If there is one thing I would say I learned from father, it’s “There is always opportunity in another’s misfortune”. Truer words never spoken at least in regards to my fortune. It was how the House Potam was able to stand on its own. A minor noble family in some out of the way world in the Core systems, but the wealth we accumulated after wars and catastrophes is more than enough to get us the attention of the elite within the Empire. There is no one in the family that isn’t a practiced master of business and trade. One can then imagine it is quite difficult for each generation to please the previous. So it was with mine. Second son of the third brother of Grandfather Obern, current patriarch of the venerable house, a lot of pressure was put on me and my siblings to succeed and bring our father more favor in the eyes of the patriarch. So it was that he dumped me rather unceremoniously on a newly founded colony world as I had just passed my boyhood. My only way back? Found a business, build an economic monolith, and pay my way back home. A daunting task but I had a few advantages: One, I was very well versed in working with technology. I could slice droids, terminals, computers, you name it. I could also get anything working no matter how busted it was. Two, I was in a system that was starved for food, and wanted independence from the Core Systems and the Corporate alliance. Three, this world, named Lomax by the original founder, was the site of a sizeable skirmish during the Clone Wars. The colonists expected a lush world unspoiled. What they got was a charred war zone. Why did the Separatists fight for this out of the way planet in the middle of nowhere? Because the Republic was here. Why was the Republic here? Because the Separatists were here. The end result saw entire continents covered with scrap and debris for no reason at all, just another unmarked battle in a war for ultimately nothing. So naturally, facing such a setback for the colony, I started salvaging. Slicing into the old battle droids, reprogramming them for agricultural work instead of fighting and super battle droid husks to doing heavy lifting and additional salvage work, I built a sizeable farm for myself manned entirely by refurbished machines. Many feared I was trying to carve out my own little duchy with an army of droids. They were partially right. However I wouldn’t resort to something as simple as force. My weapons were crop yields, statistics, and consumer demand, my battlefield was the market. By month’s end, I had a sizeable farming conglomerate established outside of town. I then switched to founding an automated droid manufacturing operation. Running salvage of the larger shipwrecks, I stumbled upon a miniaturized forge. Not large enough to produce droids in significantly large numbers, but enough to streamline the production of droids and parts. By year’s end, my farms were feeding all of Lomax, the solar farms built from the scavenged wrecks powering the towns, and my surplus was generating enough income to allow me to sink my fingers into every growing business on the planet. I was able to hire the local colonists to do what they were trained to do rather than what they had to do; scientists who would have spent their years toiling in the fields now had the time to devote to researching alien flora to produce better crop yields, geologists who would have wasted time breaking ground and building homes were free to survey the planet for valuable minerals to attract mining companies, and archeologists to search for fossils and relics for wealthy and macabre collectors. I funded either partially, or totally the construction of every major hospital on the planet, ensuring I had a cut of all profits. After all, as uncle Oten always told me, the two constant needs of all beings is food and medicine; corner those markets, and I’m set for life. In five years, I had a very lucrative cartel in my pocket. Every major business in the system had to go through companies I owned or had a major share of. I turned a fledgling colony into a veritable breadbasket. Needless to say, Grandfather Obern was very impressed, and the old man greeted me warmly when I came home in a personal barge. With my position in the family bolstered, Obern began to rely upon me to expand the family business ever further. He sent me to Orvax IV, apparently to meet an associate in Outer Rim territory to discuss a trade deal involving spice. Why I had to travel so far I’ll never know. Nevertheless, I made the trip at his behest, it meant that I could further slip myself into his good graces. I looked out into the blue haze of hyperspace travel. It was a mesmerizing sight, something I’ve seen countless times before as a child, but never failed to fascinate me. “Master Anon, I’ve been informed that we will be dropping out of hyperspace within an hour. Would you like me to begin packing your belongings?” I turn to my butler and bodyguard, B2-7A7, a modified super battle droid that was in near pristine condition when I found him. With some modifications to his programming and repairing his chassis, he provided me with the sort of muscle one expects of a pampered merchant wanting protection from the nastier elements of the galaxy. Facing one of the more fearsome elements of the Separatist army was enough to deter the worst. “No Beetoo, we’re on a luxury liner, let them do it” I dismissed with a wave. B2 made a sort of harrumph sound that sounded forced with its monotone voice. To my embarrassment, I had little knowledge on making a service droid, and copied large chunks of 3PO protocol droid programming to compensate for my lack of knowledge. The end result was B2 had the same 3PO personality seen in protocol droids in the Core Worlds. He’d be upset when he couldn’t serve me, and squeamish about combat. He could still do it though. I remember when Lomax was attacked by pirates thinking they found an easy target, only to be blasted apart by a combined force of citizen militia equipped with Clone Wars military hardware and a line of repurposed battle-no, ‘security’ droids, B2 was at the front, blasting pirates by the score with his wrist blasters, apologizing profusely as he mowed them down. “Then at least let me prepare your lunch sir” B2 insisted in its droning tone. “We have no idea what sort of dirty things live on Orvax, and I would advise against consuming anything while on that ghastly planet.” “Fine Beetoo, but make it something small, I’ll probably need to travel a lot while planetside.” I smile. B2 makes a slight bow. “Not to worry master, I shall prepare something portable but still filling.” ///Orvax IV spaceport When I first arrived on the planet, the first thing that hit me with the smell of concentrated urine. Orvax IV was a slave trading hub. Even by the port, large crowds of beings, human , Twi’lek, and dozens of other beings were being herded like cattle towards the markets, their clothing disheveled, their eyes sunken and distant. Why Obern’s associate wanting to meet me on a slave world for discussing spice only mystified me further. My answer was partially answered when I found the man. He was a Zygerrian. Portly, surrounded