>There is said to be a creature that has a body like us, but lacking >It has no scales, it has no hair >It's nails are small, and limbs are weak >The males have their smooth, featureless genitals between their legs, without a sheath to protect it >Some say that they are golems crafted of limestone, clay, and obsidian >Others say that they are spirits that never found their womb, so they were forced to take this unfinished shape >They longed to be finished >These things pick up scraps of hair and put them on their heads in the hope that they may be complete, but it isn't enough >So they make deals >"Your hair is fluffy. Give it to me and I shall lead you to water." >"That is a lovely beak. I know of gold in the earth; I shall lead you there if you give me your beak." >"Your love's eyes shall focus on you, if your eyes are given to me." >They will give you your heart's desire for pieces of your body >As your desire increases, their requests become worse >They always keep their side of the bargain, no matter how big or small >It was believed that the third queen of the dogs made a deal with a human in return for the bodies of her children >But there are two rules when making a deal >One, you never go back on your word >They will chase you to the ends of the earth until they take what is rightfully theirs >They are slow, but they have little need for rest >Desert, mountain or forest, they are always there, and their gait never stops >And two, do not ask for them to give you a lover >You may find that he knows just what to say, and just how to please you, >But you may find that your new love's fur is oddly similar to your old fur >Okay, you understand what a human is now >Now you just need to get your head around why the fuck there are porn sites that center around something as disturbing as a human! >Freaky dangling dingalings... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >Be Anon, hiding in some random person's basement >You might be wondering "Anon, why are you hiding in someone's basement?" >Well, my good friend, you have apparently been teleported into a world of furries >No, not like those people who wear dumbass fur suits >A world with actual bipedal, sapient animals >You woke up in a back alley at night to see a wolf and lion gaping at you >You expected the lion to maul you or something, but he just stuttered "human" and fainted >Maybe you intimidated him with your naked body >Yeah, whatever decided to put you here also thought it would be funny to teleport you Terminator style >Unfortunately, his wolf friend was only surprised, and started reaching into one of his pockets >Maybe he was going to take out a gun, or maybe it was a phone >You can't tell because you bolted out of there >You tried looking for a police station, but you just ended up running into more weirdos, a giraffe and some kind of cat >These ones decided to chase you down instead >So, naked, alone, and being chased by scary animals you did the first thing you could think of >You jumped through the open window of a nearby house >You checked everywhere for someone, but the house was empty >You decided to sit down for a moment to catch your breath >Only then did it start catching up to you that you were no longer in Kansas >What the hell was going on? >It was so bizarre, like some kind of freaky carnival show >You were thinking about asking the people living here for help, but they might just be another one of those things >Your moment of rest was interrupted by the sound of a door opening >So you hid in a little hidey hole you found in the basement >You've been here for a few days actually, mostly because you honestly have no idea what to do >You didn't get the warmest of welcomes from the inhabitants, you have no clothes, and from the frost and the chill you are pretty sure it's winter >Talking to the inhabitants could be suicide, so that is out >So here you are, stealing food from this sheep whenever they leave for work >At least you think they are a sheep by the pictures you see around the building >A few had a dragon in them >You will leave when things get warmer, you swear >You're pretty sure they're catching on though >they're only leaving small cage traps filled with food right now, but it is a clear sign that they have noticed something is up >Be Samantha the sheep >You are getting really annoyed with food disappearing from your fridge >The traps that you are setting up are doing nothing >You would look into your basement, but the place is so damn cluttered you could not possibly find any vermin >So you've been complaining about it with you coworker and best friend, Cassie >You just can't imagine working in an office without someone to talk to >"Do you have any ideas?" >The dragoness scratches her chin, appearing deep in thought >"Hmm, have you tried a fridge cage?" >"Fridge cage?" >"You know about those little boxes in the fridge door? It's a special trap that goes into one of those. When the food is grabbed, a grate goes over the vermin, and catches them!" >That actually sounds like a pretty good idea >"Thanks, I think I might try it" >"Great! Just, uh, don't get caught in it yourself without the key nearby. You might find yourself stuck in it for hours... Oh, are you still on for watching the new 'Daybreak' movie on Saturday" >Ugh, you just can't understand how Cassie sometimes >You've read the books, and they were awful >From what you've heard, the movies aren't much better >Humans were once terrifying beasts that made deals in return for body parts, emotions, even parts of your personality >Even just giving them something as innocuous as your fur will leave you completely bold >Now they are considered lustful and seductive creatures who 'need someone to make them feel whole' >'I'll make you rich if you give me your golden heart'? >If they read the fairy tales, they would know that line originally came from a human offering a poor wolf money if she gave her morals away >It ended up with her children sold off as prostitutes because of their mother's greed >And they have essentially turned these monsters into porn stars >She's still your friend though, so you smile and bare it >"Sure, just don't expect me to fall in love with Jack." >"But he's the cutest of the bunch!" she pouts >You resist the urge to face palm A few more days pass >You are driving home with Cassie in tow >It's Saturday, and you must say you are not looking forward to watching this movie >At least you set up the trap this morning, so you have something to look forward to >You unlock and open the door only to hear what sounds like grunts of frustration >Did someone break into your house? >"What is that?" your friend whispers, fidgeting nervously >"I don't know, but it's coming from the kitchen." >You both stepped into the kitchen to see something that you would never expect >You and Cassie quickly move back, away from view >"Flat face" "Hairless" "Scaleless" "Sheathless penis" "flat nails" >"A human!" You both exclaim, you in fear, Cassie in delight >"I can't believe you caught a human! This is great!" >"No, this is bad, this is awful! I've just pissed off a powerful spirit, and I'm pretty sure it saw us!" >This does not seem to lessen her grin >"Maybe it will calm down if we give it our 'sheaths'" >Oh god, she's drooling now >You calm her down the best way you can >By slapping her >"Stop thinking with your clit! We have to find a real solution here. Okay, uh, they hate salt don't they? I mean, their ghosts..." >"Are you sure? I thought they were golems." she says, rubbing her face >"Well, I don't know how to handle golems. I'll just throw salt at it, and if that doesn't work, beg for forgiveness." >I'm doomed >Be Anon again >You can't believe they trapped the damn fridge >One second you're reaching for some cheese, the next a grate slams on your arm >Thankfully it wasn't anywhere near enough force to lop it off, but now you're stuck! >Moving your arm around, you try to see if you can pull it out, but you are unsuccessful >Now you are trying to see if you can open the thing back up by using a ladle as a lever. >At least you were until you saw movement out of the corner of your eye >Fuck, they've come home >From the sounds of their whispering, one is freaking out >Can't really blame them, you would feel the same way if some stranger broke into your house >Eventually the whispering stops, and you hear what sounds like a deep breath >In an instant, one of them bolts to the other side of the kitchen >It looks like a female sheep in a