#!/usr/bin/env bash # # getsysperf.com # A simple benchmark script to test your Disk, Network and CPU performance # # # # VALIDATION # # # Check if at least Debian 10 or Ubuntu 1904 is used if grep -qs "ubuntu" /etc/os-release; then os="ubuntu" os_version=$(grep 'VERSION_ID' /etc/os-release | cut -d '"' -f 2 | tr -d '.') group_name="nogroup" elif [[ -e /etc/debian_version ]]; then os="debian" os_version=$(grep -oE '[0-9]+' /etc/debian_version | head -1) group_name="nogroup" else echo "Looks like you aren't running this installer on Debian or Ubuntu" exit fi if [[ "$os" == "ubuntu" && "$os_version" -lt 1804 ]]; then echo "Ubuntu 18.04 or higher is required to use this installer This version of Ubuntu is too old and unsupported" exit fi if [[ "$os" == "debian" && "$os_version" -lt 10 ]]; then echo "Debian 10 or higher is required to use this installer This version of Debian is too old and unsupported" exit fi # Check if user is root if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Sorry, you need to run this as root" exit fi # Check if the required packages are installed if [ ! -e '/usr/bin/wget' ] || [ ! -e '/usr/bin/fio' ] || [ ! -e '/usr/bin/curl' ] || [ ! -e '/usr/bin/jq' ]; then echo "Couldn't find [wget, fio, curl, jq]" read -n 1 -r -s -p "Please press enter to install the required packages automatically" apt update && apt install -y curl jq fio wget fi # Test IPv6 connectivity ipv6=$( wget -qO- -t1 -T2 ipv6.icanhazip.com ) # Get public IP for ASN/ ISP check as_check=$( wget -qO- -t1 -T2 icanhazip.com ) # Colors RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' BLUE='\033[0;36m' PLAIN='\033[0m' # # # FUNCTIONS # # get_netinfo() { isp=$(curl -s http://ip-api.com/json/$as_check | jq '.isp' | sed 's/"//g') as=$(curl -s http://ip-api.com/json/$as_check | jq '.as' | sed 's/"//g') } get_opsy() { [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && awk '{print ($1,$3~/^[0-9]/?$3:$4)}' /etc/redhat-release && return [ -f /etc/os-release ] && awk -F'[= "]' '/PRETTY_NAME/{print $3,$4,$5}' /etc/os-release && return [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] && awk -F'[="]+' '/DESCRIPTION/{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release && return } get_sys_type() { if [ $(systemd-detect-virt) == none ]; then sys_type="Baremetal" elif [ $(systemd-detect-virt) == kvm ]; then sys_type="KVM" elif [ $(systemd-detect-virt) == lxc ]; then sys_type="LXC" elif [ $(systemd-detect-virt) == openvz ]; then sys_type="OpenVZ" fi } next() { printf "%-5s\n" "-" | sed 's/\s/-/g' } speed_test() { local output=$(LANG=C wget -O /dev/null -T30 $1 2>&1) local speedtest=$(printf '%s' "$output" | awk '/\/dev\/null/ {speed=$3 $4} END {gsub(/\(|\)/,"",speed); print speed}') local nodeName=$2 printf "${YELLOW}%-32s${GREEN}%-24s${RED}%-14s${PLAIN}\n" "${nodeName}" "${speedtest}" } speed_result() { speed_test 'http://speedtest.frankfurt.linode.com/100MB-frankfurt.bin' 'Frankfurt, Linode' speed_test 'https://fra-de-ping.vultr.com/vultr.com.100MB.bin' 'Frankfurt, Vultr' speed_test 'http://speedtest.tele2.net/100MB.zip' 'Frankfurt, TELE2' speed_test 'https://lg.combahton.net/100MB.test' 'Frankfurt, Combahton' speed_test 'http://fsn.icmp.hetzner.com/100MB.bin' 'Falkenstein, Hetzner' speed_test 'https://speed.hetzner.de/100MB.bin' 'Nuremberg, Hetzner' speed_test 