Falling to your bed, you did something of a groan and whimper while holding your head. You just took some deep breaths, trying to figure out what was wrong with yourself for the… god, you’ve lost track now. Your chest felt tight, like a lead shirt that was too small is wrapped around it even tighter. Breathing… Felt normal? But, also, like you were sucking air through a filtered straw. “Just stress from work and life… Just stress from work and life… Not a heart attack, not anything else.” Part of you prayed to just sleep peacefully in your shitty apartment tonight. And for the rest to just make your chest stop everything. Everything was fine and normal, but nothing felt that way. Well after today, fine was a stretch. Work was not close to fine. You fucked up good this time, that file was for a huge client, and now it was all down the drain because of you. If your manager, or anyone, would have just screamed at you it would have been better. You just got death glares from everyone above instead, and everyone next to or beneath you was too worried about their own hide. Shaking your head with a hiss, you looked at the stained ceiling and mumbled incoherently. You still probably had a job and just were overreacting. You just can’t sleep properly and are getting all worked up again over nothing. And that’s leading to you getting less sleep. You will make rent this month. You will keep working away. You will get in a nice spot within the year. And, you will get some good sleep for the first time in months… “You just need to give in and relax.~” Those words hit you harder then your mistake, making your spine crawl and your heart scramble towards your throat. The voice making every bit of your primal fear come to life. IT’S here. Every bit of your body struggled to move as you looked down and sat up, looking over with wide eyes at the figure. It sat in that stiff and old chair that would probably be for a guest, kind of lounging with its legs crossed. One of its “arms” across its lap, the other angled so its elbow was on the armrest. The one resting on the armrest moved up to that face, hand cupping the cheek area of the face that watched you. Those red and yellow eyes glowed with intent and life, but were as equally terrifying as the body they belonged to. It looked like it was made of that shadow hair thing from The Grudge, like tendrils that were constantly dissolving into mist or just moving back to the body. Again, you saw the curved and pointed teeth. The tiny two or three inch daggers being mostly hidden in the “mouth” as it did that smile. A smile that looked like it tried to be friendly, but really was just full of malicious intent. Like you were right where it wanted you, and that you could not get out of the checkmate it had you in. “W-why?” Why is it here? Why is it always doing this to you? Tears beginning to form, heart in you throat and suffocating you, you spoke again. “Who are you?” Again, the smile, an amused scoff and hum mixing together. “Darkness. Shadow. Desire. Void. …Abyss.” The same as before, only making you want to scream and run, but keeping you in place. “What the hell do you want? What are you?” “You.~ and Abyss.” Now it moved, somewhere between unnaturally and in a way that looked like it lowered to the ground and began to crawl to you. Like it kind of just faded and reappeared in that position on it’s hands and knees, but also moved to that position. That dog or wolf like face letting out a small noise as it opened up all the way. The rows of three inch teeth quickly grew into four, then five inches in length. The wider its mouth opened, the bigger the teeth seemed to be in it, some looking like it could not actually fit in the mouth. The size of them being like steak knives. The mouth being able to fit all of your arm or head as it opned way past where the jaw of any normal living thing would be. Everything seemed to kick in for a moment as you grabbed the book from the side table and tossed it in the creature’s direction, missing pathetically as you yelled. “WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” “Shut the fuck up!” someone on the other side of the wall yelled, the creature back to its original smile. “…You… my sweet.~ All mine.~” Everything made no sense as it crawled onto the bed and moved closer, almost stalking you as you sat in place. The advancing movements paralyzing you and making you fall back slightly against the headboard and pillows. All pain for bumping your head was overpowered by the feeling in your chest, your mind racing as you felt like you were staring death in the face. A glace to the door being spared as you bunched up and whined through gritted teeth. By now you’d be outside and able to breathe with some ease, but this time you really are dead. You broke, terrified at your soon to be death and how much of life you missed out on. The rest being every last bit of stress flowing with it as you cried with your eyes closed. “Shhh…” Something brushed against your face, feeling like a breath and the brush of a feather at the same time. “Just relax… Give in and relax.~” “God no.” “Relax… just surrender and relax… Rel-“ Your eyes fluttered open a bit before you went into full alert mode and sat up, clothed and being blinded by the morning’s sun. Arms then going to your torso to make sure that you were alive. “The hell?” You looked around frantically, seeing everything normal and unchanged. Save for the now fist sized hole in the wall from the book you threw. Everything is fine and normal. Fine and normal. “Fine and normal…” Shaking your head, you swallowed and bolted up, not bothering to change and going to the door. Swinging it open, you charge out into the Sunday morning, making sure to grab the note that got tapped to the door. “Noise complaint. Last strike. Money or you’re out.” Your chest tightens again as you try to make the most of your day off, one thing in mind. A trip to the doctor’s, and some sleep pills. Possibly stress medication. The choice of going to a doctor was probably a mistake… That money would have been good for food or rent. Or a drink that you really felt like you needed at this point. Stepping into the room, you took a seat across from the turned back of the redhead. Clutching your knees slightly. “Okay so- woah!” She started, looking at you with surprise and making you look away. “Uh… yeah.” “Sorry, you just look like you actually need help.” She says, standing up and walking to the other side of the room. “Seriously, drink this, you’re pale and have redder eyes then my hair.” She shoves a paper cup of water in your hand, making you look up to the pretty lady to give a smile for a moment. The water soon gone and your throat cleared after. “SO… um… what’s got you in a mess like this?” You open your mouth to just close it again, thinking about… everything. There is no way you can just say that one part, not to mention that there is no way it is happening for real. She’d think you were crazy. “We-ell, I uh… I’m just stressed about life things, plenty of work stuff, and I keep getting these… vivid dreams that feel real enough that I confuse them for reality. Nightmares that make me jump at shadows. Losing sleep over it.” “Nightmares that you think are real too? Guess you must be really running wild in that head” She said is a chipper tone. “Well, let’s talk, maybe they can give us some insight. Dreams are an odd creature.” You nod before speaking again, twiddling your thumbs. “There’s this creature that’s after me. it’s like something our of a movie.” “What’s it like?” “Like a living shadow, or a thing out a movie. It looks like smoke and tendrils, but in the shape of a body.” You say, continuing before the doctor can speak. “Body of a human, head of a wolf… or like a werewolf. I can see features and where they are separate, but nothing specific outside of an outline. It looks and sounds female, having a similar figure.” “So something like a hybrid or anthropomorphic? What does it do?” “Speak to me, stalk me, chase me… at first it’s like it’s not there, then as weeks and then months go by, it is there more and more. Then I get less sleep for it all because I get all freaked out. I try to run, I try to fight, but it comes after me.” The doctor glooks puzzled, but actually in thought. Like she is trying to figure out what you said. Soon after brushing her hair back and looking to you. “…Huh… So, it stalks and speaks to you? What does it say?” “That it’s after me. I ask what it is and is calls itself a bunch of things, like shadow, desire, abyss.” “Desire? That’s an interesting one… how long has this been going on?” “Six months? Only getting this bad in the last month or so, and every time it gets worse. Now I see those eyes that glow, rows of razor-sharp teeth in a jaw that almost hinges at the back of the head.” The doctor nods, humming and thinking before she gives a sympathetic smile. “What else? Let’s talk about work.” After the next hour goes by, she stands up, going to her computer and leaning over it. “Well… I can see this really has you all hung up and in a wreck. So, let’s try some things and see if we can get rid of this monster in your dreams.” You give a bit of a laugh, smiling but feeling like you are being fed the biggest lie ever. Still happy that you are getting a solution finally. “Let’s write you a prescription, I’ll call your work for you to sleep tomorrow, and we can touch base on Friday.” ------ Watching him go with some papers, you look back to the woman and sneer. She won’t get in your way. Ever. Not even that frame he was looking at will give her any advantage over you. Can’t hurt to make sure though… ------ Swallowing hard, you pressed on to home. Still trying to get that horrible powdery taste of pill leftovers out of your mouth. Looking forward to tonight. You’re not sure what exactly that doctor… Sharon? Gave you. But it’s gotta work, anything is better then another night with… with… Your chest felt tight again as you thought about… that thing. What was it? It had to be something from your imagination, there was no way it was real! But… with how real it sounded, seemed, felt… Felt?! You give a very heavy huff of an exhale, speeding up your walk and going up the stairs. Now was not the time for this. Everything is fine. You’re just super stressed. Unlocking the do-… Wait, fuck, you just left the thing unlocked. The door opening just with your hand. Head now in your hand, you sighed, moving to your bed and sitting. Feeling like you wanted a smack or another cry for getting to be like this. Chest tight still and a tingle happening before you fall back and just sigh again. Sharon said to… entertain yourself for an hour after you take those pills and just let whatever happens happen. You sit up, looking to the table and humming. Then getting up to open it up and pull out your old laptop. Moving back to the bed and plugging the old thing in as you thought to yourself. It has been a good year since you actually had two days off in a row, and even longer with nothing to really do. Hell, months since you last even partook in the more entertaining side of the internet. “Damn thing still works.” You said, seeing the windows logo come up. Why did work