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base repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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base: 982274ef38cb
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head repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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compare: fc36d83bf6d8
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  • 6 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jan 22, 2019

  1. Proof of the missing case.

    pleroy committed Jan 22, 2019
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    26c0790 View commit details

Commits on Jan 26, 2019

  1. Another round of review.

    pleroy committed Jan 26, 2019
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    5424c7e View commit details
  2. Proof close to s0.

    pleroy committed Jan 26, 2019
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    3e161ae View commit details

Commits on Jan 27, 2019

  1. Add a claim.

    pleroy committed Jan 27, 2019
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    80db333 View commit details
  2. After egg's review.

    pleroy committed Jan 27, 2019
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    75be5d0 View commit details
  3. Merge pull request #2068 from pleroy/Lemma2

    Proof of the damping condition close to s0
    pleroy authored Jan 27, 2019


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
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    fc36d83 View commit details
Showing with 46 additions and 14 deletions.
  1. BIN documentation/Geopotential.pdf
  2. +46 −14 documentation/Geopotential.tex
Binary file modified documentation/Geopotential.pdf
Binary file not shown.
60 changes: 46 additions & 14 deletions documentation/Geopotential.tex
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@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ \subsection*{Sigmoid}

The smallest value of $s_1>1.183s_0$ such that (\ref{eqnderiv}) holds for all $k>0$ and $n≥2$ is $s_1 = 3s_0$.
The smallest value of $s_1$ such that (\ref{eqnderiv}) holds for all $k>0$ and $n≥2$ is $s_1 = 3s_0$.
We start by writing:
@@ -422,17 +422,20 @@ \subsection*{Sigmoid}
&\quad -3\pa{s_0+s_1}\pa{n+k-1} n \pa{n-1} r^2 \\
&\quad + 2 n \pa{n-1}\pa{n-2} r^3
The following two lemmata establish properties of the roots of $d_{n k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$:
\begin{lemma}[necessary condition]
If $1.183s_0<s_1<3s_0$ then there exist $k$ and $n$ such that $d_{n k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ has a zero in $\intopen{s_0} {s_1}$.
The following three lemmata establish properties of the roots of $d_{n k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$:
\begin{lemma}[necessary condition, general case]
If $\frac{9}{7}s_0<s_1<3s_0$ then there exist $k$ and $n$ such that $d_{n k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ has a zero in $\intopen{s_0} {s_1}$.
\begin{lemma}[necessary condition, special case]
If $s_0<s_1<\pa{1+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}}s_0$ then there exist $k$ and $n$ such that $d_{n k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ has a zero in $\intopen{s_0} {s_1}$.
\begin{lemma}[sufficient condition]
If $s_1 = 3s_0$ then the positive roots of $d_{n k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ are greater than $s_1$.
These lemmata trivially constitute necessary and sufficient conditions, respectively, for the proposition.
\begin{proof}[of necessary condition]
\begin{proof}[of necessary condition, general case]
In this proof we set $n=2$, which causes the term in $r^3$ of $d_{n k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ to vanish:
d_{2,k}\of{s_0, s_1; r} = \pa{s_1-3s_0}s_1^2\pa{k+3}\pa{k+2}\pa{k+1} \\+ 12s_0 s_1\pa{k+2}\pa{k+1}r - 6\pa{s_0+s_1}\pa{k+1}r^2
@@ -453,8 +456,8 @@ \subsection*{Sigmoid}
We will now define $k_1$ and $k_2$ such that the following claim holds:
For every $k \in \intopen{k_2}{k_1}\Intersection{\Naturals}$, $r_- \in \intopen{s_0}{s_1}$.
For every $k \in \intopen{k_2}{k_1}\Intersection\intclop{2}{+\infty}\Intersection{\Naturals}$, $r_- \in \intopen{s_0}{s_1}$.
First, consider the inequality $r_-<s_1$. It can be rewritten as follows:
&6 s_0\pa{k+2} - 6\pa{s_0+s_1} < \sqrt{6\pa{k+2}\pa{k\pa{s_1^2-2 s_0 s_1 + 3s_0^2} + 3\pa{s_1-s_0}^2}}
@@ -487,10 +490,12 @@ \subsection*{Sigmoid}
k_2 = \frac{-s_1\pa{-5s_1^2 + 15 s_0 s_1 - 12s_0^2} + \sqrt{\gD}}{2s_1^2\pa{3s_0-s_1}}
$\intopen{k_2}{k_1}\Intersection{\Naturals}$ is nonempty when $s_1>1.183s_0$.
A necessary condition for the interval $\intopen{k_2}{k_1}$ to contain an integer is $k_1-k_2>1$. This inequality can be rewritten as follows:
$\intopen{k_2}{k_1}\Intersection\intclop{2}{+\infty}\Intersection{\Naturals}$ is nonempty when $s_1>\frac{9}{7}s_0 \approx 1.286s_0$.
For this set to be nonempty we must have $k_1>2$ which is equivalent to $s_1>\frac{9}{7}s_0$. Given $k_1>2$, a sufficient condition for the interval $\intopen{k_2}{k_1}$ to contain an integer greater than $1$ is $k_1-k_2>1$. This inequality can be rewritten as follows:
&2s_1^2\pa{5s_1-3s_0} + s_1\pa{-5s_1^2 + 15 s_0 s_1 - 12s_0^2} - 2s_1^2\pa{3s_0-s_1} - \sqrt{\gD} > 0 \\
\iff &s_1\pa{7s_1^2 + 3 s_0 s_1 - 12s_0^2} > \sqrt{\gD}
@@ -507,11 +512,38 @@ \subsection*{Sigmoid}
\hat\gq &= \frac{1}{3} \arctan\of{\frac{3 \sqrt{2517}}{41}} \\
\hat{s}_1 &= \frac{s_0}{6}\pa{-4+\sqrt{138}\sin\hat\gq + \sqrt{46}\cos\hat\gq} \approx 1.183s_0
Thus, if $s_1 \in \intopen{\hat{s}_1}{3s_0}$ it is possible to find an integer $k$ such that the smallest root of $d_{2,k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ is in $\intopen{s_0} {s_1}$.
Noting that $\hat{s}_1<\frac{9}{7}s_0$, we conclude that, if $s_1 \in \intopen{\frac{9}{7}s_0}{3s_0}$ it is possible to find an integer $k≥2$ such that the smallest root of $d_{2,k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ is in $\intopen{s_0} {s_1}$.