'http://hel.icmp.hetzner.com/100MB.bin' 'Helsinki, Hetzner' speed_test 'http://ash.icmp.hetzner.com/100MB.bin' 'Ashburn, Hetzner' speed_test 'http://speedtest-ams2.digitalocean.com/100mb.test' 'Amsterdam, Digitalocean' speed_test 'https://ams.lg.core-backbone.com/files/100MB.test' 'Amsterdam, Core-Backbone' speed_test 'http://speedtest.london.linode.com/100MB-london.bin' 'London, Linode' speed_test 'https://par-fr-ping.vultr.com/vultr.com.100MB.bin' 'Paris, Vultr' speed_test 'http://speedtest.newark.linode.com/100MB-newark.bin' 'Newark, Linode' speed_test 'http://speedtest.fremont.linode.com/100MB-newark.bin' 'Fremont, Linode' speed_test 'https://tx-us-ping.vultr.com/vultr.com.100MB.bin' 'Texas, Vultr' speed_test 'http://speedtest.singapore.linode.com/100MB-singapore.bin' 'Singapore, Linode' } ping_test() { local nodename=$2 local output=$(ping -w 2 $1 | grep rtt | cut -d'/' -f4 | awk '{ print $3 }') local output="$output ms" printf "${YELLOW}%-32s${GREEN}%-24s${RED}%-14s${PLAIN}\n" "${nodename}" "${output}" } ping_result() { ping_test 'speedtest.frankfurt.linode.com' 'Frankfurt' ping_test 'speedtest.newark.linode.com' 'New York' ping_test 'speedtest.fremont.linode.com' 'San Francisco' ping_test 'speedtest.singapore.linode.com' 'Singapore' ping_test 'speedtest.tokyo2.linode.com' 'Tokyo' } io_test() { # Run rand read/write mixed 512kb fio test fio --name=rand_rw_512k --ioengine=libaio --rw=randrw --rwmixread=50 --bs=512k --iodepth=64 --numjobs=2 --size=2G --runtime=30 --gtod_reduce=1 --direct=1 --filename=$RANDOM"_IOTEST" | grep "WRITE:" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/,//g' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' rm *_IOTEST sleep 10 } geekbench5() { # Check if system has at least 2GB RAM in order to run Geekbench 5 ram=$(free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $2}') if [ $ram -lt 2048 ] then echo "RAM:" $ram"MB" echo "Error: Not enough memory available. Geekbench 5 requires as least 2GB" exit 1 fi echo -e "Running Geekbench5 CPU Benchmark. This will take a few minutes..." GEEKBENCH_PATH=$HOME/geekbench mkdir -p $GEEKBENCH_PATH curl -s http://cdn.geekbench.com/Geekbench-5.1.0-Linux.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1 -C $GEEKBENCH_PATH GEEKBENCH_TEST=$($GEEKBENCH_PATH/geekbench5 | grep "https://browser") GEEKBENCH_URL=$(echo -e $GEEKBENCH_TEST | head -1) GEEKBENCH_URL_CLAIM=$(echo $GEEKBENCH_URL | awk '{ print $2 }') GEEKBENCH_URL=$(echo $GEEKBENCH_URL | awk '{ print $1 }') sleep 10 GEEKBENCH_SCORES_SINGLE=$(curl -s $GEEKBENCH_URL | grep "class='score'" | head -2 | tr -d \'\" | sed 's/class=score//g' | sed "s/ //g" | sed -n 's:.*
.*:\1:p' | head -n 1) GEEKBENCH_SCORES_MULTI=$(curl -s $GEEKBENCH_URL | grep "class='score'" | head -2 | tr -d \'\" | sed 's/class=score//g' | sed "s/ //g" | sed -n 's:.*
.*:\1:p' | sed -n 2p) echo -ne "\e[1A"; echo -ne "\033[0K\r" echo -e "Geekbench v5" echo -e "Single Core :" ${BLUE} $GEEKBENCH_SCORES_SINGLE ${PLAIN} echo -e "Multi Core :" ${YELLOW} $GEEKBENCH_SCORES_MULTI ${PLAIN} rm -rf geekbench/ } calc_disk() { local total_size=0 local array=$@ for size in ${array[@]} do [ "${size}" == "0" ] && size_t=0 || size_t=`echo ${size:0:${#size}-1}` [ "`echo ${size:(-1)}`" == "K" ] && size=0 [ "`echo ${size:(-1)}`" == "M" ] && size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' / 