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base repository: m-labs/nmigen
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base: 3ea35b8566e4
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head repository: m-labs/nmigen
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compare: 92a96e164460
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  • 2 commits
  • 12 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 28, 2018

  1. tracer: factor out get_src_loc().

    whitequark committed Dec 28, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    d66bbb0 View commit details
  2. hdl.rec: add basic record support.

    whitequark committed Dec 28, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    92a96e1 View commit details
Showing with 258 additions and 34 deletions.
  1. +9 −7 doc/
  2. +9 −10 examples/
  3. +1 −0 nmigen/
  4. +7 −2 nmigen/back/
  5. +3 −0 nmigen/back/
  6. +2 −8 nmigen/hdl/
  7. +2 −6 nmigen/hdl/
  8. +114 −0 nmigen/hdl/
  9. +10 −0 nmigen/hdl/
  10. +80 −0 nmigen/test/
  11. +9 −0 nmigen/test/
  12. +12 −1 nmigen/
16 changes: 9 additions & 7 deletions doc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -162,13 +162,15 @@ Compatibility summary
- (−) `timeline` ?
- (−) `WaitTimer` ?
- (−) `BitSlip` ?
- (−) `record` ?
- (−) `DIR_NONE`/`DIR_S_TO_M`/`DIR_M_TO_S` ?
- (−) `set_layout_parameters` ?
- (−) `layout_len` ?
- (−) `layout_get` ?
- (−) `layout_partial` ?
- (−) `Record` ?
- (−) `record` **obs**`.hdl.rec.Record`
- (−) `DIR_NONE` id
- (−) `set_layout_parameters` **brk**
- (−) `layout_len` **brk**
- (−) `layout_get` **brk**
- (−) `layout_partial` **brk**
- (−) `Record` id
- (−) `resetsync` ?
- (−) `AsyncResetSynchronizer` ?
- (−) `roundrobin` ?
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,20 +10,19 @@ def __init__(self, pins, bus):

def get_fragment(self, platform):
m = Module()
m.d.comb += self.bus.dat_r.eq(self.pins[self.bus.adr])
m.d.comb += self.bus.r_data.eq(self.pins[self.bus.addr])
with m.If(self.bus.we):
m.d.sync += self.pins[self.bus.adr].eq(self.bus.dat_w)
m.d.sync += self.pins[self.bus.addr].eq(self.bus.w_data)
return m.lower(platform)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# TODO: use Record
bus = SimpleNamespace(
adr =Signal(name="adr", max=8),
we =Signal(name="we"),
bus = Record([
("addr", 3),
("r_data", 1),
("w_data", 1),
("we", 1),
pins = Signal(8)
gpio = GPIO(Array(pins), bus)
main(gpio, ports=[pins, bus.adr, bus.dat_r, bus.dat_w, bus.we])
main(gpio, ports=[pins, bus.addr, bus.r_data, bus.w_data, bus.we])
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions nmigen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
from import ClockDomain
from import Fragment, Instance
from .hdl.mem import Memory
from .hdl.rec import Record
from .hdl.xfrm import ResetInserter, CEInserter

from .lib.cdc import MultiReg
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions nmigen/back/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -72,7 +72,12 @@ def iter_next_dirty(self):
normalize = Const.normalize

class _RHSValueCompiler(ValueVisitor):
class _ValueCompiler(ValueVisitor):
def on_Record(self, value):
return self(Cat(value.fields.values()))

class _RHSValueCompiler(_ValueCompiler):
def __init__(self, signal_slots, sensitivity=None, mode="rhs"):
self.signal_slots = signal_slots
self.sensitivity = sensitivity
@@ -202,7 +207,7 @@ def eval(state):
return eval

class _LHSValueCompiler(ValueVisitor):
class _LHSValueCompiler(_ValueCompiler):
def __init__(self, signal_slots, rhs_compiler):
self.signal_slots = signal_slots
self.rhs_compiler = rhs_compiler
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions nmigen/back/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -305,6 +305,9 @@ def on_ClockSignal(self, value):
def on_ResetSignal(self, value):
raise NotImplementedError # :nocov:

def on_Record(self, value):
return self(Cat(value.fields.values()))

def on_Cat(self, value):
return "{{ {} }}".format(" ".join(reversed([self(o) for o in])))