use Linux again? …Why do you care? Internet time. You smiled, looking to see all the old content you used to like on YouTube still being active and updated. Oh wow, they are doing a new series? When did this come out? Christ, what about those old cheesy webcomics and artists? Are they there? Oh… they stopped before getting finished. The artist gave up on them… they still draw the characters though? You sighed, but still being happy a little at the art. You forgot all about this comic. Some guy adventuring through a fantasy land, meeting with other beast races that mostly looked and walked like humans. Anthros or something. You really started to like this feline girl who just wanted to be a mage and help others. She was a bit odd from what you remember, being sexually flirty on ”Accident” but super kind hearted. The picture of her stalking about swimsuits not fitting right and reaching for the other girl’s tie knot made you snicker, the snicker growing into a giggly laugh. What is with you? This feels weird. The pills? Grabbing the bottle in a floppy way and reading it, you type the long ass name in and search it, reading the ingredients. Something. something, something else. THC. Naural- THC? Your heart fluttered at the thought of being drugged and seeing that thing again, making you look around before you shake your head and snicker again. That thing isn’t real, it’s all just stress. Look at you right now, nothing after you and having fun while being possibly high. All you needed to do is just relax. The blood in your body ran cold at your train thought, making you sit up and look around at the words “Just relax”. Nothing being in the room but you. Huffing, you decided to lay back down before your chest got tight again. Looking back to the screen. Such a pretty cat lady. Girl. Fuzzy warm thing… “She’s pretty cute.” ------ Back through the narrow opening, you let yourself into the room to see him asleep. Smiling. Your darling.~ YOUR sweet.~ safe, sound, and at peace. You worried for him after needing to stay back and deal with that doctor, but were happy that your little chat for her to stay away didn’t leave him to any more harm. He was always… hurt. You could tell, and it’s not just one thing, it’s many things. You could feel how much this world made him hurt in small ways, all of them adding up to bigger pain. Loneliness, Failure, unappreciation, unnecessary struggle… little things and conflicts added up, taking away his happiness. Truth be told, you have been watching him for some time, but only began to try to help him in the most recent days. The problem being, he feared and rejected you and everything you promised. Even then, he probably doesn’t know what you can do for him if he gave into you. He just let the world wear and wear on him, struggling forward but not fighting or getting back at it. Just accepting the bits of pain as normal… even on days where he cried or wished he could have more. Moving to him, you smiled as you sat on the bed. He slept so peacefully, warming you slightly. Looking over to his side, you peered at the device and the picture of the female on it. What was this now? Curiosity eating at you, you raised your hand to his head, hoping to not disturb his sleep too much this time. “Ah. A computer. A character. Internet. Interesting… he likes this one.” Moving back to the laptop, you touch and manipulate it, looking into this device and character more with your newly gained knowledge. This was interesting to you, the knowledge you shared with him making it even more enticing. There are so many pictures of her… some of them revealing. Some that he has seen before. Looking to your love, you smiled. Raising your hand. Maybe… just maybe… you could entice him even more. Watching the black hand that belonged to you change in to the soft and fuzzy brown one of that girl, you smiled even wider. Watching the change creep up your arm and to your body, the elbow up looking like a grey-brown. Your breasts gaining white fur with a fluffy chest tuft and nipples. The other changes happening slowly across the rest of you. If he likes her so much, maybe he should meet her.~ ------ "Mmmmh..." You groaned, something disturbing you. You could feel something warm across your body, something else grabbing onto you and moving you over slowly as the unknown source felt your body underneath your shirt. Seeming to explore the surface of your skin by touch alone. Slowly you opened your eyes, feeling as fuzzy as your vision was. You felt like you had a head fog or were experiencing the most pleasant buzz you ever had. You could understand everything, but it felt numb or like it was just a phantom sensation. "Mmmhmhmhmh.~" A woman? a girl? The voice was feminine, but you couldn’t tell where from or what. wait... she's on top of you? pulling your shirt up... Trying to push her back and sit up, you are pressed back down with her giggling again. "No, my sweet.~ lay down. let me take care of you." She said, sounding as sultry as she was happy. She came closer, smiling as her pink nose pressed to yours, feeling pleasantly cool. ...Pink nose? that's not- Your train of thought was cut short as you could feel a prying mouth against yours, two warm hands feeling across your mostly exposed torso. the shock of the unknown person’s direct intentions making you gasp into the kiss. "Mhh. mmmmmh~" You groaned, hands moving to her again to try and push, only to fail once you made contact. Her body was covered in a soft and smooth hair. Fur. The whole thing feeling almost plush but alive. Grey, brown, white fur complete with a tail. Wait, she's... that girl from that... A calmness came over you at the realization of your vivid drug dream, making you close your eyes and enjoy what was happening even more. Dream or not, this was wonderful. You never felt this before, and it feels so nice. The heart ponding sensations the dream was giving you just taking you away and melting any worries you had. Her tongue pried your lips open, flicking against yours playfully but staying long enough to actually taste you. As foggy headed as you felt, part of you was amused. Was she teasing you, or herself? The curiosity of the feline girl only seemed to grow as her hands drifted down your chest to much lower, wrists at your belt now. the kiss having ended and starting up again multiple times. The unfairness of not being able to explore back bothering you enough to have your hands go down her sides and to her hips, following along the location you think where the grey and white fur clashed in a line. Hands then opening up and feeling her rear, prompting a noise from her. The makeout finally ending and the girl giggling, she leans forward slightly. Her fluffy chest and fuzzy breasts against your face a little as your hands move across her rear and thighs in exploration. Giving her breasts a kiss, you go back up and over one of her cheeks, going back down and between her legs to your target. You can easily hear her satisfaction and joy as your fingers move across and threaten to push inside her wet folds, the feline pressing her pelvis against you. "No more teasing..." She huffed, breath hot and moist against your forehead. "You need as much relief as possible." She rocked back and began to pull at your pants, only getting the button undone before she pulled at the fabric to bring the zipper down. Your body having already reacted to the sensations and making your length stand up beneath your boxer-briefs. They are soon pulled down next, both being down just enough to get your length free. The feline purring as she grasped it and gave a small stroke, lifting up with her legs again. She then penetrates herself, moaning and shivering as you groan. Your hands tightening the grip on her hips before you thrust up into her the rest of the way. Everything feels like an overload as she lifts up and drops back down on your length, the heart pounding sensation doing you no favours in terms of stamina. The dream driving you wild with pleasant emotion. You watch her as she bounces, mouth open with a smile and tongue lolling out slightly, breasts with enticing pink nipples bouncing. Her tail has also found it's way around your leg, wrapping tightly as she watches you with those beautiful red-yellow eyes. Red-yellow... eyes? You gasp as she clenches on your length, pressing as deep into her as possible when you cum. the both of you vocally displaying your satisfaction. Your dizzy head falling into darkness as the sweet dream comes to a relaxing end with her on your chest. The only pleasant thing remaining is the memory of the dream as you wake, the faint clicking of the clock being heard. You reach over and try to wake your computer, checking the time. Holy shit, you slept for over 18 hours?! You basically slept thought the day you had off to recover. You most have really needed it if you slept this long. Truth be old though, you feel great. Not only did you get sleep, but you felt relaxed. And that dream! Part of you ached from it being over and not being real… but it still made you smile. “Mhmhm~ Better my Sweet?~” You gasped as the voice wrapped its arms around you, pulling you into a hug from behind. The kiss on your neck being what unparalysed you and makes you look back. The creature smiles at you with a sharp toothed grin, black shadow hands on your half naked body. You leap up and send your laptop to the floor before you slip and begin to go down, the wolf creature springing up and grabbing onto you. Setting you upright and queuing your scramble to get away again. Your pants messing up your frantic cation and making you fall forward onto the bed. “Relax! You are going to hurt yourself.” You turn over, looking at the creature as it stands and approaches. It’s that thing! It’s her! Why are you naked?! Grasping at your pants, you pull them up. Trying to back away as it gets closer. “What- why- how the hell!” Everything freezes up again as your brain makes connections, your gaze looking to its Red-Yellow eyes. “That. W-we…” It smiles as you, it’s advance changing to something with a little more sway. The feminine voice from it humming. “Yes.~ That was me, my sweet. You seemed to quite enjoy the experience, and finally so happy too!” Your body tries to move again as you watch it, the creature moving to the bed, sitting with it’s legs outstretched as it curls around you and hugs from behind again. “But do you see now? What wonderful things await you if you give in and surrender to me?” it coos. “I could see and feel how much you enjoyed that. Missed that feeling.” It then leans in, whispering to your ear. “That’s just, as you say, the tip of the iceberg. Much, much more wonderful and pleasing things come with it. Be mine, and you will never want to leave.