, "o"),
(self.datah, "o"),
(self.pins, "io"),