10 changes: 2 additions & 8 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -39,12 +39,7 @@ def wrap(obj):

def __init__(self, src_loc_at=0):

tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=3 + src_loc_at)
if len(tb) < src_loc_at:
self.src_loc = None
self.src_loc = (tb[0].filename, tb[0].lineno)
self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc(1 + src_loc_at)

def __bool__(self):
raise TypeError("Attempted to convert nMigen value to boolean")
@@ -721,8 +716,7 @@ def __init__(self, iterable=()):
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, Value):
if self._mutable:
tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)
self._proxy_at = (tb[0].filename, tb[0].lineno)
self._proxy_at = tracer.get_src_loc()
self._mutable = False
return ArrayProxy(self, index)
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
import traceback

from .. import tracer
from .ast import *
from .ir import Instance
@@ -17,15 +15,13 @@ def __init__(self, width, depth, init=None, name=None, simulate=True):
raise TypeError("Memory depth must be a non-negative integer, not '{!r}'"

tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)
self.src_loc = (tb[0].filename, tb[0].lineno)

if name is None:
name = tracer.get_var_name(depth=2)
except tracer.NameNotFound:
name = "$memory" = name = name
self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc()

self.width = width
self.depth = depth
114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
from enum import Enum
from collections import OrderedDict

from .. import tracer
from import union
from .ast import *

__all__ = ["Direction", "DIR_NONE", "DIR_FANOUT", "DIR_FANIN", "Layout", "Record"]

Direction = Enum('Direction', ('NONE', 'FANOUT', 'FANIN'))

DIR_NONE = Direction.NONE

class Layout:
def wrap(obj):
if isinstance(obj, Layout):
return obj
return Layout(obj)

def __init__(self, fields):
self.fields = OrderedDict()
for field in fields:
if not isinstance(field, tuple) or len(field) not in (2, 3):
raise TypeError("Field {!r} has invalid layout: should be either "
"(name, shape) or (name, shape, direction)"
if len(field) == 2:
name, shape = field
direction = DIR_NONE
if isinstance(shape, list):
shape = Layout.wrap(shape)
name, shape, direction = field
if not isinstance(direction, Direction):
raise TypeError("Field {!r} has invalid direction: should be a Direction "
"instance like DIR_FANIN"
if not isinstance(name, str):
raise TypeError("Field {!r} has invalid name: should be a string"
if not isinstance(shape, (int, tuple, Layout)):
raise TypeError("Field {!r} has invalid shape: should be an int, tuple, or list "
"of fields of a nested record"
if name in self.fields:
raise NameError("Field {!r} has a name that is already present in the layout"
self.fields[name] = (shape, direction)

def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.fields[name]

def __iter__(self):
for name, (shape, dir) in self.fields.items():
yield (name, shape, dir)

class Record(Value):
__slots__ = ("fields",)

def __init__(self, layout, name=None):
if name is None:
name = tracer.get_var_name()
except tracer.NameNotFound:
pass = name
self.src_loc = tracer.get_src_loc()

def concat(a, b):
if a is None:
return b
return "{}_{}".format(a, b)

self.layout = Layout.wrap(layout)
self.fields = OrderedDict()
for field_name, field_shape, field_dir in self.layout:
if isinstance(field_shape, Layout):
self.fields[field_name] = Record(field_shape, name=concat(name, field_name))
self.fields[field_name] = Signal(field_shape, name=concat(name, field_name))

def __getattr__(self, name):
return self.fields[name]

def __getitem__(self, name):
return self.fields[name]

def shape(self):
return sum(len(f) for f in self.fields.values()), False

def _lhs_signals(self):
return union((f._lhs_signals() for f in self.fields.values()), start=SignalSet())

def _rhs_signals(self):
return union((f._rhs_signals() for f in self.fields.values()), start=SignalSet())

def __repr__(self):
fields = []
for field_name, field in self.fields.items():
if isinstance(field, Signal):
name =
if name is None:
name = "<unnamed>"
return "(rec {} {})".format(name, " ".join(fields))
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
from .ast import _StatementList
from .cd import *
from .ir import *
from .rec import *

