>You grunted, wiping your phone screen again. >Fucking rain, shitty ass fucking rain. >It was almost winter and the weather sucked, cold enough for a jacket and just warm enough for ice cold rain instead of snow. >Again, not a single person interested in you, Anonymous. >God knows how many people and animals in the city, and not one person wanted to even talk. >Animals was a little rude, but that’s just your train of thought, work still ringing in your head with the regular shop banter and talk >Years ago, Hybrids arose, animals with human features. >Or was it the other way around… >Fuzzy furry anthropomorphic creatures! Ones that could talk, dress, and do normal things. >Years ago, as in… something or more years ago, way before your generation. >You were a structural fitter, not a historian. >Most just called them by their breed anyways, or their closes animal comparison >But between Humans and the Hybrids, not one of them seemed wanted to try a date even. >Swiping away, you browsed Tinder. >Cute blond… Hot literal Fox… Bitch, there is a difference between thick and fat and you crossed both lines. >Pass… pass… oh… pass. >You growled, shaking your head at the profile of the most recent one. >Will not like if you are a Hayfell ally. >Fucking election…fucking side choosing! >You didn’t care for either side, but you did for the war that the latest election caused. >Hayfell ally! Rivvers ally! LGBT ally! 420 friendly! BLM! Antifa- >You sighed again, smirking briefly at the Hybrid with memes on her profile for BRED >Ironically, that brought your two races closer after a bit, there was still a pending race war for Humans and not for Humans and Hybrids. >Turns out girls like knots and fetishists like barbs, and the Hybrids like smooth man dicks. >Sitting at your bus stop, you huff, the rage and annoyance returning. “Seriously! What the fuck?! Politics are the stupidest thing ever! What happened to leaving people to their peace and not bandwagoning on everything before you disown your family for preference or disagreement?! I don’t give a fuck about your sexual preference, identity, or god damn thoughts on the election! Just shut up and die quietly like the rest of us!” >You sigh, jumping slightly by a snicker. >You look to the left, seeing a cat Hybrid sitting on the same bench, her black hoodie over her head as a backpack sits in front of her. >Her smile and blue eyes both catch your attention, almost as much as the oddly cute pink nose. >”Wow…” >You grunt or sigh, you aren’t sure as you look away. “Sorry.” >”Something bothering you? “No.” >Good going. >”Sure sounds like something is. Come on…” >You sigh again, throwing a hand up. “It’s the stupid fucking election and every war where you either need to be for something or against it! And god forbid, if you say something negative or against them, you are an enemy of the state to some people! Like you literally committed a murder! Really people? We are that caught up in this? We-“ >You are not sure exactly what you go on about in your rant, but when you look to the feline girl, she still smiles. >You huff at the end of it, hearing an engine sound. >”Better?” “Yeah… kinda…” >You look up seeing the bus pull away. “…Was that 32nd and main?” >”Yes?” >There goes that episode. “Fuck.” >She snickers again, giving a hum. >”Well, we can talk more if anything.” >You look to her, confused at her. “Seriously? After that?” >She nods, still smiling. >”You’re entertaining when you are mad.” “I’m not mad, I’m expressively frustrated. …specifically, at the world.” >This time it’s a laugh, a nod following. >”Funny too.” “How is that funny?” >The two of you just talk, somewhere between banter and debating, you can’t tell. >What you can tell is that her name is Lilly, that she might be a snow or cloud leopard from your best guess, and that she is honestly entertained by you. >That last part gets you, it makes no sense, your last girlfriend thought you were way too mad and in need of anger management. >Lilly just smiles, the two of you making the hour wait for the next bus pass quickly. >Buses come and go as you two just talk about… anything, almost anything being up for grabs. >You watch as the bus before yours pulls away, seeing what could be your bus turning about two blocks away as you give a shiver. >The talking did nothing for the cold or rain, but it only caught up with you now. >”Come on, why not? “Just because… okay? You can taste the difference between baked and grilled.” >Lilly shrugs, nodding. >”Got me there…” “Why are you still here anyways? We’ve gone through every bus by now, don’t you need to be somewhere? Home?” >The girl cat actually looks a little irked or hurt by the comment, making you feel a bit bad. >”Ehh… I’m between homes right now.” >WOW. Good going jackass! “Homeless? Oh. Er….” >”Urban camping. Makes it more fun. That one’s yours, I think.” >You pull out your phone again, just looking at the screen to keep your eyes away from her. >She gets to stay here and you get to go home, lovely, how can you not feel like a piece of shit. >”Something wrong?” >Anon… I know what you are thinking. Stop. “No, not at all.” >It’s sad and you are in a half decent place, but she clearly has a plan of sorts. >Or she’s hiding it behind that smile… >FUCK. “Just checking my bank account.” >Yeah, for the dent that the white knight armor you are buying made in it. >You sigh again, looking to her. “Hey… you… want a place to crash? >She honestly looks surprised, parts of her hood poking up from what you can guess being her ears standing up. >She smiles, gripping her backpack tighter as she smiles. ------------- >It’s not long before you get to your apartment, going up the stairs and unlocking the door. >The warmth is subtle, you taking your jacket off as Lilly follows you. >Your place is heated, but not too warm, a blanket or sweater usually being your soloution. >”Thank you again.” “Yeah… it’s nothing.” >You look back at her, seeing her pull her wet hoodie off. >Not only do you see the short tail, giving away she’s a lynx and not a leopard, but that she has more then her fair share of grime and dirt on her. “Shower’s got hot water.” >Lilly smiles, giving a shiver as she fixes her shirt. >She’s soaked to the fur and dirty, only making you wonder how long she was without a place to stay even more. >She had a phone, and paid for service, but it had to be a day or three. >”God, you are the best!” >She rips her shoes off as you undo your boots, moving room to room and going into the bathroom. >Your apartment is not high class, but not low either. Enough for a few people to come over for a party. >”Ohhhh.~” >Your thoughts are shaken from what sounds to be the most sexual sound of satisfaction you have heard in a long time, the water in the bathroom running. “Right…” >You do your getting home routine, changing into something dry and warm. >You had come home once already and showered before going out after work, looking around for computer parts. >Almost instantly you hear the water shut off, hearing movement. >”Anon?” >You move and look, seeing Lilly poke her head out of the bathroom, her off-white hair still wet. >”Um… towel? Please? My backpack too?” >You nod, getting a towel from the closet and her bag. >You swear you catch a glimpse of boob when she opens the door to get her bag. >Damnit Anon, stop. She’s in a rough spot. >”Thanks.” “Yeah… give me your clothes, I’ll give them a wash.” >Again, you see her smile. >She gives you her clothes and you toss them into the washer you have, moving to get some food made. >Can’t go wrong with soup. >It’s not long before you bring the canned food to a hot temperature, hearing movement. >The female Lynx already looks better, her fur seeming brighter and more lively >”That smells good!” “Yeah… have a seat and give me a second.” >She goes and sits down, sighing. >You set the both of you up and turn on the TV, just watching who’s line is it anyway as you both eat. >Lilly finishes way before you, sighing happily as she sits in her shirt and sweat pants. >”Thank you soooo much.” “It’s nothing…” >Check. Your. Bank. A-ccount. “Go ahead and use my bed, it’s roomier.” >”Really?” “Yeah… I get up at 5 anyways, I’d wake you.” >You look to her when you hear a purr, seeing that same smile. >”Thank you…” >You just nod, the two of you having a laugh or just talking slightly. >Lilly turns in shortly after, your clock reading 11 at night. >You sigh, laying on the couch yourself and looking at the ceiling. “…Fuck.” ---------- >Your alarm goes off, signalling you to try and remember how to live for the day. >As you roll over in your bed, you end up crashing to the ground, quite literally head first. “Ow!” >You groan, shifting and pushing yourself up. >Catching up with the world, you remember where you are. >You fell asleep on the couch doing… sleep. >Oh… there’s that other game controller. >Your place was… organized chaos. You cleaned, but you slacked off at times. >Work is hard, the dishes can wait for a proper cleaning. >The same goes with fixing the mess of cables and odd wrapper and pop can. >Sighing, you sit up and grab your phone, silencing it and looking at the time. >5:30. >… “Oh, for-“ ---------- “-Fuck sakes…” >You look at the pass of weld you put down, seeing you went way off. >Today was not the day for you to take over for a sick welder >You are completely distracted today, and it’s your own fault. >There is a stranger in your house, that you forgot about, and she has access to everything. >Spare cash, electronics, food… >You doubted that Lilly would just do that, but you also knew hubris was a bitch. >If sighs were currency, you’d be rich. >You jump as a sharp pain hits your ass, a laugh sounding. >”Hey kiddo.~ what’s up?” >You sigh, annoyed at your co-worker’s pinching. “Nothing.” >”Aww, come on, Daddy is here to make you smile.