by Twi’lek women, and service droids carried him everywhere on a palanquin of wrought silver and exotic dark wood. He moved and spoke as a man who never knew how to work for his money, who relied on others all his life, and rode his family’s fortune. Old Money. In essence, he was everything that Potam family taught me to despise. He waved to me with a hand covered in gold rings. “You must be Anon Potam! Your grandfather informed me you would arrive in his stead” he boomed with a voice far louder than I imagined for someone like him. He flashes a toothy grin as the palanquin lowers him to the ground. Hooping a slave in each arm, he walks over to me, never once dropping that smile. “Look at you, spitting image of your father eh?” his breath reeks of alcohol. “I’m his grandson” I politely correct. He laughs and slaps my back. “And yet here you are, handling errands for men far older than you. He must really trust you. I’m Alicus Ret, my own father had established a trade agreement with your own grandfather. Ah how we inherit our progenitors’ duties. Come come” he gestures to the large palanquin, inviting me over. “I have had a few new ventures open I really need to cover with your family.” I reluctantly follow him into the palanquin, letting it carry me past rows upon rows of sentients being lined up for sale. B2 follows close behind, my luggage in tow. ///Manor Ret Odd music pipes into every room, and cloying incense does little to mask the stench of body odor, fermenting sexual fluids, and sweat. Alicus finds new ways to lower my opinion of him. He sits before a lavish table, exotic foods arrayed out for the two of us, delicacies from half the galaxy away and from a dozen different systems all to satiate even the most pampered, peregrine of palates. “Sit, eat. Today we feast. Tomorrow, we discuss trade”, I get a bad feeling at these words. “As much as I appreciate the hospitality, I was hoping the trade discussions could begin today” I say. Attius quirks an eyebrow then waves his hand. “Ah, I see Obern wasn’t clear on the detail. I am acting as broker between you and another seeking to move products between Hutt Space and the Empire...discreetly. We are to meet him tomorrow, as he wishes to be incognito. I hope you understand.” A day stuck on this wretched place. With him. I smile, but there is no warmth behind it. “Of course I do Attius” I say, taking a seat opposite of him. Attius claps his hands and a procession of scantily clad slave girls, some of races I don’t know the names to, come in, and begin a sensual dance. Attius is enraptured by the display, ogling the girls as they sway and gyrate to the bizarre music, stuffing his face with delicacies and finger foods like they were cheap rations and downing vintage wines like it was water. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in the display, but many of the sentients were too...mundane for me. I’ve seen better in the colonies and they didn’t need to dance for me to know it. Their work was show enough for me. The dancers bored me within moments. Then I saw her. She stood out among the slave girls for how clumsy she was, yet her movements managed to look graceful and haunting. A delicate looking creature, looking totally lost amid the swirling silks. Her skin-no, fur perhaps, was a light blue hue that caught the changing lights of the room, drawing attention to her curves. Yet what caught my attention the most...was her eyes. Large, black, forlorn. Eyes that seems to see everything yet focused on nothing. Eyes that looked to me, that seemed to be asking me, begging me to take her. She was a new capture, she had to; the girl had no experience in any means of entertainment. She didn’t follow the choreography of the other dancers, instead performing a more primitive, tribal dance that excited me. Not in some sexual way, but in something much deeper, in ways I wasn’t quite sure. “Ah, a fine eye my boy. You are interested in the Nelvaanian” Attius inched his chair closer to me. “Nelvaanian?” I wonder aloud. The music becomes slower, a deeper bass to match my heartbeat, then slowly increasing in tempo, my own pace attempting to follow. The Nelvaanian gets onto her knees, crawling on all fours looking directly at me. The universe seemed to melt away, until there was only me and her. I could hear Attius murmuring into my ear. “She came as part of the package with this dancing troupe. The owner was offering me a bargain price if I included her. And that’s not all” he started fiddling with his fingers. “The deal came with some...extra comforts tonight. If you so wish I can arrange her to be brought to your quarters” I turned to Attius. “Truly” I asked before I could stop myself. “I would love that.” Attius smiles. “I’m sure you will.” ///Private bedroom My mind raced. After dinner ended, Attius spoke with a greasy looking Gran, pointing to me and the Nelvaanian several times, to which the Gran smiled. The arrangement was made. What was it about the Nelvaanian that was so magnetic? What would I say? I’ve had my share of partners over my career, they never lasted for than a week, purely physical relationships where I knew exactly what to say and what I wanted. This time? I couldn’t think of what I wanted. I couldn’t think of what I was to say. Did I want her? Did she want me? Did I want her for wanting me? Galaxy, I was torn. A chime notified me that someone was outside my door. I took a deep breath and approached, my hand hovering over the terminal. With great will, I depressed the opening rune, and the door slid open, revealing B2. “Master, you did not consume the meal I had prepared for you” he said annoyed. At least I’m sure he was annoyed. The B2 super battle droids didn’t have their voice hardware designed with emotion in mind, and everything he said came out in the same metalling hum. The lump in my throat disappeared and I found my voice. “Ah Beetoo. I’m sorry, I’ve been...preoccupied. As you say, this world sets me at unease.” “Of course master, I can’t stand this place myself” B2 droned, his 3PO droid programming coming to the front. “All the more reason I feel you should eat to keep up your strength sir. The odds of you being poisoned from some would be assassin are-” I cut him off. “I will B2, when I have the appetite. For now” I made for the door “please wait outside, I’m expecting company” I opened the door again, and there was the Nelvannian. My throat tightened again when I saw those large eyes staring directly into mine. Next to her was the greasy looking Gran. “Attius said you were interested in one of my girls” it croaked at me. “I am Phis Meex, owner of these fine products.” He roughly pushed her forward. Anger bubbles up inside me from I don’t know where. She stumbles, her large, black eyes looking up at me in a mix of fear, confusion, and desperation. She is wearing a simple synthweave wrap over her bosom, a loincloth covering her groin, and uncomfortable looking red boots, all meant to accentuate her slender figure, and support the price for her sale. Around her neck is a thick collar, ‘Kita’ emblazoned on it. That’s her name. “This one” the Gran says with a wry smile “is an exotic one. Her people are still