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To run the codes involving solving semi-definite programs, one has to use YALMIP as the modelling language and any solver compatible with YALMIP (e.g., SDPA, SDPT3, SDPNAL, etc.).

This project is devided into two parts:

1. The assemblage moment matrices (AMM)

This part contains the related MATLAB codes of the AMM, which was proposed by Chen et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 240401 (2018)] (see for the arXiv preprint).

First, download all the codes and add all the files to the working path.

Files with filenames started with "ex_..." are examples.

For instance, "ex_AMM_corr_Tsirelson_bound_CHSH.m" computes an upper bound on the Tsirelson bound for a given CHSH inequality violation, using the AMM approach. In the filename, "corr" indicates that the AMM are in the form of correlators.

The other example is "ex_AMM_proj_Tsirelson_bound_elegant_BI.m", which computes an upper bound on the Tsirelson bound for a given violation of the elegant Bell inequality. In the filename, "proj" indicates that the AMM are in the form of projectors, i.e., the form that originally proposed in the paper .

In the above two examples, one can easily change them into any Bell scenario by adjusting the following parameters:

nx - the number of Alice's measurement settings

ny - the number of Bob's measurement settings

na - the number of Alice's measurement outcomes

nb - the number of Bob's measurement outcomes

Bell_inequality - the Bell inequality under consideration

2. Robust self-testing of quantum assemblages

This part includes the related MATLAB codes that computes a lower bound on the fidelity between the underlying assemblage and the reference one for a given Bell inequality violation. Ref:

For instance, "ex_RSTA_fidelity_bound_CHSH.m" computes a lower bound on the fidelity between the underlying assemblage and the CHSH-type assemblage for a given CHSH inequality violation.


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