\begin{proof}[of necessary condition, special case]
In this proof we set $n=2$ and $k=1$.
If $s_1<2s_0$, then for every $k \in \intopen{k_2}{k_1}\Intersection{\Positives}$, $r_- \in \intopen{s_0}{s_1}$.
The inequality $r_-<s_1$ can be rewritten as in the previous proof, with the caveat that since the condition $k≥2$ does not hold anymore, we have to require $s_1<2s_0$ for the quantity $s_0\pa{k+2}-\pa{s_0+s_1}$ to be positive. This is acceptable since we are looking for a proof when $s_1$ is close to $s_0$. The inequality $s_0<r_-$ is unaffected by any condition on $k$ so the definition of $k_2$ remains valid.
$1 \in \intopen{k_2}{k_1}$ when $s_1<\pa{1+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}}s_0 \approx 1.707s_0$.
The inequality $1<k_1$ can be rewritten:
1 < \frac{5s_1-3s_0}{3s_0-s_1} \iff s_0 > s_1 \qquad\text{which is trivially true.}
The inequality $s_0<r_-$ can be rewritten as in the previous proof and becomes, substituting $k$:
&k^2 s_1^2\pa{3s_0-s_1} + k s_1\pa{-5s_1^2 + 15 s_0 s_1 - 12s_0^2} + 6\pa{s_0-s_1}^3 > 0 \\
\iff &s_1\pa{-6s_1^2 + 18 s_0 s_1 - 12 s_0^2} + 6\pa{s_0-s_1}^3 > 0 \\
\iff &-2s_1^3 + 6 s_0 s_1^2 - 5 s_0^2 s_1 + s_0^3 > 0 \\
\iff &\pa{s_1 - s_0}\pa{-2 s_1^2 + 4 s_0 s_1 - s_0^2} > 0
The quadratic term in the above condition is positive between its roots, and its only root greater than $s_0$ is $\pa{1+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}}s_0$. Thus, if $s_1 \in \intopen{s_0}{\pa{1+\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}}s_0}$ the smallest root of $d_{2,1}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ is in $\intopen{s_0} {s_1}$.
It is possible that $\intopen{k_2}{k_1}$ contains an integer value even if $k_1-k_2<1$, in which case more values $s_1 \in \intopen{s_0}{\hat{s}_1}$ could be excluded.

\begin{proof}[of sufficient condition]
With the choice $s_1=3s_0$ the constant term of the polynomial $d_{n k}\of{s_0, s_1; r}$ vanishes and $r=0$ is a trivial root. We are left with the equation: