James Lee

Daniel Ohriner

Business Data Analyst

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About Me

Current Market Planning & Business Intelligence Analyst at Mathnasium, Data Analytics program mentor with Thinkful and USC-Marshall School of Business graduate with an insatiable intellectual curiosity, and the ability to efficiently and effectively summarize data for business consumption. Over the course of my career, I’ve worked in the technology, real estate, and franchise business sectors, where I use data analysis to construct a story that reveals, guides, and illuminates a business's decision -making and strategy.

By leaning on my business and analytics background, I’ve always thrived off working to solve both technical and strategic challenges. Working as an “empowered” analyst, I take pride in being the face of my analysis, which I perform with the goals of answering the right business questions, anticipating the needs of the business, providing actionable insights, and overall, ensuring the data is serving the business.

I’m currently balancing my career at Mathnasium with my passion for mentoring future data analysts enrolled in Thinkful’s Online Data Analytics Bootcamp. I help guide students from technical or non-technical backgrounds 1-on-1 through a curriculum covering Advanced Excel, SQL, Tableau, and Python. Every time I sit with a student and am able to help them pass a roadblock that they hit, it’s amazingly gratifying. It’s very exciting to help these students learn and grow, and teach people how to be successful in this industry that has been so great to me, while at the same time constantly honing my own craft by teaching it.

Latest Projects

Work Experience

Market Planning Analyst - Mathnasium | The Math Learning Center (November 2018 - Present | Los Angeles, CA)

● Lead market planning strategy and business intelligence efforts for a global supplemental education franchising business.

● Analyze operational, demographic, retail, student enrollment and center revenue data using a geospatial analytics (GIS) platform and SQL to optimize existing territory network, identify new viable territories, and guide site selection process.

● Produce and interpret Tableau dashboards and excel reports using accounting, mapping, CRM, and marketing data; provide insights on department-specific KPIs (curriculum effectiveness, marketing leads/conversions rates and franchise market penetration) to help inform executive decision making, monitor resource allocation and drive system development.

Data Analytics Technical Expert - Thinkful (November 2018 - Present | Remote )

● Provide 1-on-1 and group mentorship through various learning formats in the Data Analytics track for an online coding school.

● Meet with students in online video sessions to provide technical and professional support as they progress through curriculum covering Advanced Excel, SQL, Tableau, Python, Statistics, A/B Testing, and data storytelling, as well as career development.

● Conduct 1-on-1 mock case, behavioral, and culture fit interviews; evaluate capstone project presentations and drive Q&A session following presentations; provide feedback to students through a written assessment for all interviews and capstone presentations.

Business Data Analyst - Zenplace (February 2018 - November 2018 | Los Angeles, CA)

● Drive expansion of property management services throughout California by performing data analysis and providing strategic/analytical support across different business functions to grow property portfolio.

● Collaborate with cross-functional teams to synthesize relevant data inputs (customer data, sales/lead gen data, marketing campaign results, and property portfolio data etc.) as needed to provide learnings and actionable recommendations for various stakeholders including customer support, sales, marketing, product teams.

● Analyze and distill large amounts of data into reporting and data visualizations for customer analysis, reporting and business intelligence reports using SQL, Advanced Excel, and Tableau.

Data Analytics & Visualization Graduate - USC Viterbi School of Engineering, Data Analytics & Visualization Course (January 2018 – August 2018 | Los Angeles, CA)

● Completed a 24-week intensive program focused on gaining technical programming skills in Excel, VBA, Python, R, JavaScript, SQL Databases, Tableau, Big Data, and Machine Learning.

● Interactive Data Viz Project (https://comeflywithmeow.herokuapp.com/): Responsible for all data manipulation; loaded and cleaned SQLite database of aviation data in Python using SQLAlchemy and Pandas, then wrote SQL queries to evaluate performance metrics of various airlines/airports.

● Baseball Attendance Analysis & Modeling (https://git.io/fAZ5Q): Pulled, cleaned, and created full stack web app for Major League Baseball attendance data and used machine learning models to predict attendance for Los Angeles Dodger games (as well as rank the factors contributing to attendance).

● Utilized MySQL, SQLAlchemy, and Pandas library in Python to process/manipulate data; created a random forest regressor model to calculate feature importance—then used NumPy and Matplotlib libraries as well as Tableau to create data visualizations and display findings.

Business Analyst - North American Sales Company Inc. (February 2017 - February 2018 | Los Angeles, CA)

● Assisted president and sales team of a privately-owned distributor for industrial and manufacturing parts and equipment serving Oil, Gas, Aerospace, and Entertainment industries.

● Measured company metrics with SQL and Excel to assist executive team decision making.

● Built out dashboards on Tableau for upper management, querying external CRM/sales data in SQL to analyze shipping, inventory, and other operational costs in real time.

● Managed product catalogue by tracking sales performance and analyzing emerging technology trends for updates on innovation opportunity or competitive threats to ensure growth.

Business Analyst - UltraPress (August 2014 – February 2017 | Los Angeles, CA)

● Supported founding team of a funded, high growth, e-commerce startup that provides an online platform to streamline and automate custom apparel process through reverse auctions.

● Devised strategic, data-driven solutions to improve website’s pricing model and operational efficiency utilizing SQL database and Excel analysis, resulting in higher order volume and increased revenue.

● Tracked and measured success of marketing campaigns across different customer bases (colleges, non-profits, businesses, etc.); presented analysis and findings for department leadership and key stakeholders via Tableau.

● Conducted periodic forecasts relating to revenue and costs; delivered tailored reports to executive team.