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base repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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base: 16d3417a6944
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head repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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compare: f943e83f8bb6
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  • 4 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 25, 2018

  1. Copy the full SHA
    73d6097 View commit details
  2. Log to separate files.

    pleroy committed Dec 25, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    5d61cb1 View commit details
  3. More reasonable parameters.

    pleroy committed Dec 25, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    aef541a View commit details
  4. Merge pull request #2035 from pleroy/PopulationBundle

    Population bundle and separate logging
    pleroy authored Dec 25, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    f943e83 View commit details
Showing with 102 additions and 62 deletions.
  1. +102 −62 astronomy/trappist_dynamics_test.cpp
164 changes: 102 additions & 62 deletions astronomy/trappist_dynamics_test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "astronomy/frames.hpp"
#include "base/bundle.hpp"
#include "base/file.hpp"
@@ -118,7 +120,8 @@ class Population {
int size,
bool elitism,
ComputeFitness compute_fitness,
std::mt19937_64& engine);
std::mt19937_64& engine,
OFStream& file);

// Compute all the fitnesses for the current population, as well as the
// cumulative fitnesses used for reproduction. This is the expensive step.
@@ -140,6 +143,7 @@ class Population {
ComputeFitness const compute_fitness_;
bool const elitism_;
std::mt19937_64& engine_;
OFStream& file_;
std::vector<Genome> current_;
std::vector<Genome> next_;
std::vector<double> fitnesses_;
@@ -250,12 +254,14 @@ Population::Population(Genome const& luca,
int const size,
bool const elitism,
ComputeFitness compute_fitness,
std::mt19937_64& engine)
std::mt19937_64& engine,
OFStream& file)
: current_(size, luca),
next_(size, luca),
engine_(engine) {
file_(file) {
for (int i = 0; i < current_.size(); ++i) {
current_[i].Mutate(engine_, /*generation=*/-1);
@@ -285,7 +291,7 @@ void Population::ComputeAllFitnesses() {

LOG(ERROR) << "------ Generation " << generation_;
file_ << "------ Generation " << absl::StrCat(generation_) << "\n";
double min_fitness = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double max_fitness = 0.0;
std::string* fittest_info = nullptr;
@@ -314,10 +320,10 @@ void Population::ComputeAllFitnesses() {
best_genome_ = current_[i];
LOG(ERROR) << "Least fit: " << *least_fit_info;
LOG(ERROR) << "Fittest : " << *fittest_info;
file_ << "Least fit: " << *least_fit_info << "\n";
file_ << "Fittest : " << *fittest_info << "\n";
if (!elitism_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Best : " << best_trace_;
file_ << "Best : " << best_trace_ << "\n";

@@ -377,50 +383,58 @@ Genome const* Population::Pick() const {

void Population::TraceNewBestGenome(Genome const& genome) const {
LOG(ERROR) << "New best genome:";
file_ << "New best genome:\n";
char planet = 'b';
for (int j = 0; j < genome.elements().size(); ++j) {
LOG(ERROR) << std::string({planet++, ':'});
file_ << std::string({planet++, ':', '\n'});
if (best_genome_) {
<< "old L = "
<< Mod((best_genome_->elements()[j].longitude_of_ascending_node +
*best_genome_->elements()[j].argument_of_periapsis +
2 * π * Radian) / Degree
<< u8"°";

LOG(ERROR) << u8" ΔL = "
<< ((genome.elements()[j].longitude_of_ascending_node +
*genome.elements()[j].argument_of_periapsis +
*genome.elements()[j].mean_anomaly) -
(best_genome_->elements()[j].longitude_of_ascending_node +
<< absl::StrCat(
Mod((best_genome_->elements()[j].longitude_of_ascending_node +
*best_genome_->elements()[j].argument_of_periapsis +
*best_genome_->elements()[j].mean_anomaly)) / Degree
<< u8"°";
2 * π * Radian) / Degree)
<< u8"°\n";