a bunch of stick throwing savages. By Imperial standards that’s not even sentient yet. Even so, few of her kind ever go off world, so this is a rare catch, a rare catch indeed. I can see you are interested my friend-”he moves to put a hand on my shoulder. “B2” I call, my droid pointing his wrist gun menacingly at him. He slowly pulls his hand away with a nervous laugh. “Careful friend, I mean no harm” he says disarmingly. “I merely wish to congratulate you for your fine taste, and hope for assurance from you.” “Assurance?” I spit, my anger still simmering. “That no harm will come to her tonight. You would be surprised how often customers forget how rough they can be, and the expenses to inflict on my property can be quite taxing you see, and I would hate to lose such a unique acquisition.” The way he never refers to them as beings is disconcerting, and I work to keep my disgust from appearing on my face. I forced a wry smile. “No worries” I lean towards him, seeing the layer of face grease covering his head “Phis. No harm to will come to her” I accentuate ‘her’ before continuing “I will make damn sure of that.” Phis visibly relaxes. “Then I bid you good evening honored customer. He passes a glance at Kita. A glance that seems to say ‘behave or else’ given how Kita flinches, and he leaves, B2 standing outside the frame as the door hisses shut. The Nelvaanian stands before me, standing up to my chest, her body shivering slightly. Possibly out of fear, or maybe the cold. I move to the bed, sitting down, and motioned for her to sit next to me. She looks at the floor, moving to remover her clothes. I get up grasping for her hand so she stops. She recoils at my sudden movement. “Calm down” I try to say in a reassuring voice, though my own nervousness makes it come out in a shaky tone. “I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to talk.” She doesn’t move, those eyes, those damned eyes staring at me, accusing. As if I had already committed some horrible crime. We stand there for a moment, stretching into a minute, maybe more, not a sound passing between us. Then I hear a low growl. She grasps her stomach, as if covering it will silence the noise. I sigh and move to the bed, pulling out B2’s box. Opening the lid, I offer my droid’s prepared meal to her. She looks to the food, and to me suspiciously. “Damn, this is not what I wanted” I groan then take a morsel, putting it in my mouth. It’s still warm, and it is delicious, to B2’s credit. Then I once again offer the box to her. She slowly reaches towards it, taking a small piece, then snatching her hand away. She looks at the food in her hand, then back to me. “Go on” I urge “eat. It’s fine.” She slowly takes a small bite of it. I didn’t think her eyes were able widen any further, but they could. She stuffs the entire morsel into her mouth, chewing for only a few moments before swallowing, moving for another. I move a little forward, box still proffered to her. She cautiously wraps her hand around mine. Satisfied I do nothing, she moves up, grabbing another chunk of the meal and eating it. Then another. Then she practically attacks the box in my hand, shoveling B2’s meal into her mouth. She looks up at me, cheeks stuffed, flakes caught around her face. I move the now empty box away, placing it on a nearby table. “There. Now you see, I’m not going to hurt you. Please” I gesture to the bed “sit. Talk.” Kita hesitantly sits on the bed. “Do you understand me?” “Yes...I understanding you” she says, her accent is heavy, her brow visibly furrows as she searches for the words. Wherever she picked up Basic, it was an incomplete course. “Who...what are you?” I begin. “Attius says you are Nelvannian” She looks to you, blinking. “I...I am name Kita” she points to the fat looking collar around her neck. “I...I am. I am Nelvaanian. I come from Great Mother, my home. It far from here” she points out the window behind me to the sky. “I gathered as much, but how did they capture you? How does one like you wind up here?” Kita blinks again with those large eyes, reflecting my face in them, as if to show me who I am. “What?” “Oh dear. I see you don’t understand. Maybe it’d be better if I taught you the language first and then ask you my questions.” I say. Rather than learning about her, I spend that night educating her in Basic, and I regularly dip into history, the galaxy, the concept of space travel, space itself, and various other subjects to help her understand more complex words. She picks up remarkably fast, her hunger for knowledge even more voracious than her appetite. Though I don’t make her a fluent speaker, she is more confident now, not stumbling over her words as often. All in all, a lesson I enjoyed giving to see her smiling at me, her excitement practically bubbling as she learned my language, right until we were too tired to continue. I offered her a side of the bed, letting her sleep, and we could continue in the morning. She wavered for a moment, but when it became clear it was an invitation to sleep in such a luxurious bed, she agreed. “I think now, you know me” she murmured as she lies next to me “but I not know you.” I turn back to her. “That’s true isn’t it. My full name is Anon Potam. Call me Anon.” “Anon.” she repeats, then repeats again, her mouth getting used to the strange sounding name. I lay back in the bed and prepare for an enjoyable evening of talk. Then it’s morning. I was more tired than I assumed. The moment I had touched the bed, I slipped away. Quite embarrassing that what was meant to be an evening of pleasing company passed me because couldn’t keep my damned eyes open. When I woke, she was gone. A melancholy welled in my gut. I’ve had fleeting relationships before, it came with being part of a wealthy family indulging in the wealth you accrue for personal pleasures, yet I never had any emotional attachments to them. Ironic then that this time I was genuinely sad to see Kita go. I found her fascinating for her- once again I couldn’t find an explanation for that need. I just possessed it. B2 called from outside, declaring Attius waited for me downstairs. I pushed the feelings of regret down. They would have no use for me in the next few minutes. Opportunity called. Grabbing a spare set of clothes from my bags, I set off to prepare for the morning negotiations. An hour later, I’m sitting in the same room as last night as Attius breaks some news to me between mouthfuls of fried steak. “A week?!”, I exclaim. “You said he’d arrive today.” Attius shrugs as he grabs a gravy bowl, drowning his steak in the thick fluid. “Believe me this is as much a surprise to myself. It appears a rival has been hampering operations among his claims and is now wrapped up recovering from the damage. More work for him before he can meet us.” He offers me a plate of sweet pastries, which I ignore, frustration chasing away my appetite. “And what am I to do until then” I grunt “every day I spend here is thousands of credits I can be making back home.” Attius licks a stray drop of gravy off his finger. “I can understand your frustrations. This throws my own plans off. Although I suppose you can see this as a good thing my boy. Your family