~” >You smirk, shaking your head. “For fuck sakes you freak, it’s bad enough that you are the same age as him!” >Nick laughs, looking at you. >”Come on, what’s wrong, kid? You’re usually yelling or smiling.” “Just garbage on my mind, might go home to find my shit stolen.” >”Oh.” “Yeah… might be alright though. or I might just crack finally.” >”Well, just call if you need help, alright? And smile.” “Yeah.” >You flick your helmet down, putting the last pass across and stopping half way. >You look at the now areo bar mimic of a weld, huffing and looking at your shielding gas. >The gage is turned off, Nick smiling around the corner. “COCK SUCKER!” >He does the best impression of the green goblin, running away as you charge for the grinder. >Ass, making more work for you. ----------- >You sigh, unlocking the door to your home again. “Lilly?” >… >Oh… she did not. >You step around the corner, stunned. >The place is… cleaned? >Dishes, garbage, carpet... everything is tidy or fixed up. >You take a breath, in awe at the smell of pinesol. >She cleaned your apartment, the whole thing! >You hear a click behind you, turning to see the Lynx walk in. >She smiles, giving a hum. >”For someone who is… “Expressively frustrated.” That’s quite the different expression.” “You cleaned my place?” >”Yeah? I mean you did give me a place to rest. Why?” >You sigh, hating yourself for thinking the worst. “Nothing.” >She smirks, following you as you move. >”You thought I jacked your shit, didn’t you?” “No.” >Yes. “Maybe. Where did you go?” >”Oh. Job hunting.” >You look back at Lilly, surprised “Really?” >She smiles again, nodding. >”Yeah. I mean…” >It’s finally someone else’s turn to sigh, Lilly still smiling after. >”Kinda being forward, can I stay? I’m screwed right now, but I’m already starting to work on it. You can kick me out once I’m on my feet.” >You grunt slightly, a little hurt at that last line. “I know I’m mean, and an ass, but that’s a little harsh.” >”Sorry, I’m just trying to not push my luck. You we’re quite the gentleman to help me.” >… >Anon “Yeah… you can. And thanks.” >Your transaction had been logged. >You sigh, looking to her again and seeing her huge grin. “Give me a bit, I need to shower.” >Lilly nods, turning. >”Thank you, Anon! I’ll cook something.” >You smile, giving a nod and getting a towel. >You strip and wrap it around you, going to the shower. >Giving a groan, you enjoy the heat on your back, getting your thoughts in order. >You’re now taking in a roommate. >A female lynx roommate. >A cute one. >Focus… this is a mixed bag. >More money… help with the place… only a bit at worst… could still go bad… >Getting out and drying off, you walk out to see Lilly pacing, Hands to the side of her head. >”No, no! Things are fine! Kind of busy with cooking right now.” “Who’s that?” >She jumps, smiling. >”Sorry mom. Mother.” >You watch as she keeps moving, fur standing up. >”Yeah, yeah. A friend. No, I have my own place still! Just a hiccup in jobs.” >Oh, phantom of the opera, how ugly the truth is under that mask. >Lilly looks at you, looking worried. >Fuck you and your life. “Is everything okay? I can come back at another time.” >”Yeah, she’s just calling to check up on me. Mom? I got to go, sorry, food is burning and guests are here. Love you too.” >Lilly hangs up her phone, sighing. >”Can I smoke in here?” >You smirk, nodding. “By the window.” >You move to the kitchen, seeing what is being made as the Lynx moves to the window. >…when did you get a Gorge Foreman? >You open up the grill and get out the two sandwiches in the machine, setting them on plates and moving to the couch. >When you put the plates down you look up at Lilly, smelling the air. “What… That’s not a fucking cigarette!” >Lilly freezes, looking guilty. >”Half of it is? Sorry… my mother stresses me out.” >You huff, biting your lip. >Not that you really care, you’ve done worse. >”…Wanna puff?” >Afro man save you. >You reach out, passing the sandwich as you take a drag from the joint. >Hold and exhale… “This better not be laced.” >”No, I just have a bit mixed with Tabaco. Just a light buzz.” >You take a bite of your food passing the joint back. “So… want to explain?” >Lilly nods, turning and beginning her story. >”…my business loving and workaholic mother wanted me to go to school for business and get into the same life as her... And I don’t like the tight skirt, clip board and pen lifestyle. She’s on me a lot, mostly because I said no to my paid for schooling...” “So, you moved away?” >”Yeah… went out with a friend to co-rent and she bailed when she hooked up with some boxer. I was good until I got replaced, paycheck to paycheck was not too bad.” >She sighs, looking up. >”I just don’t want to go back there. I don’t hate her, I love her… but I don’t want to have my mother be my second boss. She agreed to letting me go on my own, but if she found out I can’t keep my head above water…” “…Wow… what Anime did you rip off?” >Lilly laughs, smacking her face as you take the joint from her. >”A shitty one without robots or ninjas, should have done the devil is a part-timer instead.” >You take another puff, Lilly looking to you. >”Thanks for trying to help cover, and sorry I played off your place as mine.” >You just shrug, passing the joint back. “How can you be so mellow about being homeless, but freak about and smoke from one call?” >”Because it means I have a chance to avoid her? How come you aren’t all pissed at me for this?” >…You actually don’t know, why are you? You would actually get a little worked up at this. >”Oh! Yeah! Also!” >Lilly gets up, going into your room and bringing out a guitar. >”You play? I found this.” “You cleaned my room too?! Fucking ground zero?” >”Who cares? Do you play? I Play!” >You grumble, nodding. “I did, high school dream band gone wrong. Guitar isn’t even mine.” >She pokes you with it, smiling. >”Play.” >You sigh, shaking your head. “No.” >”Play!” “I’m tired.” >”Play!” >You huff, looking at her. >Fucking blue eyes and pink nose. Fucking cute fuck. Fuck. >You groan, sighing again as you tune the guitar. >What to play… you’d be shot if you even gave mention of some of the songs you know. >Damn you Chad Kroeger. >You’re already strumming when you catch up with the world, having gone through the first lyrics. >You give in to what you are already playing, tapping your foot to the beat. “Hardly ever saw grand daddy down here… he only come down about twice a year.” >You can feel a smile on your face, getting into it. >Glancing to Lilly every so often, you can see her smiling widely, the lynx hiving her full attention. “Well the D.E.A.’s got a chopper in the air. I wake up screaming like I’m back over there. I learned a thing or two from ol' Charlie don't you know? You better stay away from Copperhead Road!” >You finish with a good strum, still smiling. >Lilly purrs, smiling back. >”You know… you look better when you smile. Grinch.” >You huff as she laughs, going from grumpy back to happy. >”My turn!” >She takes the guitar, playing a slower song. >Her voice is soft… gentle… making you smile. “I could be sleeping, I could be dead, oh. I could feel regretful, I'll be grateful instead, I could. Crawl up a mountain, or run on the spot, I could. Hate what I have instead of loving what I got, oh. I could be everyone or no one at all, it's. Clear now, it's always been my call.~” >You sigh again, happily this time. >Something is… relaxing you… >Lilly finishes the song, the two of you just looking and smiling at each other. >”So…who’s line is it anyway?” “Fuck, yes.” ------------ “Mhh. Damn cold.” >Another day, another pain in the ass. >The temperature drop did not help either, now it was getting colder and you hated it. >… are you the issue? >Nah. Life is. >And the jackasses who bother you at work, bless them. >Again you could not help but be distracted by Lilly and the situation you are in. >Or worse, that you can’t even give more then an “ehh” at it, you would be livid for this to happen any other time. >You are going full on whiteknight with a homeless stoner, one who could go either way, own up or steal everything! >Better yet, one that could be just a liar running from life. >…That’s not fair though, she is pretty good from what you could tell. >Then again, are you so bad for just watching your back? >Fuck, good thing you are not a wizard of any kind, you would be a battlemage now if so. >You sigh, opening the door and stepping inside and humming as you click and notice it’s not locked. “Lilly?” >”Here!” >You peek in after you close the door, seeing her wrapped up on the couch. >”It’s colder then usual” >You nod, looking around and reaching down to the vent. >Not even a breeze. “Furnace is out? Stupid place.” >”Oh? That explains it. How was today?” “Ehh… good. You?” >She smiles as you rip off your work sweater, nodding. >”I have something to show you.” >She burr’s as she gets up, going to your room. >You hear a knock, turning and opening the door. >”Hey Anonamus. Dirty as usual?” >You look to your hands, seeing the black grime. >Tyrone was back in town. >You smile at your ethnicity joke, looking to the landlord. ”Yeah, I just got in.” >“I know, I was waiting. Can I get your rent early?” >You sigh, feeling your teeth tighten up. >”Look, I’m sorry! I know you don’t like it, but the furnace for the entire place just went to bust, I’m asking everyone that I know can spare it. You never asked for extra days. We’ve had our disagreements and such, but I will do good by you and give you a month free. This is worth it. The heating bill will be less for everyone, you will get 50$ off like everyone else after this” >Your financial advisor is concerned for your recent account status. “Show me first.” >You call out to Lilly, saying you will be back, getting back in half an hour. >Fucker did not lie, thing was broke good. >You gave him the money, watching if we was smiling and warming his hands. >Getting back in, you shiver, feeling like you were outside. >Lilly slides out, smiling and dressed up. >Black pants, uniform looking, white polo shirt… “A uniform?” >”Told you I’d get a job.