1024}' ) [ "`echo ${size:(-1)}`" == "T" ] && size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' * 1024}' ) [ "`echo ${size:(-1)}`" == "G" ] && size=${size_t} total_size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$total_size' + '$size'}' ) done echo ${total_size} } cname=$( awk -F: '/model name/ {name=$2} END {print name}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) cores=$( awk -F: '/model name/ {core++} END {print core}' /proc/cpuinfo ) freq=$( awk -F: '/cpu MHz/ {freq=$2} END {print freq}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) tram=$( free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $2}' ) uram=$( free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $3}' ) swap=$( free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print $2}' ) uswap=$( free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print $3}' ) up=$( awk '{a=$1/86400;b=($1%86400)/3600;c=($1%3600)/60} {printf("%d days, %d hour %d min\n",a,b,c)}' /proc/uptime ) load=$( w | head -1 | awk -F'load average:' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) opsy=$( get_opsy ) arch=$( uname -m ) lbit=$( getconf LONG_BIT ) kern=$( uname -r ) disk_size1=($( LANG=C df -hPl | grep -wvE '\-|none|tmpfs|devtmpfs|by-uuid|chroot|Filesystem|udev|docker' | awk '{print $2}' )) disk_size2=($( LANG=C df -hPl | grep -wvE '\-|none|tmpfs|devtmpfs|by-uuid|chroot|Filesystem|udev|docker' | awk '{print $3}' )) disk_total_size=$( calc_disk "${disk_size1[@]}" ) disk_used_size=$( calc_disk "${disk_size2[@]}" ) clear next echo -e "${RED}getsysperf.com${PLAIN} -- ${YELLOW}https://github.com/iandk/sysperf${PLAIN}" next get_netinfo get_sys_type echo -e "System type : ${BLUE}$sys_type${PLAIN}" echo -e "CPU model : ${BLUE}$cname${PLAIN}" echo -e "Number of cores : ${BLUE}$cores${PLAIN}" echo -e "CPU frequency : ${BLUE}$freq MHz${PLAIN}" echo -e "Total size of Disk : ${BLUE}$disk_total_size GB ($disk_used_size GB Used)${PLAIN}" echo -e "Total amount of Mem : ${BLUE}$tram MB ($uram MB Used)${PLAIN}" echo -e "Total amount of Swap : ${BLUE}$swap MB ($uswap MB Used)${PLAIN}" echo -e "System uptime : ${BLUE}$up${PLAIN}" echo -e "Load average : ${BLUE}$load${PLAIN}" echo -e "OS : ${BLUE}$opsy${PLAIN}" echo -e "Arch : ${BLUE}$arch ($lbit Bit)${PLAIN}" echo -e "Kernel : ${BLUE}$kern${PLAIN}" echo -e "ISP : ${BLUE}$isp${PLAIN}" echo -e "ASN : ${BLUE}$as${PLAIN}" if [[ "$ipv6" != "" ]]; then echo -e "IPv6 Support : ${BLUE}Yes${PLAIN}" else echo -e "IPv6 Support : ${BLUE}No${PLAIN}" fi next io1=$( io_test ) echo -e "I/O bandwidth (1st run) : ${YELLOW}$io1${PLAIN}" io2=$( io_test ) echo -e "I/O bandwidth (2nd run) : ${YELLOW}$io2${PLAIN}" io3=$( io_test ) echo -e "I/O bandwidth (3rd run) : ${YELLOW}$io3${PLAIN}" rawio1=$( echo $io1 | sed 's/MB//g' | sed 's/s//g' | sed 's/.$//') rawio2=$( echo $io2 | sed 's/MB//g' | sed 's/s//g' | sed 's/.$//') rawio3=$( echo $io3 | sed 's/MB//g' | sed 's/s//g' | sed 's/.$//') ioall=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$rawio1' + '$rawio2' + '$rawio3'}' ) ioavg=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$ioall' / 3}' ) echo -e "Average I/O bandwidth : ${YELLOW}$ioavg MB/s${PLAIN}" next printf "%-32s%-24s%-14s\n" "Location" "Latency" ping_result next printf "%-32s%-24s%-14s\n" "Location" "Speed" speed_result && next geekbench5 && next