~” Your chest hurts with tightness now as it kisses your neck, an alarm from your phone sounding and distracting it before you pull away and grab it. Fuck! Work! FUCK! You scramble for your shoes and just grab them, sprinting out the door and half tempted to jump the railing to get down into the lot. ACTUALLY, NO. FUCK WORK, DOCTOR TIME. You do something of a jump and run as you try to get your shoes on, not looking back behind you. You are surprised as you get let into the doctor’s office right away, being slightly relieved to see the… pretty… Part of you pauses as the pale doctor looks at you, giving a less friendly smile this time. “H-hey! You look a bit better!” “Hi… Doctor Sharon?” you ask, forgetting her name slightly before you see her nod. “Yep, that’s me. Sorry to say, but I can’t help you today.” “What, why? I need to talk to you about this dream I had. It-“ “S-sorry! Really, I’m sorry! I had an important death in the family and I’m kind of shaken myself. You should just go home or to work or something! I’ll put in a call and whatever. I just need to go.” “But… the receptionist- I need to talk to you about this! This dream it-“ “Look, the best advice I can offer is just to ask and see if you can’t get answers yourself. This sounds like you need to do a bunch of self and soul searching from past issues. N-Now please…” She looks away, packing things into a box. “Please leave. I don’t want to call security.” You go to open your mouth, only to close it again. Fate seeming sealed by the doctor’s sudden pushy nature. Frowning as you turn, you speak. “Don’t… call work. I’ll just go. You close the door to the office, sighing. What are you going to do now? Fuck. FUCK. ------ You looked back as the door shut, gulping and looking to the vent above it. Those evil eyes looked down as you, burning through you with an undying anger. “I did like you said. I’m staying away from him. I can’t do any more then that, it’s not like I called him here!” The “vent” huffs, black smoke creeping though and making you drop your books. “D-don’t hurt me. I’m leaving, I swear!” The eyes vanish, making you turn and put a worried hand to your throat. The felling of the what you got told two days ago returning before you get back to packing your things. Who cares if it’s a lower pay? California is nice this time of year! And you won’t get murdered! You look to the vent again, seeing nothing. That man… is cursed. And nothing will save him from that thing. ------ God you just feel sick, like you could honestly throw up. The fact that you wanted to just go to bed aside, your little no help trip to that doctor did nothing good for you. It did worse. Your manager didn’t care that you were going to makeup for the hours you were late today, late is late to him. Not only did you get a letter about that file, a warning, but now you had him on your case even more. All day he seemed to watch and loom over you, like he just wanted to see one slip to be enough to dismiss you. You let your head fall to your hands as you rode the bus. How did you get like this? A year and a half ago you were set with a plan. A promotion dangling in front of you to an inspector position. A moderate but well sized home that you were paying off. A crush that was supposed to support you and help with the payments. Why did your life suddenly just crumble? A break up. A car crash. Time off work. A company buyout and relocation. A house downgrade. The only real good thing was that you got out of all payments except your car. You step off and onto the concrete, looking up at the complex and eyeing your apartment. Was that thing still there? Surveying the windows, you look to see the open door and nearly fall over. Heart now fluttering at the thought of your things stolen or the landlord putting your stuff in boxes. Half way to racing across the lot and up the stairs, you slow and exhale as you remember this morning. “Didn’t close the damn door.” You then slump to your door and close it behind you, now feeling to drained and just falling to your bed once your shoes are off. Laying there on your side, your worst moments just replay to you. What did you do wrong, if anything? Why you of all people? “Shhhh….” Fear takes the front seat again as you feel something wrap around you, pulling you across your bed and to it. Oh god… You do nothing as you feel it embrace you from behind, frozen in its clutches as it holds you tight to its body. Everything seeming to be at a standstill. You can feel movement around your neck as something warm presses against it, rhythmically moving back and forth. There has to be a way out. Something to distract it or break away. Think. Think. Think! Ah! What the doctor said would work. Then you… Something in you paused, thinking back to what the doctor said. “the best advice I can offer is just to ask and see if you can’t get answers yourself. This sounds like you need to do a bunch of self and soul searching from past issues.” …Maybe you are broken up about things… but enough to start seeing shit? Sucking in a breath, you speak. “What are you?” “Darkness, shadow, abyss.” It says. “No, what ARE you?” You say again, more firmly this time with a strong hint of fear. “You’re not something normal” You are very surprised to hear nothing from the creature, Hearing something of a huff and sigh. “I’m… not quite sure how to say it. I’m nothing and everything I need to be. limitless, but bound. I am Darkness, desire, shadow… that is the only way I can describe it. Empty… but full and huge.” “Like an Abyss” It then gives a girly sounding giggle, the warm sensation to your neck returning. “Yes, my sweet.~” That par irks you a little as you think about things. Were you basically raped by this creature? It did fuck you when you were high on meds, even though you did start to enjoy it and fuck back. Wait, what are you saying?! Clearing your throat, you shift slightly to move away and sit up. Turning back and looking at the creature after. The pose is rather… Seductive? It keeps itself up with its arms while its legs remain outstretched. Like it’s wanting to lay back down, but not without you. You could tell before, but only now are you starting to see other things. Rather, you are really starting to grasp them. It has a rather womanly figure, almost like the head and tail are just a costume. Well… save for the fur you can see and the dog like feet. And, you know, that shadowy aura of smoke, mist, and tendrils. She smiles at you with those sharp teeth, almost in a friendly way, like she’s happy that you- Catching yourself, you look away, hearing a delighted hum after. “You don’t need to avert your eyes.~” She says. How the hell can this thing make you feel scared and embarrassed? More like you don’t want to give it the satisfaction of your attention, but still. “What… do you even want? Why are you here, haunting me?” “I’m here for you, my sweet.~” You look back to it, now feeling agitated. “Why though? For what reasons?” The creature then seems to straighten up and drop the seductive act, still smiling though. “I don’t need a reason. But I know you are hurt, and not healing. I can feel it. I want to help and make you feel better.” Now it advances to you, almost fading into a crawl to you. “You really are hurt. But, last night, you forgot all about that. Right? You enjoyed your time with her.” You lean back slightly, choking on something you can’t peg a little. “Because I thought it was some crazy drug dream!” “And? What if it wasn’t a dream?” She says coyly, “What if it was real?” You go to speak, stopping as you see more of that dark mist come form her. “What if… she… was right here?” You see the creature change into that feline girl again, the naked and furred girl moving to you on all fours with a seductive gaze on you. Almost crawling ontop of you before she speaks again. “You resist… but happiness is just one word away.~ A happiness and life you desperately want. Give in.~ surrender to me~ Be mine, and everything will be perfect.” Finally something shifts in your brain and you backpedal off the bed and to the wall, seeing the surprise and disappointment of the creature. “Don’t do that, stop that! Don’t try and disguise yourself as some character I like to just get your way!” She then smiles, shaking her head. “This is for you, not me. Seeing you happy is for me, my sweet.” “stop calling me that!” “Oh for fuck sakes.” A voice comes through the wall. “SHUT UP! It’s fucking Midnight!” You can see Daggers from the creatures eyes as it changes back, eyes set on the wall. “Look… don’t do or try anything like that again. Just stop and leave me alone.” It looks back to you, shaking its wolf head. “I won’t do that again, for you. But I’m not leaving. That other rude one is right too, you need sleep, you were gone longer today.” “Well, I’m happy here.” You regret your words as soon as you see shadow creep towards you, wrapping around you and tugging at you. You want to scream, but don’t as you are lifted up and to your bed. The creature moving and pulling covers back before you are set on the bed and pulled into a hug from behind by it again. “Rest, my sweet. Let me help you like before.” “Help?” You say, trying to pull away. “What do, …you…” “Shhh…” she says, nuzzling your neck again. “trust me and let me help you feel better.” Everything begins to fade to a fuzzy and warm black as you drift to sleep, tingling a little as you do. ------ You gasp for air as you wake, letting out a sigh after. Looking down after to see several things. You are under the covers, undressed, and playing little spoon to Abyss. It takes you a moment to register that you called the creature by the name it mentioned, making you swallow and almost as worried as you are about being naked. “Good morning.~” It presses her warm muzzle against your neck again, tilting your head up, humming as it hugs you. Now you are really worried, not only is it here in the morning now, you should be much more scared and actively trying to get away instead of just laying there. Now you feel something sharp tracing down your chest, dancing where ever it pleases. “Better? Just like I said?” “How and why am I naked?” You say in an attempt to dodge the question, only to realise you are asking questions you really don’t want answers to. “You usually went to bed like this, right?” As if god thankfully intervened, your alarm goes off. Your effort to get up being halted by the arms around you. “Why leave? I can tell you are comfortable and happy here, even just a little.” “Because I have work.” You say, pulling away from the fuzzy warmth. You grab your clothes from the dresser and brush what’s on the ground aside, not making the same mistake as yesterday. “Why do you keep going there? You don’t like being there. Why not stay here where you can be happy?” Sighing, you look back at Abyss and watch it pat the spot next to her with a toothy smile. “Because I need money to live here.” “And if you didn’t?