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base repository: GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow
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base: 148f5fdcbb58
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head repository: GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow
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compare: 9f1463948302
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  • 1 commit
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 8, 2019

  1. Copy the full SHA
    9f14639 View commit details
Showing with 162 additions and 76 deletions.
  1. +1 −1 docs/archive
  2. +133 −58 software/glasgow/applet/program/xc9500xl/
  3. +17 −15 software/glasgow/arch/xilinx/
  4. +11 −2 software/glasgow/database/xilinx/
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/archive
191 changes: 133 additions & 58 deletions software/glasgow/applet/program/xc9500xl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -224,31 +224,46 @@
from ....arch.xilinx.xc9500xl import *
from ....database.xilinx.xc9500xl import *
from ...interface.jtag_probe import JTAGProbeApplet
from ....protocol.jed import *
from ... import *


def jed_to_device_address(jed_address):
block_num = jed_address // BLOCK_FUSES
block_bit = jed_address % BLOCK_FUSES
word_address = block_num * 15
if block_bit < 9 * 32:
word_address += block_bit // 32
word_address += 9 + (block_bit - 9 * 32) // 24
return word_address

def bitstream_to_device_address(word_address):
block_num = word_address // BLOCK_WORDS
block_off = word_address % BLOCK_WORDS
return 32 * block_num + 8 * (block_off // GROUP_WORDS) + block_off % GROUP_WORDS

def read_jed_file(jed_file, device):
jed = JEDParser(
wc = device.word_width // 8
blocks = device.bitstream_words // BLOCK_WORDS
total_bits = (device.bitstream_words // BLOCK_WORDS) * (9 * 8 * wc + 6 * 6 * wc)

if len(jed.bits) != total_bits:
raise GlasgowAppletError("JED file does not have the right fuse count (expected %d, got %d)" % (
total_bits, jed.bits))

words = []
p = 0
for block in range(blocks):
for word in range(9):
words.append(int.from_bytes(jed.bits[p:p + 8 * wc].tobytes(), "little"))
p += 8 * wc
for word in range(6):
val = []
for sextuplet in range(wc):
val.append(jed.bits[p:p + 6].tobytes()[0])
p += 6
words.append(int.from_bytes(bytes(val), "little"))

return words

class XC9500XLError(GlasgowAppletError):

@@ -276,7 +291,21 @@ async def read_usercode(self):
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_USERCODE)
usercode_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(32)
self._log("read USERCODE %s", usercode_bits.to01())
return usercode_bits.tobytes()
return bytes(usercode_bits.tobytes()[::-1])

class XC95xxXLInterface:
def __init__(self, interface, logger, frequency, device):
self.lower = interface
self._logger = logger
self._level = logging.DEBUG if == __name__ else logging.TRACE
self._frequency = frequency
self._device = device
self.DR_ISDATA = DR_ISDATA(device.word_width)

def _log(self, message, *args):
self._logger.log(self._level, "XC95xx: " + message, *args)

async def programming_enable(self):
self._log("programming enable")
@@ -286,26 +315,28 @@ async def programming_enable(self):
async def programming_disable(self):
self._log("programming disable")
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_ISPEX)
await self.lower.run_test_idle(100)
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_BYPASS)
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)

async def _fvfy(self, address, count):
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FVFY)

dev_address = bitstream_to_device_address(address)
self._log("read address=%03x", dev_address)
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=1, address=dev_address)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=1, address=dev_address)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())

words = []
for offset in range(count):
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)

dev_address = bitstream_to_device_address(address + offset + 1)
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=1, address=dev_address)
isconf_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION.from_bitarray(isconf_bits)
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=1, address=dev_address)
isconf_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION.from_bitarray(isconf_bits)
self._log("read address=%03x prev-data=%s",
dev_address, "{:032b}".format(
dev_address, "{:b}".format(

return words
@@ -318,14 +349,14 @@ async def _fvfyi(self, count):
while index < count:
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)

isdata_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(34)
isdata = DR_ISDATA.from_bitarray(isdata_bits)
isdata_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(self.DR_ISDATA.bit_length())
isdata = self.DR_ISDATA.from_bitarray(isdata_bits)
if isdata.valid:
self._log("read autoinc data=%s", "{:032b}".format(
self._log("read autoinc %d data=%s", index, "{:b}".format(
index += 1
self._log("read autoinc invalid")
self._log("read autoinc %d invalid")

