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Created March 31, 2020 22:21
{ sources ? import ../nix/sources.nix
, zig ? import ../nix/zig.nix { inherit sources; }
, pkgs ? import sources.nixpkgs { } }:
with pkgs;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "libstonks";
version = "latest";
src = ./.;
buildInputs = [ zig ];
phases = "buildPhase installPhase";
buildPhase = ''
${zig}/bin/zig c++ -c -Wall -Werror -fpic $src/TurnipPrices.cpp
${zig}/bin/zig c++ -shared -o TurnipPrices.o
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
cp -vrf $out/lib/
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "TurnipPrices.h"
// munged from
namespace sead
class Random
void init();
void init(uint32_t seed);
void init(uint32_t seed1, uint32_t seed2, uint32_t seed3, uint32_t seed4);
uint32_t getU32();
uint64_t getU64();
void getContext(uint32_t *seed1, uint32_t *seed2, uint32_t *seed3, uint32_t *seed4) const;
uint32_t mContext[4];
void Random::init()
void Random::init(uint32_t seed)
mContext[0] = 0x6C078965 * (seed ^ (seed >> 30)) + 1;
mContext[1] = 0x6C078965 * (mContext[0] ^ (mContext[0] >> 30)) + 2;
mContext[2] = 0x6C078965 * (mContext[1] ^ (mContext[1] >> 30)) + 3;
mContext[3] = 0x6C078965 * (mContext[2] ^ (mContext[2] >> 30)) + 4;
void Random::init(uint32_t seed1, uint32_t seed2, uint32_t seed3, uint32_t seed4)
if ((seed1 | seed2 | seed3 | seed4) == 0) // seeds must not be all zero.
seed1 = 1;
seed2 = 0x6C078967;
seed3 = 0x714ACB41;
seed4 = 0x48077044;
mContext[0] = seed1;
mContext[1] = seed2;
mContext[2] = seed3;
mContext[3] = seed4;
uint32_t Random::getU32()
uint32_t n = mContext[0] ^ (mContext[0] << 11);
mContext[0] = mContext[1];
mContext[1] = mContext[2];
mContext[2] = mContext[3];
mContext[3] = n ^ (n >> 8) ^ mContext[3] ^ (mContext[3] >> 19);
return mContext[3];
uint64_t Random::getU64()
uint32_t n1 = mContext[0] ^ (mContext[0] << 11);
uint32_t n2 = mContext[1];
uint32_t n3 = n1 ^ (n1 >> 8) ^ mContext[3];
mContext[0] = mContext[2];
mContext[1] = mContext[3];
mContext[2] = n3 ^ (mContext[3] >> 19);
mContext[3] = n2 ^ (n2 << 11) ^ ((n2 ^ (n2 << 11)) >> 8) ^ mContext[2] ^ (n3 >> 19);
return ((uint64_t)mContext[2] << 32) | mContext[3];
void Random::getContext(uint32_t *seed1, uint32_t *seed2, uint32_t *seed3, uint32_t *seed4) const
*seed1 = mContext[0];
*seed2 = mContext[1];
*seed3 = mContext[2];
*seed4 = mContext[3];
} // namespace sead
uint32_t pf(float f) {
return *((uint32_t *)&f);
struct TurnipPrices
int32_t basePrice;
int32_t sellPrices[14];
uint32_t whatPattern;
int32_t tmp40;
void calculate();
// utility stuff for testing
sead::Random rng;
bool randbool()
return rng.getU32() & 0x80000000;
int randint(int min, int max)
return (((uint64_t)rng.getU32() * (uint64_t)(max - min + 1)) >> 32) + min;
float randfloat(float a, float b)
uint32_t val = 0x3F800000 | (rng.getU32() >> 9);
float fval = *(float *)(&val);
return a + ((fval - 1.0f) * (b - a));
int intceil(float val)
return (int)(val + 0.99999f);
void TurnipPrices::calculate()
basePrice = randint(90, 110);
int chance = randint(0, 99);
// select the next pattern
int nextPattern;
if (whatPattern >= 4)
nextPattern = 2;
switch (whatPattern)
case 0:
if (chance < 20)
nextPattern = 0;
else if (chance < 50)
nextPattern = 1;
else if (chance < 65)
nextPattern = 2;
nextPattern = 3;
case 1:
if (chance < 50)
nextPattern = 0;
else if (chance < 55)
nextPattern = 1;
else if (chance < 75)
nextPattern = 2;
nextPattern = 3;
case 2:
if (chance < 25)
nextPattern = 0;
else if (chance < 70)
nextPattern = 1;
else if (chance < 75)
nextPattern = 2;
nextPattern = 3;
case 3:
if (chance < 45)
nextPattern = 0;
else if (chance < 70)
nextPattern = 1;
else if (chance < 85)
nextPattern = 2;
nextPattern = 3;
whatPattern = nextPattern;
if (checkGlobalFlag("FirstKabuBuy")) {
if (!checkGlobalFlag("FirstKabuPattern")) {
setGlobalFlag("FirstKabuPattern", true);
whatPattern = 3;
for (int i = 2; i < 14; i++)
sellPrices[i] = 0;
sellPrices[0] = basePrice;
sellPrices[1] = basePrice;
int work;
int decPhaseLen1, decPhaseLen2, peakStart;
int hiPhaseLen1, hiPhaseLen2and3, hiPhaseLen3;
float rate;
switch (whatPattern)
case 0:
// PATTERN 0: high, decreasing, high, decreasing, high
work = 2;
decPhaseLen1 = randbool() ? 3 : 2;
decPhaseLen2 = 5 - decPhaseLen1;
hiPhaseLen1 = randint(0, 6);
hiPhaseLen2and3 = 7 - hiPhaseLen1;
