Prompt (from some anon): ------------------------ ">ywn conquer one of the local tribes >ywn depose the chieftain and assume control >ywn take the chieftain's daughter as your bride >ywn piut your pups inside her, ensuring that your bloodline now rules the tribe" ------------------------- >tfw transported to a strange fantasy world >Found, gravely injured, by a hunting party from a large tribe of anthro wolves >Wary of you, they treat your wounds and nurse you back to health >Can't understand them, but you make do with gesturing and body language >You "communicate" with one of their shamans, and learn that their omens made them take you in, instead of ignoring you >Village seems wary of you still, yet you can't quite discern the atmosphere >Maybe they're simply alien in their signals and tone of voice >With your health returning, you motion that you want to help out here and there in the village >Every one of them is larger than you, with even the females muscular and fit >But you have something else with you >Bit by bit, you demonstrate simple mechanical solutions, and---through motions and gestures---convey simple facts of medicine and science >Their feral muzzled faces gape in amazed awe as they realize that everything you show them works >Their shamans ask you more and more for help >You start learning a few words of their language >Communication is hard, but you realize they hang on your every word >Every lupine ear turn to you and all muzzles fall deathly silence every time you so much as utter a word >Every syllable you make to them an omen of significance, as they're now realizing >Males start bringing you gifts of honour, wanting you to bless their spears and arrows >Females want you to either bless their newborn >You solemnly shake your head and point silently towards the shamans >Gotta be smart, after all >Some make romantic advances towards you, but your solemn silence still makes them uncertain and wary >That is, until you reciprocate the advances of a spirited young female >by gently but firmly catching her tail in your mouth just as she's about to leave >Like a bubble popping, every wolf in the tribe knows they can treat you as one of their own >They start talking to you a whole lot more (even when you can't understand it all), bring you gifts, etc >Lots of flirting, but you play it cool like the coy trickster, only reciprocating when you feel like it >(Mostly because there are social regards and traditions you still don't know about) >You have your own hut now, built by the villagers. >Every day they bring you gifts in thanks of all the help you give them >In turn, you help the shamans, the chieftain, and of course the villagers >They never ask you for physical help, since they know such things would be a waste >You still do it now and then, however, as a gesture of good will >Even their largest warriors now, capable of lifting thrice what you can, show you the respect of a shaman >After half a year, you've learned enough of their strangely guttural but graceful language to learn about this strange new world.. >The wolves are of a valley tribe some ways from civilization >This world is civilized, however. >They manage to convey to you knowledge of other tribes >(from what you can guess, based on other animals) >Also, far-off cities of wood and stone, inhabited by the lizardpeople >From what you gather, they seems to be at a bronze-age equivalent level of technology >Your strategical advise to the chieftain helps the tribe too: >You show them how to use light signals off of polished rocks to communicate >You devise a simple light-language that the tribe's scattered villages start using >You show them rudimentary agriculture, and how much more efficient it is than hunting/gathering >You teach them ruthlessly effective tactics in small-unit combat >This causes some of the warriors to watch you in a horrified light >Your words to allay their concern will remain with them for a long, long time: >"For tribe to live, all is permitted." >One night, you're humbly asked to help the seeress of the tribe; >An old blind wolf female, old eyes dusty with cataracts >First time you're allowed in her cave. >They seemed reluctant to let you enter, and have been very little forthcoming in telling you anything about her or the cave >It's constantly guarded, the entrance solemnly and humbly decorated >You can smell powerful incense as you near it, the warrior guards kneeling to you and making a sign of reverance >(There are still many who does that, even still. Huh.) >You help the seeress with a few small things, her gauging you allwhile >You can feel it, even through her obvious blindness >She eventually tells you of a ritual, and shows you how to help her perform it >A ghastly thing, of rabbit entrails, foul smelling black oil, and hoarse strange words and fervent gestures from the old wolfess >You do your part, however. >Then you sense it >Something's