~” She asks, sprawling out in a very showy way. You look away and hear it giggle or something with your face burning up, huffing and getting your shirt on. “Shy? Or just considerate?” The one that makes you not a freak for picking up on the seductive actions. You just walk out and close the door, going down the stairs and to work. ------ You watch him go, feeling a little let down by his reluctance to admit the truth. Maybe you should watch over him today and hunt later tonight? You know he dislikes this place, but you’ve never really seen it. You grin, getting up and stretching before you shift your way through the vent cover. “It’s time to follow.” ------ You watch the file smack down on your desk, not looking up at your manager as he chews the greaseball of a burger in his other hand. “Finished and on my desk before you leave.” He says, stomping off after. Wincing, you hit enter and looked over the file, opening it up and reading what it had. No follow-up, no inspection, client’s name and report. This would take the rest of the day or longer… You got up, moving through the stuffy and cramped office to the bathroom. Right now? You just need a break. Once in there, you see one of your coworkers look over at you and nod, giving a nod back before you just take a paper towel and soak it. “Looking a little better today, finally get some good sleep then?” He asks, quickly shuffling off to get back to his own work. You just wash your face with the warm water, thinking a little. Truth be told… you did feel better. Like you actually got some good sleep, but still felt drained. Did Abyss actually do something? Or are you just crazy? Crazy. Six hours doesen’t feel this good. “Why do all of you come here? All your leaders do nothing to help or even work. They just give it to others.” You are spoked into looking up to see those eyes in the mirror you are looking at, the creature behind you. Abyss hugs you from behind again, rubbing your chest. “You could easily leave all this and feel so much better with me.~” “Why not one of the others? Why me?” “Why not?” You scowl, grabbing it by the wrist and pulling her hand away. “Look, just-“ Her wrist passes through your grip and she keeps rubbing your chest affectionately, sounding a little sad. “I’ll leave you be… but, tonight, I promise I’ll make you feel better.” She vanishes before your eyes, some smoke going into the vent. Your hand drifts over the spot where she was touching, feeling the area with some… something. Like something was done to you. Looking down your shirt, you see nothing, sighing and turning back to the door. What is your life anymore? ------ It was probably 7:30 by the time you left work, 9:00 by the time you got back. Going up the stairs and to your door, you go to open it and see a letter attached to the door. You take it off, seeing it’s not even a letter, just a folded piece of paper. Opening it up as you go inside and close the door. You just stop dead as you read it, soon dropping it as it sinks in. You’re being evicted… last night’s yelling was the last straw. It’s not long before you can finally feel tears go down your face, just standing there and crying for a moment. Soon gritting your teeth after before your voice boils to a yell. It’s all the fault of that thing! You never asked for this! Grabbing a chair your toss it to the wall mid fit, continuing to pace and yell. Why could you not have just been left alone by it?! Helping?! Nights of terror and stress is helping you? Fucking you and forcing you to it is helping?! “WHERE ARE YOU?!” You shout, looking around for the creature. Nothing. Nothing nowhere. It’s just you in this small shitty room with tears on your face. You pick the chair up again and just throw it to the ground, voice now hurting from screaming. Your body just falling to the ground after as you sob. “God damn it…” You just keep crying, settling bit by bit. It’s all just your fault, you’re an insane schizophrenic who had a mental breakdown after his whole life went wrong. There’s no creature, no real threat, just you and your shit life. Your shit life that’s recent highlight was a sex fever dream and a warm cuddle in bed from something that doesn’t exist, and you hate to even admit it. Why did you even try to keep going? Because it could have gotten better? Your body tingles as you watch the ground move, everything moving as you float up. You say nothing as you move to the bed and are set on it, black furred arms going around you. “My sweet? Are you okay?” You just whine in response to Abyss, feeling her nuzzle you. “Shhh… it’s okay. You don’t need to worry with me here.” You just pout, sulk, and lay there as she continues to nuzzle and cuddle you. Getting the same feeling as earlier when in the work bathroom. A warm and longing feeling. Not completely sure why, you move your arms to hers and hold onto them. Abyss inhaling a little sharply when you do. She then grabs you and turns you over, making you face towards her. You look at those eyes that scare the shit out of you, seeing some sadness in them before she pulls you to her chest. It’s odd, it’s like every part of you is being surrounded in a hug of sorts, the warm fur being soft and smooth. The whole feeling and sensation making you close your eyes and just press into her. You hate this, but can’t help but appreciate the little bit of comfort right now. She caused most… some of your issues. But she’s comforting you. Abyss strokes the back of your head and rubs your back, just letting you relax. It’s… you have no idea how long it is before you finally fully settle down, just feeling depressed now. “What happened, my sweet?” You sigh, keeping still. “I’m being evicted. Kicked out of here with nowhere to live. They complained again and I lost my last chance. I got to pack my things and leave.” “They can just do that to you? You can’t stay?” “If I don’t, they’ll get the police to force me.” You push back, Abyss not stopping you as you turn over and begin stand up. “I… I need to pack my things…” “No.” She pulls you back, hugging you again. “I…” “No. Stay here and let me help.” You try for one last push, but your will just gives out and you slump down completely. Giving a small nod as you give up. A happy hum sounds as Abyss rubs your chest, her other arm pulling at your shirt. “Sleep, and other things~, will do you good. You will see my sweet.” Something pulls at your pants as your shirt comes off, kind of confusing you as both her hands are grabbing your shirt. It’s really weird to feel so comfortable and warm while being naked ontop of your bed. None of the covers are over you, yet you feel like you are wrapped in a comforter. You sigh and relax completely, Abyss gently rubbing your torso with her hands and claws. “See? You love this. So much better after such a day…” “Mmmh…” She continues, voice then turning playful after a few minutes. “Now… how about I really make you feel better before you sleep?” When you feel her one hand drift much lower then before, your whole body feels like you chugged an energy drink. Eyes opening up wider as you look down to her hand. She gropes you very gently, mostly just letting her hand rub against your soft member and sack before she speaks in a more seductive tone. “I know part of you really misses THIS~… I promise this will be perfect for you.” You’re not sure what to say or do as she kisses your neck, gasping in surprise slightly and bringing youe head up. “You know… from what I gathered, human males really enjoy a female’s breasts being against them. Even more so when naked like we are.~” She kisses again, a little more force behind it this time. “It arouses them.~ I know why you look away. Because my body does the same to you.~ right?” You only huff and inhale when she gives a nip, your body speaking for you as you feel your length begin to stiffen. Abyss hums again, looking down over your shoulder. Teeth showing a bit in a desire filled smile. Damn it… did you? …You absolutely do, don’t you? Abyss gives your shaft a squeeze, other hand rubbing your chest still. A tiny grunt escapes you as she begins to stroke with a loose grip, lust shooting up your body bit by bit. It feels like you’re just as pent up as ever, Abyss seeming to enjoy every bit of your need that you wont admit. You feel something else, looking down and jumping slightly. A large, thick, black tendril has snaked across your thigh and to your shaft. Abyss now cradling your sack with her hand as it wraps around twice with a firm grip. The tendril does something of a slither and stroke up your shaft, wrapping up it and back down as it squeezes in a downward motion constantly. You just gasp, the alien experience feeling heavenly. Your body squirming from the pleasure. “Stay still.~ that way I can make it feel the best.” More tendrils appear from her body wrapping around your legs and thighs, one around your waist, all holding you in place as two more go to your shaft and sack. You don’t know why you reach down, but Abyss stops you. Grabbing your arms and bringing them into a hug around your chest. “A-ahhh haaa~” Abyss giggles at your moan, hugging you tighter as you hold onto her arms. Your eyes closed as she kisses and nips you again. You can’t help but thrust against the tendrils either, one on your shaft and base, one toying with your sack, and the last just grazing and brushing against your tip. “All of this will happen again and again, as long as you give into me.~ you will always feel like this and more, eternal happiness.” “I… i-Ahhhaaaaa!~” “Cum, my sweet.~ let it all out.~” Shaking hard, you do just that. Feeling something swarm to your length as you do. Soon after, you pant as covers move over you. Abyss nuzzling you as you close your eyes. “Sleep.” “…bu… i…” “Sleep.~” You fall to darkness, smiling as you do. ------ You smile, looking over the wonderfully happy human. Finally. Finally he’s starting to surrender.~ You will make him the happiest man alive soon enough! But… You falter in your smile, growling. But… your sweet won’t be happy with no place to live, no home… You don’t want to… but it’s time to leave him… Getting up and stretching, you quickly licking up the last little bit of the savory juices your sweet gave you, then making your way outside through the vent. It was no real meal… but it fills you up in a different way.~ Humming at the cool rain that began to fall half an hour ago, you look to the one room with lights. The main office at it is called. How dare this being cause him or anyone else harm? They slave and give money, only for him to decide if they get to have a place to sleep? As much as you need to hunt now, this must be dealt with. You look to the taller buildings, skyscrapers, smiling. There’s a perfect plan.~ Making your way though the vents again, you peer into the office, seeing the fat and greedy man in need of convincing. Surely your sweet won’t approve of murder… so it’s time to do the same that you did to that woman. You crash through then vents with a growl, seeing the man jump and backpedal at you. Good. “What the hell?!” You just snarl at him lunching forward to hear him shriek. “What are you!? AHHHHHH!” “Your nightmares.” Grabbing him, you move to the door and open it, dragging him as he gives adorable hits against your grip. The outside rain beginning to soak you both. With some effort, you leap up and to the skyscraper with the man screaming in tow. Getting about halfway up before you begin climbing the rest of the way up. The mans screams are drowned out by the thunder that follows the lightning, the top of the building finally being reached. You throw the man against the wall on the roof, his groan quickly ending as he speaks. “What are you?! What do you want?!” “You…” You growl, puffing up and arching. “Why me? What did I do?” “Trying to harm my sweet is what.” You say, advancing. He scrabbles away as you move, the storm sounding again. “Not only do you want to hurt him, you cost me time making sure he was okay instead of letting me help him to sleep right away.” Pouncing on him, you drag him to the side of the roof, showing him the ground below. “Oh f-f-f-f-f-f-f-fuck.” He squeaks “Time that I could use for a hunt right now. I’m so very hungry for so much use of my abilities. …now that I think about it…” You turn him to you, showing your teeth. “You’ll do nicely as a substitute.