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base repository: GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow
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base: 88b7914e8c4b^
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head repository: GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow
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compare: 6ba2872f6010
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  • 2 commits
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 8, 2019

  1. Copy the full SHA
    88b7914 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    6ba2872 View commit details
Showing with 322 additions and 75 deletions.
  1. +133 −58 software/glasgow/applet/program/xc9500xl/
  2. +17 −15 software/glasgow/arch/xilinx/
  3. +11 −2 software/glasgow/database/xilinx/
  4. +161 −0 software/glasgow/protocol/
191 changes: 133 additions & 58 deletions software/glasgow/applet/program/xc9500xl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -224,31 +224,46 @@
from ....arch.xilinx.xc9500xl import *
from ....database.xilinx.xc9500xl import *
from ...interface.jtag_probe import JTAGProbeApplet
from ....protocol.jed import *
from ... import *


def jed_to_device_address(jed_address):
block_num = jed_address // BLOCK_FUSES
block_bit = jed_address % BLOCK_FUSES
word_address = block_num * 15
if block_bit < 9 * 32:
word_address += block_bit // 32
word_address += 9 + (block_bit - 9 * 32) // 24
return word_address

def bitstream_to_device_address(word_address):
block_num = word_address // BLOCK_WORDS
block_off = word_address % BLOCK_WORDS
return 32 * block_num + 8 * (block_off // GROUP_WORDS) + block_off % GROUP_WORDS

def read_jed_file(jed_file, device):
jed = JEDParser(
wc = device.word_width // 8
blocks = device.bitstream_words // BLOCK_WORDS
total_bits = (device.bitstream_words // BLOCK_WORDS) * (9 * 8 * wc + 6 * 6 * wc)

if len(jed.bits) != total_bits:
raise GlasgowAppletError("JED file does not have the right fuse count (expected %d, got %d)" % (
total_bits, jed.bits))

words = []
p = 0
for block in range(blocks):
for word in range(9):
words.append(int.from_bytes(jed.bits[p:p + 8 * wc].tobytes(), "little"))
p += 8 * wc
for word in range(6):
val = []
for sextuplet in range(wc):
val.append(jed.bits[p:p + 6].tobytes()[0])
p += 6
words.append(int.from_bytes(bytes(val), "little"))

return words

class XC9500XLError(GlasgowAppletError):

@@ -276,7 +291,21 @@ async def read_usercode(self):
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_USERCODE)
usercode_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(32)
self._log("read USERCODE %s", usercode_bits.to01())
return usercode_bits.tobytes()
return bytes(usercode_bits.tobytes()[::-1])

class XC95xxXLInterface:
def __init__(self, interface, logger, frequency, device):
self.lower = interface
self._logger = logger
self._level = logging.DEBUG if == __name__ else logging.TRACE
self._frequency = frequency
self._device = device
self.DR_ISDATA = DR_ISDATA(device.word_width)

def _log(self, message, *args):
self._logger.log(self._level, "XC95xx: " + message, *args)

async def programming_enable(self):
self._log("programming enable")
@@ -286,26 +315,28 @@ async def programming_enable(self):
async def programming_disable(self):
self._log("programming disable")
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_ISPEX)
await self.lower.run_test_idle(100)
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_BYPASS)
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)

async def _fvfy(self, address, count):
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FVFY)

dev_address = bitstream_to_device_address(address)
self._log("read address=%03x", dev_address)
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=1, address=dev_address)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=1, address=dev_address)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())

words = []
for offset in range(count):
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)

dev_address = bitstream_to_device_address(address + offset + 1)
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=1, address=dev_address)
isconf_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION.from_bitarray(isconf_bits)
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=1, address=dev_address)
isconf_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION.from_bitarray(isconf_bits)
self._log("read address=%03x prev-data=%s",
dev_address, "{:032b}".format(
dev_address, "{:b}".format(

return words
@@ -318,14 +349,14 @@ async def _fvfyi(self, count):
while index < count:
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)

isdata_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(34)
isdata = DR_ISDATA.from_bitarray(isdata_bits)
isdata_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(self.DR_ISDATA.bit_length())
isdata = self.DR_ISDATA.from_bitarray(isdata_bits)
if isdata.valid:
self._log("read autoinc data=%s", "{:032b}".format(
self._log("read autoinc %d data=%s", index, "{:b}".format(
index += 1
self._log("read autoinc invalid")
self._log("read autoinc %d invalid")