~ The bakery around the corner hired me on the spot, they need then help because people are wanting to leave.” >You give a smile, looking over her. >She’s extra cute with the uniform on, that winning smile making it. >She giggles, looking at you still. >”So you like it then?” >Yes. “It’s pretty good.” >She smiles, crossing her arms. >”Pretty good?” “Very good. Happy?” >She nods, turning. >”Food’s ready!” >You nod, going to your room and getting undressed. >A shower and clean change of clothes later, you sit down, grabbing a beer. >Lilly is having another smoke, changed and hogging a blanket. >The baker likes to bake. >Ha. >Taking a bite, you look to the TV and feel the couch move, turning to Lilly. >She tosses the blanket over your legs, sharing it with you. >She then grins, offering you the joint. “Where did you even have these?” >”In my bag. Got to have a little fun and celebrate me getting a job.~ Besides, not like I have drinks like you.” “Rum and coke in the fridge.” >”That’s yours.” >Don’t. >You take the joint, nodding to the kitchen. “You got a job, pay it back when you get paid.” >Dumbass. >Lilly starts to purr, leaping up and going to the kitchen. >It’s not long before she gets back, the two of you keeping warm, smoking and drinking. >College life all over again. >”So… just you?” “Just me.” >”Why?” >You sigh, shrugging “Girlfriend leaving aside? Friends made choices I did not agree with or just started to fight and push each other away. I wanted out of it.” >”Politics?” “a little, mostly it was just drama that became too much and caused fighting. That, and the one guy who could not stop getting high. Not even mellow high, like you, I’m talking wake and bake. Fucker wanted to dive to the movies high and couldn’t even figure out to turn his high beams off.” >”Okay yeah… that’s not too smart.” >You look to her, smirking. >”Come on. I like to have fun, but I’m sensible and responsible.” “Fair enough.” >You return to the TV, not even knowing what you are watching. >”Think she is the murderer?” “…maybe?” >”…you have no idea what this is, do you?” “Not even a clue!” >Lilly laughs, explaining the show as you both drink. >Drink, drink, drink, drank, drunk, dronk. >Hours passed, the two of you just relaxing and watching TV as you talked, feeling warmer over time. >You look down after setting your empty bottle, the episode ending, seeing your furry friend. >Lilly is sleeping right against you, the tiniest snore being heard from her. >This fucking girl… making you smile. >You can hear a distant metal clinking. >Anonymous! Thou would not dare leave a lady to the cold and discomfort of not sleeping in a bed, would you? >You are too tired for this shit. >…she cute tho. >Dawn your armor! The time is now! >Carefully, you shift and pick Lilly up, smiling as you carry her. >You move to your room, tucking her into your bed and trying to not wake her. >Lilly curls up, balling up with a sleeping smile. >Sleep gently m’lady >… >You are fucking HAMMERED harder then Jesus to the cross. >… He was nailed >Fuck, you are going to hate this hangover. -------- >It was a week since you let Lilly into your home… and you have no regrets. >She cooked the odd time, you both cleaned, she made you smile. >You sighed as you sipped away at your drink, feeling a buzz. >Lilly was not home yet, today was a late day for her. >Soon though… soon. >”Anon!” “Here, Lil.” >You just got used to calling her that. >The both of you got rather comfortable, close even. >You kind of had to, the heat was still an issue until the proper heater came in for the building. >You got a cheep one for the place for now. >She waves and goes into your room, coming back out after. “I already ate, hungry?” >”Nah, I snacked on leftovers from work.” >She stretches, shivering and groaning. >You could see her nipples poking against her shirt, letting your imagination wander for a moment at the idea of her not wearing a bra. >She was attractive, no denying that, it was hard not to notice the features of the girl that lived with you. >Yeah… maybe you are a little perverted. >She moves to you, getting under the blanket and getting cozy next to you. “Really?” >”It’s cold…” >You smile, nodding and taking another drink as you both get into your nightly routine. >Some times you would play guitar, sometimes you would just drink and talk… tonight was TV. >This made you happy, even the guys at work took notice at your change in mood. >Things were just nice. >Now she’s purring… again. >You can’t help but smile. >The two of you laugh, the comedic show being just as amusing as ever. >You can feel something along your arms, distracting you. >Lilly’s hands have creeped up your sleeves a little, as if she is trying to get warmer >Shifting, you put an arm around her, enjoying her fuzzy warmth. >”Hmmm.” >Aww, look at you, cuddlein’~ >The booze did this… maybe. >It was too nice to not enjoy, the warmth and feeling just making you happy. >the purring only gets louder, Lilly nuzzling you a little by your collarbone. >You hum back, not caring for the show as much as you feel her move. >A cool nose hits your jaw, making you relax and sigh. >You press back gently, closing your eyes. >The purring, the nuzzling, the warmth, the nose, the lips. >Your eyes shoot open, you and Lilly kissing. >Her eyes are closed, her purring not stopping. >It’s… sweet. >Fuck. You’re hammered again. >You relax, drifting back slightly as your eyelids fall, Lilly keeping them open when she breaks the kiss. >That blue eyes half lidded look only lasts a moment before she goes back to your mouth, the two of you making out. >There is no sign of discomfort from her as you feel her back, Lilly moving up under the blanket. >She feels you back, hands on your arms and shoulders, your sleeves pushed up. >Making a move you go lower, going to her hips and back up to her shirt line. >The kiss gets broken as Lilly sits up and peals off her shirt, exposing her fluffy chest and breasts. >No bra, just like you thought. >The kissing resumes as she goes under your shirt with her hands, lifting it up. >You can feel her nipples against you, the feminine feline giving a low hum >You can also feel a tightness in your pants, the whole thing being extra arousing for some reason. >This was hot on you… really hot. >Shirt off, you look up to the Lynx that is straddling you, seeing her smile falter. >”Anon? no easy way to ask but …do you have anything?” >MISSION FAILED… we’ll get em next time. >You sigh, frowning. “No… I could.” >”No! I mean… transmittable… stuff.” “Oh… OH! No, no I don’t.” >She sighs, smiling. >”Good.~ sorry… I had to ask. It was a mood killer.” >Well… yeah. >”But… I think you were right about…” >She grabs your hands, putting them to her breasts. >”Here.~” >This girl! >You grin, giving a squeeze and getting a moan as a reward. >Lilly is clearly into it, arching her back, her thumbs pulling the front of her sweatpants down. >”Anon.~” >You let go of her, moving down and pulling on her pants too. >No panties either. >Your pants are next and it’s not long before your boxer-briefs follow >Lilly gasps, smiling at your length. >She gets it wet by grinding against it, grinning lustfully at you. >”Please?” “Bare?” >She nods, smiling. >”Let me worry about that.~” >…Fuck it. >Hands on her hips, you shift, getting her lined up. >Lilly moans as you impale her, arching herself again. >Soon you both start moving, the simple sex being just heavenly. >Kissing, thrusting, moaning, groaning… >You kiss Lilly’s breasts when she leans down, her tuft on your face as you fuck her. >”Ah-ah-aa-a-a-ha!~” >She shakes and shivers, moaning in climax. >”D-don’t stop!” >Don’t plan on it. >You keep thrusting, hearing more moans as a reward. “Lil…” >”Do it.~” >She presses down as you cum, tightly gripping your wrists as you hold her hips still. >The both of you pant, Lilly gently moving and laying on you as you cuddle her. >You drift to sleep from the purring, a smile on your face. -------- >Gently, you open your eyes. >Pleasant as always hangover… >You shift to check the time, only to be stopped by the weight on you. >Looking down, you inhale a little sharply. “Oh…” >Lilly is sleeping on you. >Naked. >Right, you both had sex… >You just stare for a moment, taking in the sleeping Lynx. >This is… hmm… >The beeping of your phone redirects your train of thought, prompting you to silence the alarm. >Thank fuck you left that on the table. >Wincing, you look to Lilly. >You can easily see her, and can easily take bets on her not naturally waking up in time for you to need to go. >There is no way out of this without waking her if you want to get to work on time. >…Or >You find Nick on you Contacts, getting an answer right away. >”Hey kiddo.~ you good? You never call this early.” >You sigh, whispering. “Yeah, about that. can you pass word that I will be late? We both know the office does nothing to check voicemail” >”Aww, why? Wanna stay for your sleepover breakfast?” he whispers back, mockingly. >You growl, looking down. “Remember James? The… “Doctors appointment”?” >”Yeah?” “…I have a doctors appointment.” >”Holy shit! You got your boyfriend over?!” >You sigh as he laughs, speaking again. >”Don’t worry kid, tell me about it later. You two gay lovers get back to cuddling, holding hands, kissing, saying how much you wuv-“ >You hang up, shaking your head and looking back to Lilly. >This should be interesting. >You wait and just rest your eyes, being happily warm. >A little hot too, the heat is on again. >Soon enough, Lilly moves, groaning. >She pushes up, giving some space between you and letting you see her a bit more. >Her breasts are a good size, a solid average but grabbable. >Her eyes open, a small blush on her face as she sees you and smiles. >”Anon.