tracksuit, with emphasis on the 'suit' >It is form fitting, and has a yellow line going down the middle, but it also has cuffs and a collar >A little baffling to you honestly >As she gets to the other side, she grabs a salt shaker, undoes the top and throws its contents at you >Oh god, she isn't seasoning you is she? >Your worries were assuaged as the sheep fell down on her knees, giving you a deep bow >"Pleasemisterhumandon'teatmeIhaveafamilyandkidsokaymaybenotkidsbutIwashopingtohavesomesomedayjustdon'ttakeawaymyorgansIswearI- >You don't know what the fuck she is saying through her panicking >A dragoness walks out into view with a look of sheer embarrassment >She goes to her friend and lifts her friend up >"I am so sorry about my friend, we did not expect to be graced by your presence, she means no insult. If we knew a human was coming to visit, we would have been a lot more accommodating." >Well, you are really confused here, but you can read the atmosphere >Despite being in a situation that should put you at their mercy, you are the one in power here >They seem to think you are some kind of regal creature, so you act accordingly >"Not only do you trap me here, but you throw salt at me! I do not understand your culture very well, but in my culture it is unforgivable." >Oh geeze, you think you went a bit too far >The sheep looks like she is about to burst into tears >Her dragon friend speaks once more >"Again, we are terribly sorry! We will do whatever you want! If we must be made into your sex slaves, so be it." >Okay, this is getting a bit too weird >"Your names!" >"Sam" "Cassie" the sheep and dragoness replied respectively >"I am angry, but I am also merciful. As penitence, you shall give me food and lodging" >"Y-yes, sir human. Is there anything else?" >What else... >You stare down at your bare chest and hanging member >Might also need something to keep people from noticing anything if they look through a window >"Clothes. Pants and something with a hood so that others may not gaze upon me" >Cassie looks a bit sad at this >"Whatever makes you feel complete." >Sam looks up at you with moist eyes >"Thank you for your mercy! I promise, I will never throw salt again as long as I live!" >"Yes, good. Now, let me go from this infernal contraption!" >Sam quickly got up, and got a key from some nearby drawers, and walks up to the fridge >You are in a bit of an awkward position, so she is forced into very close contact with you, giving you a face full of wool >Hmm, now that you think about it she is a sheep >She has very little wool for one, but back home it was really normal for them to be covered in the stuff >Perhaps you could make a disguise? >The grate is opened, and your vision is unobscured once more >The sheep clasped her... hands? Hooves? Together >"Thank you so much for your infinite mercy. I promise, I will give you what you have asked for." >"Just wait, I have one more request. Do not worry, this should be the easiest request to fulfill." >Her face goes pale, and you almost feel like she is going to bolt >"Y-yes sir?" >"I need some of your wool" >Then, the poor girl faints >"S-Sam!" >Cassie runs over to her fallen friend >You really hope this fainting thing won't become a common occurrence >You almost run to help her too, but than you remember the persona you were trying to build >Perhaps her friend should deal with this, you are supposed to act angry right now >"Wake up! Come on, girl, you can't just leave a human of all things waiting!" >She shook her, but she remained firmly asleep >"I-I can't do this alone! You know how I am when I'm alone with new people, especially celebrities!" >After that final attempt, she got up, turned to face you and began to fidget >This was a new side to her. >Previously she seemed a bit too friendly, now she can hardly look at you >You are getting a good look at her though >She looked a little bit dorky, with freckles and a gap between her two front teeth >You could easily imagine her wearing glasses >You are pretty sure that she was the dragon in the photographs, but there is an odd difference >"Why do you have hair?" >A quiet 'eep' escapes her, and she covers her face >You are starting to get really tired of all this >"How about you just get me some clothes." >She walks out of the room so fast, you almost expected her to break into a run >After a few more moments, Sam awakens >She looks groggy for a few moments, but her eyes quickly widen to the size of dinner plates >Eventually, Cassie calms down her panicked friend once more >She didn't bring any clothes, saying they were all too small for you, and they will get you clothes tomorrow >Well, that's what you get when you ask a sheep a head shorter than you for clothes >"M-mister human, I know that I have hurt you, but I am really attached to my wool." >It must be some huge taboo to give wool or hair away around here, by the way she was freaking out about it before >But you cannot stop here for risk of offending someone, otherwise you may never be able to make a disguise >You can't just stay in this house for a month >"Yes, you have hurt me. I am already being extremely merciful though. Besides, your wool will grow back" >Sam almost falls out of her chair at this >"You're serious? It will grow back?" >"You grew that wool yourself, didn't you? Than it should grow back. Besides, I don't need a lot of it. The wool on your legs should be enough." >She looks like you told her the most amazing secret in the universe, instead of something that should be common sense >Suddenly, you find yourself caught in a hug from the sheep >"Thank you so much, mister human!" >"N-no problem. I would rather you call me Anon though, mister human is a bit much dear." >She freezes at this >After an awkward amount of time, she lets go of you >"So, I'm feeling tired from all this. How about we go to bed early tonight." >Cassie frowns at this >"So I'm just going to have to leave without us having any girl time?" >Sam grabs Cassie's collar and drags her away >"No, you are sleeping over tonight. Anon, the guest room is down the hall, second door to the left." >Well, you suppose a lot has happened, so you will go to bed as well >Right after you get some cans and string >Just in case Sam >After going to your room, you immediately move to your computer >"Hey, what are you doing?" >"I am looking for information on humans." >"Ooh, now that we've found a real human are you planning on joining the human fandom?" >You give her a tired glare, and Cassie backs away from you, laughing nervously >"No, I need to study human myths so I can learn more about my guest. I need to know what to expect." >Let's see, Hot Humans, Hunky Humans, Bad Human... Human Secrets, that website should be usef- >No, that's just more human porn >What the hell is wrong with people these days, honestly >Ah, Mythological Creatures: Humans >Take away attributes, little fur, we already know this, blah blah blah... >Okay, Names >"Humans are born without names, and may only take one if they have enough components to be complete... Some humans have all they need to recreate themselves, but decide against rebirth. These are known as collectors, and they are the greediest of humans, and as they never gain mortality, often the oldest and most powerful." >You let that sink in for a moment >"...Sam, are you shaking?" >"No, no! Of course not. I mean, it isn't like I now have to live with a dangerous monster or anything like that! Why should I be worried? Hahahaha!" >"Shhh, he might hear you!" >You quiet down >"I'm sorry, it's just, what am I supposed to do? I'm worried that this thing is going to drain me dry if I'm not careful..." >Cassie puts a claw over your shoulder >"Maybe he isn't as bad as you think. I mean, the ones from Daybreak are pretty nice. Maybe you could befriend him?" >"Yeah, but that is a modern depiction based on legends. I feel myself trusting the original source more." >"Maybe, but I still thinking befriending him would go a long way to helping you become safer. After all, 'anyone who betrays a friend is less than human!'" >You can't help but giggle at that cheesy line >"Okay, I suppose I could give it a try. Any suggestions on how to do that?" >She gets that look in her eye, the one that suggests she is going to go forward with a plan whether you like it or not >She runs out of the room, and comes back in with your electric shaver >"He does seem to like your wool, so we should start by getting him some as soon as possible." >Oh no Anon >The night has passed, and