return words

@@ -343,61 +374,74 @@ async def bulk_erase(self):
self._log("bulk erase")
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FBULK)
isaddr = DR_ISADDRESS(valid=1, strobe=1, address=0xffff)
await self.lower.write_dr(isaddr.to_bitarray()[:18])
await self.lower.write_dr(isaddr.to_bitarray())

await self.lower.run_test_idle(200_000)

isaddr_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(18)
isaddr_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(DR_ISADDRESS.bit_length())
isaddr = DR_ISADDRESS.from_bitarray(isaddr_bits)
if not (isaddr.valid and not isaddr.strobe):
raise XC9500XLError("bulk erase failed %s" % isaddr.bits_repr())

async def override_erase(self):
self._log("override erase")
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FERASE)
isaddr = DR_ISADDRESS(valid=1, strobe=1, address=0xaa55)
await self.lower.write_dr(isaddr.to_bitarray())

await self.lower.run_test_idle(200_000)

isaddr_bits = await self.lower.read_dr(DR_ISADDRESS.bit_length())
isaddr = DR_ISADDRESS.from_bitarray(isaddr_bits)
if not (isaddr.valid and not isaddr.strobe):
raise XC9500XLError("override erase failed %s" % isaddr.bits_repr())

async def _fpgm(self, address, words):
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FPGM)

for offset, word in enumerate(words):
dev_address = bitstream_to_device_address(address + offset)
self._log("program address=%03x data=%s",
dev_address, "{:032b}".format(word))
dev_address, "{:b}".format(word).zfill(self._device.word_width))
strobe = (offset % BLOCK_WORDS == BLOCK_WORDS - 1)
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=strobe, address=dev_address, data=word)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, strobe=strobe, address=dev_address, data=word)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())

if not strobe:
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)
await self.lower.run_test_idle(20_000)

isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(address=dev_address)
isconf_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION.from_bitarray(isconf_bits)
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(address=dev_address)
isconf_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION.from_bitarray(isconf_bits)
if not (isconf.valid and not isconf.strobe):
self._logger.warn("program word %03x failed %s"
% (offset, isconf.bits_repr()))

if not words:
dev_address = bitstream_to_device_address(address)
isconf = DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, address=dev_address)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray()[:50])
isconf = self.DR_ISCONFIGURATION(valid=1, address=dev_address)
await self.lower.write_dr(isconf.to_bitarray())

async def _fpgmi(self, words):
await self.lower.write_ir(IR_FPGMI)

for offset, word in enumerate(words):
self._log("program autoinc data=%s",
strobe = (offset % BLOCK_WORDS == BLOCK_WORDS - 1)
isdata = DR_ISDATA(valid=1, strobe=strobe, data=word)
await self.lower.write_dr(isdata.to_bitarray()[:34])
isdata = self.DR_ISDATA(valid=1, strobe=strobe, data=word)
await self.lower.write_dr(isdata.to_bitarray())

if not strobe:
await self.lower.run_test_idle(1)
await self.lower.run_test_idle(20_000)

isdata = DR_ISDATA()
isdata_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isdata.to_bitarray()[:34])
isdata = DR_ISDATA.from_bitarray(isdata_bits)
isdata = self.DR_ISDATA()
isdata_bits = await self.lower.exchange_dr(isdata.to_bitarray())
isdata = self.DR_ISDATA.from_bitarray(isdata_bits)
if not (isdata.valid and not isdata.strobe):
self._logger.warn("program autoinc word %03x failed %s"
% (offset, isdata.bits_repr()))
@@ -429,7 +473,7 @@ class ProgramXC9500XLApplet(JTAGProbeApplet, name="program-xc9500xl"):
Supported devices are:
The Glasgow .bit XC9500XL bitstream format is a flat, unstructured sequence of 32-bit words
The Glasgow .bit XC9500XL bitstream format is a flat, unstructured sequence of n-bit words
comprising the bitstream, written in little endian binary. It is substantially different
from both .jed and .svf bitstream formats, but matches the internal device programming
@@ -483,6 +527,9 @@ def add_interact_arguments(cls, parser):

p_erase = p_operation.add_parser(
"erase", help="erase bitstream from the device")
"--override", default=False, action="store_true",
help="override write-protection")

