>You are Anon, just an average guy with nothing but a small regular income and a PhD in biology >You never really planned for this, it just kind of happened >You just got stuck at the University and after a few years of working there you were >Now you have to search for a job to find your life and maybe get away from all these anthros >You can see them everywhere, even as you walk home to your small apartment the alley cats start pestering you >”Headpats, food, please master, *purrrr*” >So annoying >They are not even sexy, human girls are sexy, with them you can at least see the goods >Anthros are always covered in all this fur, making it impossible to really access their parts >You heard from some loners who took in a stray cat and even fucked them but you will not sink this low >You will never let one of these naked animals in your house, nor will you sink so low to even bang them >Last years winter heat gave you enough problems without a needy kitty in your room >There was not a day without your clothes being scratched from at least a dozen of them >Cat anthros in every street, dove girls diving from above and every family dog sniffing your crotch >Once a dalmatian girl nearly stripped you in the bus and got her juices all over your pants >Her owner at course just laughed at the sight >He even offered you a small job of “satisfying” her >No way you will go through this again, this year you have different plans >The arctic research station 3∆ has an opening for a new researcher and you accepted >30 kilometers away from every other living being, deep in the arctic regions >Only you and a single female (human !) researcher on a 3 month mission >You can hardly await the moment the helicopter drops you off at few meters away from the station >Finally the doors open and the cold winds of the frozen wasteland around you greets you >You can see the lights of the station just a few meters away as the pilot drops you off, together with a gigantic box filled with the needed supplies >Of course you made sure to pack a few packs of condoms, normal and even ribbed >As you drag the box to the station and open the doors you can smell something strange, something wild and primal >You open the supply drop and your worst fears reveal themselves, it is filled with dog treats >The doors of the station opens again and with a gust of cold air an old human woman comes inside, at least in her late 70s. >” Ahh, you must be Anon. Work has been getting harder and harder around here, me and the girls were losing hope that anyone would answer the job offer. Not everyone shares this enthusiasm for science” >Behind her the door opens again and nine new girls walk inside >Nine female husky anthros, nude and covered in snow, still showing the marks of the dog sled reins >Their eyes find you and almost immediately their alpha, the first girl to walk inside, licks her lips >Some of the girls in the front shuffle around to better show of their fluffy breasts, the ones in the back try to hide them instead >”I really need your help around here, you know ? My bones are not as young as they once were and the work has not gotten easier” >The old woman takes off her winter jacket and reveals the hand knit sweater under it >”Oh, would you please feed the girls ? They have getting a little bit rowdy in the last few days so take care. You know, winter heat” >Fuck Part 2 >Rowdy had been an understatement >The moment those girl got the slightest whiff of male scent their heat turned into the hormonal equivalent to a blast furnace >You barely managed it to throw a bag of husky kibbles into their way before you ran away >There was a small glimmer of hope when the biggest girl, obviously their current alpha, grabbed them and tried to hold them back >As you soon learned however this was only because she wanted the first bite >Now you are hiding in your room, the door is locked and barricaded with a heavy drawer >You can hear them on the outside, whining and scratching, begging to be let in >A small river of fluids is flowing from the crack under the door >You catch your breath as you sit down on your bed, a soft mattress with fluffy warm blankets >Still shocked by the onslaught of female furs the thought of working under these conditions is only slowly creeping back >How are you supposed to get anything done while a horde of horny bitches is lusting for you >Gnawing your teeth you stand up and walk over to your computer, connecting it with the network of the research station >Soon you have access to everything, from the security cams to the research work >This station is working on the permafrost ground and selectively checks ice cores to reference the bacteria inside eleith the thermal changes in the past millennia >Normally this would entice you but a small note destroys your enthusiasm >”Due to the environment and the lack of heavy machinery the only way of transportation is either by monthly helicopter or dog sled” >Fuck >Well, just sitting around for one month, barricaded in your room, will not help you in the slightest >Instead you search the official document for anything that could help you in this situation >After half an hour you finally find the evaluations of your sled dog team >Nine canine furs are working as the official dog sled, all of them female to have a little more control over them >Males are always more