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Problems based on the Linked list data structure and various patterns

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Problems based on the Linked list data structure

SDE Sheet problems on Linked lists

Sheet Link

Day 5

Completion Status Linked List Problem Explanation Solution
Reverse Linked List Iterative Approach Java Soultion
Middle of the Linked List Brute - Optimal Approach Java Soultion
Merge Two Sorted Lists Brute force Approach Java Soultion
Remove Nth Node From End of List Iterative Approach Java Soultion
Delete Node in a Linked List Iterative Approach Java Soultion
Add Two Numbers Iterative Approach Java Soultion

Day 6

Completion Status Linked List Problem Explanation Solution
Intersection of Two Linked Lists Brute - Better - Optimal I & II Approach Java Soultion
Linked List Cycle Brute & Optimal Approach Java Soultion
Reverse Nodes in k-Group Optimal Approach Java Soultion
Palindrome Linked List Iterative Approach Java Soultion
Linked List Cycle II Brute & Optimal Approach Java Soultion
Flattening a Linked List Iterative Approach Java Soultion
Rotate List Iterative Approach Java Soultion

Linked List Problems Rundown

(Approaches to Solve)

Reverse a LinkedList

  • Create a dummy node - newHead and point it to null.
  • Run a loop until the head of LL reaches null.
    • For each iteration, create a node next which stores the next reference of head.
    • Break the next reference of the head by pointing it towards the newHead.
    • Reassign newHead with head and then head with node next.
  • Return the newHead
  • Time Complexity: O(N) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Find the middle of LinkedList

Amazon | Microsoft


  • Count all nodes in the given Linked list in one iteration
  • Now, calculate mid as the count by two and add one only if the size is even
  • Traverse again to reach the mid and return the mid node
  • Time Complexity: O(N) + O(N/2) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Optimal: Runner Technique

  • Take two nodes slow and fast and point them to the head node.
  • Move the slow node by a distance of one and the fast node by a distance of two.
  • When the fast node completes the traversal, the slow node has reached the middle.
  • Return the slow node.
  • Time Complexity: O(N/2) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Merge two sorted Linked List

Yahoo | Amazon


Create new LL

  • Take the head nodes of the given two linked lists as h1 and h2
  • Create a dummy node d initialized to null
  • Compare the node values of h1 and h2 and take the smaller one
  • Create a new linked list and insert the smaller value into the LL.
  • Now, point next of the dummy node to the LL, and create another duplicate dummy node dd to create new nodes
  • If both of the heads h1 and h2 reach null, point the dd node to null as well.
  • Repeat the comparisons and return dummy node d as the new head of LL.
  • Time Complexity: O(n1 + n2) | Space Complexity: O(n1 + n2)

Optimal approach

In-place splicing of LLs

  • Take two dummy nodes l1 and l2 pointing to larger and smaller LLs respectively
  • Point l1 to whichever node value is smaller among given LLs and point l2 to larger node value
  • Take another dummy node res which points to l1. This res is the resultant answer by the end of function execution
  • Take a dummy node temp to store the smaller value among LL ( Basically to remember the last smallest node )
  • Traverse through the LLs until:
    • l1 is smaller than l2
    • Reassign the value to temp
    • When l1 becomes greater than l2:
      • Break the next of temp
      • Point the next of temp to l2
      • Swap l1 and l2 ( Because l1 got bigger than l2)
      • Change temp to null
    • Repeat this iteration until l1 becomes null
  • Time Complexity: O(n1 + n2) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Intersection of Two Linked Lists

Amazon | Microsoft

Brute Force approach

  • Check for every node in second LL to check each node in first LL for equality
  • When you found equal nodes return it, else you will reach the end hence return null
  • Time Complexity: O(m * n); where m and n are length of LL 1 & 2 respectively

Better approach


  • Traverse through first LL and hash the Node Address
  • Again traverse for second LL and check for equality
  • When you found equal node address from HashMap return it, else you will reach the end hence return null
  • Time Complexity: O(m + n); where m and n are length of LL 1 & 2 respectively
  • Space Complexity: O(m); where m and n are length of LL 1 & 2 respectively

Optimal approach I - ( Lengthier approach )

  • Take dummy nodes at head of both LL, and keep a count to store length of both the LL
  • Take dummy nodes at head of both LL again, and cover the difference one LL using lengths
  • Then, traverse simultaneously both the nodes to reach an intersection point
  • When you found equal nodes return it, else you will reach the end hence return null
  • Time Complexity = O(m) <= O(2m) <= { O(m) + O(m-n) + O(n) }; where m is length of longer LL and n is length of shorter LL

Optimal approach II - ( Concise approach )

  • Take two dummy nodes d1 and d2, assign them to head of the LL
  • Move d1 and d2 simultaneously till one of them reaches null
  • Now, reassign that dummy node that is at null to the head of the other LL
  • Repeat the same process for both nodes until them meet at intersection
  • When you found equal nodes return it, else you will reach the end hence return null