~” >You are locked in a kiss by her, sighing and relaxing. >You hesitate when your tongue feels her teeth, the sharp points surprising you. >She could really fuck you up if she wanted to. >Lilly gasps and pulls back, looking concerned. >”Shouldn’t you be at work by now?” “Yeah… I called in to pass word that I would be late.” >Lilly smiles, purring and nuzzling you. >”That’s sweet.” >She looks up, smiling back down. >”I need to get ready myself…” “Yeah, you first. Go ahead.” >You get a quick peck as she gets up, walking naked to the bathroom as you watch her go. >Short cute tail… like a bunny almost. >You had looked at all kinds of porn, anything went with you at this point. >Traps are very much not gay. >Anthros were very hot on you, damn BRED memes. >A smile forms as you also get a sight of her legs, the fur on her thighs messy and matted >… >You are going to be distracted today. --------- >You run inside, going to the time clock and looking for your card. >Three hours late, not too bad, where- >”AH-HAHAHAHA Tickle fight!” >Jesus Herbert Walker Christ. >Your arms clamp down as the older man goes for your sides, tempting to try and make you laugh “Fuck off!” >” TickleTickleTickle!~ >You turn and shove him away, Nick smiling. >He bends over, hands on his knees as he laughs. >”OH shit kid… you are the best to have fun with.” >He looks to you, smiling. >”So? How was the sex?” >You smile, nodding. “Good… from what I remember.” >”Aww, you didn’t pick up some tramp did you? You can brow my cream if you did.” >You glare at the man, smiling and shaking your head. “No… that room mate? She-“ >”OH! You’re an animal fucker! Always knew you were into bestiality!” >This fucking guy… ---------- >You groan, stepping up the stairs with a little limp. >Fuck you god for making ice. >At least it was the weekend. >A weekend with… >You paused, stopping at a turn. >This wasn’t bad… just confusing. >Lilly and you were good-ish friends at this point… but… >Well, you both hit all bases in one night with no warning. There was nothing before this! >Sure, Lilly got close and fell asleep on you the odd time, but it was not in a flirting way. >Thank fuck you were not an idiot >It was still on your mind though… she let you cum in her, half asked for you to. >James was full of shit, she was not trying to take advantage of you or get money from you. >Right? >It was just so out of the blue. >You continued up, getting to your door and going inside. >unlocked… that means. “Lil-oof!” >You recoil a bit as Lilly runs into you, gasping and smiling. >”Anon! here.” >She gives you some money, smiling brightly. >”Like I said I would!” >You look to the cash, feeling confused until you put aside your thoughts. “Oh.” >”Yep! Come on!” >You get inside, seeing her frown and look over you. >”You okay?” “Yeah… I slipped.” >You sigh, looking to her. “So…” >”So?~” >This is why you quit friends… social landmines. “Last night then… huh?” >Lilly pauses, blushing and giving an awkward smile. >STOP BEING CUTE. >”Yeah… you’re a really good kisser. And uhh…” >She gives a laugh, smiling still >”You’re thinking about it too?” “Yeah, I mean, why?!” >You huff, looking up. “That was out of nowhere! The kiss aside because I can’t tell who did it first, we did that out of nowhere!” >”Was it bad?” >”No… just sudden! Confusing now!” >She just smiles, moving to you and giving you a hug and nuzzle. >That nose cools you right down, Lilly giggling. >”Relax~. I liked it too” “How are you so okay with this? Just, how? Even more so with how I react…” >You are surprised with a peck, looking at her and seeing her smile. >”Because I know that you’re just a grump who reacts in an expressive way, and not mad about this. You’re a sweetheart, Anon. it’s why I like you.” “How am I a sweetheart?” >”Who takes the time to tuck a girl in?” >Clink, clink, clink. “Lil…” >She giggles again, smiling and nuzzling still. >”Anon, did you like it?” “Yes, but- >”So we both liked it.” “Lilly.” >She hugs you tightly, pulling back and smiling. >”Sometimes things just happen, and they work out. Relax, Anon. Let your new girlfriend make you some food and get you to relax, you’ve had a long day.” “Ye-Girlfriend?” >You look at her, stunned. “Girlfriend?” >”You’re too sweet to just kick me out after that.~ besides, the sexual tension between us now would make it so we can’t just be friends. …or that’s how the anime I’m ripping off goes.” >You scoff, smiling. “Seriously?” >”Maybe~” >You grab her by the arm as she pulls away, seeing the surprise on her face. “Lilly, seriously?” >”…Do you not want to?” “No, just… I don’t even know…” >”You get to sleep next to me.~” >You sigh, nodding. “Hard price to beat…” >You are so fucked… and in the good way. >You stripped, showered, and sat down after dressing. Getting some food into you and relaxing. >Lilly was right on top of you as soon as you finished eating, laying on you slightly and purring. >Nuzzles, cuddles… All was good. >Some drinks, some laughs, and some warm cuddling later, you yawn. >Lilly smiles, grabbing your hand and pulling you. >”Come.” >You get up and are led to your room, Lilly pushing you to the bed and smiling as she turns. >When you undress slightly, you see her doing the same… and more >The lynx purrs as she catches you ogling her bare ass, her breasts exposed as she moves to you and crawls into bed with you. “Lil?” >”It’s warmer like this.~” >She hugs your body and lays her head on your chest, purring. >You smile again, hugging her back and feeling too lazy and tired to get fully naked like her. >A pause comes across your mind, making you frown. >She’s… not taking advantage of you… right? >… >You look down to the purring Lynx, smiling. >No… she’s not. ---------- “mmmh.” >You open your eyes, breaking out into a smile. >Lilly must be awake, her intoxicating purring overtaking you. “Lil…” >She turns and looks up, smiling at you and moving. >You both kiss, the Lynx straddling and laying on you after. >”Mmmmmmh~” “Sleep well?” >”Very.~ you’re nice and warm.” “You’re not hot with all that fur?” >She smiles, shaking her head. >”No. It keeps the cold and heat out, even through I trim it down, it’s a lot nicer then you think.” “Trim?” >Lilly giggles, sitting up on you and nodding. >She feels the thicker area of fur on her chest, the tuft between her breasts going down to her upper midriff. >”Never been with someone like me before?” “I’ve tried to… hard to get a first date going at times.” >She nods, looking to her body. >”Some trim, others shave, others just brush… it’s a style and cleanliness thing. Maybe I should grow it out again…” “Is fur that bad? To keep clean?” >She sighs, nodding. “I have thicker fur then most, so yeah. Talked about this with my human friend, everything just sticks. Take a piece of gum and just get it stuck in your hair, arm or head, it’s like that. I spent most of my shower just cleaning you up.” >You give her a look at the comment, seeing a sultry smile. >”Not that I did mind.~” “You…” >You shake your head with a smile >”Sorry.~ dirty talk is fun. You’ll hate me in heat.” “…What is that like anyways?” >Lilly hums, biting her lip slightly in thought >”Kind of a mix, like an itch you can’t scratch and a song stuck in your head. It’s always on your mind, you can really feel it, and you are just driven to get rid of it. That last one is like seeing your favorite ice-cream, knowing you have enough money to buy it, but that’s your bus fare and you need to spend an hour walking home.” >You laugh, hearing Lilly join in. >”Yeah…. That one was silly.” “You are such a stoner, Jesus, Lil.” >”I am not, Grinch!” >You growl at her, seeing her smile before she puts her hands on your shoulders and keeps you down, moving in to kiss you. >The two of you make out, stopping after a little. >”Food?” “Yeah… I’ll do it this time.” >Lilly gives you a peck, getting up and grabbing only a shirt and pants. >One you are both dressed, you get to work, cooking up eggs and sausage. >Yeah, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s sudden, but it’s the best change in a while. >Lilly has given you no hard reason to doubt her. She did get a job, never did take your things and run, and owned up for money she owed you. >She even got you playing guitar again, something you dropped for years now. >Sure… the lie she is keeping up is bad, but that’s to her mother. >Not much of a lie now though… she does have a place to live. >You look over at your pink nosed girlfriend. >Girlfriend… >Clink… clink… clink… “Hey, Lil?” >“Yep?” ”Wanna go out today? Movies? Food?” >She looks to you, smiling. >”A date?” “Yep, if you wanna.” >You finish getting the food ready and bring the plates to the couch, giving Lilly one. “I do owe you as much.” >”For what?” “I just do.” >You almost choke by the sudden hug, Lilly smiling at you as you pull the fork from your mouth. >”Shopping? I need clothes.” “Sure thing.” ----------- >Damn this girl… >You ran into one of your coworkers at the local mall and now you won’t hear the end of it at work. >Lilly only made it worse by clinging right to you and holding your hand >Ehh, you’ll just tack all their tools to the table. >And… the warm fuzzy feeling you got was… >Alright, it was fucking incredible. You felt like you did with your high school sweetheart. >Part of you missed this. >”Anon?” >You are shaken from your thoughts by Lilly, a concerned expression on her face. “Hmm? Sorry.” >”Things okay? You seemed off there.” “Ehh… relationship stuff. Not you, past ones.” >Lilly nuzzles you, an elderly pair of anthro’s looking your way. >The lady covers her mouth, the man just grinning. >”We can talk about it if you like. That usually helps you, and we haven’t really gone into detail about that stuff.” “Later, at home. …Lil?” >”Mmmhmmm?” “Why are others so… drawn by you nuzzling me? I actually don’t know.” >Lilly perks up, ears going back as she blushes with a smile. >”I’ll let you later… it’s a relationship thing.” “…Riiight… clothes then?” >”Movies first? I’ll pay for the food if you get the tickets.” >Says you kittycat, that privilege is yours. “Come on. And no, I’m paying.” ----------- >”Oh… that was a bad idea.” “I can tell.” >You helped Lilly move to the door, caring the things she bought. >She could eat when she wants to, and she ate way too much, more then you would. >You get in and kick your runners off, bringing Lilly to the couch and her stuff to your room. >”Anon… Anooooooon…” >You sigh, moving out with a smile. >She’s all curled up, blue eyes sparkling as she looks at you and purrs. >Her arms are outstretched to you, her coat