you found yourself the first one awake >That comes somewhat of a surprise to you, considering you had trouble sleeping because of a bunch of noise coming from your housemate's room >You wanted to go and tell them to be a bit more quiet, but you don't want to push it >Doesn't help that the noise consisted of buzzing, screaming, and loud bumping noises >As you brush your teeth with toothpaste and your finger, You're still contemplating if you should tell them that you heard all that >You also thing about asking for a toothbrush >As soon as you walked out of the bathroom, Sam and Cassie walked out of their room >They were like night and day >Cassie had a spring in her step, and just looked really perky in general >In more ways than one >Damn sleep shirt >Sam looked like she had just crawled out of her grave, and her eyes were practically still closed >Her first destination is, unsurprisingly, the coffee machine >Before you can even think, the words escape your mouth >"Are you feeling alright?" >"Yeah, yeah. Just had trouble sleeping because SOMEONE decided to chase me around my bedroom all night" >Cassie chuckled to herself >"It would have been a lot easier if you would have just shown me your legs." >"I'm sensitive there!" >"Well, it WAS the human's idea" >Sam turned to her friend and gave a sleepy look of confusion as she poured a cup of coffee >"Human?" >Than realization dawns on her face >"Human! Anon!" >You almost expected her to throw her mug at you, but she managed to regain her wits long enough to put it down >"H-hey-I mean, hello Anon! How was your sleep? Wait, what's the time? Oh we have to go to work, bye!" >Cassie tries to stop her friend, but she is already in the laundry >"I am so sorry Anon. She usually is not usually like this, I swear. The legends don't exactly paint a good picture of you guys." >Legends? You are definitely going to have to look this up >"Do not worry, I am used to this behavior." >No, no you are not >Stop avoiding me, damn it! >"I'm so glad you understand. Look, we shaved last night, so there is some wool on the nightstand in her room." >Sam comes in and grabs Cassie by the hand >"Well, hope you had a nice chat, we'regoingbye!" >The dragon grabs the door door frame as she is being dragged out >"I haven't changed yet!" >"We can make a stop at your house!" >And you are alone in the house once more >Well, you suppose you might as well get that wool >Upon entering the bedroom, you see a few things that stand out as abnormal >First, there is the second mattress on the floor, but seeing as her friend was sleeping over that is not a big surprise > Second is the large amount of bookshelves in the room >The damn things take up an entire wall of the place, and they were completely filled >You can probably guess one of her favorite hobbies >On the opposite side is the nightstand with the wool on it, along with a computer and a book >Yes! Maybe you can find out more about this crazy world >You turn the computer on and prepare for some good old internet surfing >Your hopes are quickly dashed however, as it asks you for a password >Time for Anon, the master hacker to show his stuff! >Not 123. Not 123456789. Putting them in backwards doesn't work either >What would a sheep use for a password? >Sammy Lammy? Nope. Lamby Pamby? Nah. >Damn, she must be a computer genius >Maybe that book could give you an idea? >On the cover is a picture of a pear on a white background with the words "Daybreak" >Neither Daybreak nor White pear work either >Well, maybe you will get an idea from the synopsis? >"Linda Bore was your average beautiful wolf who is hated by her peers. However, one day disaster strikes, and her family is killed. In the hopes of saving them, she makes a deal with the handsome human Eddy Worthington. That deal? Show him what it means to be a complete." >On one hand, this synopsis really rubs you the wrong way >On the other, this book seems to be about your kind >Maybe you could use it to find out just what people think of humans? >I mean, the book can't be as bad as the summary made it sound, right? >...It is so much worse >You don't know how long you read through the book, but it was really bad >The story had a main character who you would hardly call a character >Eddy was a creep at best, and abusive at worst >You did not expect the BDSM segments >At least you think you have learnt a few things from this >Humans make deals for things to make themselves feel complete >They have an uncomfortably accurate depiction of a human penis >And Sam has some frightening kinks >Maybe you should keep that noise trap around after all >Your eyes stray to the wool that lay forgotten next to you >That must be one of the reasons why Sam reacted the way she did when you asked for her wool >Must be some kind of kink for her >The thought makes you shiver >Is the disguise really worth it? >... Yes, at least you could escape from here with a disguise if it comes down to it >While you are waiting for them, you should probably make a mask to stick this to >As you work on your mask, you think about what you are going to do next >First of all, you are in a new world, so you should probably understand the land >Ignoring the odd fixation the two friends seem to have of your kind, They could make good guides for you in this world >But then what? >Are you going to just stay in this world like a regular resident? >No, there has to be some way to get back >You will have to lay low, and look for anything that may help you get back >There is no way something as big as teleporting to another world is a natural phenomenon >Perhaps you could get an idea by investigating the spot you woke up in? >Do you even remember where you woke up? >Maybe these questions should be solved later, for now you need to work on your act >Specifically the one you kind of fucked up earlier >You were supposed to have this persona, and you broke it when you asked the sheep how she was >Thankfully, the mistake was small and she may have been too tired to notice, but you can't flipflop on this >Eddy seemed a bit old fashioned in the book, so you think you may have been on to something >You aren't going full Daybreak though, that may just lead to those two coming onto you more >You are not going to fuck a sheep, damn it! Leave that to the Welsh >Being known as Anon the dragon-fucker does have some appeal though... >Wait, no, she wanted to be your sex slave on sight. That is freaky. >But seeing as you now live with these people, you are going to have to deal with them >They may be afraid of you right now, but fear can turn into violence >The only answer is to befriend them >You must now act as the regal Anon! You are sophisticated! You demand respect! But you can be merciful and kind. >But not too merciful! >After repeating this to yourself for a while, you finally manage to create a mask that should mimic the facial structure of a sheep >A sheep with an extremely woolly face >The eyes are a bit of a problem though >The return of the two friends are punctuated by the opening of a door >"We brought clothing!" Cassie says in a singsong voice >You get up from your workplace on the table, and look to see her carrying a bag >She hands it to you, and you look inside to see a white hoodie alongside some pants, underwear and shirts >"Do you like it? It was my idea to go with white, seeing as how you like Sam." >She gives her friend a wink, which Sam reacts to by placing a hoof on her forehead >Okay Anon, regal >"I only like her for her wool, I assure you. Nevertheless, you have done well so far, so I may find it in my heart to forgive you for your insinuations this day." >That wasn't too pompous, was it? Eh, might as well go full ham on this >You put on the hoodie, along with the mask >Alone the mask probably would not work, but with the hood you could probably pass as a sheep >"So, do I resemble a sheep? Do not lie, for I shall know if you do." >Cassie whispers something to Sam, and the sheep gives a look of discomfort >"It looks a little off, but I think I know just what you need!" >The dragon leaves, and returns shortly with dark sunglasses >She hands them to you, and you put them on >Sam starts to blush, and whispers something to Cassie while obviously trying to avoid looking at you >Cassie burst out into laughter >"Pfff-Hahaha! Sam says you look like a porn star!" >"Shut up!" Sam whisper-yells, blushing harder >Huh? You were expecting quite a few possible answers, but that was not one of them >A chill runs past your legs, causing