return words

@@ -343,61 +374,74 @@ async def bulk_erase(self):
self._log("bulk erase")
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FBULK)
isaddr = DR_ISADDRESS(valid=1, strobe=1, address=0xffff)
await self.lower.write_dr(isaddr.to_bitarray()[:18])
await self.lower.write_dr(isaddr.to_bitarray())

await self.lower.run_test_idle(200_000)

isaddr_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(18)
isaddr_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(DR_ISADDRESS.bit_length())
isaddr = DR_ISADDRESS.from_bitarray(isaddr_bits)
if not (isaddr.valid and not isaddr.strobe):
raise XC9500XLError("bulk erase failed %s" % isaddr.bits_repr())

async def override_erase(self):
self._log("override erase")
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FERASE)
isaddr = DR_ISADDRESS(valid=1, strobe=1, address=0xaa55)
await self.lower.write_dr(isaddr.to_bitarray())

await self.lower.run_test_idle(200_000)

isaddr_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(DR_ISADDRESS.bit_length())
isaddr = DR_ISADDRESS.from_bitarray(isaddr_bits)
if not (isaddr.valid and not isaddr.strobe):
raise XC9500XLError("override erase failed %s" % isaddr.bits_repr())

async def _fpgm(self, address, words):
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FPGM)

for offset, word in enumerate(words):
dev_address = bitstream_to_device_address(address + offset)
self._log("program address=%03x data=%s",
dev_address, "{:032b}".format(word))
dev_address, "{:b}".format(word).zfill(self._device.word_width))
strobe = (offset % BLOCK_WORDS == BLOCK_WORDS - 1)
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=strobe, address=dev_address, data=word)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=strobe, address=dev_address, data=word)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())

if not strobe:
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)
await self.lower.run_test_idle(20_000)

isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(address=dev_address)
isconf_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION.from_bitarray(isconf_bits)
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(address=dev_address)
isconf_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION.from_bitarray(isconf_bits)
if not (isconf.valid and not isconf.strobe):
self._logger.warn("program word %03x failed %s"
% (offset, isconf.bits_repr()))

if not words:
dev_address = bitstream_to_device_address(address)
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, address=dev_address)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, address=dev_address)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())

async def _fpgmi(self, words):
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FPGMI)

for offset, word in enumerate(words):
self._log("program autoinc data=%s",
strobe = (offset % BLOCK_WORDS == BLOCK_WORDS - 1)
isdata = DR_ISDATA(valid=1, strobe=strobe, data=word)
await self.lower.write_dr(isdata.to_bitarray()[:34])
isdata = self.DR_ISDATA(valid=1, strobe=strobe, data=word)
await self.lower.write_dr(isdata.to_bitarray())

if not strobe:
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)
await self.lower.run_test_idle(20_000)

isdata = DR_ISDATA()
isdata_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isdata.to_bitarray()[:34])
isdata = DR_ISDATA.from_bitarray(isdata_bits)
isdata = self.DR_ISDATA()
isdata_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isdata.to_bitarray())
isdata = self.DR_ISDATA.from_bitarray(isdata_bits)
if not (isdata.valid and not isdata.strobe):
self._logger.warn("program autoinc word %03x failed %s"
% (offset, isdata.bits_repr()))
@@ -429,7 +473,7 @@ class ProgramXC9500XLApplet(JTAGProbeApplet, name="program-xc9500xl"):
Supported devices are:
The Glasgow .bit XC9500XL bitstream format is a flat, unstructured sequence of 32-bit words
The Glasgow .bit XC9500XL bitstream format is a flat, unstructured sequence of n-bit words
comprising the bitstream, written in little endian binary. It is substantially different
from both .jed and .svf bitstream formats, but matches the internal device programming
@@ -483,6 +527,9 @@ def add_interact_arguments(cls, parser):

p_erase = p_operation.add_parser(
"erase", help="erase bitstream from the device")
"--override", default=False, action="store_true",
help="override write-protection")

async def interact(self, device, args, xc9500_iface):
idcode, device = await xc9500_iface.identify()
@@ -497,44 +544,50 @@ async def interact(self, device, args, xc9500_iface):
re.sub(rb"[^\x20-\x7e]", b"?", usercode).decode("ascii"))