~ I can get rid of you and get my meal.” He shrieks and screams for mercy as you open up all they way and bring him into your mouth, suddenly backing off. “Or… you could make sure he stays instead of… evicting him.” “YES! YES, ANYTHING! Don’t fucking eat me please, oh god please.” You scoff, grabbing him and jumping back down to the smaller apartment complex and landing with a thud. The man screaming all the way until you bring him inside and shove him against the wall. Looking the man in the eyes after. “Make good with your word, and don’t cause him harm of any kind again. I’m always hungry…” “YES! Yes. I swear.” He says, gulping. “Good.” You say, dropping him to the ground. You then lean in, swiping a claw across his cheek and making him yelp. The small cut oozing with fresh blood. “And… try not to cut yourself doing any shaving next time.~” You run off, hearing the man scream as you climb to the lower roof. …Now you need to hunt, and get dry for your sweet when you get back… ------ It was colder than usual when you began to wake up, you actually groaned and curled up under the blankets. You weren’t groggy, but you sure as hell didn’t want to move. Even if you felt as good as you did right now, you just want to stay here and keep up this feeling for as long as you can. Your mind has other pans however as you begin to stir more and more, eventually cracking your eyes to see the wall with a good sized dent in it. Oh shit… right… You groan, sitting up and having something grab onto you. “Good morning my sweet.~” You feel your heart jump up a little before a warm muzzle presses against your neck, gathering all of what happened last night. It… Abyss… After you threw your fit, she comforted you a bit before undressing you and giving you a hand… er, tentacle… She got you off, nuff said. She restrained you and made you cum so hard you just passed out. The worst part of it being as angry and repulsed as you want to be, part of you tingles and wants to smile at what was the hottest act of sex you ever experienced. You felt like a horny teen who just saw through the mist of a hangover to discover he fucked the captain of the cheer squad. You swallow at the fear of your current sanity’s state, claws dancing across your chest. “Morning…” Oh god you just said morning to her. You can just picture the last little bit of your sanity screaming silently in a tiny cage, probably stuck in the corner of your brain. YOU’RE CALLING IT HER AND REFERTING TO HER WITH A NAME. Abyss hums, her tone giving away the smile she must have “You feel so much better, but not quite your best. I bet I can fix that.~” “U-Uhhh- Ihavework. And I need to get packing and find a new place.” You snap up and go for your clothes, glancing back and pausing. You could see Abyss’s disappointment at your leaving, her eyes seeming to take a sad expression. A knock on your door alerts you both and Abyss just vanishes, not being seen anywhere. After a quick scramble for your clothes, you move and open the door. The landlord catching you by surprise. “Uh…” “Um…” You both sound in unison, you getting the first word. “I’m sorry, I’ll have my things packed and out of-“ “NO!” He shouts, holding both arms up. You jump back slightly, arms up before he give a rather odd laugh and shakes his head, the man looking like he had no sleep last night. “Hahaha, n-no, I, you- don’t go, stay, actually. You’re not evicted, you can stay. Please stay.” He says in a scramble, holding his hands together. “You really should, it’s better for both of us.” “Uhh, why the sudden change of heart?” Not that I’m complaining! I just-“ “Look! Look… uh, I messed up. And some of the fees I was sending to you were wrong and meant for someone else. Another resident who was needing to pay more for his setup and what was provided. You’ve been overpaying rent and- Look, just stay and I’ll say when you need to pay again. Okay? Come on, I really don’t want to cause a disruption for all of us here with the police getting involved.” What? “Wait, what?” “Look, I’m really sorry! Seriously, can we please just sweep this under the rug? I’ll even throw satellite service in. let’s… let’s just forget this happened and you stay, please?” “Uh… sure?” The man sighs, smiling. “Good! Good. I’ll get you set up for when you get back.” “I uh… kinda over reacted and threw some things. I’ll get that fixed for you.” You say, only to watch the man throw his arms up again. “No, no! you just go on as normal. I’ll fix it and take care of everything!” You just not at the overly insistent man, gesturing and moving past him. “I gotta work, so… yeah.” You walk off, confused as hell at the turn of events. As soon as you start across the lot, the man yells again. “HEY! You like peanut butter cookies?” “Uhh… kinda, why?” “I’ll buy you some!” You just wave and keep walking, looking at the ground. What is your life anymore? …You know, with that newfound money from not needing to pay rent, you could buy breakfast today. ------ You still can’t help but salivate over the hashbrown from nine hours ago. Enough preservatives to surpass gas station jerky be damned, that shit was the best thing you had in months. You enter your apartment to see everything is fixed already, and a remote neatly sitting on the made bed. Wow… he actually did it. You scrunched your nose as the lingering smell of paint, but smiled a little at the situation. There were even cookies like he said. Your little moment is torn away as you are hugged again, Abyss still catching you by surprise. “Today was much easier, wasn’t it, my sweet?” “Uh… yeah.” You pause, placing your hand over hers and looking at it. You’re not entirely sure why, but you just do. It’s kind of a happy moment, mute but happy. And as much as you don’t want to just ruin it after an okay day… It’s time for answers, proper ones. “Why… are you doing this?” “Because it helps you, and you like it.~” “No, I mean why me?” you ask again. Some part of you feels just a little sick on how clam and depersonalized you feel as you pull away and look to her, just swallowing hard at her intimidating from. “Why do you always ask that? Can you not just be happy that good things are happening to you?” …Why can’t you? It’s not like things could get worse, things are actually getting better ever since… You shake your head from the thought, speaking again. “Because… I just don’t believe you do this with no benefit to yourself or without a reason.” Abyss just tilts her head, looking confused. “Why always a reason? Why can’t things just be as they are? It’s not an impossible concept.” You sigh, sitting on the bed and shaking your head. “I work because I need money, money buys food, food states my hunger. I work so I can eat, so why do you help me?” Abyss’s mouth opens wide as she laughs, sounding a little demonic and distorted as she does. The laugh being a little too slow for comfort, just like how her teeth are too sharp for comfort. “You are a strange one… because I just what to help and make you better, to surrender to me.~ give into me.~” Again… that giving in thing. “To what end? What happens if I suddenly do?” Abyss perks right up, looking at you with joy. “Then you will be happy forever. Will you?” You shake your head, sighing again. “You are making no sense about it, all of this. Why would I just commit to something I have no idea about? You promise me that I will be happy but don’t state what will cause it or what will happen if I do “give in”. I know nothing about you, and don’t know what you intend to do to bring be this happiness. Every time I try for answers you just mention part of what will happen.” Abyss says nothing, then smiles again. “Ahh, I see now. Well, you and I will be together as mates.” That much is obvious with how much she flaunts her body at you… …God damnit. “I will bring you home where we will live happily, you will meet my master and sisters, and shall be granted gifts and power of a lord.” That makes you pause mentally… what? “You can’t be serious.” “I am. If you surrender to me, you will forever be happy with me in another land. No more suffering, no more pain, no more heartbreak, and no more sadness. Eternal bliss, with me.~” Sure, and that totally is not along the lines of a horror movie stereotype. Join with us! Merge and become one with the almighty super being! “I’m not lying either, I just want to make you happy and take you away from this terrible life. Now…” She advances, reaching out to you with her hands and all of the tendrils on her body. “Give in.~” You back away, Abyss stopping in her advance and whining. Seeming to be frustrated. “I’m not lying…” “And I don’t trust you…” Abyss sighs, turning into smoke and reappearing on the bed, laying outstretched next to you. “Fine… but how about I help you relax then?” You look away before you start looking over her features again, only to be pulled back and feel her warm fur against the back of your neck. It takes you a good moment before you realise she’s just brought you to her chest, breasts on both sides of your head. Abyss either using you as a small blanket or having you use her as a mattress. “That one human kept good to his word… let’s see what is can do then.” She then pulls at your shirt, humming. “And get rid of this too. Unlike you, I can appreciate another’s figure.~” You go to stop her, only giving up as she pulls your shirt half way off. You’re not winning this… Shirtless, you let Abyss sit up with you a little. The… Hell, eldritch monster. She is intent in keeping you in place. She’s not wrong though. 8 cable channels gets more then boring, even more so when two are in another language. You grab the remote, just kind of searching for… whatever. What is even on? Or new? Ehh, set it to whatever. Abyss seems to be entertained by the TV at least. You not so much. You can’t stop thinking about what she said, you got some answers but not enough. Maybe you are curious? Just a little? It’s way to sudden, and she is really pushy for one “…Abyss?” “Hmm? Yes my sweet?~” She says, stroking your chest. “Why the rush to all this? Why are you so… forceful of me leaving with you?” “My master expects me back at some point. I have a job too.” “A job?” “Yes… helping end suffering. Not the same way I want to help you. I can not discuss it without asking my master.” Wow… even monsters have jobs and rules. “Master?” You ask Abyss nods, still rubbing and petting your chest. “Yes. He created me and my sisters, and orders us. He’s quite different, and nothing like you. You seem rather curious now, my sweet.” You let that one lie, just sighing slightly and watching the show. Wait… “YOU have sisters? Plural?” Abyss gives that terrifying sounding giggle, hugging you tightly. “Yes, just like me. Some differences. They’d be so jealous.