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base repository: ngscopeclient/scopehal-apps
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base: accca5515b71
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head repository: ngscopeclient/scopehal-apps
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compare: fa79acea62b4
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  • 1 commit
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 15, 2020

  1. Continued file load work. Can now load waveform data, but only when r…

    …econnecting to an existing scope. See #3.
    azonenberg committed Mar 15, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    fa79ace View commit details
Showing with 140 additions and 6 deletions.
  1. +138 −6 glscopeclient/OscilloscopeWindow.cpp
  2. +2 −0 glscopeclient/OscilloscopeWindow.h
144 changes: 138 additions & 6 deletions glscopeclient/OscilloscopeWindow.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -481,14 +481,150 @@ void OscilloscopeWindow::DoFileOpen(string filename, bool loadLayout, bool loadW
//Re-title the window for the new scope

//TODO: load waveform data
//Load data
LoadWaveformData(filename, table);

//TODO: refresh measurements and protocol decodes

//Start threads to poll scopes etc

@brief Loads waveform data for a save file
void OscilloscopeWindow::LoadWaveformData(string filename, IDTable& table)
//Figure out data directory
string base = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - strlen(".scopesession"));
string datadir = base + "_data";

//Load data for each scope
for(auto scope : m_scopes)
int id = table[scope];

char tmp[512];
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/scope_%d_metadata.yml", datadir.c_str(), id);
auto docs = YAML::LoadAllFromFile(tmp);

LoadWaveformDataForScope(docs[0], scope, datadir, table);

@brief Loads waveform data for a single instrument
void OscilloscopeWindow::LoadWaveformDataForScope(
const YAML::Node& node,
Oscilloscope* scope,
string datadir,
IDTable& table)
char tmp[512];

TimePoint time;
time.first = 0;
time.second = 0;

TimePoint newest;
newest.first = 0;
newest.second = 0;

auto window = m_historyWindows[scope];
int scope_id = table[scope];

auto wavenode = node["waveforms"];
for(auto it : wavenode)
//Top level metadata
auto wfm = it.second;
time.first = wfm["timestamp"].as<long>();
time.second = wfm["time_psec"].as<long>();
int waveform_id = wfm["id"].as<int>();

//Detach old waveforms from our channels (if any)
for(size_t i=0; i<scope->GetChannelCount(); i++)

//Load each cahnnel
auto chans = wfm["channels"];
for(auto jt : chans)
auto ch = jt.second;
int channel_index = ch["index"].as<int>();
auto chan = scope->GetChannel(channel_index);

//TODO: support non-analog/digital captures (eyes, spectrograms, etc)
CaptureChannelBase* cap = NULL;
AnalogCapture* acap = NULL;
DigitalCapture* dcap = NULL;
if(chan->GetType() == OscilloscopeChannel::CHANNEL_TYPE_ANALOG)
cap = acap = new AnalogCapture;
cap = dcap = new DigitalCapture;

//Channel waveform metadata
cap->m_timescale = ch["timescale"].as<long>();
cap->m_startTimestamp = time.first;
cap->m_startPicoseconds = time.second;
cap->m_triggerPhase = ch["trigphase"].as<float>();

//Load the actual samples
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/scope_%d_waveforms/waveform_%d/channel_%d.bin",
FILE* fp = fopen(tmp, "rb");
LogError("couldn't open %s\n", tmp);

int64_t stime[2];
bool b;
float f;
if(2 != fread(stime, sizeof(int64_t), 2, fp))

if(1 != fread(&f, sizeof(float), 1, fp))
LogError("fail to read sample\n");
acap->m_samples.push_back(AnalogSample(stime[0], stime[1], f));
if(1 != fread(&b, sizeof(bool), 1, fp))
LogError("fail to read sample\n");
dcap->m_samples.push_back(DigitalSample(stime[0], stime[1], b));



//Add to history

//Keep track of the newest waveform (may not be in time order)
if( (time.first > newest.first) ||
( (time.first == newest.first) && (time.second > newest.second) ) )
newest = time;


@brief Reconnect to existing instruments and reconfigure them
@@ -549,8 +685,6 @@ void OscilloscopeWindow::LoadInstruments(const YAML::Node& node, bool reconnect,
table.emplace(inst["id"].as<int>(), scope);

//TODO: start ScopeThread's

//Configure the scope
scope->LoadConfiguration(inst, table);
@@ -561,11 +695,9 @@ void OscilloscopeWindow::LoadInstruments(const YAML::Node& node, bool reconnect,
void OscilloscopeWindow::LoadDecodes(const YAML::Node& node, IDTable& table)
//No protocol decodes? Skip this section
LogError("Save file missing decodes node\n");

//Load each decode
for(auto it : node)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions glscopeclient/OscilloscopeWindow.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ class OscilloscopeWindow : public Gtk::Window
void LoadInstruments(const YAML::Node& node, bool reconnect, IDTable& table);
void LoadDecodes(const YAML::Node& node, IDTable& table);
void LoadUIConfiguration(const YAML::Node& node, IDTable& table);
void LoadWaveformData(std::string filename, IDTable& table);
void LoadWaveformDataForScope(const YAML::Node& node, Oscilloscope* scope, std::string datadir, IDTable& table);
void CloseSession();
void OnEyeColorChanged(EyeColor color, Gtk::RadioMenuItem* item);
void OnTriggerProperties(Oscilloscope* scope);