you to look down >Oh, yeah >Maybe you should have put some pants on first >Only now do you realize that you have pretty much being flashing these two since you met them >If it weren't for the mask, they would probably see your face turn red as you start to put on some pants >"Again, I repeat my question! Do I resemble a sheep?" >Cassie's laughter has gone down to chuckling by this point >"Hehehe, yeah, you look just like a sheep, if a bit thin for a male. Could probably even pass for Sam's boyfriend." >Yep, you are pretty sure Sam is trying to resist strangling her right about now >"Very well! Now I have another thing to ask of you!" >Sam's scowl disappears, and is replaced with a look of worry >"Yes, Anon?" >"I am new to this town, so I require you two to escort me so that I may better understand this beautiful city!" >Cassie lets out a whoop >"Night on the town, yeah!" >Sam fidgets a bit before answering >"Yes Anon. However, can I ask something of you?" >"You do not have the right to make requests! Nevertheless, I shall listen to what you have to say!" >Sam winces at your words, but continues on >"In public, you must not speak like... That." >"Explain, my dear sheep..." >"You have a habit of..." >Cassie pipes in "You don't talk like a normal person." >"Err, what she said..." >You are actually somewhat saddened by this >Talking as if you were royalty was starting to get kind of fun >"So how would I talk 'normally' as you so call it?" >"Well, for one we don't usually speak so grandiosely." says Sam >"It is a sign of sophistication from the land that I hail!" >Yes, you do bellow that out as if you are an actor doing a Shakespearean play >"We don't usually use such a large vocabulary either" >You grumble to overemphasize your frustration >"Fine, I shall try to use a form of speech more fitting of your kind." >You will get her back for this, though >You get into Sam's car and she drives everyone around town, while Cassie points out places of interest >Despite your looking, you don't recognize any of the alleys >The city is oddly similar to cities back home >"And that is the cinema. We show movies there. They are kind of like pictures that move and tell stories! Is that cool or what?" >It doesn't stop Cassie from explaining things to you as if you had never seen them before >Rather than it being annoying, you find her enthusiasm quite contagious >"Pictures that move? Why, what will they think of next! How do they do this?" >It helps that you get to ham things up a little while doing it >"And that's most of it. Hey, one of my favorite restaurants is around here. Anon, do you want to try some of this place's food?" >Well, you are feeling a bit hungry, and when you were in hiding you only ate whatever was in the fridge >The only edible things were some fruits and vegetables, seeing as most of the dishes had grass in them >You can cook, but you weren't going to risk it >"A splendid idea! Yes, that sounds like a most enjoyable activity. Let us be off than!" >It is a very short drive before you reach the 'River and Meadow' >You walk inside and are greeted by decor that makes you think of a log cabin >Quite impressive, considering how the outside of the building looks like any other >You sweat a bit when you are met by a beaver, worried that he might see through your disguise, but he doesn't give you a second glance as you are escorted to your table >The menus that are handed to you and Sam are marked herbivore, while Cassie's is marked carnivore >"This place has great food both for me and Sam, so we often like to come here." >Well, you suppose a sheep eating a steak would stand out a bit >Now you realize that you're probably not going to get any meat, souring your mood somewhat >Maybe they will have something good in this menu >You read through it and feel your disappointment increase >A lot of these things have grass, and what doesn't have grass has some types of flowers >Eventually you settle for some kind of vegetable soup >At this rate, you might just have to tie-dye your hoodie >Another male beaver in waiter's clothing comes up >"Oh, heya Sam! How are things going?" >Sam smiles at the waiter >"Oh, things have been a bit chaotic, Daniel. You could not even guess the things that I have been through in the last few days." >"Oh, well I hope things are getting better for you." >He quickly notices you >"You finally got yourself a date I see." >Ah, there's that flinch >"No! Nonono. He is just a friend from out of town whom I am showing around. His name is Anon." >"Well, it's nice to meet ya, Anon!" he holds a hand out to shake >You almost answer in your REGAL (TM) voice, but see Sam making a cutting motion across her neck and mouthing 'no' >Right, you told her you wouldn't do that >Then you get a sly idea >"Nice to meet ya brothah. If ya got soul like Sam here I'm sure we can mix cream with the coffee, ya get me?" you smack his hands a few times and fist bump him >Okay, you may have fucked up your attempt at jive there >Sam's mouth is hanging open, while Cassie is laughing like a maniac >"Uhh, cool. It is always nice to meet someone new. So, what are your orders?" >After he leaves, Sam finally closes her mouth >"What the hell was that!?" >"I thought that was how most people talked these days." >"I have never heard someone talk like that in my life! Just, try to talk more like us, okay?" >Cassie grins >"Ordering the human around now, huh? Be careful Anon, who knows what she will ask for next." >Sam cringes, and looks away >An awkward silence fills the air, with the dragon's once jovial smile turning sheepish >She shakes her friend by the shoulder >"Hey, Sammy. You know, I bet Anon here has seen a lot, being a collector and all. Maybe he knows some historic facts that were lost to time?" >The once sad, uncomfortable looking mammal suddenly sits up stock straight and wide eyed >She puts her hoof to her chin, and seems to consider Cassie's suggestion >"H-hey, Anon? I don't mean to be rude, but where did you get that style of speech? You could not have gotten that from peasants, so you must have known someone important long ago." >Shit, this might be bad. You know literally nothing of this world's history >However, this could be a good time to earn her favor >"Well, there was this female who had strong desires to become a noble. I had to do a lot of dealings with the high class to make it happen." >They both lean in toward you, obviously interest with what you are saying >"Who was this person?" >"My memory is hazy. I do believe she was of the canine persuasion, though." >Sam gasps, and falls back >"Are you saying that you-! >Cassie puts her hand on the sheep's shoulder, and Sam realizes that she was bordering on yelling >She takes a deep breath and repeats her question a more quietly >"Are you saying that you were the one who made Fredricka queen?" >"Her name was Fredricka? I can hardly remember, it was so long ago." >Sam looks around, almost like she was making sure no one was watching >Then she leaned in again, and whispers, almost conspiratorially >"Is it true that she gave you her three children to become queen?" >Oh god, now she thinks you fucked a literal queen bitch >"No, I merely asked for her voice in political affairs. A lot more useful than a rabble of children." >Sam scratched her head >"Makes sense. She was always considered quite rude, despite her great wisdom in economics." >It seems like she misunderstood you, but you don't really care to point that out >"How did you make her queen, anyway?" >"A human needs to keep his secrets." >Soon your food arrives >Cassie had ordered some fish, and it looks like the most appetizing thing you have seen in the last few days >She notices you staring, and smiles >"Are you interested in trying some?" >Sam quickly stops her >"I'm sorry, but it might draw some attention if he eats meat," >Thanks for reminding you, miss vegan >"But if you want, I could give you some of mine." >Sam got what looks like flowers wrapped in hay >It actually looks kind of appetizing, but you know better than that >For all you know, that could put you in the god damn hospital >"I thank you for your kind consideration, but I think I will just have some of my own food." >You put your spoon into the soup, and raise it to your mouth >The mask gets in the way a bit, and you end up pouring some of the liquid on it >Cassie chuckles at your fumble >"Need some help?" >"No, I am perfectly capable! I shall not let your utensils defeat me, my dears!" >Cassie whispers to her friend, just loud