~” Something tickles in your head, making you smile for a moment knowing you are basically her boy toy and trophy. That shouldn’t be as smile inspiring as you find it. At all. Uhh… change of subject! “So… power and bliss?” you say, yawning. “Yes.~ But you should sleep. “…Mmmh… bliss?” “Shhh.~ You will taste it tomorrow.~” You just tilt your head against the fluffy breast, falling asleep. ------ Excitement ran through you as you watched him fall to sleep, a shiver running though you. He was curious! Giving in! just a little more, and that’s it.~ Maybe. Maybe now was the perfect time to give him a real taste! You can feel your breathing deepen as you grin. This made you feel more alive then any hunt ever did! You wanted him to initiate, but giving him a little coaxing is no harm. Just a little touch and… You hold your hand back, sighing. He will leave after, not getting to enjoy the full experience and running to his work. Curses. Pondering your options, you smile again. Pulling the blankets over you both. Soon he will have a day where there is no work. That night before that day, that is when you will do this. It annoys you, but this will make it all the more perfect by waiting just a day more. And you can tempt and teas him till then~ That day he is free of responsibility… you will finally mate for the first time.~ ------ It has been a quick past few days, work seemed to just fade in and out. Like you weren’t conscious of it anymore. Like you were on autopilot… You work up, left, and just came home. To Abyss. Waking up the last two days were… erm. Okay, it was a little hot on you. Also comfortable. Abyss now had made her chest your pillow, and her body your bed. You would wake up laying on her, this morning face down with your face against her large sized… yeah. She also teased you more, giving gestures and looks. Not only were you getting used to her, you were starting to pick up on her expressions. Now She was laying it on thicker every time you saw her. Not to mentioned you dreamed about her tentacle job. That didn’t help your thought process! Much less your sanity that screamed all of those thoughts were so wrong to think about. What finally snapped in your head and made you okay with everything she was up to now? Nothing made sense anymore… You opened the door, stepping through to see the wolf monster laying on the bed with a smile. “My sweet.~” “Hey…” You set the bag of food you got down, sighing. “I uhh… brought some food for us.” Abyss perks up, looking at you with a grin. You really had no idea WHY you even decided to get her food too… she did say she hunts, so she must eat. Not to mention despite her forcefulness, and ignoring you asking her to stop some things, she has… somehow been making things easier, and you more comfortable. She was helping put you to sleep with her power apparently. …and your new place of sleep was rather comfortable. Guess you just felt like you should? “You… brought food, my sweet?” You nod, moving your hands through the bag when you look back. It was very nice t have three meals a day again. “I mean… I kinda have some newfound free money now that I temporarily live rent free. I don’t know what you eat, but I thought it’d be nice. Ah!” Abyss hugs you tightly, almost lifting you up. “Anything from you is perfect.~ what kind of delicacy did you bring?” “Erm… Mcdonalds is not exactly a delicacy, but…” Surprisingly enough, she eats it. Rather tamely too. You half expected her to just chew through the box and all in one bite… which is why you got 10 burgers on the side. When all is said and eaten, you smile. Something other then flavored water and freeze-dried noodles… this is a blessing. “My sweet.~” You look over to Abyss, the creature calling you as you toss the garbage out. She lays there, arms outstretched to you, this angle really letting you see her feminine figure. Before you even grasp the sight before you, you already took a step towards her. Stopping for a moment to think. You’re… coming when she calls you now? …Yeah? You continue to Abyss, her smile growing as those tentacle things come out of her and reach to you. Once you are close enough, both Abyss and her appendages grab onto you, pulling you close and at your clothes. The tendrils slither up your chest and pull your shirt off, Abyss and you embracing. She hums, nuzzling you as you close your eyes and let her hold you against her chest fluff. You then feel the tendrils move down your pants, pulling back and looking up. “Abyss.” “Shhhh.~” You’re naked and laying on top of her soon enough, feeling the tendrils and her hands massage your body. “You’re tense again… it’s time we help that and make you feel better.~” Wait that means… You can already image what is going to happen, feeling the same pleasure filled moment like in your dream and when she actually made you cum. Abyss giggles, a rubbing motion against your already hardening length. Are you that needy and desperate? “Excited?” she coos, nuzzling still. The movement slows, making you grit your teeth a little. Damnit, is she going to tease you all night? You were already like putty in her hands, as much as you hate to admit it. “You WANT it.~ don’t you?” You nod, looking up at her. Seeing her loving gaze and sly smile as she feels your length. “I won’t stop you one bit from what you desire… but you need to do something for it.” “What?” Why did you respond? You can feel Abyss wrap her tentacles around your thighs and waist, moving you while still touching your length. Then, a wet feeling shocks you. A warm and wet feeling against the tip of your shaft. “Mate me. Breed me.~” Mate? That means your dick is right at her- You are pulled forward, Abyss inhaling a little as your tip gives her entrance a firm prod. You gasping slightly at the feeling. It’s so warm and welcoming, already feeling better then everything she did before. You press forward, into her, feeling her body wrap around your length. Abyss and you letting out a noise of satisfaction. It’s happening, you’re actually doing this… You close your eyes and pull back, just immediately going into a moderate pace and feeling Abyss grip your back with her claws firmly. “Ahhhh.~” “YES, my sweet.~ give into this feeling, into me.~” No. You thrust, hands moving down and gripping her hips. No. No, stop. “Nnnnhhh.~ Ha.” Stop now! You can’t do this! This is wrong, the most wrong thing you can do! “A-Abyss.” STOP. You keep thrusting, not even being assisted by Abyss anymore. Though she keeps a firm grip on your thighs and body. DON’T DO THIS! SHE’S USING YOU! SHE WILL KILL OR DO WORSE TO YOU! You slow, opening your eyes as you grasp just what you are doing. A tendril from Abyss lunging forth and wrapping around your neck as you do, firmly and commandingly, lifting your head up… And just like that, the kiss you share with her brings you right back to the full speed and force you had before. Every bit or remorse, hesitation, and fear snapping away as you continue the best sex you ever had. Abyss moans a little as you somehow lift her up by her rear a little and squeeze, your newfound strength giving you a great angle for thrusting. Your hips pounding against her fur with new vigor. If this is what she means by bliss… then you want it. No one every gave this much to you, ever. Nothing compares to this. As your tongues touch again, you pull back, sweating and panting. Not even sure how long and hard you have been doing this. “Abyss!” You don’t get a response before you cum inside of her, the tentacles around your neck, body, waist, and legs all gripping tighter. The full force of your climax is enough to almost make you pass out, the world spinning and dizzy as you sit back and pull out to look down at your work. Surprisingly, though black on black, you can see the clear outline of her entrance. Also seeing your seed leak out of her and into her fur. Before anything else happens, a surge runs through you and makes you grit your teeth. Making you plunge back into Abyss and continue to fuck her. “Ohh god yes…” Abyss gives a giggle filled moan, holding you tight again and pulling you down by your neck. “Yes, my sweet, keep going.” She says in your ear, kissing at it. “And don’t stop.~” And don’t stop… ever. World spinning, you collapse with a smile, the warm embrace of Abyss comforting you as you sleep. ------ You opened your eyes with a smile, giving a soft groan. Jeez that smell… and your body, ow… Why the hell do you hurt so much? Like you’re back in high school PE. The black fur in your vision gets the gears in your head turning, getting a bigger smile out of you. “Mmmm, Abyss.” You feel a hand on the back of your head, rubbing your hair with light pressure from claws. Looking up to Abyss, she smiles down at you. Eyes soft and warm, feeling comforting. “Good morning, my sweet.” You lean in, giving her a kiss and getting a kiss back. Abyss giving your body a squeeze of approval as you both hold for a moment. She then pulls you up and nuzzles you, seemingly gentler then normal. Almost cautious as she caresses what every part of your body she can. “I’m sorry. I started to get rough with you by the end of our mating.” “Rough?” You shift and look at yourself, getting a little surprise as you see your body. Your muscles were sore alright, but your body? Now you had some bruises, lashes, and some faint scratch marks. You almost look like you were attacked, fuck, how much sex did you have last night? Every bit of worth. You just smile, touching the scratches, seeing that they look healed and more like minor scars. “Looks worse then it feels, honestly. I just feel sore all over.” “I did try to heal you as best as I can. I suppose we both were holding back for a long time~” You lay back down on her, smiling. “We?” Abyss giggles, petting you again. “You were… surprisingly strong. Trying to gain more control and keep me under you.” “I did?” You ask, feeling surprised. “Yes.~ Your attempts after I let you were adorable.~” Alright, now you feel less like a Rockstar who just had the wildest sex of his life. Your joy turning to embarrassment. “I might just need to make you hold back for when I am actually fertile.” Uh… UHH…… “F-fertile?” You could have BABIES with her? “Yes. But not now, there is a small process before we can have pups.” “And… when that’s done?” Abyss hums, gleefully, as she hugs tightly. “Then? Then I can have as many pups from you, and only you, that you can grace me with. But, until then?” You feel a teasing rub at your crotch, what you can guess being a tendril from Abyss. “Well, as your kind says. Practice makes perfect.~” You grin right away. You like that idea. “Hmhmhmh.~ Liking that, my sweet?” “Yeah.” “See how happy I can make you?” “Yeaaah.~” You shift again, reaching for your phone and checking the time. 2:30 PM?! “Jesus. How long did we go at it?” “Hours.~ and still time for more.” You scoff, sighing as you set your phone down with a smile. …Hell yeah. ------ The past week has been probably the best of your life. Abyss really did deliver on keeping you happy and “Making you feel better.