Intuition behind Optimal approach II

  • The first iteration is to find the difference directly and reassigning them to equate the difference
  • Hence in the second iteration they either meet at intersection if exists or null
  • This approach is similar Optimal approach I, but instead of calculating difference, here we directly find it with our logic
  • Time Complexity: O(2m); where m is the length of longer LL

Linked List Cycle

Amazon | Samsung | Microsoft

Brute force approach


  • Take a dummy node d and traverse through the Linked List
  • Create a HashMap to store Nodes and check whether the nodes exist already
  • Hash the node itself if it's not present in the HashMap
  • Return the point where the node exists or when we reach null
  • Time Complexity: O(N) | Space Complexity: O(N)


Runner Technique

  • Take two pointers slow and fast
  • Traverse slow pointer by one step and fast pointer by two steps
  • If cycle exists, we can be pretty sure slow and fast pointer meet again
  • If not then return null
  • Time Complexity: O(N) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Intuition for Runner Technique

  • As the fast pointer moves by two steps, ultimately it will meet at any one point

Reverse Nodes in k-Group

Hard Problem from LeetCode

  • Take four dummy nodes
  • One to point to the new head of LL
  • Other three to keep track of previous node, current node and the next node
  • Apply reversing LL technique for k groups and keep on updating the dummy nodes
  • Return the new head
  • Time Complexity: O(N) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Dry Run

Find the starting point of the cycle

Brute force approach


  • Hash all the nodes in a HashMap
  • When the same node occurs twice return it, else return null
  • Time Complexity: O(N) | Space Complexity: O(N)

Optimal approach

Runner Technique

    1. Find the collision point
  • Move slow pointer by 1 step and fast pointer by 2 steps
  • They are bound to collide at one node if there exists a cycle
    1. Find the Starting point of LL Cycle
  • Take entry pointer from head of LL
  • Move both entry and slow pointers by 1 step
  • When entry and slow pointers collide, that's the starting point of the LL
  • Hence return that node
  • If no cycle exists, fast will reach null, hence return it
  • Time Complexity: O(N) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Intuition behind this algorithm

Flattening a Linked List

Amazon, Flipkart, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Paytm, Qualcomm, Snapdeal, Visa

Optimal Approach

Recursive approach + Merge Two Sorted LL

  • The problem states that we are given a LL with two pointers - next and bottom
  • We have to flatten given LL in such a way that the first node must contain all other nodes connected using bottom pointer in a sorted order
  • So, if we can try to sort each LL from the back, we can reach to the solution
  • We can sort two linked lists recursively using Merge Two Sorted LL logic
  • Time Complexity: O(N) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Dry Run

Rotate List

Adobe, Amazon, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, MMT

Brute force approach

  • Rotate the LL by indivdually adding nodes from the end
  • Time Complexity: O(k * N) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Optimal approach

  • Count the length of Linked list
  • Correct the value of k
  • Point last node to first node, once you are done with first step itself
  • Traverse for len-k times, and save the next node in temp
  • Then break the next's link and reassign it to null
  • Return the temp
  • Time Complexity: O(N) | Space Complexity: O(1)

Dry Run

Clone a Linked List with next and random pointer

Brute force approach


  • Hash the current node with new duplicate node for the first traversal
  • Assign next and random pointers, one by one, using Hashmap for the next traversal
  • Return the new clone (deep copy) of LL

Optimal appraoch

  • Copy nodes and insert them right after the original nodes
  • In the next iteration, Assign random pointers for the copy nodes using a dummy node iter and original nodes
  • Restore the original list, and extract the copy list

Task list

Linked Lists Definition

  • Linked List are linear data structures where every element is a separate object with a data part and address part.
  • Each object is called a Node.
  • The nodes are not stored in contiguous locations. They are linked using addresses.
  • In a linkedlist we can create as many nodes as we want according to our requirement. This can be done at the runtime.
  • The memory allocation done by the JVM at runtime is known as DYNAMIC MEMORY ALLOCATION.
  • Thus, linked list uses dynamic memory allocation to allocate memory to the nodes at the runtime.

Linked Lists VS Arrays

Linked Lists Arrays
Linked lists can grow dynamically Array cannot grow Dynamically
Sequential access of elements is possible Random access of elements is possible

Linked Lists Patterns

Reverse Linked List Pattern

Runner Pattern (Also called Tortoise-Hare Technique)


Linked List - Singly + Doubly + Circular (Theory + Code + Implementation Linked List Interview Questions - Google, FAANGM
Linked List - Singly + Doubly + Circular (Theory + Code + Implementation) Linked List Interview Questions - Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, LinkedIn


Problems based on the Linked list data structure and various patterns







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