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base repository: NixOS/nixos-homepage
base: 1f86c43d4226
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head repository: NixOS/nixos-homepage
compare: 767a50a243ea
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  • 1 commit
  • 16 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Mar 9, 2020

  1. Deploy to Netlify (#330)

    * init travis.yml
    * exporting some variables that perl needs
    * typos
    * another typo
    * define variables at global level
    * another step closer to deploying
    * another attempt
    * skip cleanup before deploying
    * checkout nix/nixops manual before building the homepage
    * travis config fixes
    * adjusting travis to use nix flakes
    * sudo needed
    * tee magic
    * forgot to add
    * add some comments
    * netlify-cli does not work with symlinks, need to use realpath
    * add message and master branch condition
    * travis -> gh actions
    * fixing nix flakes step
    * we need superpowers
    * show nix.conf
    * just show nix.conf
    * will it work?
    * typo
    * simplify
    * fetchGit does not work with shellow checkouts
    * added deploy to netlify step
    * use latest version of actions-netlify
    * copy result folder
    * update content
    * redirects
    * use nix-shell rather then nix run
    * fix redirects
    * forgot the :splat thingy
    * more redirects
    * run every 1h
    * dereference symlinks when copying to build folder
    * only publish to netlify when on nixos/nixos-homepage repo
    * more redirects
    * not needed anymore
    Co-authored-by: Eelco Dolstra <>
    garbas and edolstra committed Mar 9, 2020
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    767a50a View commit details
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