~” Frankly? You already want home enough as is. Home to her. Work just dragged and dragged now. Every time you’d look at the clock only five minutes would pass, not five hours like it used to. Goddamnit! Can you just get home!? The bus hisses to a stop, your foot bumping against the door before it folds back and lets you off. You practically charge forward, only slowing once you are at the stop of the stairs and just walking over to your door. You open it, having left it unlocked lately, and step inside to see Abyss laying on your bed and waiting for you. “My sweet.~” “Hey Abyss.” You say, setting some things down “Could we have more of that drink?” “Sure thing, just let me keep my clothes this time.” “I may just give it up now.~” You laughed, shaking your head. Abyss hated clothes, specifically on you, but you needed them time to time for obvious reasons. She also fell in love with tea, just absolutely crazy for it. Thank god too. As much as you did like the rather pampering “TLC”, and actual TLC, this tea thankfully calmed her down. Also, yeah, tea was a common thing now. Along with other things. Hell, you had a fridge now! Milk on demand! Kind of sad to know that is how far down you had fallen, but it was amazing to have this convenience again. You had the tea ready in no time, bringing the cup to Abyss. She takes it from you with one of her tendrils, sipping at the scolding hot liquid while you add some sugar and milk to yours. “Hmm… We will need to bring this back.” “To your home?” Abyss nods, looking to you as you sit on the bed with her. “Our home.~” You pause, sighing with a sorry smile to Abyss. Getting her to frown slightly before she nuzzles you after. “We still have some time, my sweet. We have discussed this enough, I know your worries.” You nod, taking a drink and feeling her nuzzle still. You pulling back and giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Sorry.” “You know I would never harm you though, yes?” You laugh, giving her a loving poke. “Except for the love making?” “I did not mean those!” “Suuuuure.~” You set your tea down, pulling your shirt off and getting close to Abyss as she finishes her tea. Right away she hugs you and shifts with you in her embrace, the both of you watching the television now. Although, part of you has trouble enjoying it. Knowing tomorrow you get to deal with work again. You just huff, trying to relax “You are upset…” “No. just annoyed. Thinking of work. “Must you leave to that place every day?” “Yeah…” You say, giving a yawn. It seems like you blinked and were waking up again, naked, under the covers with Abyss. Damnit, really? Abyss whines when you sit up, making you look back to see the frown on her face. “I know…” “Never again will you need to go there, by giving into and coming with me that is.” “…” “No more hunger. Just us…” You just sigh, nodding as you grabbed a clean shirt. … “I am sorry, my sweet. I know that you need to… “Play by the rules.” In this place.” “Yeah…” You hold still, holding your shirt as you think. … You grab your phone, dialing a number and holding it to your ear. “Hello? This is genera-“ “Hey, Sandra? It’s me.” “Oh! Uhm… it’s uhhh…” “It’s me, you know who. Listen…” You look to Abyss, smiling. “I’m not coming in today.” “Oh! Um, why? Sick? Appointment.” … “No. I’m just not coming in.” Abyss practically jumps up with the same force that her face lights up, the shadows and tendrils around her seeming more active. “You-… You’re skipping a day?” “Yep.” “W-w-wait, no, you can’t just do that. You need a reason! You have an appointment, right.” “Nope. No appointment, no nothing. I’m just not coming in. to hell with work.” “You could get fired! You can-“ You just hang up, crawling back into bed with Abyss. “My sweet.~” Abyss says, wrapping your entire body up with her tendrils and arms, squeezing you a little tightly as you both cuddle. “Are you sure?” “Positive.” ------ Your wonderful sleep is shaken by the sound of your alarm going off, everything about it just making you annoyed. Although that soon comes to a halt by the warm and fuzzy chest you are buried face first into. You sigh happily into Abyss, feeling her shift and snarl. “Infernal machine…” Alright… better stop it before she breaks it. You shift again, rubbing her side and sitting up before you turn to try and get out. Abyss pulls you back, making you little spoon again with her breasts now against your back. “Nooo, my sweet…” She whines, nuzzling your head. “That alarm won’t stop itself.” She whines again, glaring to the phone you left on the table across the room. Her expression changing slightly as she smiles, then grins. “My sweet? Are you still afraid of harm coming to you if you surrender to me?” You are a little surprised by this. Still, you smile, looking at her. “I think by now I can safely say I’m safe with you. …but yeah, maybe some part of me worries a little. It is a big change.” “And like you said, you want to know more about what awaits you?” You nod, Abyss grabbing onto your hand and holding it out with hers. Like she is trying to lead an old-fashioned dance. She soon untwines her fingers form yours and hold onto your forearm, holding you tight and giving a kiss. “Think as hard as you can about that device… what you want to do.” “Um… pick it up and shut it off?” “Think, don’t say. Think.” Alright… You just imagine and run through the motions of getting the phone in your head, again and again. Suddenly, you arm gets a warm but pleasant burning sensation. A shadow much like the one around Abyss surrounds it, the phone too as it suddenly snaps into your hand. You hasp from the sudden force and drop the thing onto yourself, but smile. Looking to Abyss and seeing her beam. “That… is just a fraction of the power my sweet king will get.~” “I can… just do that?” “That was with my help… I should not have done that without my master’s permission, he wants to avoid tempting our loves with just power. But still.” She now gets the device to float as it still beeps, twirling it. “This is what you could have with me. And it’s just a fraction. You could do nearly anything.” Smiling still, you grab it and shit the alarm off, looking over the phone out of curiosity, then your hand. Still feeling like it is completely normal. “Wow…” “Though, there are some things you might not be able to do. I have the most mastery of shape shifting and altering my from in comparison to my sisters.” You look to her, laying down. “So… I could do the same things you can?” “To an extent.” She then frowns, holding you tight again. “Must you go?” “Yeah…” you say with a sigh. “I guess. Still need money for food.” You get up again, not getting pulled back this time and beginning to find clothes for your nude from. Looking to Abyss again with a smile. “But… I’ll be back to you soon enough.” Abyss hums, laying on her belly with her arms crossed to lay on, tail wagging enough to see the generous shape of her rear. “I know.~ and I’ll wait for as long as it takes.” You move and give her a kiss, finishing getting dressed and getting out the door. It won’t be long at all, soon you’ll be home once the day blurs by. You just close your eyes, reminiscing about the night, rather the day yesterday. Your time with Abyss. Sure, you did practically nothing, but it felt good to just bask in the presence of each other. Just to be close and loved. Love? Love… Now you are just confused, are you actually getting that fond of Abyss? When did you? This could just be lust… or is it? Would you cuddle and just be happy with being near each other if it was just lust? Bring her food and consider that she had actually needs you could help with? Try and be kind to her? Thinking more about yesterday, part of you thinks it’s a mix of both lust and love. You can already feel your body change and tingle near your groin when you think about the fistful of tail you had yesterday when you and her were “Practicing breeding”, as she teased. Pulling her back to your hilt by her tail and hip, she whined and moaned like crazy. You’d be pretty stupid to complain about the kickass sex you two had. But… there was also everything after that was more… Your chest flutters as now you think about how you stopped admiring each other’s bodies and started to admire each other after. When your attention went to her face and expression, and you couldn’t look away. …maybe you should go out with her, to the woods or something. You two could enjoy some activity or just exploring, get some exercise and do something fun where she won’t be noticed. You smirk as you push the door to the office open. She might just throw you on a patch of grass on the field and have her way with you, not that you’d deny her at this point. “You bastard!” You’re shaken from your daydream of Abyss by… your manager? The man is practically steaming from the sweat boiling off of his rage filled face. His eyes firmly placed on you as he bares his teeth. “Doing what you did, do you even know what the hell yesterday was?! Who the hell do you think you are?!” he screams as you. All eyes in the office are on the both of you at this point as you look at the man in confusion. You took the day off. Who the hell does he think he is? Not a day off in years with shifts that are probably against some law, and he’s pissed at that? Wait, why do you care? You just shrug and walk around the man to your desk, only to be grabbed by your shirt collar and pulled back to get some spit in your ace as he continues. “Don’t you get it? Your fuckup and taking the day off during an inspection day cost me my promotion, and you just don’t give a shit! You successfully fucked up the plans I had, for everything! YOU ARE FIRED!” … “Okay.” You say, turning back to the door and being pulled back again. “That’s all you have to-“ You rip the man’s had off of your shirt, turn, and get walking. “I’m not finished with you!” Says you bud. You got a day of finding work ahead of you, so you have no time for this asshole now. ------ The more you thought about it, the more you smiled. Sure, you were driving around all day now and took much, MUCH, longer than you wanted to in seeing whatever is available for a job. But, you were happy to be free of that hell job now. This isn’t the end, this is a fresh start, one that could make you much happier. You and Abyss actually. That reception and bookkeeping position paid as much and had fixed hours. You’ll apply and do more tomorrow. You probably have a stack of resumes somewhere in a desk drawer, or something. For now? Food for you and Abyss, along with much more tea. You put the things in your shitty commuter car, smiling as you close the passenger door and move to the driver’s side. You go to pull your keys out and freeze, feeling… something… Your eyes catch something out of the corner of your vision and notice just too late as to what is happening when an arm pulls on your neck after closing around it. You struggle as you get pulled back and loose footing, ass hitting the ground as the unknown attacker pulls you in a choke hold. “Back there, into the alley. And grab his legs.” Someone else grabs your legs and holds them together tightly by the knees, carrying you. You grab at the arm but have no success in breaking free, hardly getting any breath in as you get pulled behind the store, seeing at least two others walk. Soon enough you are thrown roughly to the ground, feeling a sharp pain