enough for you to hear "Why does he keep calling us deer?" >Sam just shrugs >You try again, with no success >Eventually, you stop before you ruin your mask >Ingeniously, you put a straw into the soup, and started eating that way >Okay, you probably look really silly, seeing as even Sam is chuckling at you >After you drain the soup of liquid, you eat the rest with a fork >Much cleaner that way >Damn it, did coming to the universe make you autistic? >The food was pretty good though, despite your earlier issues >After you all finish, you say goodbye to Daniel (in bad jive of course) and begin the drive back home >You think those things had gone quite well >The disguise worked perfectly, and you can tell that Sam is beginning to feel more comfortable around you >Your safety is secure for now >Cassie looks at you from her position in the front seat >"So, how was it? Did you have fun?" >"Yes, I do believe I did. It was a truly wonderful excursion, my dear." >"Again with the deer thing... But I'm glad! You know, I'm having a day off tomorrow, and I was wondering if you would be-" >"Cassie, please don't ask him to go with you." >Huh? What was she going to say? >"Come on, Sammy! I'm sure he won't get angry if the books are inaccurate. He might even have some insights! And maybe with him I can actually talk with them properly. I feel I've gotten close enough-" >"He is not just anyone, he is a human. We can't just parade him around." she states sternly >Cassie backs off a little, but quickly retorts >"I will just tell them he's another sheep. The disguise worked, didn't it?" >Any anger on Sam's face shifts into sadness, and she lets out a sigh >"He shouldn't go. I'm sorry." >You stop at Cassie's house, and she gets out >"O-okay, maybe some other time than..." >And with that, you leave >You just have to ask >"Could you explain what that was about?" >Sam shakes her head >"It's private, don't worry about it." >The car is filled with an awkward silence >You find it disagreeable, so you decide to break it >"So, Sam, tell me about yourself." >"About myself?" She asked, sounding somewhat surprised by the question >"There isn't much to say, I suppose. I'm kind of a boring person. I'm the third child of my parents, only slightly older than my twin brother, who is the youngest," >Four children, and with a twin? Does she seriously consider that normal? Must be a sheep thing. >"I work finances for a retail company. You know what I'm talking about, right?" >"You work for a large business?" >"Yeah, pretty much. I deal with numbers, and let me tell you, it is the most boring job ever. Don't work in retail. Actually, do humans even get jobs? Unless I missed something, you don't have your own society, do you." >And we are back to the topic of humans >Time to make shit up again >"Humans do not have jobs! We are much too noble for such things!" >"Then how do you eat?" >Shit, she's got you there >"Humans do not require silly food!" >"So you won't mind if I don't give you any food?" >"Uhhh..." She has you there >You can see that smug smile on her face in the rear view mirror >Shit, is she serious? >You suppose even Anon the regal has to admit defeat sometimes >"Okay, fine, you have caught me, you fiend! We often make deals to procure food..." >"Why do they never mention this in the stories?" >"Would people be interested in reading about what you do to procure food?" >"Well, you got me there." >After a moment of silence, her previous words sink in >Was she actually serious? Was she really considering going back on your deal? >She shouldn't take your deal so lightly, seeing as how it might be the only thing keeping you alive >This is serious, and the idea of losing the safety that you had worked for makes you panic >In an attempt to gain control over the situation, you speak speak your next words ominously >"You sure are brave to stand up to a human twice in one day..." >Another wince >"I'm sorry... I was out of line there." >Okay, now she looks dejected again >It pains you to see her this way, but you can't risk your safety >Still, maybe you went a little too far >You decide to switch back to a more comfortable topic >"...Could we go back to talking about you?" >"S-sure. As I said, my life isn't that interesting. My job is boring. Other than Cassie I don't have many friends. When I was young, I always avoided the scary rides at the amusement park. Not much adventure in my life, honestly." >"Cassie said you liked history, did she not?" >"I like reading. History is only one part of that. Cassie says I need to stop reading so much and get out more, but there is a certain safety in books. Better to read about a tragedy or horror than to be a part of it." >You can barely hear her whisper under her breath "I really hope this doesn't turn into a tragedy." >Geeze, she knows how to make you feel guilty. >Maybe you should try to lighten the mood a bit >"What about a comedy?" >"Eh, I never really liked comedy stories." >What? Something must be seriously wrong with her if she doesn't like comedy" >"What's do you find distasteful about comedy?" >The sheep shrugs her shoulders >"Most comedy stories are bad, and I just can't stand a bad comedy." >"Yet you can stand a bad tragedy?" >"A bad tragedy can be a good comedy. A bad comedy is just plain bad." >That... You never thought of it that way >Eventually, you arrive at her house >You want to talk to Sam more, but she quickly walks into her room and shuts the door >You hope that turning in early is normal for her, but there is a niggling feeling that this is because of you >Who knew that it would be so hard to be both feared and loved? >God, if you are forced to choose between one, which is better? >That Machiavelli guy may have said fear, but he was talking about government, not what to do to hide from a society of sapient animals! >God, it is way too early to turn in, and these stressful thoughts aren't helping >Maybe some TV will help put you to sleep >You turn it on, and see some buddy cop show >No that would probably just make things worse >You flip the channel until you land on some kind of opera in a language that you don't understand >Perfect, nothing is better at putting people to sleep than opera >As time passes, you feel your eyelids grow heavy >You lay down >Tomorrow, Sam is going to work, and Cassie is going to... do whatever she was going to do >You are pretty much free to do whatever you want >Perhaps you should check around town for that spot where you woke up >Yeah, that sounds like a good idea >With those thoughts, you drift to sleep >You wake up, go to brush your teeth, remember that you have no toothbrush, ask Sam to go buy a toothbrush on her way back, brush your teeth with your finger again, take a shower, and get dressed >Yep, today you are going into the concrete jungle on your lonesome, filled with wolves, lions, sheep and dragons >You walk up to Sam as she drinks her coffee >"Sam, I thought I should inform you that I am going to take a stroll alone through the city today." >"Okay..." >Tick Tock Tick Tock >She chokes on her glass >Cough "Are you sure-" cough "-that you are going to be alright?" >"I'm a human, I am quite skilled at walking amongst others unseen." >"O-okay. If you think you'll be fine." >"Do not worry my dear, I am confident that everything shall be fine." >With that, you exit the warm house and go into the cold air >It isn't long before you enter the city proper >There aren't many people out and about, probably because it is still relatively early >Now, time to look for that place where you woke up >The car may have given you a good mental map of the city, but it isn't exactly easy to get a good look at alleyways while being driven around in a car >You walk through town, searching for a familiar alleyway >You swear, once you've seen one, you've seen them all >Is that broken beer bottle following you? Pretty sure you saw that same brand before >Even that hobo looks the same >Do you even remember what the place where you woke up looked like? >Panicking and running right after you wake up isn't useful for remembering your surroundings >While looking a little too intensely at an alley, and not where you were going, you bumped into someone >"Oof!" A feminine voice cries in surprise >You look to see the bespectacled white rat you just knocked over >"Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you there." >You give a hand to her and she accepts it >After pulling her up, you realize that she only reaches up to your chest >"It's f-fine. I was