is all about finding fortune from misfortune.” “What’s good about delays” I ask, biting back a much more stinging retort. Attius smiles. “You get to enjoy the bounties of Orvax a little longer. That girl you saw last night, what was her name? You can see her again if you so wish.” “I can? I thought you commissioned them only for the night.” “I did” chuckles Attius, his chins vibrating at the sound. “No reason you can't ask for more.” He slips something into my hand, it’s information about Phis. Suddenly my stay on this miserable ball became a little less miserable. ///Orvax I set out into the city, wearing dull clothes that made me fit in with the lower class workers and civilians milling about the city, attempting to complete their business while it was still daylight and moderately safe to roam the streets. The clothes concealed hidden plates of armor designed to cover my limbs and more delicate parts of the body, making the clothes looks bulky and suspicious. To avoid drawing attention to it, I wore a simple leather coat that went down to my knees, concealing the armor and the stub-nosed blaster I equipped on my side. This attempt at protection and concealment may have been a wasted effort however, as B2 insisted he travel along with me for my safety. The sight of a fully armed super battle droid is more than enough to scare off many would be assailants and afforded me a wide berth. Attius hired this ‘Phis’ from nearly half the planet away. So far that the train I took actually passed from the morning side of the planet to the evening side. Granted the two aren’t too dissimilar. Both night and day, the lights of the world’s cities illuminate the streets, competing for your attention. I rode in a luxury car, the sun slowly traveling in an odd direction as the afternoon sun became morning, and then night again. Checking the time, I had transitioned to a time zone where the sun had just set, the lights of the streets flickering on as my train passed. The ride came to a stop, and I made my way to the station, the cloying, claustrophobic smell of industrial pollution, exhaust, and urine hitting my nose like a knife stabbing my nose compared to the clean, albeit stale air of the train. The old buildings, looking like pre-cut blocks of stone and metal, all advertised slaves, selling slaves, buying slaves, exchanging slaves, grooming slaves, service for or from slaves. This city truly lived off the flesh of others. I stopped in time for a floating skiff, carrying a load of hollow-eyed looking sentients heading for an auction. Following the bulky craft, I found my way to my destination. Phis kept a small business on the sixth floor of an old looking block, the wall plaque informing me who occupied what room was caked in years of dust, pushed to the corners rather than getting wiped clean. The floor Phis occupied had seen better days. The hall smelled like aged wood and old socks, the walls painted and repainted layers on top of each other, a plain coat covering graffiti. The edges of the floor were stained with darker, unknown fluid, hastily covered by cheap carpeting. I told B2 to wait outside, but kept a communicator on hand, its channel open so B2 could come in a moment’s notice. B2 was not too pleased about that. “Master though my programming compels me to agree, know I am.also programmed to feel uneasy about this whole venture. That Phis seems like a very unsavory character, I am quite certain he will get violent.” “Oh Beetoo, I don't think that will be a problem. He was quite amicable to me.” “Because he was profiting from you master. When Master Attius had misplaced his credits to pay Phis, the Gran became very irate, accusing Attius of trying to scam him and threatening to take Attius to the authorities. He made quite a scene. Furthermore when Phis was finally paid, his mood hadn't diminished and started screaming at his serving girls for not earning a large enough tip.” “He did all that?” “Among other things. Suffice to say, this Phis does not appear to be very stable, and I suggest I come along.” I shake my head. “No that would be too forceful. But I'll keep the comms open. The cramped office was a lot cleaner than I expected for someone that looked like they just had a fight with a trash collection droid. A richly embroidered carpet lines the floor towards a desk of polished black stone with streaks of milk white quartz running through it like veins. Looking at a datapad, is Phis. He doesn’t even notice me as I approach. Only when I clear my throat does he deign to acknowledge my presence. “If you wish to arrange an appointment with one of my girls, consult my secretary” he says without even looking up. I reach down and push the datapad to the table. “Remember me?” Phis brightens. At least I’m sure he brightens. I am not very experienced in Gran facial expressions. For all I knew he was preparing to vomit. “Oh, my honored customer…”Phis pauses, waiting for me to fill his memory. “Yesterday, I was spending a night with Kita” he gives me a blank stare. “The Nelvaanian” no change “The blue one?” Phis snaps his fingers. “Ah that one! Yes, she was quite to your liking yes?” I nod. “Quite so. In fact, I was hoping to hire her again.” Phis claps his hands together, rubbing the palms vigorously. “Excellent, excellent! When can I book you in?” “All of this week” I smile. Phis however doesn’t. “I’m afraid I can’t do that offworlder” Phis shrugs “I’m already booked to take my girls to several high class establishments, and have several commissions for Kita already lined up. I can’t just cancel all that. Only way to do that is to buy her yourself.” “Alright, I’ll buy Kita. Seventeen thousand.” “Beg pardon?” “You’re right, much too high, Fifteen thousand.” “This isn’t up for negotiation offworlder” Phis states firmly. “Perhaps I can interest you in someone else?” “No, I’m here for Kita. Fourteen thousand, and every time you turn me down, my offer drops, I suggest you take it now.” “Now see here offworlder” Phis threatens me, holding out a stun baton. “That’s not how business is conducted here. Now you can go get out of here and I can forget you rudely barged into MY office trying to steal MY property, or get out of here bruised up and a slave collar on your neck.” I figured things would escalate quickly. They often do on slave peddling planets like this one. I keep my expression neutral as I reply. “How about option B2” I counter. “What?” The door slides open, the intimidating frame of B2 filing in. I here a click as B2 disengages his dual blaster’s safety. Phis drops the baton in a heartbeat, letting it clatter on the floor. I step on the rod and clear my throat. “Once again. I am coming to purchase Kita’s contract. I am not leaving without her. Now, I suggest you take my very generous payment, and give her to me, or I’ll take her from you after B2 blasts half your body off. I believe that’s how business concludes in the Outer Rim.” Phis stammers “Y-You can’t do this to me! The Hutts will-” “Do nothing. I’ve been more than generous with my offer, and you resorted to violence, so I countered with my own muscle” I gesture to B2. “Any dispute will settle in my favor. Don’t think because I’m