discarded on the floor. >This Is The Big One, Elisabeth! >You move to her, getting the covers aside and playing mattress to the Lynx. >More nuzzles, Lilly humming. “Alright. Out with it, why do you do that so often now?” >Another blush and smile, Lilly looking embarrassed. >”It’s… a way of marking a lover. Letting others know to stay away, because I get my scent on you.” “Huh. Actually?” >She nods. >”It a nice way of saying: “fuck off he’s mine. Be belongs to me.” and that sounds super crazy to some people. It’s natural for us, it’s like a very loving kiss.” >Oh. >”So, things okay?” “Oh, yeah. I just thought about my other relationships, more so my first one. I was looking for a new one when I met you, but this kind of feels more like the first then my other attempts.” >”Good ending or bad ending?” “Bad. The second one was alright, but the last two were over before anything.” >“Four then? I just had three.” “How were they for you?” >“Okay. First one was just silly puppy love, literally. The huskie I was with was just sweet and nice. Second was bad, jerk was actually possessive. Third was nothing special, we went our separate ways when we both agreed we were better friends. I still talk to him a lot, but there is nothing there. We are just good friends.” “Oh?” >She smiles. >”He’s my “provider”.” >You roll your eyes, snickering. “Of course.” >”Shut up!” >You give her a kiss, pulling her tightly. >”More TV?” “Sure.” >The two of you just cuddled and talked the rest of the night away, doing like you usually do before falling asleep at some point ----------- “Ohhhh~ yeah.” >You stretched, grabbing your bags and hopping off the bus. “Night, Tom.” >”See you around, Anonymous.” >You nodded to the bus driver, a smile on your face. >Fuck work, fuck that church and its trusses, fuck the world! You earned this vacation time. >Sure, it meant only a little extra time with Lilly, but it would be great. >With her hours she might as well be on vacation, she was always home before you and only not home before you one day a week. >It was high time to be extra sweet on her, chocolates and flowers. >Classy, simple, and all the desired effect to show… affection. >You sigh at yourself and shake your head. “Wuss.” >It was a good time to do this regardless, it’s been a month now and not a single thing went bad. >Up the stairs, to the door, annnd!~ “Lilly! …Lil?” >You set the stuff down and get your things off, thankfully today was almost doing nothing in the shop. “Lil?” >You grab the gifts and poke around the corner, seeing nothing. >Odd… >You look into your bedroom, seeing it is empty too. >The TV is on… >”Anon?” >You jump slightly, seeing Lilly peeking out of the bathroom and open the door a bit. “Hey. I got you something… are you alright?” >She looks worn, irritated and distressed slightly, but none of those things at the same time. “Lilly?” >She perks up, smiling as she grabs and looks at the gifts. >”Flowers…chocolates? Anon.~” >She drops them and lunges at you, kissing you. >Nope, something us up. “Mh! Mmmmh.~” >She is being surprisingly intense, the kiss lasting a long time before she breaks it with hesitation. “Things okay? You didn’t look too good there.” >She gives you a look like you have never seen, something… >”I’m better now.~” >Another kiss, this one being more aggressive. “Mhh. Mh-Lil. Are you okay?” >She huffs, getting the same look before she perked up. >”Anon… I’m in heat. It’s bad, I’ve never had it this bad.” >Oh no… >Oh YES! >…oh fuck. >You give her a smile, nodding. “Well then, good news. I’m on vacation now, and it’s the weekend.” >Lilly grins, eyeing you. >Very bad idea, Anonymous. >Your girlfriend pulls her shirt off, her tuft grown out a bit and covering some of her black bra. >“Pants off.” “Alright, we can get right to that. just let me shower an-“ >Lilly grabs you by the collar with both hands, kissing you very aggressively before pulling her bra straps down. >”Now.” >… >Don’t argue, just don’t man. >You sigh, and nod as Lilly yanks her bra off, not even bothering to properly undo it and just pulling it over her head. >You move to the couch, undoing your belt. >You are soon pushed and pinned, Lilly on top of you. >The two of you make out, Lilly moaning through the kisses. >She’s groping and feeling you, only making your pants feel more constricting, stopping her kisses to pull your pants down. >Your erect manhood stands tall, Lilly leaning in and nuzzling it. >Horny teenage you is just freaking the fuck out right now. >Base to tip, the licks you, her tongue and breath being hot. >She licks and strokes your length, fondling your sack as she looks at you. >Her eyes are full of lust and need, the Lynx opening her mouth and taking your length into her mouth. “Ohh, lil…” >You put a hand on her head, feeling her take you deeply rather quickly as you rub and pet her. >There is a hiccup in her advance, making you smile. “Easy lil… I’m not going anywhere. We have all weekend.” >Your words only amplify the pleasure you receive, Lilly purring as she blows you. >Lilly gets a moan out of you, you just resting your head back and enjoying the attention. >A familiar ringing gets your attention, making your heart plummet. >That’s Lilly’s phone, worse, her mother. >Lilly stops and growls, looking actually angry at the device. >You knew all to well by now that the calls wold not stop until it was answered, and that Lilly knew the same. >She sighs, looking at you as she strokes your length still, giving a sad whine. “It’s okay, we have plenty of time after.” >Lilly huffs, grabbing and answering the device with one hand, …still stroking and giving you a lick. >”Hey mom, how are you?” >NO FUCKING WAY. >Your eyes go wide as Lilly holds the phone to her head, still stroking and licking you. >”Oh yeah, things are good. No, no. I’m just feeling tired, I didn’t sleep well.” >You inhale, feeling that familiar building pressure in your body. >She really wants this. >”Stop looking at my accounts, there is money there. This is the same as last time, I do have a job and a place.” >’Bitch’ she mouths, smiling and suckling on your tip for a moment. >”Look, mom… I love you, but you need to stop. Enough is enough, you won’t stop watching me financially, so I know that you know what kind of state I am in. it’s okay, I still love you. Yeah… yeah. Bye.” >Lilly hangs up, growling and tossing her phone. “Lil, you fucking psycho!” >The Lynx just giggles, licking you again. >”Fuck her, I want you to cum on me.~ >She picks up pace, breathing on and licking your wet length >You’re going to get what you want. “Lilly…” >She pulls back, shifting and smiling. >”Do it.~ Cum on your girlfriend.” >She closes her eyes and keeps her mouth open as she sees you react, humming in satisfaction as you unload on her. >Some of your cum is in her mouth, on her muzzle, across her face and nose, and the rest is on her chest and tuft. >Lilly hums, getting some of the cum on her fur on a finger and tasting it, seemingly intoxicated by it. >”Anon.~” >She licks around her muzzle, looking happy as can be. “Jesus, Lil. You must be in heat.” >She climbs on top of you, grinding her soaked crotch against your leg. >”MmmmhHmmmmm.~ and just think, you can do so many bad things to me. Tie me up, collar me, spank me, BREED me.” >That last one gives you mixed feelings, mostly of arousal, Lilly sighing. >”I’m sorry if this is a lot, Anon… it’s so bad th-AHhh!~” >You grin, letting off the gentle nipple pinch. >Lilly just has the same lusty look to her, smiling. >”Thank you… I’m sorry in advance though. I’m needing to just give in this time” “It’s fine.” >She turns, putting your hands to her breasts as she lays against you. >There is a sigh as you feel her, Lilly pressing against you more >Oh boy… this will be a week. …Wait. “So… how long does it last?” >There is a pause, Lilly looking to you >”I don’t know… I haven’t trusted anyone enough to give with them in during my heat. It lasted a good few weeks when I tried to ride it out.” >A very special and warm feeling comes over you, Lilly looking nervous. >”It’s super hard to not give in… even more so because you NEED the real thing, not some imitation. But… some girls get tricked or ditched, or worse. So… >You give her neck a kiss, hugging her. “I’ll make sure not to betray that trust, Lilly. I’m here for you.” >You can feel her purring, Lilly turning and giving you a deep kiss. >She nuzzles you after, just being close. >”…Anon?” “Mmm?” >”Give me kittens.~ >Oh Boy. ---------- >OH BOY INDEED. >You have no idea why you didn’t go after a Hybrid girl before this! >It was Tuesday and as tiring as it was, your sex life is at an all time high. >Lilly was one horny Lynx when she was in heat, and she made no effort to even hide it. >Naked around the apartment all the time, grabbing onto you and either nuzzling or grinding you, always wet and wanting. >She was uncaring, almost feral at times. >It was god damn hot when she called you into your room and was just presenting herself to you. >Human women can’t even compete. >It was a little cute too once you got her settled down, she would get antsy at her actions when the haze of her heat cleared slightly, worrying she was going over the top. >She got rather assertive too, greedy even. It was a little fun when she grabbed your hair and made you keep eating her out after you made her cum. >One bad moment was when she bit you, her love bite giving a bit of a puncture… But you kind of liked it. >You hummed, ready for today’s obvious encounter as you opened the door. “Lilly.~” >”Bedroom, Anon.~ I have a surprise.” >This can only end well. >You get your shoes off and walk to your room, seeing the Lynx with her legs crossed, laying on her belly and not looking at you. >”Come here.~” >You pull your shirt off, moving to her and feeling her back. >She turns over, one accessory being on her bare form. >A collar, a choker one even… kinky kitty. “Oh really?” >”I wanted to try something new and interesting… and, since I gave my man something to show he’s mine, I might as well have something to show I’m his.