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base repository: m-labs/nmigen
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base: ae0cb48fbb4f
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head repository: m-labs/nmigen
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compare: 59c7540aeb08
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  • 2 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 22, 2018

  1. back.rtlil: remove useless condition. NFC.

    whitequark committed Dec 22, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    d299299 View commit details
  2. back.rtlil: split processes as finely as possible.

    This makes simulation work correctly (by introducing delta cycles,
    and therefore, making the overall Verilog simulation deterministic)
    at the price of pessimizing mux trees generated by Yosys and Synplify
    frontends, sometimes severely.
    whitequark committed Dec 22, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    59c7540 View commit details
Showing with 71 additions and 52 deletions.
  1. +71 −52 nmigen/back/
123 changes: 71 additions & 52 deletions nmigen/back/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ def expand_to(self, value, expansion):
del self.expansions[value]

class _ValueCompiler(xfrm.AbstractValueTransformer):
class _ValueCompiler(xfrm.ValueVisitor):
def __init__(self, state):
self.s = state

@@ -520,13 +520,14 @@ def on_Repl(self, value):
raise TypeError # :nocov:

class _StatementCompiler(xfrm.AbstractStatementTransformer):
class _StatementCompiler(xfrm.StatementVisitor):
def __init__(self, state, rhs_compiler, lhs_compiler):
self.state = state
self.rhs_compiler = rhs_compiler
self.lhs_compiler = lhs_compiler

self._case = None
self._group = None
self._case = None

def case(self, switch, value):
@@ -538,16 +539,21 @@ def case(self, switch, value):
self._case = old_case

def on_Assign(self, stmt):
if isinstance(stmt, ast.Assign):
lhs_bits, lhs_sign = stmt.lhs.shape()
rhs_bits, rhs_sign = stmt.rhs.shape()
if lhs_bits == rhs_bits:
rhs_sigspec = self.rhs_compiler(stmt.rhs)
# In RTLIL, LHS and RHS of assignment must have exactly same width.
rhs_sigspec = self.rhs_compiler.match_shape(
stmt.rhs, lhs_bits, rhs_sign)
self._case.assign(self.lhs_compiler(stmt.lhs), rhs_sigspec)
# The invariant provided by LHSGroupAnalyzer is that all signals that ever appear together
# on LHS are a part of the same group, so it is sufficient to check any of them.
any_lhs_signal = next(iter(stmt.lhs._lhs_signals()))
if any_lhs_signal not in self._group:

lhs_bits, lhs_sign = stmt.lhs.shape()
rhs_bits, rhs_sign = stmt.rhs.shape()
if lhs_bits == rhs_bits:
rhs_sigspec = self.rhs_compiler(stmt.rhs)
# In RTLIL, LHS and RHS of assignment must have exactly same width.
rhs_sigspec = self.rhs_compiler.match_shape(
stmt.rhs, lhs_bits, rhs_sign)
self._case.assign(self.lhs_compiler(stmt.lhs), rhs_sigspec)

def on_Switch(self, stmt):
with self._case.switch(self.rhs_compiler(stmt.test)) as switch:
@@ -655,47 +661,60 @@ def convert_fragment(builder, fragment, name, top):

module.cell(sub_type, name=sub_name, ports=sub_ports, params=sub_params)

with module.process() as process:
with as case:
# For every signal in comb domain, assign \sig$next to the reset value.
# For every signal in sync domains, assign \sig$next to the current value (\sig).
for domain, signal in fragment.iter_drivers():
lhs_grouper = xfrm.LHSGroupAnalyzer()
for group, group_signals in lhs_grouper.groups().items():
with module.process(name="$group_{}".format(group)) as process:
with as case:
# For every signal in comb domain, assign \sig$next to the reset value.
# For every signal in sync domains, assign \sig$next to the current
# value (\sig).
for domain, signal in fragment.iter_drivers():
if signal not in group_signals:
if domain is None:
prev_value = ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.nbits)
prev_value = signal
case.assign(lhs_compiler(signal), rhs_compiler(prev_value))

# Convert statements into decision trees.
stmt_compiler._group = group_signals
stmt_compiler._case = case

# For every signal in the sync domain, assign \sig's initial value (which will
# end up as the \init reg attribute) to the reset value.
with process.sync("init") as sync:
for domain, signal in fragment.iter_sync():
if signal not in group_signals:
wire_curr, wire_next = compiler_state.resolve(signal)
sync.update(wire_curr, rhs_compiler(ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.nbits)))

# For every signal in every domain, assign \sig to \sig$next. The sensitivity list,
# however, differs between domains: for comb domains, it is `always`, for sync
# domains with sync reset, it is `posedge clk`, for sync domains with async reset
# it is `posedge clk or posedge rst`.
for domain, signals in fragment.drivers.items():
signals = signals & group_signals
if not signals:

triggers = []
if domain is None:
prev_value = ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.nbits)
prev_value = signal
case.assign(lhs_compiler(signal), rhs_compiler(prev_value))

# Convert statements into decision trees.
stmt_compiler._case = case

# For every signal in the sync domain, assign \sig's initial value (which will end up
# as the \init reg attribute) to the reset value.
with process.sync("init") as sync:
for domain, signal in fragment.iter_sync():
wire_curr, wire_next = compiler_state.resolve(signal)
sync.update(wire_curr, rhs_compiler(ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.nbits)))

# For every signal in every domain, assign \sig to \sig$next. The sensitivity list,
# however, differs between domains: for comb domains, it is `always`, for sync domains
# with sync reset, it is `posedge clk`, for sync domains with async rest it is
# `posedge clk or posedge rst`.
for domain, signals in fragment.drivers.items():
triggers = []
if domain is None:
cd =[domain]
triggers.append(("posedge", compiler_state.resolve_curr(cd.clk)))
if cd.async_reset:
triggers.append(("posedge", compiler_state.resolve_curr(cd.rst)))

for trigger in triggers:
with process.sync(*trigger) as sync:
for signal in signals:
wire_curr, wire_next = compiler_state.resolve(signal)
sync.update(wire_curr, wire_next)
cd =[domain]
triggers.append(("posedge", compiler_state.resolve_curr(cd.clk)))
if cd.async_reset:
triggers.append(("posedge", compiler_state.resolve_curr(cd.rst)))

for trigger in triggers:
with process.sync(*trigger) as sync:
for signal in signals:
wire_curr, wire_next = compiler_state.resolve(signal)
sync.update(wire_curr, wire_next)

# Finally, collect the names we've given to our ports in RTLIL, and correlate these with
# the signals represented by these ports. If we are a submodule, this will be necessary