some fop from the Inner worlds that I don’t know how things work out here.” Phis licks his lips. “Now, now offworlder, I think we can come to a reasonable compromise here” he moves to put a hand on my shoulder. “B2, make it clear the if he touches me without my permission, you will throw him out the window” I command my droid. B2 inches closer. “The master wishes me to make it clear that if you touch him without his express permission, that I am to toss you out the window, and I probably won't open it first. I do hope you understand as I would dislike having to touch you. You look so awfully unsanitary.” Phis retracts his hand. “Now then” I begin “you have a new choice. I can pay your five thousand for Kira’s contract-” “Before you were offering fourteen thousand.” “That was before you threatened me. Now I’m offering five thousand and I won’t have B2 add new holes in your head as a bonus.” I see Phis’ hands visible shake as they tighten with contained rage. Or maybe fear? Both? Doesn’t matter. I’ve won. Opportunity from misfortune. He presses down on a key on a nearby, barking Huttese at the console. Moments later a door nearby opens with, Kita stepping nervously towards us. Her eyes flash towards me, confusion written on her features. Phis grunts more words to her and she steps closer, her demeanor lightening slightly. “Take her” he grunts, “she’s yours.” I hold out my hand to her. She hesitantly takes it as I guide her out. We step out of the building and she grasps me tightly. “You” she hisses “why you take me?” There’s a slight edge in her voice. An edge honed from being abused for far too long on this planet. I raise my hand and she flinches. Placing my palms softly on hers, I coax her to let go of my coat, wrapping my fingers around hers. “Because I want to help you.” I reply with a warm smile. Something I’m sure surprises many is that I am not heartless. My ruthless business acumen has garnered me a reputation of being cold and aloof, something I can be most times, but I would only be fooling myself if I said I was incapable of feeling for others. And Kita made me feel a mix of emotions. Some I couldn’t really name. “Help? You help...me?” “That is why I bought you from Phis.” “Please” she begs “I want go home.” “Where is home?” I ask her. She gives me a blank look. “Where home?” I ask, slower, as if that will help. I hope it does. She looks at me, helpless. “I...not know.” I shake my head. “Then I’m afraid I can’t help you home. You are Nelvaanian, but I’ve never heard of your world. Is it Nelvaan? Nelvaania? Nelvaar? If I don’t have a name, I don’t even know where to look.” she looks at me confused, and I repeat what I said with smaller words. She seems to understand as she starts to cry. “Then I-I trap here” she moans dejectedly, her head tilting towards the ground as tears slip from her enormous eyes. “No” I say gently, guiding her face back to me. “You won’t stay here. I’ll take you home. My home. I have more resources there. I can find your world from my home much easier than on this planet.” “This? Planet?” “I don’t live here. I don't think I could, it doesn’t suit me. Too gut wrenching. Come with me to Lomax.” “Lomax. Other world” she states, trying to wrap her head around the situation. “Yes.” “Lomax, like Orvax?” “No. It is so much better than Orvax. Please.” my hands tighten around hers. “Come with me. If you stay here, someone else will try to enslave you again.” “But...you own me?” Kita says slowly. I shake my head. “I paid for your freedom. You are free to do as you will.” I reply, reaching up to undo her collar. It hisses and falls off her neck, clattering to the pavement. “You’re free.” Kita pulls her hands away, reaching them towards her neck, feeling the light blue fur like she had never known the feeling. “Lomax better than Orvax?” “Yes, much better.” Kita looks to me, happier than I’ve ever seen her. “Then I come with Anon.” ////Orvax Express Rails I purchased a reservation for a luxury compartment for the transcontinental express. It was a trip that would take the scenic route back to the capital at the cost of a few extra days of travel. I didn't mind. I wasn't in a hurry to return to my rich, but cramped quarters of Attius’ home. I needed a break from what passed for Orvax civilization. The cars of the train were quite large, each one the size of a small apartment block on their own, two and a half stories tall, with the upper floor given to first class passengers, the lower to business, and beneath that, the luggage compartment. At least a dozen of theae cars were hitched up to the back of a massive engine that was the size of an Imperial Frigate, and just as imposing as one, with steam leaking from many compartments to vent the heat that eas no doubt building as the engine prepared for a global trek. B2 settled himself in the luggage bay, droids not being allowed to mingle with the organics, in sleep mode but prepared to activate the moment I called for him; while I and Kita settled on the second floor. The Nelvaanian practically skipped down the hall, mesmerised by all she saw. From what I gathered, Kita, never spent any time in the luxury lines, always pressed back in the economy cars where passengers were packed into compartments like a vacuum sealed food can. This was her first taste of opulence, and she wanted to experience it to the fullest. As it was approaching dinner on this side of the planet, I took off my heavy coat, removed my body armor and blaster, and took her by the arm, escorting her towards the dining cart. The dining salon was an observatory, cafeteria’ and armored bunker all in one. Starship grade shields covered reinforced glass windows with emergency blast hatches to seal up even the enormous observation dome used by passengers to get a full circular view of the landscape. Crystal chandeliers reflected a variety of colors to hide the small blaster turrets hidden within them. A collection of service droids was playing a lilting song, a classic from Nar Shadda if I remembered my composers correctly. The clinking of silverware against porcelain plates intermingled with the gentle music and the hushed tones of dozens of wealthy beings feeding themselves on the best the galaxy had to offer. A droid, it's chassis molded and painted like that of a waiter, guided us to a table on the upper level, putting us right up against the glass of the observation dome, giving us a view of the receding city. Kita head snapping around as she soaked in everything. “This is true. This isn't dream is it?”, she murmured to herself. Her excitement put a smile on my face. “No Kita, this is not a dream. I can promise you that.” I order a variety of dishes. I know what I like but I have no idea what Kita would find edible so I get a little of everything for her sake. Also I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning and I just realized the pain in my stomach was hunger. So I order a large bowl of the Yagal Potage, mashed arlroot lined with gravy and three kinds of sausage, wrapped diamond fish in flaky dough topped with sarnel and diced raindrop onions, followed by mushroom steaks in a creamy bantha milk sauce and seasonal vegetables, roasted