lost in thought, so the blame is partially mine." >The poor thing is shivering up a storm, and the coat she is wearing doesn't seem to be helping at all >It appears to be one size two large, making her look like a lost child >Quite odd, seeing as how her voice seems to mark her as quite mature >"Hey, are you okay?" >"I-I'm fine, don't worry. Hey, have you s-seen anything odd around here lately?" >Well, you don't really have a good idea of what's odd nowadays >"Not really. Why do you ask?" >"Oh, just rumors that my boss is making me look into. Nothing you should c-concern yourself over." >"Geeze, in this weather?" >"Yeah, my boss is not the nicest person. You'd think a coldblooded snake would understand how awful it is being out in the cold." >"You sure there's nothing I could help you with?" >"Well... Could I have some of your wool?" >She quickly bursts into laughter >You join her, hopefully not forcing your laughter too hard >You were a bit worried for a second >"Hahaha! Ha... You sheep don't know how good you guys have it." >"Just wait until summer, I am going to be sweating all over the place." >You share one more laugh, this time not as forced, and go your separate ways >Summer... Really hope you won't have to stay here that long >A woolly mask, and a hoodie in sweltering heat? Yeah, that is a scary thought >Back to focusing on the task at hand >At least, that is what you would have done if you felt like it would get you anywhere >Your searches came up with nothing, and you are pretty sure you went in a big circle at some point >Maybe you need a lead of some sort? >What place would have information that you can make use of? >Didn't Cassie point out a library during your tour? Perhaps you could check that out >After walking a ways, you reach the large building >Inside is how you would expect most libraries to look: sadly lacking in much life >Well, it isn't like you came here to socialize >You walk to one of the computers on the side, and boot it up >Maybe a recent newspaper has something useful you could use? >You type news into the search, and come up with a lot of information >Things on politics, celebrities, crimes, nothing particularly interesting to you >You narrow the search down with portal technology, and you find yourself no closer >A bunch of scientific articles, sure, but from what you can read it is mostly just theoretical things, nothing to do with recent happenings >Maybe you'll get somewhere if you search 'human' with news >Myth origin, ancient paintings, new book out... >'My daughter married a human'? Okay, now you are just finding tabloids >"Anon? Anon!" >Oh god, you can't breathe! >You start thrashing about, trying to get out of the powerful grip of the one who has grabbed you >"What are you doing here? Did you know? Is this one of your human information gathering abilities?" >"Too... Hard...!" >"Oh, sorry; Don't know my own strength sometimes." Cassie giggles sheepishly as she loosens her hug >You take a moment to calm down after that little encounter >"Holy sycamores on a ridge, had I not known that it was you this could have ended awfully!" >"Sorry... Did you come here to take me up on my invitation?" >Oh right, she wanted to invite you to something >"I cannot just turn down a kind invitation. I thought it would be riveting to go to the library with you!" >"Are you sure Sam is going to be okay with that?" she asks, unsure >"As much as she wish it were otherwise, I am the one in control here. I'm sure I will be fine." >You're a strong independent man who don't need know ewe! >Besides, you weren't getting anywhere in your searches anyway >Might help to have some off time >"Great! Come with me!" >You follow Cassie to a small alcove filled with chairs >You have a pretty good idea what this is about >"I have never been to a book club before. It will be a novel experience for this old... sheep." >"Really? Well, I am honored to show an old 'sheep' something new!" >"But I do not believe I have read the book. Will I really have anything of interest to speak of?" >Cassie scratches the back of her head, and her smile seems a little forced >"Maybe not, you might just have to sit their and watch us talk. This is a little embarrassing for me to say Anon, but I really need someone close to be around." >"I do believe I require further explanation." >Cassie takes a deep breath, and leans down towards you, and whispers almost conspiratorially >"I have a few problems with... social anxiety." >"Well, you are very good at hiding that." >"Oh, you're a charmer! But I am serious. Without having a friend close, I-I just can't speak. I just freeze! Especially with Terra's piercing eyes! Oh, I just had to be in a group with another dragon..." >She's practically shaking right now >You place a hand on her shoulder to help calm her down >"You really consider me close enough to you to help your anxiety? What about Sam? Would she not have be interested in joining you?" >"She joined me once, but told me the next day that she did not find it that interesting. If she wasn't interested in talking about her favorite book, I don't know how I could get her here again!" >Oh god, hyperventilating >She seemed so confident in her previous interactions, now it seems like she will shatter after a single touch >You do the first thing that comes to mind >You hug her, careful to not keep your head away from her breasts >After a few moments, she calms down and returns the hug >She's surprisingly warm for being essentially a big lizard >After a few moments, she releases you and steps back >"Thanks, I needed that... No one saw me freaking out, right?" >"I do not think so. So, why do you find my influence helpful? You've only known me for a few days." >"I'm... not sure. Maybe it's because Sam was around me while we got to know each other, saving me from freaking out in front of you. Or maybe it's because I know your little secret?" >"I'll admit, Sam would probably be more helpful, but there is just something calming about having a 'sheep' at your side." >Sam would disagree with that >Still, you aren't going to trouble her with that, you are here to help her after all >The both of you take a seat and wait for the other members of the book club >Eventually, another person arrives >She is a yellow gecko with dark speckles >Of note is the gatsby hat on her head, and her huge crocodile like tail >It looks like her tail ate something, and it hasn't digested yet >She is intensely focused on a notepad as she writes things >Cassie puts a hand against her chest and takes a deep breath >"H-hey, Izzy. How are things?" >This grabs the gecko's attention >"Oh, hey Cassie. I'm doing... not so well. News is slow lately," >Her eyes go over you and widen >"Oh! I must have missed you. I'm sorry, I've been bit stressed lately," >She holds out her hand >"Names Izzy! I'm a journalist for the Daily Dustings. I'm sure you've heard of us." >You take her hand, and shake >"A pleasure to meet you. My name is Anon, and I am looking forward to joining the book club." >She just stares at you for a moment, and lets go of your hand >"A male? Er, are you perhaps..." >Cassie leaps in before she can finish her sentence >"He's a friend of mine. He doesn't know what the book is, I just thought he could help me be a little more assertive." >"Oh! Hahaha! Yeah, definitely, I was just going to ask that. I mean, someone had to have told him about this club, and you haven't talked much lately. It's pretty obvious, I don't need to be a journalist to guess that. Hahaha!" >She is laughing just a little too hard, and a little too long for you to think that she is being completely honest >Someone out of view makes a shush sound, and she stops >"Er, sorry. Anyway, I just have to ask: did you hear about anything interesting lately? This is for my job." >"Nope, nothing." >"You sure?" >"Yep." >"Damn." >She sits back down, once more looking at her notebook >Cassie looks at you as she wrings her hands >"How was that?" >"It was good, I suppose. Still, maybe you could talk a little more?" >"All right. I can do this." >Eventually, more people arrive >A couple lizards and a dragon come in together >She is yellow, and somewhat taller than Cassie >As soon as her eyes meets yours, she glares at you >A split second later, the glare is replaced by a friendly smile >She sits down and clears her throat >"I see there is a new face vith us today. vould you like to introduce yourself, sir?" >You have a feeling you aren't going to like her, and it it's not just because of the accent >"I am Anon, and it is a pleasure to meet you all." >"Oh, a gentleman I see. I hope you vill find our little get together quite fun. You may call me Terra." >She pulls out a white book, and you are just able to read the title >Daybreak 3 >Oh boy >Guess you were wrong about who owned that book >"Anyway, today we are on page 125. What is your opinion on the humans of the east?" >One of the lizards pipe up >"I think they are interesting. It shows just how different humans can be just based on where they were spawned." >"Is it because they are affected by the local people, or do they come out that way?" the other lizard asks in turn >Cassie is fidgeting, and occasionally her eyes dart to you >"Hey, if you want to say something, go ahead." you whisper >"But it might be a little critical about the book." >You're pretty sure if you read the book, you would have problems finding things not to be critical about >"There is nothing wrong with stating some things you have a problem with. Besides, she asked for your opinion." >"O-okay." >She speaks a little louder, so as to be heard. "Um, I think the addition of the tribe is a little sudden." >All eyes are on her now >Terra is the first to speak >"And vhat do you mean by this?" she says, with a subtle menace to her 'cheerful' voice >Cassie flinches, but your hand on her shoulder encourages her to go on >"Well, throughout most of the previous books, there was nothing suggesting that humans banded together. A lot of information suggests that humans in the book are loners." >"Vell, if you don't like the book then why did you agree to putting it on our list?" >"I-I do like it. I just feel that there are some parts that deserve a bit of criticism." >Izzie jumps into the conversation >"Yeah, I kind of agree with Cassie. It did hurt my suspension of disbelief a little bit." >Terra takes a deep breath of her own, then flashes that toothy smile again >"Yes, I suppose it vould not make that much sense. Moving on." >You give Cassie a pat on the back, and she flashes you a much more honest grin >It goes on like this, with you pushing your friend to be more outgoing >Well, except for some parts that of the conversation that you are quite happy she stayed out of >"The Blacks have bigger ones, they are clearly superior." >"The best thing about humans is that they are unlikely to hurt you while inside. It being painfully big just makes it lose its charm!" >"That is why yellow is the best." >"Woah, I want to at least feel something." >You honestly aren't sure who was more embarrassed at that point >You wanted to just hide in your coat, and Cassie was covering her face >As things continue on, you feel like Cassie is acting more like her normal self >It's kind of nice to feel like you are actually making a difference >"Jack has been shown to be much more nicer than Eddy, and shows his appreciation of her in a much healthier way. That is why I think Linda should be with Jack." >There is also something amusing about watching people actually talk about shipping in person >You still aren't going to read any more of that awful book though >Eventually, the club ends >And god you have to use the bathroom >You could not just leave Cassie alone, so you were holding it in the entire time >After going into the restroom, you see that there are three toilets, each a different size >You can only imagine what lines must be like when busy >Now you are counting your blessings that you just happened to run into a house owned by a sheep, rather than an elephant >Taking a shit would be really awkward otherwise >As you walk out of the room, you are greeted by a scowling Terra >"Dog food, don't butt your head into our group." >Yeah, you guessed right about her being a bitch >"Hey, I'm not too big on the club myself. I am just here to look after my friend." >"Yes, that fluff dragon. I vas villing to let her into the group, but my patience vith her is growing thin." she growls >Is she saying what you think she is? >"If you come again, ve vill kick the both of you out." >"What the hell did I ever do to you? We just met!" >"You sheep only know how to follow your leaders. As soon as you are alone, you can't do anything. You are all just frightened weaklings!" >While you are not a sheep, the sheer gall of this bitch is really pissing you off >You try to give a glare, but than realize the mask kind of makes it hard show certain expressions >"Sheep are not all cowards. We can fend for ourselves!" >"If you vant to prove me otherwise, vhy don't you take a swing? Just know that I vill hit back, coward." >You are really tempted to prove this bitch wrong >But would the disguise survive a fight? >The mask would probably be ruined if she gets a good hit in >As interesting as the mental image of her realizing she was arguing about human dicks in front of a human is, it's too dangerous >You clench your fist in frustration as you turn around and leave >"No surprises there. Go and stay with your flock, dog food. This has nothing to do with you." >You walk back to find Cassie positively beaming >"Thanks so much, Anon! You were a huge help!" >She lifts you off of the floor in another hug >How are you going to break it to her? >"Cassie, I'm afraid I may not be able to come to the next club" >Her smile falls away >As she sets you down, she looks positively crushed >"W-what do you mean? Things were going so well... I-it was the thing about penises, wasn't it? We don't usually talk about that, I swear!" >"It had nothing to do with that conversation. It's the dragon known as Terra. She doesn't seem to appreciate my company, and wants me to leave." >Her eyes widen in surprise after you stated the other dragon's name >"Maybe you misunderstood her? I mean, she's a little scary, but I don't think she's that bad. Are you sure you aren't overreacting?" >"She kept calling me dog meat, not the most polite of terms." >Her jaw drops for a moment, and than it's replaced by what you can only tell is extreme rage >She looks around for something and than spots her mark >"TERRA!" >She storms over to her >"I cannot believe you would call him that! Dog food? Was this the same reason why Sam left? Because you are stuck in the old ways?" >Terra scowls >"You have no pride, relying on those who follow others blindly!" >"They are better than that, and I rely on them because they care about me!" >"And that is vhy you are too veak to take charge!" >"This is not about me taking charge!" >Their arguing is steadily growing louder >Izzy walks next to you and joins in on watching the events unfold >"Dragons. Always so Emotional. Kind of hoped it would wait until the book was done though." >"Huh? You expected this?" >The gecko gives a sigh and speaks the next part a bit more quietly >"Yeah, Terra migrated from Psidalay when she was younger. Grew up on stories about dragons once being the ruling caste. Probably feels challenged by your friend or something. I want to apologize on account of all Psidillians, most of us aren't this bad." >"You are also from there? But where is your...?" >"Accent?" she asks, now a bit louder >"As a journalist, I need to do a lot of schmoozing, meaning it helps to sound local. Also, um..." >She pulls her hat over her face >"I was always a big fan of Domeian movies, hehehe." >Is it getting hotter in here? >She grabs her camera >"What are you doing?" >"The papers might be interested in a small piece about dragons trashing the library." >Wait, what? >While you were distracted, it seems the arguing has escalated quite a bit >They are both shaking in anger, growling at one another >"We have to do something, someone could get hurt!" >Izzy keeps looking through her camera, lining up a shot >"Would love to, but have you ever seen a fight between two dragons? Gets nasty. If you want to stop them, go ahead, but Terra won't listen to me, and Cassie might think I'm a threat." >Shit >You quickly run over stop things from escalating any further >"I don't give a shit what you think! If you think I'm that much of a threat, Maybe I should just...! >You go up to Cassie and grab her arm >She grabs your arm, and squeezes it painfully hard >You are just barely able to hide a grunt of pain >Her claws did nothing to hurt you, but you feel like your arm may be bruised >She looks over to you, and she gives a look of surprise and lets go >"Cassie, calm down." >She turns back to Terra and growls one last time before turning around, and walking to the exit, with you trailing after her >A lot of people are staring >"Cassie? Are you okay?" >She