~” >You grin, taking hold of the choker ring and giving a gentle pull. ------- >You groan, opening your eyes at Lilly’s alarm. >”Noooo….” >You snicker at her disappointment, rubbing her. “I know…” >She groans, whining and looking at you, that collar still on her from the night. >”I don’t wanna go to work…” “Come on now.” >You get her up, smiling. “You know you need to, today is your long day.” >Lilly nods, frowning still before she perks up with a grin. >She stands up, holding your hand and pulling it. >”Anon.~” “What?” >You get up with her, still naked. >A smile forms as you roll your eyes, your girlfriend bringing you to the shower with her. >You both get in, kissing as you feel the water go over you. >”Anon… please.” >Needy girl. >You lift her up by her legs, getting her back against the wall of the shower and seeing her look at your already hard length. >No time is wasted as you penetrate her and go at an average pace, hearing Lilly’s moans. >”Anon!~ ohhhh~” “Lilly.~” >You moan yourself, eyes closed for a moment before she kisses you. >The two of you are forehead to forehead, her blue eyes looking into yours. >This is perfect, you can’t help but love this as much as you love her. >To hell with how little time you have been together, this is love, and you want this with her. >How and when to admit it? You had no idea. >She moans again, holding onto you. >”A-anon, cum in me! Breed me! I want kittens with you!” >You grin, obliging her and filling her insides. >The two of you pant and settle as the water runs over you both, Lilly nuzzling you. >”S-sorry… that I keep saying those things.” “It’s fine, Lilly.” >You have nothing to be sorry for. ----------- >You yawned, smiling at the show as you waited for Lilly to come home. >The door clicks, making you get up. >”SO! Yeah, this is home!” >You freeze up as you hear Lilly’s voice, the Lynx speaking obviously loudly. >She comes around the corner, still with a uniform on and looking nervous. >Another Lynx follows her, her fur colour different, but her eyes the same. >She… is high class to say the least, the red dress looking expensive. >The other Lynx eyes you sternly, sizing you up. >”And who is this?” >Oh, that tongue and tone could cut an army in half. >”Ehhh-hehe… This is my boyfriend, Anonymous. Surprise?” >”…Boyfriend?” >“Anon, this is Jess. My MOTHER.” >If a face could scream help me and oh god any louder, you would be deaf. >This could be bad. >You reach out for a handshake, giving a smile. “Hello.” >She thankfully does shake your hand, still keeping a stern attitude about her. >”You never told me about him.” >”Well… it was a surprise.” >Secret by the sound of it. >”You both share this place?” >”….Yes?” >”I see…” >She looks around, sizing the place up and giving a disapproving look at the empty bottle of rum >”Cozy.” >Small you mean. >You hold back a sigh, seeing Lilly’s ears fall. >This is going to suck. “Can I get you anything? This is a surprise.” >”No, thank you. Tell me, Anonymous, what do you do?” “Structural steel.” >You can see the distain and disapproval on her face, that same look a late drinker gives you for entering the coffee shop while in your dirty work clothes mid shift. >”MOM!” >Jess sighs, nodding. >”A job is a job I suppose… Sorry. What company?” “Tri-Steel, we do almost anything for buildings or other things.” >”Small world… I think that name crossed my desk, for one of our buildings.” “Probably, we did an office building at the beginning of the month.” >”mmm. Hm.” >She looks confused, looking to you, her nose moving. >Jess’s eyes go wide as she looks to Lilly, looking angry. >”Lillian Ashtail! You did not mark him?!” >Lilly looks worried, and irritated. >”Mom, that’s my business and life! You said you were not here to start anything!” >The mother Lynx grunts, exhaling and nodding. >”Sorry… that was unfair. But I could smell him right away.” >”Mother.” >You clear your throat, smiling. “So… staying long? We could get some food going.” >“No, just stopping by to see how my daughter is doing. Shall you give me the tour?” >That’s more demanding then asking. >You nod, both you and Lilly showing her around. >It’s not long before you get everything done with, no more conflicts happening, all of you going to the door and seeing Lilly’s mother off. >”Bye mom. Love you.” >You see an actual warm smile on Jess’s face, the two hugging. >”I love you too, sweetheart.” >She goes, Lilly scowling after she closes the door. “Lil?” >”I am so sorry!” >She moves to you, hugging you. >”She cornered me by coming to my work, I tried to let you know but my phone was dead.” >You shush her, petting her head and holding her tight. “It’s fine… you okay?” >”NO! did you see that look she gave you? I know she would disapprove of anyone, but still! That’s not fair! Not to mention embarrassing me like that! it’s my life and-“ “Lilly!” >She looks up at you, pouting. “It’s okay.” >Lilly practically headbutts your chest, relaxing into your comfort. >It’s a cuddle night tonight, do doubt about that. “Lil?” >”Yeah?” “…What IS marking?” >Lilly snaps up and looks at you, face red as can be. >“U-uhhh…” >This should be good. ----------- >Lilly must be crazy about you, or her heat was that bad. >”Marking” was getting even more of her sent on you, trying to drive other women off. >And apparently, that’s why she kept grinding on your leg. >That was all over now, Lilly’s heat had ended with your help, it was Monday morning and you were just waking up. >”Noooooo….” >You hummed, kissing Lilly before getting up for work. “Be good.~ l-llllilly.” >Shit. >You hear no response, the Lynx sleeping again already. >Giving a sigh, you grab your clothes. >Work time. ----------- “Are you fucking kidding me?” >”Nope.” >You laugh, shaking your head. >Apparently, while you were gone, A truck driver took a shit under a trailer and ran it over when he pulled it away. >Better yet, the whole thing was on camera. >“Shit you not.~” “Fuck off!” >You and Nick laugh, the older man patting your shoulder. >”So, have a good time? You are as bright eyes and happy as when you got hired here before the madness set in.” “Yeah… me and Lil had a great time.” >”That’s good, kid. You’re better like this.” >”Hey!” >You both turn, seeing the foreman. >”Stop fucking the dog and get back to work! We need this trailer loaded by Wednesday!” >You snicker, looking to Nick. “I don’t fuck no dogs.” >The man doubles over, howling with laughter as you get back to your station for the day >When all is said and done, you sigh, walking out to the bus stop. >You did have a beater car, but it was cheaper to do this. >Hunk of junk cost you $700 and it still ran… >Maybe you and Lilly could go to the drive in the town over after Winter. >…Maybe you two could “Camp”. >A smile forms on your face, a sigh escaping you as a heavy coated man passes by. >Fuck, you are a young pervert. >You look up, seeing said same man by the bus >Don’t blame ya for that coat, man. It’s getting cold. >You hop on the bus, getting on with a few others as they arrive at the stop. >A bit later you get up to get off, bumping into someone. >”Sorry.” >You smile at the guy and nod just happy to go home. >Home to Lilly. ----------- >…Something is up. >It’s been a week since you got back to work and something is VERY wrong. >Lilly is perfect as ever, Work is annoying and funny, Dadd-NICK is pissing you off as usual >God fucking damnit, you almost said it to yourself. >But something is wrong, the mysterious stranger is around. >You thought he was just a guy who is at your bus stop now, but he is everywhere. >You are not crazy either, fucker follows you. >Going home, getting food, dates with Lil… you catch glimpses everywhere >”Anon?” >Lilly pouts, nuzzling your face again. >You must have stopped rubbing her. “Wha? Sorry, Lil.” >”What’s wrong? You seem angry. And not grumpy angry, actually bothered… Angry.” “Ahh… Well…” >You can’t tell her... well you CAN… but… >There is something else though! “Something on my mind is what your mother said.” >”Oh, anon! Ignore her!” “No seriously! It’s something to think about.” >”What?” >You gesture to the room. “About this… us being “Cozy”. I don’t mind, I’m happy here, but it would be a nice change.” >Lilly smiles, purring. >”We do have a good amount of money, with my raise and your job.” >True… “Maybe we can look around? See what’s just a little bigger.” “Sure!” ----------- >Cocksucker, He’s right there! >You peek outside through the window at work, seeing the coated man sitting in his idling car. >Get out of here STALKER. >He might not see you, yet. >”Kid?” >You jump, looking to Nick. “Fuck!” >”Jesus kid, you okay? You’re loosing your mind for real.” >…. >It’s fucked up you want to talk to him and not your girlfriend. “Nick… I think I have a real problem.” >”If it’s a drug problem, I can relate.” “NO! I’m not kidding, I have a problem. Not a good one. I’m being stalked, fucking creep is right outside in his blue car.” >”Ford?” “Yeah… Wait, you’ve seen him?” >“When I have a smoke… he’s been there for over a week now.” >Fuck. >You sigh. “Nick… remember how you said you owe me one for that week of coffee’s I bought? >”…Yeah, why?” “I need your help.” ----------- >”So, THIS is the girl who’s got you in a better mood?” >You smile, Rolling your eyes. >The plan to catch this shadow is in motion, Nick thankfully backing you up. >You took Lilly out on a date, a very nice one, and now you are on the way back. >Fucking champ, giving up his time to help you. >Sadly, Lilly had no idea, but this had to be done. >The ambush was simple, and the plan a good one. >”Fuck… she is a hotie. For an animal.” “Nick.” >”Aww, come on, you can tell I’m kidding. Right, sweet stuff?” >Lilly snickers, nuzzling after a nod >”Yes, and I don’t mind. Anon has told me about you.” >”AWWWW! You told her about daddy?~” >…This was a bad idea. >Nick gives an odd look, grabbing his phone. >”Ahh. Wife. One sec.” >You feel your own phone go off, tensing up. >Nick just signalled you that the man is on the bus. >You all talk and wait as you get to your stop, Nick getting off with you both. “Isn’t your home further away?” >”Ahh, I want to get some walking in. See you two around!” >”Bye!