__all__ = ["ValueVisitor", "ValueTransformer",
@@ -26,6 +27,10 @@ def on_Const(self, value):
def on_Signal(self, value):
pass # :nocov:

def on_Record(self, value):
pass # :nocov:

def on_ClockSignal(self, value):
pass # :nocov:
@@ -66,6 +71,8 @@ def on_value(self, value):
new_value = self.on_Const(value)
elif type(value) is Signal:
new_value = self.on_Signal(value)
elif type(value) is Record:
new_value = self.on_Record(value)
elif type(value) is ClockSignal:
new_value = self.on_ClockSignal(value)
elif type(value) is ResetSignal:
@@ -100,6 +107,9 @@ def on_Const(self, value):
def on_Signal(self, value):
return value

def on_Record(self, value):
return value

def on_ClockSignal(self, value):
return value

80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions nmigen/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
from ..hdl.ast import *
from ..hdl.rec import *
from .tools import *

class LayoutTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
def test_fields(self):
layout = Layout.wrap([
("cyc", 1),
("data", (32, True)),
("stb", 1, DIR_FANOUT),
("ack", 1, DIR_FANIN),
("info", [
("a", 1),
("b", 1),

self.assertEqual(layout["cyc"], (1, DIR_NONE))
self.assertEqual(layout["data"], ((32, True), DIR_NONE))
self.assertEqual(layout["stb"], (1, DIR_FANOUT))
self.assertEqual(layout["ack"], (1, DIR_FANIN))
sublayout = layout["info"][0]
self.assertEqual(layout["info"][1], DIR_NONE)
self.assertEqual(sublayout["a"], (1, DIR_NONE))
self.assertEqual(sublayout["b"], (1, DIR_NONE))

def test_wrong_field(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Field (1,) has invalid layout: should be either (name, shape) or "
"(name, shape, direction)"):

def test_wrong_name(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Field (1, 1) has invalid name: should be a string"):
Layout.wrap([(1, 1)])

def test_wrong_name_duplicate(self):
with self.assertRaises(NameError,
msg="Field ('a', 2) has a name that is already present in the layout"):
Layout.wrap([("a", 1), ("a", 2)])

def test_wrong_direction(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Field ('a', 1, 0) has invalid direction: should be a Direction "
"instance like DIR_FANIN"):
Layout.wrap([("a", 1, 0)])

def test_wrong_shape(self):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError,
msg="Field ('a', 'x') has invalid shape: should be an int, tuple, or "
"list of fields of a nested record"):
Layout.wrap([("a", "x")])

class RecordTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
def test_basic(self):
r = Record([
("stb", 1),
("data", 32),
("info", [
("a", 1),
("b", 1),

self.assertEqual(repr(r), "(rec r stb data (rec r_info a b))")
self.assertEqual(len(r), 35)
self.assertIsInstance(r.stb, Signal)
self.assertEqual(, "r_stb")
self.assertEqual(r["stb"].name, "r_stb")

def test_unnamed(self):
r = [Record([
("stb", 1)

self.assertEqual(repr(r), "(rec <unnamed> stb)")
self.assertEqual(, "stb")
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions nmigen/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
from ..hdl.ast import *
from import *
from ..hdl.mem import *
from ..hdl.rec import *
from ..hdl.dsl import *
from import *
from ..back.pysim import *
@@ -173,6 +174,14 @@ def test_cat_lhs(self):
stmt = lambda y, a: [Cat(l, m, n).eq(a), y.eq(Cat(n, m, l))]
self.assertStatement(stmt, [C(0b100101110, 9)], C(0b110101100, 9))

def test_record(self):
rec = Record([
("l", 1),
("m", 2),
stmt = lambda y, a: [rec.eq(a), y.eq(rec)]
self.assertStatement(stmt, [C(0b101, 3)], C(0b101, 3))

def test_repl(self):
stmt = lambda y, a: y.eq(Repl(a, 3))
self.assertStatement(stmt, [C(0b10, 2)], C(0b101010, 6))
13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion nmigen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import traceback
import inspect
from opcode import opname

__all__ = ["NameNotFound", "get_var_name"]
__all__ = ["NameNotFound", "get_var_name", "get_src_loc"]

class NameNotFound(Exception):
@@ -37,3 +38,13 @@ def get_var_name(depth=2):
index += 2
raise NameNotFound

def get_src_loc(src_loc_at=0):
# n-th frame: get_src_loc()
# n-1th frame: caller of get_src_loc() (usually constructor)
# n-2th frame: caller of caller (usually user code)
# Python returns the stack frames reversed, so it is enough to set limit and grab the very
# first one in the array.
tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=3 + src_loc_at)
return (tb[0].filename, tb[0].lineno)