NOTE: This registry format will be deprecated in favor of the new version
The registry is an ETS table serialized with ets:tab2file/1
. Clients
consuming the registry entries should always match on only the front of a list,
as new elements may be added to the tail in the future.
Below is the layout of the table.
{'$$version$$', Version}
- the registry version- Version: integer, incremented on breaking changes
{Package, [Versions]}
- all releases of a package- Package: binary string
- Versions: list of semver versions as binary strings
{{Package, Version}, [Deps, Checksum, BuildTools]}
- a package release's dependencies- Package: binary string
- Version: binary string semver version
- Deps: list of dependencies [Dep1, Dep2, ..., DepN]
- Dep: [Name, Requirement, Optional, App]
- Name: binary package name
- Requirement: binary Elixir version requirement
- Optional: boolean, true if it's an optional dependency
- App: binary, OTP application name
- Dep: [Name, Requirement, Optional, App]
- Checksum: binary hex encoded sha256 checksum of package, see Package Tarball
- BuildTools: list of build tool names as binary strings