async def interact(self, device, args, xc9500_iface):
idcode, device = await xc9500_iface.identify()
@@ -497,44 +544,50 @@ async def interact(self, device, args, xc9500_iface):
re.sub(rb"[^\x20-\x7e]", b"?", usercode).decode("ascii"))

xc95xx_iface = XC95xxXLInterface(xc9500_iface.lower, self.logger, args.frequency * 1000, device)

bytes_per_word = (device.word_width + 7) // 8

if args.operation == "read-bit":
await xc9500_iface.programming_enable()
for word in await, device.bitstream_words,
await xc95xx_iface.programming_enable()
for word in await, device.bitstream_words,
fast=not args.slow):
args.bit_file.write(struct.pack("<L", word))
args.bit_file.write(word.to_bytes(bytes_per_word, "little"))

if args.operation in ("program-bit", "verify-bit"):
words = []
while True:
data =
data =
if data == b"": break
words.append(*struct.unpack("<L", data))
words.append(int.from_bytes(data, "little"))

if len(words) != device.bitstream_words:
raise GlasgowAppletError("incorrect .bit file size (%d words) for device %s"
% (len(words),

if args.operation == "program-bit":
await xc9500_iface.programming_enable()
await xc9500_iface.program(0, words,
await xc95xx_iface.programming_enable()
await xc95xx_iface.program(0, words,
fast=not args.slow)

if args.operation == "verify-bit":
await xc9500_iface.programming_enable()
device_words = await, device.bitstream_words,
await xc95xx_iface.programming_enable()
device_words = await, device.bitstream_words,
fast=not args.slow)
for offset, (device_word, gold_word) in enumerate(zip(device_words, words)):
if device_word != gold_word:
raise GlasgowAppletError("bitstream verification failed at word %03x"
% offset)

if args.operation == "erase":
await xc9500_iface.programming_enable()
await xc9500_iface.bulk_erase()
await xc95xx_iface.programming_enable()
if args.override:
await xc95xx_iface.override_erase()
await xc95xx_iface.bulk_erase()

await xc9500_iface.programming_disable()
await xc95xx_iface.programming_disable()

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

@@ -547,15 +600,21 @@ class ProgramXC9500XLAppletTool(GlasgowAppletTool, applet=ProgramXC9500XLApplet)
def add_arguments(cls, parser):
def idcode(arg):
idcode = DR_IDCODE.from_int(int(arg, 16))
if arg.upper() in devices_by_name:
return devices_by_name[arg.upper()]
idcode = DR_IDCODE.from_int(int(arg, 16))
except ValueError:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("unknown device")

device = devices_by_idcode[idcode.mfg_id, idcode.part_id]
if device is None:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("unknown IDCODE")
return device

"-d", "--device", metavar="IDCODE", type=idcode, required=True,
help="select device with given JTAG IDCODE")
"-d", "--device", metavar="DEVICE", type=idcode, required=True,
help="select device with given name or JTAG IDCODE")

p_operation = parser.add_subparsers(dest="operation", metavar="OPERATION")

@@ -565,13 +624,24 @@ def idcode(arg):
"bit_file", metavar="BIT-FILE", type=argparse.FileType("rb"),
help="bitstream file to read")

p_jed_to_bit = p_operation.add_parser(
"jed-to-bit", help="convert a .jed file to a .bit file")
"jed_file", metavar="JED-FILE", type=argparse.FileType("r"),
help="bitstream file to read")
"bit_file", metavar="BIT-FILE", type=argparse.FileType("wb"),
help="bitstream file to write")

async def run(self, args):
bytes_per_word = (args.device.word_width + 7) // 8

if args.operation == "read-bit-usercode":
words = []
while True:
data =
data =
if data == b"": break
words.append(*struct.unpack("<L", data))
words.append(int.from_bytes(data, "little"))

if len(words) != args.device.bitstream_words:
raise GlasgowAppletError("incorrect .bit file size (%d words) for device %s"
@@ -587,7 +657,12 @@ async def run(self, args):
usercode = 0
for usercode_word in usercode_words:
usercode = (usercode << 2) | ((usercode_word >> 6) & 0b11)
usercode = struct.pack("<L", usercode)
usercode = struct.pack(">L", usercode)"USERCODE=%s (%s)",
re.sub(rb"[^\x20-\x7e]", b"?", usercode).decode("ascii"))

elif args.operation == "jed-to-bit":
words = read_jed_file(args.jed_file, args.device)
for word in words:
args.bit_file.write(word.to_bytes(bytes_per_word, "little"))