wrong. >The tallow-lamps flicker and there's a sound in your ears >An unexplainable pressure in the cave's deep chamber >Your pulse skyrockets as you realize you're witnessing something supernatural >..and you're all the more cautious when she moves to get a drop of your blood. >You're still deciding whether to stop her, when she finishes drawing a quick and painless droplet from your wrist >She uses it in an augur of some kind >You can hear It talking to her, and see the writhing rabbit entrails shrivel up and start smoking >After a bit, you're sent off, with a quick thanks >You're still shaking when you try to sleep >Jesus Christ > >The following weeks, you're asked to help her more and more >She seems to be trying to teach you as much of her art as possible >After a few months, you've grown fully accustomed to her strange rituals >Whether magical or spiritual, there's obvious potential here. >No longer unnerved, you learn of their spirit lore and ways, as well the closely guarded secrets of the seers >The other villagers start treating you with more respect again >Their solemn reverence not only unnerves you, it's also boring >To loosen the mood, you flirt with a fierce female warrior at a feast.. >Her surprise only lasts for a few heartbeats, before she reciprocates >Carousing to the best of your ability, you dance and sing-howl with the others >The atmosphere is wonderful >Not as wonderful as the three hundred pounds of grey, athletic, lustful wolfess following you to your tent, however >Both slightly damp from the cooling evening drizzle, you lose yourselves in eachother's scents and bodies >You take your time exploring her, finally getting to know their race's final secrets >She adores every second of scrutiny, panting aroused as you run your hands all over her >Then you make love. >She's primal, her uncivilized wild lovemaking almost mistakeable for inexperience >You show her a thing or two of patience, though >(Not really having had any relief since you got here, you want to stretch it out anyway) >You fail miserably as her clenching tight velvet folds squeeze around you >Her strength and size leaves you no choice in the matter as she rides you, hot breath huffing over your face >It doesn't take long before you're ready to go again, however. >..and again >..and again.. >The night not only leaves you sleep deprived, but also with memories you'll take a long time forgetting >The tribe seems rather frivolous in regards to sexuality, however >Casual sex, and mating/bonding are two different matters, and those unmated sleep with eachother now and then >(Their knowledge of hereditary biology ends at "love-parents are true-parents") >It seems there are taboos associated with offering to become the mate of the seer, though >..and they seem to be treating you thus. >More and more, you learn of the seeress' mysterious ways >Most importantly, you learn how their hopelessly muddled spiritual lore is like a blind toddler grasping at straws >Hindering at best, counterproductive at worst. >You can't shatter their worldviews, naturally. >Still.. Two months after having divined---and thus "spoken" with---your first augur, you devise your own ritual.. >Having the seeress as an aide, and taking great care in your precautions and preparations, >you devise a ritual to change the weather. >..Should be simple enough; >Source, afflict, sense-capping for attunement, then stabilize the conduit, then "yowruhn" (worded according to the Principles) >Your legs almost give out beneath you as the huge hyalodont skull glitters, and a roar is heard >..and you start breathing again as you hear and feel the first of the resounding thunderbolts from outside the cave >According to your guesses, the mighty skull - painstakingly acquired and cleaned - is unmarred, ready for use again. >The seeress "looks" at you like you're something from another world (heh) >The drought ended a whole lot sooner than it had began >And the tribe was told that you made it so >The seeress' concern evaporates quickly, causing you to suspect that this was her hope all along >She confers with the chieftain. >He hosts a grand ceremony, and gives you a wonderfully decorated spear he's made himself >He proclaims to the entire tribe's gathered masses that there are two things guiding them >The spear of the body >And the spear of the spirit >..and those two shall be like unto brothers. >The tribe howls, roars and cheers as he kneels to you and demonstrates that he'll forever accept your spiritual guidance. >You know your part as well. >You kneel, and proclaim that you'll forever accept his warrior leadership. >Thus the tribe---for the first time in their history---had two seers, and one of them male. >... >Well. Now you definitely couldn't help out with simple physical chores anymore. >Oh well, there was still the occasional flirt and dalliance >Even a few of their males tried to entice you into sexual advances >It seemed the tribe was pretty open-minded in that regard as well >You didn't really swing that way >..but you can't admit you weren't charmed when petting the effeminate head of a sleek male, his body subserviently slumped against you and tail wagging. >All good times must end, however. >The heavily wounded scout had the entire tribe in a frightened frenzy when he returned. >Like every living thing, even on Earth, the wolves wanted nothing more than to remain alive. >The surviving scout, deranged from the horrors he'd seen, told of an attack.. >A nearby tribal settlement had been assaulted by another tribe of felines. >Primitives weren't known for subtlety and grace, even in this place, it seemed >They had killed nearly half the male warriors, taking the women and children as slaves, as well as stealing the food stockpiles and winter storages >From what the chieftain tells you, there was supposed to be peace. >For many years, the two tribes have appeased eachother with symbolic gifts, leaving eachother to their respective lands. >Even as the tribe scurried into something resembling war preparations, you conferred with the chieftain. >Laying down plans for assault, surprising him again and again with what must only seem like odd suggestions >..Then having him perk his ears and widen his eyes as you explained the reason for these suggestions. >Over the course of a few weeks, the main village and surrounding settlements were more prepared than they'd ever been >Sub-hierarchies of rank made them more organized than ever >Only by strict commands from the chieftain could this be realized >It seemed, after all, absurd and pointless to the wolves. >As the first war-parties moved, however, realization struck them one by one; >There was reason behind every logistical decision, purpose to every order >They were more efficient than they'd ever been. >You came along with the war parties, along with the chieftain. >When you came upon the outlying feline-tribe village, you told them of how it should be attacked >Fury still in their lupine fierce eyes, they took to your orders without question >There was no open declaration of combat >No honourable duels or open battle on some fields >With horrible precision, some groups cut their watchers down in the dark of night as another group started a distraction elsewhere >..Yet others ran for their leaders immediately. >Divide and conquer >It was a ruthless battle, won even with fewer numbers. >Of the captive females and pups, only a handful was recovered, however. >The rest had been taken to the main feline village. >You sent a messenger, one of their own, with terms demanding the return of the captives. >In turn, you'd give them those captured in the assault. An eye for an eye, tit-for-tat. >Holing up in the now claimed and fortified feline village, it took only a little over a week for the response >A single wolf pup, partially skinned, only partially sane, limping towards the fortified village, eyes mad >He mumbled awkwardly, repeating a single message >"No quarter for the heathens. Know your place. No quarter for the heathens. Know your place." >He had a large sack with him >It was full of pulled teeth and claws. >Still bloody. >All lupine in origin >The warrior wolves around you cried in rage and despair >And you >You hadn't been mad since coming to this world. Not truly. >Those times you had been frustrated, you'd kept it inside, whether for appearance or for some odd out-of-place politeness >Now your blood burned with a mad, mad rage >All-consuming, it burned in your mind >Face contorted in rage, you couldn't help but roaring the vilest of defiling curses and threats >All in your language from Earth >The wolves shied away from you, not understanding a word >They knew how you felt about things, though. >..and with a hundred plans and ideas flooding your mind, >each one more abhorrent and ruthless than the last, >you were certain the felines would know it too before long. >It took a day's conference to calm the furious hearts and formulate a plan >The tortured and half-mad pup was sent back to the wolf tribe's village with an escort. >You thought shamelessly of whatever evils to afflict upon the feline tribe >With the bloody teeth and claws, ripped from the pups and females, you'd been given a mighty gift. >The Principalities, the tally-of-soil, the-.. well, what you've come to call primary potency.. >... all things you'd learned coined from the schooling of the seeress, then expanded upon >along with some rudimentary calculations.. >it all added up in horrifying arithmetics; >That sack of teeth and claws would need only a slight mystical caress; >A word, a few symbols of Luring, a blood sacrifice touched to forehead and heart.. >And the "spirits"---though you've grown less and less fond of using that term---would go absolutely haywire. >Never had any of the tribe's previous seers done anything even remotely similar.