xc95xx_iface = XC95xxXLInterface(xc9500_iface.lower, self.logger, args.frequency * 1000, device)

bytes_per_word = (device.word_width + 7) // 8

if args.operation == "read-bit":
await xc9500_iface.programming_enable()
for word in await, device.bitstream_words,
await xc95xx_iface.programming_enable()
for word in await, device.bitstream_words,
fast=not args.slow):
args.bit_file.write(struct.pack("<L", word))
args.bit_file.write(word.to_bytes(bytes_per_word, "little"))

if args.operation in ("program-bit", "verify-bit"):
words = []
while True:
data =
data =
if data == b"": break
words.append(*struct.unpack("<L", data))
words.append(int.from_bytes(data, "little"))

if len(words) != device.bitstream_words:
raise GlasgowAppletError("incorrect .bit file size (%d words) for device %s"
% (len(words),

if args.operation == "program-bit":
await xc9500_iface.programming_enable()
await xc9500_iface.program(0, words,
await xc95xx_iface.programming_enable()
await xc95xx_iface.program(0, words,
fast=not args.slow)

if args.operation == "verify-bit":
await xc9500_iface.programming_enable()
device_words = await, device.bitstream_words,
await xc95xx_iface.programming_enable()
device_words = await, device.bitstream_words,
fast=not args.slow)
for offset, (device_word, gold_word) in enumerate(zip(device_words, words)):
if device_word != gold_word:
raise GlasgowAppletError("bitstream verification failed at word %03x"
% offset)

if args.operation == "erase":
await xc9500_iface.programming_enable()
await xc9500_iface.bulk_erase()
await xc95xx_iface.programming_enable()
if args.override:
await xc95xx_iface.override_erase()
await xc95xx_iface.bulk_erase()

await xc9500_iface.programming_disable()
await xc95xx_iface.programming_disable()

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -547,15 +600,21 @@ class ProgramXC9500XLAppletTool(GlasgowAppletTool, applet=ProgramXC9500XLApplet)
def add_arguments(cls, parser):
def idcode(arg):
idcode = DR_IDCODE.from_int(int(arg, 16))
if arg.upper() in devices_by_name:
return devices_by_name[arg.upper()]
idcode = DR_IDCODE.from_int(int(arg, 16))
except ValueError:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("unknown device")

device = devices_by_idcode[idcode.mfg_id, idcode.part_id]
if device is None:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("unknown IDCODE")
return device

"-d", "--device", metavar="IDCODE", type=idcode, required=True,
help="select device with given JTAG IDCODE")
"-d", "--device", metavar="DEVICE", type=idcode, required=True,
help="select device with given name or JTAG IDCODE")

p_operation = parser.add_subparsers(dest="operation", metavar="OPERATION")

@@ -565,13 +624,24 @@ def idcode(arg):
"bit_file", metavar="BIT-FILE", type=argparse.FileType("rb"),
help="bitstream file to read")

p_jed_to_bit = p_operation.add_parser(
"jed-to-bit", help="convert a .jed file to a .bit file")
"jed_file", metavar="JED-FILE", type=argparse.FileType("r"),
help="bitstream file to read")
"bit_file", metavar="BIT-FILE", type=argparse.FileType("wb"),
help="bitstream file to write")

async def run(self, args):
bytes_per_word = (args.device.word_width + 7) // 8

if args.operation == "read-bit-usercode":
words = []
while True:
data =
data =
if data == b"": break
words.append(*struct.unpack("<L", data))
words.append(int.from_bytes(data, "little"))

if len(words) != args.device.bitstream_words:
raise GlasgowAppletError("incorrect .bit file size (%d words) for device %s"
@@ -587,7 +657,12 @@ async def run(self, args):
usercode = 0
for usercode_word in usercode_words:
usercode = (usercode << 2) | ((usercode_word >> 6) & 0b11)
usercode = struct.pack("<L", usercode)
usercode = struct.pack(">L", usercode)"USERCODE=%s (%s)",
re.sub(rb"[^\x20-\x7e]", b"?", usercode).decode("ascii"))

elif args.operation == "jed-to-bit":
words = read_jed_file(args.jed_file, args.device)
for word in words:
args.bit_file.write(word.to_bytes(bytes_per_word, "little"))