leg of Endorian chicken and a platter of Hyban biscuits in a tripleberry treacle. Thankfully Kita seemed to have no trouble with any of the foods laid out before her, devouring everything in front of her, and going so far as to lick the plates clean of sauces. “Anymore?” she asked innocently. I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “I suppose an appetite like that calls for a dessert” I remark as I call a waiter droid to our table. Chilled dessert wine with sweet milk tarts topped off the evening. I spend the last few minutes sober explaining to Kita in vain why dessert is meant to be savored and not consumed all at once. The poor girl doesn’t handle her wines well, and she’s utterly gone by the time we make our way back to our cabin. The week passes remarkably fast. Everytime the conductor announced some captivating view or natural wonder, Kita would practically drag me to the observatory, any excuse to watch the landscape zip by while drinking sweet wine like it was water, then returning to our cabin to dance to tribal music piped in from the walls that I selected for her. In periods of sobriety, I would trade stories with her, learning more of her life. She had been part of a small tribe hugging the cliffs of what she called the ‘Mother Mountains’ gathering wild berries, harvesting eggs of birds that nested along the rocky crags, and sometimes coming down to hunt the large beasts that roamed the plains. It was during one of these hunts, when she was accompanying a family she had been promised to marry into when their son came of age, apparently as some sort of celebration as the compact had just been made between the two families, thus they had set out to hunt together to celebrate. On the last night of their adventure, they had spotted a streak of light in the sky, that must have been the slaver ship crashing into the planet. An investigation of the crash site goes horribly wrong. Their ship is still functioning, the slavers notice the curious Nelvaanians, and decide to use the for target practice. A stray bolt sent her flying and she lost consciousness. When she had come to, she was in a cage in their dingy cargo hold bound for Orvax. She looked quite sad when telling me her story, but she suddenly brightened. “But if they not find me, I never find you. I never would see all this” she waves her arms around the luxury car. “Is Lomax like this?” “Not quite” I start. “It's only a colony still. Even their biggest city is more like a small town. The planet itself has a strange seasonal pattern. It has Spring and Summer, and Fall, and even Winter. But on Lomax it is called “Duskfall”” I stop to see if she comprehends me. “Why?” “Well you see Lomax has a strange orbit around its sun. By winter, half the planet is locked in place, with the sun always setting on the horizon for months. The colonists aren’t sure why, but they think it may have to do with the uneven seasons. Fall may just as quickly turn back to summer and summer to Fall, two, three, even four times before we progress to Duskfall” I explain as I’m jabbing a portion of Anseth marinated crab onto my fork. “It makes a strange pattern, but it gives our world a strange beauty that I haven’t seen anywhere else. Imagine the world turning all the colors of Fall, then warming itself into Summer green again, slipping back again into Fall. The fields of my farm become hills of green and gold that shimmer in the Summers’ sun, and rolling colors in the Falls’ winds. All then giving away to a months long sunset, where the star lays half behind the hills, bathing everything in a welcoming glow. Every home has their bed facing the horizon, so the last thing you see is the colored sky, looking like some Twilight jewel radiating from the golden ball at its center.” I had become so lost in describing my new home that I didn’t notice Kita leaning in close to me, staring at me in awe “You make your home sound so wonderful. I do want to see it.” “And you will. I promise you the best view in all of Lomax.” On the final night of the voyage, the train had slowed more for safety precautions as it moved through the thick jungles near the planet equator, careful to not hit any animals that may have wandered onto the rails. Stops were frequent, as it would slow to a halt on to allow a train with higher priority pass on a parallel track or to give the tourists that couldn't sleep an opportunity to gasp at some natural wonder or historic site , or much more often, to avoid collision with a large, dull beast that could deal severe damage to the train if it was ground under the engine. Through many of these stops, I could sleep through them. I was suddenly roused when the train juddered to a screeching halt. The train shook violently as each car was pushed forward by the inertia of the back cars bumping into the ones in front. Something was wrong. Passengers came out of their cabins, demanding an explanation for what happened. The passengers would come to their own, panicked conclusions that would only compound whatever problems the crew had. So the crew had attendant droids running up and down the length of the cars assuring passengers and keeping their imaginations from running wild. “Everything is fine sirs and ladies” droned one of the machines as it planted itself in front of my door “a momentary hiccup as the conductor was forced to stop for safety reasons. Once we are cleared we will resume our journey.” “Is that good thing?” Kita asked behind me. “If he was telling the truth” I grunted as I grasped the droid’s head and pulled it into the cabin. “Problem is this bucket is lying through its servos.” I turned its head over and opened a servicing compartment at the base of the neck. “Sir I must warn you that tampering of employed personnel is a punishable offense of-” “Shut up” I interjected as I sliced into its systems. “I am programmed to warn you only once before I am authorized to blast your brrrrrrrrrrr” it stammered as I hit a reset switch. Turning it back up, I waited for the droid to finish booting up. “Alright droid. Query: Train Status.” The lights of the droid’s eyes flickered as it processes my request, replying in a monotone voice. “Fault 133: Unauthorized activation of emergency brake in Engine compartment. Security team 3 sent to investigate. Alert level yellow.” Kita poked the droid nervously. “What did you do to it?” “Made it tell the truth. Update: Security Team 3” “Alert: Team 3 ping failed. Board repelling teams activating. Alert level elevating to: Orange. External sensory node - Car2.luxuryLine reports movement along roof chassis.” “That doesn't sound good.” “No it does not” I reply, as I reach for my blaster. I throw my body armor to Kita. “Put that on. If things get very bad, that will protect you” I use simple, slow words to make sure she understands without a lengthy explanation that this was a train jacking. I switched on my commlink while Kita navigated my bulky armor. “Beetoo. Beetoo activate.” A moment later I hear my droid reply. “Master? What is wrong? My clock doesn't match with our expected arrival time has-” “Beetoo the train is being attacked” I cut him off. “Get to the luxury line of Car 2 as