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base repository: NixOS/hydra
base: be0aa7eb8589
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head repository: NixOS/hydra
compare: 6bb876cb356e
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  • 2 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Jan 18, 2021

  1. BuildOutputs: index path with HASH

    Looking at AWS' Performance Insights for a Hydra instance, I found
    the hydra-queue-runner's query:
        select id, buildStatus, releaseName, closureSize, size
        from Builds b
        join BuildOutputs o on =
          finished = ?
          and (buildStatus = ? or buildStatus = ?)
          and path = $1
    was the slowest query by at least 10x. Running an explain on this
    showed why:
    hydra=> explain select id, buildStatus, releaseName, closureSize, size
        from Builds b join BuildOutputs o on = where
        finished = 1 and (buildStatus = 0 or buildStatus = 6) and
        path = '/nix/store/s93khs2dncf2cy273mbyr4fb4ns3db20-MIDIVisualizer-5.1';
                                                         QUERY PLAN
         Gather  (cost=1000.43..33718.98 rows=2 width=56)
           Workers Planned: 2
           ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.43..32718.78 rows=1 width=56)
                 ->  Parallel Seq Scan on buildoutputs o  (cost=0.00..32710.32
                       Filter: (path = '/nix/store/s93kh...snip...'::text)
                 ->  Index Scan using indexbuildsonjobsetidfinishedid on builds b
                                                (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=56)
                       Index Cond: ((id = AND (finished = 1))
                       Filter: ((buildstatus = 0) OR (buildstatus = 6))
        (8 rows)
    A paralell sequential scan is definitely better than a sequential scan, but the
    cost ranging from 0 to 32710 is not great. Looking at the table, I saw the `path`
    column is completely unindex:
        hydra=> \d buildoutputs
                    Table "public.buildoutputs"
        Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
        build  | integer |           | not null |
        name   | text    |           | not null |
        path   | text    |           | not null |
            "buildoutputs_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (build, name)
        Foreign-key constraints:
            "buildoutputs_build_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (build) REFERENCES builds(id)
                ON DELETE CASCADE
    Since we always do exact matches on the path and don't care about ordering,
    and since the path column is very high cardinality a `hash` index is a
    good candidate. Note that I did test a btree index and it performed
    similarly well, but slightly worse.
    After creating the index (this took about 10 seconds) on a test database:
        create index IndexBuildOutputsPath on BuildOutputs using hash(path);
    We get a *significantly* reduced cost:
        hydra=> explain select id, buildStatus, releaseName, closureSize, size
        hydra->     from Builds b join BuildOutputs o on = where
        hydra->     finished = 1 and (buildStatus = 0 or buildStatus = 6) and
        hydra->     path = '/nix/store/s93khs2dncf2cy273mbyr4fb4ns3db20-MIDIVisualizer-5.1';
                                                    QUERY PLAN
        Nested Loop  (cost=0.43..41.41 rows=2 width=56)
        ->  Index Scan using buildoutputs_path_hash on buildoutputs o  (cost=0.00..16.05 rows=3 width=4)
                Index Cond: (path = '/nix/store/s93khs2dncf2cy273mbyr4fb4ns3db20-MIDIVisualizer-5.1'::text)
        ->  Index Scan using indexbuildsonjobsetidfinishedid on builds b  (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=1 width=56)
                Index Cond: ((id = AND (finished = 1))
                Filter: ((buildstatus = 0) OR (buildstatus = 6))
        (6 rows)
    For direct comparison, the overall query plan was changed:
        From: Gather      (cost=1000.43..33718.98 rows=2 width=56)
        To:   Nested Loop (cost=   0.43.....41.41 rows=2 width=56)
    and the query plan for buildoutputs changed from a maximum cost of
    32,710 down to 16.
    In practical terms, the query's planning and execution time was reduced:
    Before (ms) | Try 1   | Try 2   | Try 3
    Planning    |   0.898 |   0.416 |   0.383
    Execution   | 138.644 | 172.331 | 375.585
    After (ms)  | Try 1   | Try 2   | Try 3
    Planning    |   0.298 |   0.290 |   0.296
    Execution   | 219.625 |   0.035 |   0.034
    grahamc committed Jan 18, 2021
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    bc4b96d View commit details
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  2. Merge pull request #846 from grahamc/buildoutputs-index-hash-path

    BuildOutputs: index path with HASH
    edolstra committed Jan 18, 2021
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    6bb876c View commit details
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