hiPhaseLen3 = randint(0, hiPhaseLen2and3 - 1);
// high phase 1
for (int i = 0; i < hiPhaseLen1; i++)
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(0.9, 1.4) * basePrice);
// decreasing phase 1
rate = randfloat(0.8, 0.6);
for (int i = 0; i < decPhaseLen1; i++)
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(rate * basePrice);
rate -= 0.04;
rate -= randfloat(0, 0.06);
// high phase 2
for (int i = 0; i < (hiPhaseLen2and3 - hiPhaseLen3); i++)
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(0.9, 1.4) * basePrice);
// decreasing phase 2
rate = randfloat(0.8, 0.6);
for (int i = 0; i < decPhaseLen2; i++)
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(rate * basePrice);
rate -= 0.04;
rate -= randfloat(0, 0.06);
// high phase 3
for (int i = 0; i < hiPhaseLen3; i++)
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(0.9, 1.4) * basePrice);
case 1:
// PATTERN 1: decreasing middle, high spike, random low
peakStart = randint(3, 9);
rate = randfloat(0.9, 0.85);
for (work = 2; work < peakStart; work++)
sellPrices[work] = intceil(rate * basePrice);
rate -= 0.03;
rate -= randfloat(0, 0.02);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(0.9, 1.4) * basePrice);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(1.4, 2.0) * basePrice);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(2.0, 6.0) * basePrice);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(1.4, 2.0) * basePrice);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(0.9, 1.4) * basePrice);
for (; work < 14; work++)
sellPrices[work] = intceil(randfloat(0.4, 0.9) * basePrice);
case 2:
// PATTERN 2: consistently decreasing
rate = 0.9;
rate -= randfloat(0, 0.05);
for (work = 2; work < 14; work++)
sellPrices[work] = intceil(rate * basePrice);
rate -= 0.03;
rate -= randfloat(0, 0.02);
case 3:
// PATTERN 3: decreasing, spike, decreasing
peakStart = randint(2, 9);
// decreasing phase before the peak
rate = randfloat(0.9, 0.4);
for (work = 2; work < peakStart; work++)
sellPrices[work] = intceil(rate * basePrice);
rate -= 0.03;
rate -= randfloat(0, 0.02);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(0.9, 1.4) * (float)basePrice);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(0.9, 1.4) * basePrice);
rate = randfloat(1.4, 2.0);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(1.4, rate) * basePrice) - 1;
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(rate * basePrice);
sellPrices[work++] = intceil(randfloat(1.4, rate) * basePrice) - 1;
// decreasing phase after the peak
if (work < 14)
rate = randfloat(0.9, 0.4);
for (; work < 14; work++)
sellPrices[work] = intceil(rate * basePrice);
rate -= 0.03;
rate -= randfloat(0, 0.02);
sellPrices[0] = 0;
sellPrices[1] = 0;
// int main(int argc, char **argv)
// {
// TurnipPrices turnips;
// if (argc == 3)
// {
// turnips.whatPattern = atoi(argv[1]);
// turnips.rng.init(atoi(argv[2]));
// }
// else
// {
// printf("Usage: %s <pattern> <seed>\n", argv[0]);
// return 0;
// }
// turnips.calculate();
// printf("Pattern %d:\n", turnips.whatPattern);
// printf("Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat\n");
// printf("%3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d\n",
// turnips.basePrice,
// turnips.sellPrices[2], turnips.sellPrices[4], turnips.sellPrices[6],
// turnips.sellPrices[8], turnips.sellPrices[10], turnips.sellPrices[12]);
// printf(" %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d\n",
// turnips.sellPrices[3], turnips.sellPrices[5], turnips.sellPrices[7],
// turnips.sellPrices[9], turnips.sellPrices[11], turnips.sellPrices[13]);
// return 0;
// }
extern "C" {
prices stonks(int32_t pattern, int32_t seed) {
TurnipPrices turnips;
turnips.whatPattern = pattern;
prices result;
result.base = turnips.basePrice;
memcpy(result.prices, turnips.sellPrices, (14 * sizeof(int32_t)));
return result;
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
int32_t base;
int32_t prices[14];
} prices;
prices stonks(int32_t pattern, int32_t seed);
{ sources ? import ./sources.nix
, xepkgs ? import sources.xepkgs { pkgs = (import sources.nixpkgs { }); } }:
xepkgs.zig "0.5.0+9e019ed26" {
mac = "ab18f33879ef1fd5b485b82f264a735419c7253930ea9f460e29ae828117e5db";
linux = "6bc625b3fd171bd61854bdcc102054aa6f3b57bd653149cba99a841e289ff7d1";
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