in your side as two heavy stomps come onto your chest. Or are they kicks? You cry out and are silenced by another force straight on your chest. “Stupid fuck.” “You know, if he dies he’s your problem. We don’t do body disposal.” “Don’t care. He can stay here. Just do as I paid you to and keep him down. You finally look up to see three large and well-built men looking down at you, all wearing some kind of mask or mask and sunglasses. The fourth? You look up as your manager, ex-manager, seeing the scowl on his face as he takes a drink from some bottle. This is insane. Is this for real? He brings the bottle from his lips and grasps the neck, the bringing it across your face. You’re pretty dazed, you know you made some kind of noise as you hold your head from the pain, but you have no idea what is happening as another pain goes into your stomach. “Stupid fucking asshole. You deserve all of thish for fucking my job up.” The man slurs, the others grabbing our arms and holding you open for another hit again. You have no idea what’s going on, you feel so dazed and dizzy that you can’t think straight. More pain comes across your body, face and head, legs… You think you’re crying, it all hurts. Another kick to the gut makes you throw up, then you feel your face really hurt after another hit. “Mother fucker, puking on me. You’ll need a straw to do anything when I’m done.” “Ease up there, this is beyond a little roughing up.” “You shut the fuck up! I paid you so do your job!” You groan, whimpering with your eyes closed. God damn this hurts, your nose hurts so bad. …What? All the pain goes away, just halting and going away. Your eyes opening as you sit up. How the hell? “You idiots, hold him down!” “That’s enough. You’re lucky that he’s even awake. Any more of this and you get to deal with this.” Why do you? …oh. Oh no. OH NO. “Rrrr…. Rrrr-rrrnnnn” You mumble out, still dizzy. You get grabbed again, by your hair, your manager looking at you. “What was that?” You groan, looking to the side as the shadow. Abyss. “Run. Is what he said.” All four of them turn to look towards her with you. “Get out of here lady, you… don’t…” Abyss roars, one of the men falling right to his ass as he stumbles backwards. You just watch in a dazed state as she leaps to them and attacks, tendrils, hands, claws, and mouth all in use. The first one screaming as she rakes across his chest and pulls at his arm with her mouth. The others run, but are grabbed by her tendrils and are pulled in. One just being ripped apart like a piece of well-cooked roast, arms and legs just coming off. Oh god. You can see her, chewing, tearing at the already dead body. Moving onto the last of the hired men and pulling at his leg like a small dog with toy rope. Your manager screams as you see long periods of black, both looking away and just… being dizzy. “You… caused this. You caused him nothing but pain. And do this to MY LOVE?” Abyss howls, holding him up. The man just screaming still in response. She turns her palm up and jabs his stomach, eviscerating him up to his neck. Oh fucking god. She soon drops the man to the ground, letting him crawl away in his organs before she turns to you. You can’t help but dread the sight as she moves to you with worry on her face. Not her, your manager crawling away. This… is going to be bad. You look up at her glowing eyes and black form, seeing the lights of her eyes fade into darkness. ------ Warm. Everything is warm, dark, and pressured. Like something is wrapped along every part of your body and pressing. Not contrastingly, but enough that you can feel it. Your chest burns too, aches. Aches with the rest of your body. You try to breathe, just straining at it and not being able to draw breath in. Oh god. You panic and struggle, soon sucking in air and feeling the pressure and burning go away. “Shhhh… My Sweet.” You pant at Abyss presses her muzzle against your cheek, prompting you to open your eyes. “Nnnh… ow…” You groan, shifting. “Don’t move, you are not fixed yet. I am nowhere near as good at healing as I am at shape shifting.” You look to her and see her wobble slightly, and keep wobbling. Kind of like a puppy that can stand up but has no strength yet. Not only that, but her eyes… seem less bright. Literally. Like they’ve lost their glow. “Abyss?” She just smiles, nuzzling again. “I am fine, my Sweet. Just drained from helping you.” Your brain clicks slightly as you remember what happened, getting you just a little uneasy. “I don’t think I was that bad… was i?” “There was a fair amount of blood on you. I doubt it was because of me.” Again she nuzzles, the kisses you. “I am just glad you are safe.” “How did you even find me?” You groan again, trying to sit up and having Abyss keep you down. “Stay.” She says firmly, relaxing after with a smile. “It IS hard to forget your sent.~ …the same way I knew who was harming you, or part of it.” Your boss… er, ex-boss. Holy shit that’s grim with the context of what happened. You feel a little sick from what you recall, Abyss pushing against you. Looking to her, you see her worried expression and sigh as you lay back down with your eyes closed. “My Sweet?” “Really tired. Sorry. …So uh… about what happened. What you did in specific…” “Didn’t they deserve it?” Abyss asks, sounding sad and defensive. …Well. “I guess, but… couldn’t you just scare them off?” “…You don’t approve?” “It was shocking…” You say before turning slightly and hugging Abyss. “But I’m not upset about being saved. I guess… I’m just in shock. It’s not like it was a completely spur of the moment thing.” “They planned it.” Abyss hums. “Yeah…” You feel dazed still, confused. Wait… dazed still? God your head is a mess. You open your eyes again, looking at Abyss and seeing the same lack of glow as before. Not to mention, the less shadowy aura. “Are you okay, Abyss?” “…Hungry.” She says as she frowns, pushing up completely. “I need to feed, I will be back soon. Rest until then.” You just nod, watching her disappear into the vent as smoke. The room falling to silence, save for your own breathing. Another groan and shift has you on your side and falling asleep, leading back to a comforting darkness. ------ A loud and sharp series of noises wake you, making you look around painfully. “Abyss?” …Nothing. Not even a peep before the noise sounds again. Knocking at the door… You get up with a grunt and hobble over to the door, opening it up. Two men dressed in uniform stand there, looking to you. …Shit. “Hello sir… we would like to ask you some questions.” ------ Everything is starting to happen so fast now. So fast that you don’t even have time to think about it, and it just leaves you with more questions. Not even ten minutes into the conversation with the two officers you were arrested. Half an hour from then you were at a station and in the interrogation room you were in… you think. Maybe it was two hours now that passed? What time is it even? Where is Abyss? The door to the room opens up, another man walking in. Actually, the man who has been interrogating you for the past… time. He wastes no time, opening his mouth before the door closes. “Alright… let’s go over this again. You say you have nothing to do with this brutal murder, even though we found your car with your plates there. As stupid as some cases go, I agree with how impossible it is for one man to do thank kind of damage and that your side of the office story adds up. That still doesn’t explain why you left your car full of groceries next to the place where the man that fired you was killed.” He sighs, crossing his arms and looking at you. “That’s an incredible coincidence on both sides, regardless of who was involved or did what. So, one more time. Why was your car there? Left there?” You sigh, looking down before looking back up. “I… got jumped by some guys, one or two. You even confirmed that I was assaulted from injuries.” You say as you lie through your teeth. “I wasn’t thinking straight and just… got home somehow.” Home thanks to Abyss. Where she cared for you more then anyone else did. “Right… same story…” the investigator says. “Yes. So, can I go now?” “…No.” he says curtly. “Because frankly, I’m not satisfied. Both sides have holes and inconsistencies. And seeing as you are so connected.” “So I did it?” “No.” he says, sighing. “That part… actually can be ruled out. It could have been shock form being fired, but the recordings from that office are clear as day that he was the aggressor. How he is the one as a corpse and not you baffles all of us.” You sigh, relaxing slightly. “But… I do think you were involved. As an accomplice or a witness to something else, and just ran off in confusion, adrenaline, or stupidity.” Fuck. “So what then?” He sighs, looking up. “You don’t even know, do you?” you ask. “No… I do.” He says in a straw grasping manor. “You can stay here under watch until we get a better idea or run out. Stay here, we will find some accommodations.” The man turns, looking to leave before you speak again. “Am I a suspect or a witness?” “Both. If you ask me that is.” He leaves through the metal door, leaving you alone in the very stereotypical interrogation room. Great. This probably won’t end great. Part of you smiles, making you relax. Odds are you won’t be here long though, or alone for long if you are. You just wait and wait, soon enough being taken to another room. It’s not really a cell, not completely, but it’s a room that you are locked into. Almost like a high class solitary cell You move to the bed, just flopping down. Trying your best to process the rushed and jumpy day you’ve had. The months you’ve had in what seemed like an insane fever dream. You just smile, shrugging it all off and not really thinking about it. Either you will be at home or Abyss will be here soon. And HOPEFULLY not smash anything and break you out. ----- Well, Abyss didn’t smash anything and break you out… but all in the wrong way. You perk up at a noise again, stilling up. “Abyss?” ….Nothing. Again. For the fifth time today. You sigh and lay back down, looking over to the book you were given. You read it twice already. Good book! But the mystery goes after the second read. For the past three days you have been here, not really sure how they are able to keep you here. And in all that time? In all that time… you’ve been alone. The investigator or others come but… Nothing. No Abyss. No Abyss and it only made you worry and go stir crazy. At least as much as your aching body could. She could have found you by now. Did something happen? Is she okay? Are you okay? What? You sit up at your own thought line, feeling a lump in your throat and chest. …Are you okay? Is this real? You scoff, shaking your head. How stupid, of course this is real. As real as Abyss is. You lay back down, smiling and closing your eyes for another nap. “Nah, She’ll be here soon enough.” She will be here tomorrow. She will be here tomorrow. She will save you from all this and take you home… She will be here tomorrow. She will be here tomorrow. She will be here today. She will be here today. She will be here today. She will be here tomorrow. She will be here today. She will be here tomorrow. She will be here today… She will be here tomorrow…