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Challenge #76 [Easy]: Title case

Date: 13-Jul-2012

Write a function that transforms a string into title case. This mostly means: capitalizing only every first letter of every word in the string. However, there are some non-obvious exceptions to title case which can't easily be hard-coded. Your function must accept, as a second argument, a set or list of words that should not be capitalized. Furthermore, the first word of every title should always have a capital letter. For example:

exceptions = ["jumps", "the", "over"];
titlecase("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", exceptions);

should return:

The Quick Brown Fox jumps over the Lazy Dog

An example from the Wikipedia page:

exceptions = ["are", "is", "in", "your", "my"];
titlecase("THE vitamins ARE IN my fresh CALIFORNIA raisins", exceptions);


The Vitamins are in my Fresh California Raisins

Started Last revisited Completed
04-Sep-2018 04-Sep-2018 05-Sep-2018