difficult, even though they are stronger and have more stamina >Since the only person on this station however is a single old lady the university in charge decided to get an all female team >While you skim over the files you find a detailed report about every girl >Just as you expected the big one is the leader, or alpha, of the team >The rest are a mixture of normal sled dogs, nothing out of the ordinary >Some have spend so much time on a science project that they can even read and write >Just as you try to process this information a piece of paper is shoved under your door >It is immediately soaked with the warm juices but you can still read it >The paper details the rules of behavior on the station, most is pretty normal like “Lab coats are mandatory around the probes” >Someone has written a few new rules under it, the color reminds you of crayons >”Rul 11: Human boys hawe to bee naked” >Cute and disturbing at the same time >You decide to ignore this blatant and obvious attempt to strip you down and instead dig around some more in the staff files >There they are, the personal file of each of the nine fluffy devils that will haunt you for the next few weeks >Fairuza, the alpha of the pack and the biggest Husky you have ever seen >As it seems she is incapable of not getting special treatment, which might explain why she fought so hard to get to the top >She always has to get more than the other girls get, even if she doesn't like it in the first place >She once overfeed on carrot treats, despite the fact that she hates them >You click to the next girl, ignoring the whining in front of the door >Jacoba, her second in command and the brain of the pack >Pretty high scores in every single test she took, one of the few girls that can read and write >As it turns out she has a small myasthenia and is not quite as mobile as the other girl, but her high intelligence is invaluable for the pack >Next are two twins, Paloma and Pallavi >They always share everything and are not separable, having been together since birth >The evaluation warn about ever trying to do it as they are pretty stressed by it and will soon panic >Before you can read more about the other 5 girls something else is happening in front of the door >Your boss, the elderly woman is chasing the huskies away with the help of a spray bottle >They whine for a few more second before surrendering and soon the hallway is empty again >”Anon ? You can come out now, sorry about that, I have no idea what happened to them” >You close your laptop and slowly open the door again >”Ah, good to see that you are well. Come and join me in the kitchen. I prepared some hot chocolate for us”. End of part 2 Part 3 >You slowly step out of your room and walk along the short hallway into the kitchen >On your way you pass the entrance to the cryo lab, the storage room and the bathroom >The dogs sleep in a big kennel outside, so you will be safe from them during the night at least >As you enter the kitchen you can see that only one husky girl is sitting at the table, a small plate of snacks in front of her >”Ah, yes this is Waiola. She is a little bit sick, so she gets to stay inside the building for a few days. Caught a cold during the last trip and now her poor little nose is blocked” >On cue the girl lifts her head and reveals a completely swollen face, a running nose and red eyes >She waves once and sneezes, covering her arm in snot as she does >”Oh my. Say Anon, could you help her clean herself ? The bathroom is down the hallway, directly opposite of your room” >For a moment you feel like the ground has been pulled away from under you but as you look at the poor girl again you relax >This is not a heat ridden beast, she is sick and needs help >You may be a little fearful of furs but you are not an asshole >One quick sip of hot chocolate later you place your hand on Waiolas head, slowly scratching the soft and hot fur >She is practically burning from her fever >You can hear a low growling from the door as Fairuza, the alpha peeks around the corner but she is soon driven away by the spray bottle >With a weak husky in your arms you move towards the bathroom and open the door >The inside is just what you expected, lots of white porcelain and glass, enough room for a few people and large shower drains for fur >There even is a sauna in the corner, probably a good idea in this climate >Without much hesitation you grab a bucket of warm water and start cleaning the fur of the grey husky until the snot is gone >You look around the room a bit more and find the gigantic hair dryer in the corner, only really useful to furs >Waiola steps inside with shaking legs and nearly falls over while trying to keep herself steady without help >You sigh and quickly strip down to your underpants before you enter the chamber with her and turn on the airflow >Within seconds the fan starts rotating and pushes warm air through the entire chamber, evaporating the water inside the girls fur and warms your body >It warms you a little bit too much actually and the sharp air is nearly lifting you off the ground >Waiola grabs you for support and you can feel the warm fur on your skin, the fluffy combination of blanket and rug rubs against you and for a moment you think about reconsidering your thoughts about banging furs >If you could feel this every night, a warm body next to you, whining