fast as you can. I need your help.keeping Beetoo safe.” “Oh dear” B2 managed to put a tone of concern in his monotone voice. “I make all speed to rush to your side master.” I urge Kita outside the cabin, and I follow, blaster out. The passengers only get more riled up when they see my weapon out, screaming and pointing at me as the droid attendants move to detain me. They never get the chance. The glass blows inwards as charges placed on all the car’s windows are destroyed. Scruffy looking gunmen covered in a mix of synthweave cloth and armor roll in, firing wildly into the cabin. Bolts fly out of the other cabins, hitting the attendant droids in their mass fire. A second later I poked my head out and fired my snub blaster dead center of one gunman and he crumples to the floor. His comrade fires a badly aimed hip shot at me and I bring him down with another aimed blast. I got lucky. Very lucky. Had I hit their body armor, I would have stumbled them at best and I’d be dead. I needed something stronger. I made a mad dash for on of the downed gunmen’s blasters, scooping it up just in time for another pair to swing into my cabin. I only have enough time to blast the one closest to me point blank before his partner slaps the blaster from my hands. I tackle him before he can get a shot off, wrestling him to the floor. Not my smartest decision. I’m no fighter, I don’t have the weight to pin him down, and I don’t have the skills to really hold an armored mercenary down. So I throw my weight on him while I try to wrest his blaster from his hands. My head swims when a hard object connects with the back of my head. Pain and vertigo flood my senses as I’m airborne for a split second before meeting the ground. The merc is back up, my vision of him swirling around as I lose focus. He gets to his feet and aims his blaster at me. I fight to get up but he plants me on the floor with an armored boot. Then warm liquid splatters into my face as the gunman spasms, falling to the ground a long object sticking out of his neck. Kita, knives in hand, dives for the blaster in his limp fingers and fires it towards the window, the red streaks stinging my eyes. She grabs me, hoisting me up. I hear her say something but it’s muffled. Wait no. I can make out something. “Anon” She then makes a run for the doorway, diving down as a wave of heat passes over me. I fight through the pain and dizziness, wrapping my fingers around my tossed away snub blaster, and then roll onto my back firing wildly down the hall. I hit a gunman. Coming from the other cabin. Three more come out of mine. Kita fires again, another goes down. The other two are about to return fire. Then one shuddered as he is raked by blaster bolts. His companion is lifted up by B2 before the blasted man falls, his dual blasters still smoking. “Please refrain from harming Master Anon please” he commanded the struggling gunman. “Thank you, he adds as he hurls the unfortunate out the same window he rappeled from. The surprise attack lost its impact, and the various patrons, be they bodyguards, crimelords with blasters hidden in their walking sticks, or the large number of security droid flooding the halls, the mercenaries were outmanned and outgunned; and they are forced to jump off the train. As I get up, I watch a half dozen speeders take off into the foliage, bodyguards and train crew firing after them to little effect. “I didn’t know you can handle a blaster” I tell Kita. She grins. “I hunt with spear and bow. It is same thing.” “Is it?” “No. That was joke.” One examination by a med droid later, I’m on my feet, the Orvaxian security arriving to interview and debrief us. From what I managed to gather, the attack wasn't directed at me. Apparently the hitmen were going after a rogue Jedi or something; and rather than trying to be discreet the mercs decided to ransack the entire train looking for him and eliminate any witnesses. Whoever hired them was going to be very upset because whatever they paid it was too much. Even I would have seen the folly of attacking a train filled with the the wealthiest people in the system, each with an army of bodyguards or crimelords armed to the teeth. Besides the ones I and Kita shot, twenty seven other gunmen were blasted apart in this car, and twenty more were gunned down by a mixture of security and surprisingly well armed merchants and business folk in the lower cars. An attendant was assigned to each of the passengers in the luxury cars, apologising profusely, offering any accommodation the line could offer free of charge. After some debate, Kita and I agreed to a free helping to the entire dessert trolley. Needless to say I was done with Orvax. An uneventful few hours later, I arrive at the capital city again, worn out, and in no mood to deal with any nonsense. The trader was waiting for me at Attius’ manor, and was about to launch into long, boring talks about how to benefit my family and his operations in the Outer Rim. Attius, with his many, many faults, was still a gracious host and saw how I was in no mood to negotiate. Perhaps he had heard of what happened on the train, or the bruises that marked me showed I was in no condition to talk. Either way, he postponed the talks, letting me rest in my room despite the man’s protests. B2 guarded the door to ensure I was not interrupted, and Kita stayed by my side the entire time. “Anon, are you better?” “Well the world isn’t spinning too fast anymore” I reply. “That’s probably a good sign.” “I-” she stammers “What you did was very foolish, but you did so to protect me.” She hugs me tight. “Thank you.” “I can’t let you die till I find your home now can I?” She smiles. “No you can’t.” The next day, I wake early, catching the miner off guard, and hammer out a deal that benefits my family more than he, and arrange for transport home right after. Attius escorted me to the port, informing me that he already transmitted the agreement to Grandfather Obern and bid me farewell. Attius was a fat, obnoxious slob, but he did his best to see me comfortable so I politely thanked him and went on my way. An hour later, I was on a familiar luxury liner in Orvax’s orbital ring, waiting for permission to decouple and leave the system. Settled in, Kita promptly dragged me to the cafeteria to see what other fancy things she could eat. I fear I may have created a monster. The dining hall was empty, and no surprise. The opulent chambers were meant for the upper class families to dine expensive finger foods while observing the beauty of some paradise world or space phenomenon. The view offered by Orvax was dismal and boring to most, lines of ships coming and going from the smoggy surface, stations lining the equator like a grey asymmetrical ring, and the lights of cities pock-marking the surface like face acne with sense to form or function. Common, repetitive, boring. But for a Nelvaanian who had never seen space, even during her travel as a slave, it was breathtaking. As soon as we were seated by the table closest to the viewport, she was out of her chair again, pressed against the clear surface. “Is that where I was?”, she points to the small moon. I smile and shake my head and point to the