~” “See ya.” >You both turn, walking away. >”He’s really nice.” “Yeah… he looks out for me.” >”…Like a daddy?” “Don’t start that. I hate it. Kinda.” >Lilly giggles, the two of you walking. >Again, your phone goes off, prompting you to pull it out. >A text from Nick reading: “Standing by.” >All or nothing… “Lil?” >”Mmm?” >You smile at her, giving a small frown. “Trust me?” >The Lynx looks confused. >”Yeah… why?” “Then stay behind me.” >You give her a shove, turning and looking behind you. >There he is, man of the hour. “Who are you?” >The man stumbles, looking surprised. >”Uhh… pardon?” >”Anon?” “You’re following me, don’t lie!” >”Sir, I don’t know what you are talking about… what street is this?” “Oh, you fucking know!” >”Anon!” >The man turns, Nick stepping into view. >”Running is a bad idea.” >Lilly gasps, looking to you. >The man stops, throwing up his hands and looking to you >”Okay, okay! Easy. Let’s talk this out.” “Who are you?” >”I’m Isacc… a private investigator.” >”A private investigator? What?” Lilly says. >”Yes, and I don’t want a fight. I’m busted, you caught me. it’s just what I was hired to do. “Hired by who?” >”Jess Ashtail. Look, I don’t want a fight. Really. Can I just go after you get what you want to know?” >”My mother?!” >”What did you investigate?” >”Habits, workplaces, spoken words… just information gathering, nothing else. And no private intrusions either! Save for website monitoring.” >Like fuck, the whole thing was an intrusion. >”Anon?” Nick says. >Ten bucks says he has a plan B, but even then… >You sigh, nodding. “He can go… and he can tell that he’s been caught. None of us need a fight.” >”Thanks…” >The man goes, Nick moving to you. >”So…” >”My mother sent an investigator after us?” >You sigh, not sure what to say. >”…Sorry anon, but I got to go now. My kids.” “Yeah, yeah! Thank you, Nick” >You go your separate ways, going home. ---------- >”I can’t believe this!” >Lilly was livid at the situation, hours having passed since the truth was found out. “I know… this is insane.” >”How could she do this?” >You can hear her choking up, standing up as she paces to clam her. >You hear a knock, Lilly turning on the spot and going to open the door. >Now, of all times… >You round the corner to see Jess, Lilly’s mother, in the doorway. >Fuck. >The elder Lynx looks guilty, Lilly’s jaw practically on the floor. >”Li-“ >”Leave.” >It’s surprising to hear your girlfriend take such a tone, her mother even flinching at the demand. >”Lillian, I know that I did something terrible. Please, understand, I’m only trying to-“ >”To WHAT? Look out for me? Drive me and Anon apart? Micromanage my life to your prefect business daughter fantasy?” >Jess falls silent, looking down and back to her daughter. “Do you seriously even mean any of what you say to me? ‘I’m sorry’? Do you even mean anything like that for all that you did? For all that you KEEP doing?” >”Sweethea-“ >”All you can do is pay attention to your stupid job and do anything to get what you want! No fucking wonder dad left you!” >Oh. >You watch as Lilly’s mother flinches back, the most shocked expression you could ever think of seeing on her face as she brings a hand up to her face and chest, as if to defend herself. >”I hate you! You stupid BITCH!” >Lilly slams the door, a picture on the wall falling off. >She turns, sobbing into your chest when she runs to it. >You are at an absolute loss for words… and frankly don’t want to say anything. >Guiding her to your room, you bring her to the bed and lay down with her, just hugging and stroking her. >It feels like hours before Lilly clams, falling right asleep on you. >Sighing, you get your phone from your pocket, calling Nick. >”…Kid?” “Hey.” >”Everything okay? …Kid? …Anon?” “I’m… sick. Tomorrow that is.” >”I’ll pass word.” “Thanks.” >”Anon?” “Yeah?” >”…Make her feel better. I’m serious. Any of us can see how much she is to you just from hearing about her.” “I will, thanks.” >You hang up, looking at the ceiling. >…Fuck. ----------- >You just stayed there, laying in bed once you woke up. >This was the right thing to do… you had to stay here with her. >The fact that she ran to you right away warms your heart, even if it makes you sad. >Not to mention the questions you had… >How did this all happen? >What was Jess trying to do? >Why did her dad leave? >You sigh, looking down at your girlfriend when you hear something. Feel something. >Lilly purrs, though her ears remain down like the entire night. >At least you are making her a little happy. >Leaning in, you kiss her head, petting her gently. >She looks up, eyes sad. >”Anon…” “It’s okay.” >She moves, hugging you. >”…You’re not at work?” “No… I wanted to stay here.” >She just hugs you tighter, whining. >“Thank you…” >You just both lay there, Lilly sitting up after a bit. >”Anon… my own work…” “It’s okay, come on, I’ll walk you there.” >She gives a weak smile, nodding and giving you a kiss. >You make her some breakfast as she gets ready, getting walking after a bit. >You two are very quiet, Lilly just clinging to you the entire way. >Her work was closer then you thought, no wonder she didn’t take the bus and got home quickly. >You round the corner and enter the building, taking in the sight. >The place was very old-fashioned looking, very much a family run store. >How have you never been in here before?” >”OH! Oh, nonono.” >You look up, scared half shitless by a big brown bear almost charging to you and Lilly. A black one behind the register. >They all have the same uniform. >The brown bear puts a huge paw around Lilly, the other to her chest, worry on her face. >”Lilly, what is wrong?” >Judging by her accent and speaking tone, English is not her first language. >”No, nothing Mrs.Berry. it’s a personal issue.” >”Lilly, talk. We here for you. Problem shared is problem halved…” >Lilly sighs, pouting and breaking down. Beginning her story. >Thankfully, it’s just you two and the two owners. Both who you gather are very kind and friendly. >No wonder Lilly likes it here. >But fuck… that brown bear could crush you. You head in her paws would be like a plumb in your hand. >When all is said and done, the female brown bear looks to the black one, seeing him nod with a sad smile. >”Lilly, go home. You unwell.” >”N-no, I’m fine.” >”No, take day off. Let boyfriend help you.” >You give a small smile, seeing Lilly perk up a bit. “That obvious?” >The bear smiles, nodding. >”She talk all the time about how she want to go home and see you.” >…Sure that’s not her heat talking just a bit? >”I don’t need to, really. Work would even be nice.” >”No! Lilly, we need best worker well!” “Best worker, huh?” >The bear nods, the black one giving a low hum laugh. >”She always make customer smile, and remember every order. Business is better with her.” >The black bear nods. >”That it is, she was the best hire we could ever home come to us.” >Lilly just gives a tiny grunt, smiling slightly from the praise. >”T-thank you.” >You get poked in the chest, the bear smiling at you. >”Take care of her. She family.” “You have my word.” >”And take a pie… just to feel better.” ----------- >Pie is kill. >You and mostly Lilly tore through the damn thing. >odds are some meth or coke is mixed in there, you want more already. >The two of you just cuddled the entire day, not really saying anything and just enjoying the TV. >Lilly was getting much better, as far as you could tell, the Lynx purring away and wiggling closer against you. >She sighs, turning over and facing you on the couch, giving you a hug. >”Thank you, Anon.” “It’s nothing Lil.” >”…Not really.” >Oh no… >Her ears droop, the Lynx looking down. >”It’s causing us too much trouble… You trouble… I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you have to deal with that stupid part of my life. How much stress it must have caused you.” >You silence the Lynx from speaking more with a kiss, getting her to look up at you. “Lilly, it’s fine. I don’t mind dealing with it and helping you.” >…That’s it. No more waiting. >You grab her hand with yours, intertwining your fingers with hers. “I’m more then happy to deal with some issues and stress if it means you get to be a part of my life. Lilly…” >Don’t fucking back out now. “Lilly, I love you. You are the best thing that could have happened to me, and I don’t just say that to get you in better spirits. I mean this. I’d rather still be going bat shit crazy about a stalker then miss out on you.” >… >You watch as she cries, feeling a lump in your throat. >Fuck. >Lilly sniffs, smiling at you. >”I love you too, Anon.” >She kisses you, squeezing your hand tighter. >It doesn’t take long for the kisses to turn into a full on make out, Lilly breaking it and sniffling. >”Anon… bed.” “You sure?” >”Yes… I want this right now.” “Then you’ll get what you want.” ---------- >You hum, smiling as you and Lilly cuddle, still riding the high of last night. >There was something… magical… about the sex you two had. >Fuck that’s gay sounding… but it’s true. >No dirty talk, no begging, just slow and sweet sex. >Fuck it, work can wait. >”Anon…” “Yes?” >”…We need to get up. >Damn work. ------------ >You hammer away, lining up the plates. >”Hey, kid.” >You look up, smiling at Nick. “What’s up?” >”There’s some hot dame here for you. Wanting to talk apparently.” >Huh… odd. >You nod, letting him take over and going into the front offices. >Right away you stop dead in the lobby, huffing at the sight of Jess. >The mother Lynx looks at you, frowning. “…I want you to know, you are not exactly welcome here.” >”I know, Anonymous.” >You stay silent, waiting for her to say something. >”…I… I clearly did something wrong… but I need your help. I do love Lillian, very much. I just want to let her have the best. I don’t know what came over me by hiring someone to spy on you and… well… what I wanted is something very wrong.” >She sighs, the receptionist trying to keep to her own business as Jess looks down. >”Can you just please have her call me? I want to apologise.” “…No.” >You turn to get back to work, hearing her speak up and look back >”Anonymous, please. I get through to her, her phone won’t accept my calls.” “No, I’m not helping you.” >Jess looks up, looking scared and upset. >”Please! I don’t know what to do or say.” “Then figure out a way. This is your fuck up.” >You head back into the shop, seeing Nick look up and frown. >”Kid?” “Don’t ask.” ------------ >You decided to not tell Lilly about yesterday, she didn’t need to hear any of that. >The day was thankfully over now, and the both of you just cuddled on the couch. >Better yet, you both found a place that could be your next home! And actual place and not an apartment! >It was small, for a house, but it could work perfect and not effect either of your lifestyles. All you need to do is wait for a call back to get things started. >”Anon.