file_ << u8" ΔL = "
<< absl::StrCat(
((genome.elements()[j].longitude_of_ascending_node +
*genome.elements()[j].argument_of_periapsis +
*genome.elements()[j].mean_anomaly) -
(best_genome_->elements()[j].longitude_of_ascending_node +
*best_genome_->elements()[j].argument_of_periapsis +
*best_genome_->elements()[j].mean_anomaly)) / Degree)
<< u8"°\n";
LOG(ERROR) << "new L = "
<< Mod((genome.elements()[j].longitude_of_ascending_node +
*genome.elements()[j].argument_of_periapsis +
2 * π * Radian) / Degree
<< u8"°";
file_ << "new L = "
<< absl::StrCat(
Mod((genome.elements()[j].longitude_of_ascending_node +
*genome.elements()[j].argument_of_periapsis +
2 * π * Radian) / Degree)
<< u8"°\n";
if (best_genome_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "old e = " << *best_genome_->elements()[j].eccentricity;
LOG(ERROR) << u8" Δe = "
<< *genome.elements()[j].eccentricity -
file_ << "old e = "
<< absl::StrCat(*best_genome_->elements()[j].eccentricity) << "\n";
file_ << u8" Δe = "
<< absl::StrCat(*genome.elements()[j].eccentricity -
<< "\n";
LOG(ERROR) << "new e = " << *genome.elements()[j].eccentricity;
file_ << "new e = " << absl::StrCat(*genome.elements()[j].eccentricity)
<< "\n";
if (best_genome_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "old T = " << *best_genome_->elements()[j].period / Day
<< " d";
LOG(ERROR) << u8" ΔT = "
<< (*genome.elements()[j].period -
*best_genome_->elements()[j].period) / Second
<< " s";
file_ << "old T = "
<< absl::StrCat(*best_genome_->elements()[j].period / Day)
<< " d\n";
file_ << u8" ΔT = "
<< absl::StrCat((*genome.elements()[j].period -
*best_genome_->elements()[j].period) / Second)
<< " s\n";
LOG(ERROR) << "new T = " << *genome.elements()[j].period / Day << " d";
file_ << "new T = " << absl::StrCat(*genome.elements()[j].period / Day)
<< " d\n";
} // namespace genetics
@@ -1312,35 +1326,61 @@ TEST_F(TrappistDynamicsTest, DISABLED_Optimization) {
return -χ² / 2.0;

absl::Mutex great_old_one_lock;
std::optional<genetics::Genome> great_old_one;
double great_old_one_fitness = 0.0;
// First, let's do some rounds of evolution with a population of individuals
// based on |luca|. The best of all of them is the Great Old One.
int const number_of_rounds = 10;
std::mt19937_64 engine(number_of_rounds);
genetics::Genome luca(elements);
genetics::Genome const luca(elements);
Bundle bundle;
std::filesystem::path stem;
stem += "genetics.";
stem += absl::FormatTime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ",
stem += "_";
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_rounds; ++i) {
genetics::Population population(luca,
for (int i = 0; i < 20'000; ++i) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Great Old One #" << i;
LOG(ERROR) << population.best_genome_trace();
for (int i = 0; i < planet_names.size(); ++i) {
LOG(ERROR) << planet_names[i] << ": "
<< population.best_genome().elements()[i];
if (population.best_genome_fitness() > great_old_one_fitness) {
great_old_one = population.best_genome();
great_old_one_fitness = population.best_genome_fitness();
seed = i + number_of_rounds,
&stem]() {
std::mt19937_64 engine(seed);
std::filesystem::path filename = stem;
filename += absl::StrCat(i);
filename += ".txt";
OFStream file(TEMP_DIR / filename);
genetics::Population population(luca,
for (int i = 0; i < 20'000; ++i) {
absl::MutexLock l(&great_old_one_lock);
LOG(ERROR) << "Great Old One #" << i;
LOG(ERROR) << population.best_genome_trace();
for (int i = 0; i < planet_names.size(); ++i) {
LOG(ERROR) << planet_names[i] << ": "
<< population.best_genome().elements()[i];
if (population.best_genome_fitness() > great_old_one_fitness) {
great_old_one = population.best_genome();
great_old_one_fitness = population.best_genome_fitness();
return Status::OK;
// Next, let's build a population of minor variants of the Great Old One,