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base repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
base: e4ca48c224a1
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head repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
compare: cd5e01edd9c1
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  • 1 commit
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Aug 1, 2018

  1. ocserv: init at 0.12.1 (#42871)

    `ocserv` is a VPN server which follows the openconnect protocol
    ( The packaging is slightly
    inspired by the AUR version
    This patch initializes the package written in C, the man pages and a
    module for a simple systemd unit to run the VPN server. The package
    supports the following authentication methods for the server:
    * `plain` (mostly username/password)
    * `pam`
    The third method (`radius`) is currently not supported since `nixpkgs`
    misses a packaged client.
    The module can be used like this:
    ``` nix
      services.ocserv = {
        enable = true;
        config = ''
    The option `services.ocserv.config` is required on purpose to
    ensure that nobody just enables the service and experiences unexpected
    side-effects on the system. For a full reference, please refer to the
    man pages, the online docs or the example value.
    The docs recommend to simply use `nobody` as user, so no extra user has
    been added to the internal user list. Instead a configuration like
    this can be used:
    run-as-user = nobody
    run-as-group = nogroup
    /cc @tenten8401
    Fixes #42594
    Ma27 authored and xeji committed Aug 1, 2018
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