~” >You look and get a surprise nose to nose kiss, hearing Lilly giggle. “You are just loving this.” >”So are you!” >You laugh, kissing her back. “Yes, I am. But last time you got this affectionate you were begging for kittens.” >Lilly gives something of a grunt and gasp, turning and hiding her face. >”Stop! It’s embarrassing! I can’t help what came out of my mouth.” >You snicker, teasing her more. “Aww… you don’t want me to breed you? To have “a bakers dozen of kittens” with me?” >”That wasn’t a dream?!” “Nope.~” >Again, Lilly lets out a noise, purring. “I don’t hear a yes… guess-“ >”ANON! STOP!” >She laughs, purring more. >You hear the door, Lilly hopping up. >”Oh, thank-… t-t-t-…” >Lilly freezes up, looking nervous and backing away from the door before opening it. >Aww… Lil… “It’s okay, I’ll do it.” >You get up and give her a kiss, making her smile before you open the door. >…Huh… another Lynx. >He gives a smile, nodding to you. >”Sorry. Is there a Lilly here?” >You feel a nudge, Lilly looking past you and gasping. >”…Dad?” >”Hey, sweetie.” >Lilly leaps forward, Hugging the brown Lynx. >So he’s where her eyes came from. >He extends his hand, hugging Lilly with the other. >”Ronald Ashtail. Just call me Ron.” >You shake his hand, smiling “Anonymous.” >Lilly pulls back, a huge smile on her face. >”What are you doing here?!” >Ron sighs, nodding with a smile. >”Honestly?” >He pulls back, looking over the ledge into the courtyard. >You look to when Lilly takes a peek and her ears fold back, sighing yourself. >Jess looks up from the bottom of the courtyard, quickly looking away with ears down. >”…Are you….” >”Serious? Yes…” >You all step back, Ron sighing. >”I got told what happened. I’m not happy either…” >”…She got you?” >Ron nods, giving a smile. >”Surprisingly… yes. I never thought I’d see her come to me for anything. So needless to say…” >Lilly whimpers, moving close to you. >”Look, I know, sweetie. You don’t need to and it’s not going to happen tonight if you want to. She wants to try and show she is sorry.” >”…I don’t…” >”It’s okay, you don’t need to. Just think about it and give us a call.” >”Us?” >Ron nods, smiling still. >”We will stick around for a few days. I’ll be there to, and your boyfriend can come.” >”okay…” >He moves to her, giving a nuzzle and getting one back. >”Just think about it, no pressure. And after this? how about we catch up, hmm?” >Lilly, smiles, nodding. >”Goodnight you two. Sorry for bothering you both.” >”Bye, dad.” “Night.” >You both go back inside, sitting down on the couch. “Lil?” >Lilly sighs, leaning against you. >”She must mean it if she got dad… last time they saw each other they just yelled.” >You want to ask, but decide to keep quiet, just hugging your lovely Lynx. “Movie?” >Lilly purrs, nuzzling you. >”Yes please.” ---------- “You sure?” >”Yeah…” >You and Lilly walked down the path, approaching the hotel. >It had been a day and Lilly had decided to actually talk to her mother, the Lynx looking nervous. “We can just go if it goes wrong.” >”I know… but…” >You give her head a kiss, holding her hand tightly. “Come on.” >You didn’t like this too much either… but you wanted to be here for Lilly. >She knocks, the door opening up to Reveal Jess. >The mother lynx gives a half-hearted smile, seeming to be in the same emotional state as Lilly. >”Hey, mom…” >”…Hi…” >You both go in, seeing Ron sit on a chair. >Lilly smiles, snickering slightly. >”You two shared a room?” >Jess grunts, ears falling. >”We did.” Ron says, “Though I agree, it is a little funny.” >Jess sighs, nodding. >”Maybe.” >She then looks to you, speaking. >”Anonymous… could my daughter and I have a private talk?” >You look to Lilly, seeing her nod. “If she’s okay with it, I am.” >Lilly gives you a hug, waking into another room as Ron gestures you to have a seat. >You just sit there for a moment, Ron speaking with a smile. >”She actually means this, you know. she really is sorry.” “You heard what happened?” >”Yes, all of it. She came to me, crying, to try and just get a word in with Lilly.” >He sighs, nodding. >”She’s finally coming around and seeing what she’s done wrong. A bit late, but still.” >You nod, looking at the TV for a moment. “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” >”No, it’s a fair question… Jess caught a good foothold on the company climb to success, and really shot up. It was perfect, because Lilly was just born. We made more then we ever needed…” “But?” >”She was in a good position for another jump. Then another. Soon she was in management, and saw even more chances to get higher up the climb. Work became her second life, then we became her chore. Parties, meetings, interviews… she lost touch with us, leaving me to really be the parent to Lilly.” >He sighs, frowning. >”Arguments… fights… things just fell apart and we grew apart. I waned to get Lilly away from that so I filed for a divorce, her mother practically ignored us at that point. But… the court saw me unfit to have custody. Lilly was 14 at the time.” “And things got worse?” >”Yeah… I kind of fucked up myself.” >You and Ron keep talking, changing subjects and getting onto better topics. >Ron ends up being a very cool guy, the two of you laughing as you talk. >Ron pauses at one point, looking at you. >”Anon? Tell me… before you met Lilly…was she in a good place?” >You pause, looking to the Lynx. “Man to man? I plead the fifth, as that is her business.” >Ron laughs, smiling. >”Keeping good by your woman? Good man. …but, can you let a father at least know how his daughter was doing?” “…She wasn’t in the best place, but she was getting on top of things.” >”Thank you.” >You hear the door open, Lilly and Jess walking out. >The two of them have obviously been crying, Lilly moving to you and giving a hug with a smile. >”Everything okay?” >”Yes.” Jess says, sniffling as she smiles. “Anonymous?” >You look to her, seeing her try and keep a smile. >”I’m sorry… I won’t go over the whole obvious talk about how sorry I am, because I know how wrong what I did was. But I will ask that you could forgive me.” >You sigh, pausing and giving a smile. >Might as well try. “We can see about that.” >The Lynx smiles, sitting down. >All of you talk, just having a nice conversation. >”…You two are really close then?” Ron says, grinning. >”Dad…” Lilly says, smiling. >”Well, your mother was right… you can tell he’s yours from the smell.” >”DAD!” >Lilly blushes, hiding behind you, >”Just teasing.~” >Jess nods, giving a warm smile to you. >”Yes…you two are good for each other.” >Well, at least that’s some acceptance. ---------- >Work again… and distracted again. >It had been a month since the “incident” and things were better >Things went well with Jess and Ron, Lilly talking to both of them again on a regular biases. >Something made you think though… about what they said. You two being good for each other. >…hmm… >… maybe they are very right. >You grab your phone, stepping outside for some fresh air. >You listen to the ring as you make a call, hearing a click >”Anon, son! It’s been a while!” “Hey dad. …sorry to be a bother, but to your remember my first girlfriend?” >”The one that kicked your heart in?” >Ow. “Yeah, I need to ask something.” ----------- >”Bye!” “See you.” >”Bye you two! Be safe!” >You walked away from Ron and Jess, all of you having eaten a good meal together. >There was a bit of a tug between the two parents… something bringing them together. >Lilly just held onto you, letting you guide her as you both walked. >You hummed, smiling as Lilly looked up at you. >”I know that one!~ “Do you now?” >You kept humming, Lilly joining in. >It’s not long before you both sing, singing the same song she played when she found that guitar. >Things were just great. >The two of you found a bigger house, and moved in two weeks ago. >You both got a raise >You both where in love and happy as ever. >…But… things weren’t perfect. >And you knew why. >”We're building a new wheel, instead of fixing a slow leak.~” >You look to her, smiling. “That's why there's nothing to be scared of…” >”Just your intentions, oh.~” >You pull away from her, seeing the curiosity on her face. >Turning, you let go of her hand, seeing a tiny falter in her smile. “why there's nothing to be scared of…” >You fall down to a knee in the snow, smiling as Lilly’s eyes go wide. >”Just… Your intentions…” >This is it… >You pull out a small red box from your coat, smiling at the Lynx as you hold it up to her. “Please don't be afraid to love~…” >Lilly holds a hand to her face, quickly covering it with another. >You just hold there, smiling at her as she goes to both knees and holds onto your hand and the box. >”Anon…” “Not even going to look? I could be messing with you.” >Lilly shakes her head, smiling as she opens the box. >”You’re too sweet to do that.” >The Lynx gasps, easily beginning to cry. >Your mother’s ring, given to you to be given to her… >Now… things are prefect. --------- >You grinned, hearing the tiny mewls. >Kittens… your kittens. Three of them >”Half way there.~” >You smiled at Lilly… your wife. “You still want more?” >”Don’t you?” >Looking at the three babies, you shrug. “Maybe.” >Yes you do you fuck.