doesn't answer >You both exit the library >You aren't sure how long the both of you walk >Eventually she stops, takes a deep breath, and turns around >She avoids eye contact as she rubs her arm >"I'm really sorry, Anon. I'm sorry you had to see that. I had no idea that something like that was going to happen." >"No need to worry. As they say, shit happens." >Cassie lets out a small chuckle from your shift in decorum >Unfortunately, only a few moments later she is frowning again >"All those people saw me yelling. I'm not sure I can go back to the library again, much less the book club" >You really want to tell her otherwise, but based on those looks she was getting... Well, you would not be too surprised if people felt a little uncomfortable being around her after seeing that >The usually peppy dragon WAS kind of scary at that moment >A small pulse of pain reminds you of her strength >"You know, this was Sam's idea. She thought this would help me with my anxiety, but it never did." >"You seemed to be doing a pretty good job today, if I'm not mistaken." >"Except for the end there." she said, scratching her head >"Anxiety was not your problem in that predicament, Terra was just being a terribly dreadful person." >"Yeah. I actually had an argument with Sam when she said she wasn't going to be joining me any more. Knowing what I know now, I feel bad about it. I was right about one thing: going alone was not helpful at all." >"I believe Terra may have been mainly at fault for you not overcoming your issues." >"You think? Would it have really made things better, even without anyone to help me?" >"You are tougher than you believe, take my word for it." >"... Well, I suppose I can't distrust a human's wisdom." she gives a small smile >Cassie changes the topic >"Well, now that that is over, what should we do? We've still got plenty of time." >"Well, I am still new to this land. Perhaps you could show me something surprising?" >In layman's (laydragon? laysheep?) terms, let's see something interesting >"Surprising?" >The dragon starts tapping her chin in thought >"surprising, surprising... Ah, I bet you've never seen an amusement park!" >"A park for amusement? Explain what you mean." >It's been a long time since you've been to one of those. That actually sounds pretty fun! >"Oh, it's great! There are these huge machines that take you high into the sky, and bring you plummeting down!" >You are pretty sure that if you actually had no idea what an amusement park was, that description would really turn you off from going >Suddenly, Cassie looks like she just saw a ghost >Someone's hand falls on your shoulder and you jump away >"Stay thy hand!" you yell out in surprise >In front of stands Izzy, holding her hands up >"Woah there, hoppy. Didn't mean to scare you guys. I heard something about going to the amusement park, and I thought it might be fun to join you." >Wait >"Were you following us, ma'am?" >"What? No, no, I was just going to one of my usual information gathering spots." >"Then should you be doing your job, rather than cavorting about with us?" >Lizzie looks about conspiratorially, and leans in towards you >You lean back a bit, afraid she might notice your mask, but thankfully she stops before she is too close >"You know about 'hotdogs'?" >Would it be hurt your cover if you stated knew about hotdogs? >Eh, you can just pretend you stole one from some poor smuck or something >"Yes...?" >"Weird stuff, isn't it? A cylinder of meat that amusement parks and circuses sell to patrons. Does anyone even know what's inside the stuff?" >You never liked to think about that in your own world >It was always like a rule of nature, you just don't question where the meat comes from >The implications in this world are... >The thought makes you sweat under your warm disguise >"Yeah, I thought so. The rats who made the stuff say it's fish, but I don't quite believe that is the whole truth... You okay?" >"Y-yes, I am perfectly" urp! "fine." >As you cover your mouth, you swear to yourself that you are done with anything resembling a sausage >"Soooo. Can I come with you guys?" >Your first reaction is to say no >Monsters in hiding do not usually get along with journalists >But from the feeling of claws on your back, and the breathing down your neck, you are probably not be too far off in assuming Cassie is hiding behind you >A tall dragon, hiding behind a 'sheep' >If anyone else were around, they would probably find the image amusing >She must be embarrassed about what transpired in the library >You likely just got her kicked from the one thing that could help her anxiety >Any progress she may have made might have been lost after that argument >Who knows, maybe this gecko would make a good friend for her >And it isn't like she would see through your disguise >Right...? >"Sure, you can come." >"A-Anon, I'm not su-" >"Yes!" she exclaims, pumping her fists >"You won't regret it!" >She now has you two wrapped in a hug around both around both your shoulders, like you guys were always best pals, almost knocking Cassie's head against yours >"I swear, I won't write anything about your little sheep dragon date." >What? >"T-this isn't a date!" you sputter out >Cassie stays silent as she shakes in her grip >Poor dragon looks like she is about to faint >The next moment, Izzy is running off >"What was that? Can't hear you, going to the park!" >God damn, she's fast >Before you can lose sight of her, you grab onto Cassie's hand and start running >Than your friend falls onto her face, taking you down with her >You did not expect her to actually faint >After a bit of coaxing you manage to wake her back up >"I don't know about this, Anon. Is this really a good idea? I mean, she saw that outburst..." >"I stated that I would help you with your issues, so help you I will!" >You don't mention the fact that the outburst may have been avoided if you were a bit more careful >"She asked to join us. If she is truly uncomfortable being around you, would she have asked to join us in the first place?" >"Okay. If you're sure about this." >"Hey, she was part of the conversation about human phalluses, if anyone should be uncomfortable about her being around, it should be me." >"Y-yeah. I guess you're right. I-I mean, who would just talk about something like that so openly? Of course you would feel uncomfortable. Yeah..." >Now she is the one who looks uncomfortable >"Err... alright than, how about we get going?" >"About time." >You almost punch Izzy in the face out of fright this time >"H-how long have you been standing there?" >"Just got here. Got tired of waiting around that corner for you guys." she shrugs >Huh, you thought that she was just going to leave you guys behind >"Okay, we shall be going now, but on only one condition." >"We have conditions now?" >"All that I ask is that you stop surprising us like that." >"That's it? I can do that." >You start your journey to amusement park, this time at a much more reasonable speed >You make sure to keep Cassie in the middle on your journey >To help with her anxiety through exposure, not because you are afraid of the journalist >It certainly has nothing to do with the fact that she seems to have ninja skills, and can probably rip your mask off in a moment if she wants to >nope >After a little bit of walking, Izzy starts to talk with Cassie >"I've always wanted to ask, but never got the chance. Why the wig? I've seen plenty of mammals with them, but I've never seen a reptile with one." >Now that you think about it, you tried to ask her that when you first got here, but she was a little uncomfortable with you back than >Cassie looks to you, and you give her a nod >"Okay. I, uh, always liked the idea of hair. I've always wanted a hat, but..." >She fiddles with her horns >"They are hard to keep on. Wigs are more comfortable, and easier to wear. You can also style them, which is nice." >"Hehehe, the first time I saw you with a wig, it was in Linda's style." >Cassie chuckles a bit >"Yeah, I got it after reading the first book." >"Is it perhaps that you share her interest in human c-" >She is silenced by a clawed hand against her face >"N-not with him around, please." >The gecko removes her hand with a grin >"Ah, I didn't mean to insult him or anything. Nothing wrong with a sheep. I just personally have no interest in them, always found them boring. But hey, a big girl like you probably needs some extra padding when going down." >Izzy certainly likes to speak her mind >You just hope Cassie doesn't faint again