- Temperature control to optimize your brew performance
- Alcohol level estimation
- Pi hosted website to monitor your brew as it progresses
- Temperature and alcohol level graphs
- Custom logos
- Raspberry Pi (2 or 3)
- ds18b20 temperature probe(s) amazon
- MQ-3 alcohol sensor aliexpress
- MCP3008 analog to digital converter aliexpress
- USB heat pads amazon
- Beginner electronics kit (for breadboard, wires, etc) amazon
- Brew kit (we love Coopers, but there are many others)
- 20L+ container
- Valve seal or cling film
- Bottles/other containers
- Funnel
- Small hose for syphoning (unless your container has a tap)
- Bubble wrap for insulation (optional)
Temperature probe connection tutorial https://www.circuitbasics.com/raspberry-pi-ds18b20-temperature-sensor-tutorial/
Enable SPI run command "sudo raspi-config" select interfacing options select SPI
Check to see if SPI is activated "lsmod" -> should see something like spi_2835
Install libusb to your Raspberry pi Commands:
- sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
Install uhubctl to your Raspberry pi Commands:
- git clone https://github.com/mvp/uhubctl.git
- cd uhubctl
- make
- sudo cp uhubctl /usr/bin/uhubctl
Permission uhubctl to run without need for sudo
- run command
- sudo uhubctl
- Note the vid in the lines like this "Current status for hub 1-1 [2109:3431 USB2.0 Hub, USB 2.10, 4 ports]"
- create a permission file with this command
- sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/52-usb.rules
- write a line like this, replacing 2109 with your vid
- SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2109", MODE="0666"
- type :wq and press enter to save :)
- run command to apply perm or restart the pi
- sudo udevadm trigger --attr-match=subsystem=usb
- Further documentation, if you need it