and whimpering for you to grab her harder and…. >No no no, you will not go down this route, this is what leads to the dark parts of the human civilisation, the parts you see in dodgy internet communities and on the tv once you make the mistake of turning on during the day >Instead you quickly finish your cleaning and stop the dryer, step out, put on your clothes again and led Waiola back to the kitchen >She weakly thanks you as you sit her down and wrap the blanket over her body before she starts shivering again >The elderly woman nods as you sit down again >”I already gave her some medicine, but if she doesn't get better in a few days we will have to bring her into the town. They have a doctor there and she may need one”. >She sips on her cup >”I would like you to ride the sled if that happens, I can take care of myself for a few days and am allowed to call in an helicopter extraction, but only for me, so….” >You can only hope that she gets better, or you will be forced to deal with the entire pack without your boss to help you >Maybe you can borrow the spray bottle End of Part 3 Part 4 >You desperately need the spray bottle and you got it >The first tour you are going to make with the girl sled will lead you to town for a quick supply run and for picking up more medicine >Waiola is getting better but she is still sick enough to need it >Her best friend >Your boss, you are allowed to call her grandma, is pretty sure that the remaining girls are capable of making the trip themselves, they just need a guiding hand >A small book she gave you is filled with tips and tricks for the successful ride on a dog sled and as you scan through it you can see that most are basically “Take control”. >The slowly rising panic is only getting worse as you slowly step into the sled room, the girls are already nearly done >While the pack alpha, Fairuza, is strapping the other into the leather harnesses >She is maybe strapping them a bit to tight, based on the girls breasts that are poking from them >You think about loosening them a bit but then you would have to get your hand between 7 pairs of breasts >No way that you will risk that >Instead you check the booklet again. >”Always make sure that you strap in the girls as this is cementing the chain of command and ensures your superiority”. >Fuck >In the last few days you were however able to follow one of the other tips, “Get to know your team” >There is Fairuza, Alpha and always in charge >She needs lots of extra treatment to not get cranky >She takes the leading position but since the team is one girl short she has to share the top lane with Jacoba >That girl is not really that strong, but more than smart enough >She was the one that wrote the notes and she can even read, you have however seen her getting a few pills from grandma when nobody was looking >Right after them are Paloma and Pallavi, twins that always share everything >They seem to even think as one, always aware of each other feelings >You have no idea how many times they just stood there in otherwise empty hallways, waiting for you >Raakel is behind them to their left, wagging her tail and lifts is up a bit >Baako right next to her has the largest breasts of the lot and always tries to shove them in your face >The last line finally and therefore next to you are Hana the tamest girl of them, she is always following orders and Xiomara, who is always begging for food >You can not enjoy a nice meal without her standing at your table, looking at you with her large eyes >Finally there is you, just a human with a spray bottle that is freezing shut the second the sled starts to slide out of the door >Waiola, shy silent is still sick and missing from the pack today, the girls more than ready to pull her weight as well >Fairuza seems a bit annoyed about having to share the top position, normally she is alone at the top >Eight pairs of asses wiggle in front of you, one harder than the others >Raakel is basically begging you to stare into her pucker >You swallow hard and instead lift the whip, unsure what to even do with it >Raakel, Fairuza and Hana seem to suddenly perk up as you lift it >You are so fucked once they realise that you are helpless, unable to even spray them >You cough to get their attention, a stupid gesture as they already hang on your lips. >A single order to move is all they need, 16 paws digging into the ground and send the dog sled out of the garage, right into the frozen wonderland >Raakel seems a bit unhappy that you did not use the whip but soon follows the pack >Staring at them from behind makes you wonder how you are supposed to even do this >Since they are dogs they have no clothes, all naked girls run in front of you >Each time they lift their tails you get a good look at their fortune cookies, dripping with need >One moment, you remember something… >The dog care manual gave you a hint for that… >Ah, there it is..”Always remember that excess vaginal fluid from heat induced horniness can freeze in the winter. To prevent this you should take regular breaks and clean the girls, drying their pussies”. >You are so fucked. >You check the writing again >The words "Pussies" has been drawn into the booklet with crayon >Sighing you pull out your smartphone for the pdf version >There it is, "you should take regular breaks and clean the girls, drying their vulvae". >Fuck End of part 4