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base repository: NixOS/nixos-search
base: e9bdeae3e269
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head repository: NixOS/nixos-search
compare: b208c2487297
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  • 1 commit
  • 4 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Jan 25, 2021

  1. Improve copy/paste UX in Options and Packages (#275)

    * Improve copy/paste UX in Options and packages
    - Change title from button to a to make it selectable
    - Resurect `Name` meta for Options
    - Make sure this won't break keyboard selection
    * show description in details view in case of options
    * make the area of search item in options easier to click on
    * This should make sorting work again
    * hide sorting menu
    Co-authored-by: Rok Garbas <>
    turboMaCk and garbas committed Jan 25, 2021
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