bustling world of Orvax IV, the lights of the main city sprawling out like a giant starfish. Her jaw drops. “But it looks so beautiful. How can something so beautiful be so ugly?” “A question for the Jedi” I offhandedly say. “What?” she asks, ears perked up. “A group of philosophers and religious zealots. They spent all their time fighting and finding answers to questions no one asked” I reply. I have no problems with the zealots, but at the same time I find their adherence to their faith quite foolish. Maybe that’s why they tried to kill the Emperor, because they were convinced their Force-god told them to. I dismissed such thoughts. No point in bringing politics into this. Kita wouldn’t understand anyway. The staff are quite enthusiastic about our presence, giving them something to do, and more importantly, an excuse to work overtime. “Why do you not try and find another?” “Another what?” I ask, as a waiter brings an appetizer platter. I idly nibble on an hors d'oeuvre while Kita shovels the delicate snacks into her mouth. “A mate” she grunts through her stuffed cheeks. “You are young, wealthy” she points to the half empty plate “you can travel to other worlds and eat amazing food. Clearly you have much wealth” she swallows the expensive cold cuts and cheeses without savoring their flavor for more than a moment. “You are handsome-” “I-pardon?” “What?” Kita asks. “You are. If you part of a tribe, many women of mine would want you as mate. So why you not have mate?” I hesitate. I never saw a reason to have one. I was so driven to acquiring wealth and power to find a strong position in my family that I never thought of adding any new members to it. A spouse? It’s the first time I had ever thought of it. It’s...uncomfortable. I change the subject. “Have you ever seen light speed?” Kita’s ears perk up and her attention is drawn away from licking her fingers. “Come with me.” I had a bottle of chilled Roberry wine brought to my room, and poured two glasses of the heady liquid, handing one over to Kita. She accepted, never taking her eyes off the cabin window. “You say it is like a show?” “It gets old quickly when you see it time and time again” I admit, sitting down next to her. “But the first time, is always spectacular.” She hums assent and downs the wine in a single gulp. “Again Kita, you should be taking sips not-” she grabs my cup and shoves it into my face. “Enough talking, start drinking. This is a time to celebrate! I leave Orvax” she laughs playfully. Grabbing the bottle she pours another glass, and another for me. “To celebrate, we should drink. Drink until there is no more to drink” And so we did, we drank the entire bottle. I think Kita was a little drunk by the end of it. Then it hits me. To make this perfect for the jump, I set the cabin’s lights to dim, so as to make the jump appear that more majestic. As I sit down, my head start to feel...funny. Roberry is known to have some mild aphrodisiacs that survive the fermentation process, but it usually isn't potent enough for one to feel anything. Then again one doesn't drink an entire bottle in a single hour. “Kita” I say. Kita looks to me, and our eyes lock. I don’t know if it was the wine or something else, but it felt natural what came next. I leaned in to kiss her. She rose up, her lips meeting mine halfway through, bumping our heads clumsily. She ignores the mistake, jumping up to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and pushing me back onto the bed. I return her embrace, pulling her in as I bury my face in her neck, inhaling her scent. In a single movement, I undo the knot holding her chest cover together. Her breasts fall free from their restraints, forming two perfectly sized mounds I cup into my hands. Kita’s breathing becomes harder, and faster as her hands fumble around with my belt buckle. That thing I saw in her eyes manifested itself to the front. I knew what it was now: desire. I massage her soft orbs, letting the fur brush between my fingers as I knead around them, pressing them together, and letting them slide out of my grip before grasping them again. Her hardening nipples tickle the palms of my hand with each pass. She bites her lip and smiles as she finally undoes my belt, whipping it off and throwing it to the opposite end of the cabin. She laughs as she pounces, ripping off my robe and pulling off my shirt, peeling my clothes away like the skin of a fruit: digging her claws in and roughly yanking each article off with to regard to how she stretches the fabric or rips holes in the cloth. By the time I'm stripped to my underwear, I am moving to the tribal loincloth. Unlike mine, it gives away with a single tug, falling gently to the floor. “Noooo” she whines. “You're not ready yet” “Ready for what?” She firmly grabs my right side, and with strength I did not.expect her to have, throws me down, grasping at my last piece of clothing and ripping it free. “That” she smiles wickedly, grasping my now exposed arousal between her soft hands. Like velvet running up and down my length, I can't help but moan as she plants a kiss on it. She lies against my leg, pinning me in place as she swallows me. If her hands were amazing, the warmth of her mouth was as paradise. “I winning” she grunts before going back down. Oh no she isn't. Lust and alcohol clouding my judgement, I wasn't going to let her win. I'm not sure what it is she's trying to win, but I will win it first. Reaching down for her ankle, I lift her leg up with my left hand and reach for her center with my right. It is wet, dribbling with her own heat and excitement. She jumps when she feels me prodding her outer folds, and inhaled as I start to probe. One finger. Two. Then three. She whines under me but she doesn't stop working me. It only seems to motivate her to move faster, ecstasy sing across my body as she plays me better than any woman I've bad in the past. I return by searching inside her until I find that one place. The one that turns her tortured whines into gleeful pleasure. I feel her splashing against my palm, a moment later I release. Sealing her lips closed as she looks back up, she swallows and smiles. “I win” “No you didn't” I grunt, pulling my fingers free, and holding my work up so the she can see the results of her climax in the dim light. Kita scoffs. “That not. count. We do it again, see who wins” “What a great idea” I smile back, guiding Kita onto her back, spreading her legs. I am still aroused, Kita failed to extinguish the fire of desire burning in me. She only stoked it, and it burns even hotter in my gut, demanding I take her. I press Kita close, my manhood piercing her. She hisses as she feels me enter her, pressing into the depths, her walls wrapping all around my length. Her arms wrap around my back, legs lifting around mine as we hilt and become one. Her body is shaking, pain, happiness, excitement all mixing, leaking out in wordless moans and whines. She whispers my name softly. “Anon”. “Kita” I murmur back, pulling out and slowly thrusting back in, letting her petite body get accustomed to me. I hear a familiar hum as the darkness of space was replaced by dazzling blue light as the ship made its jump to hyperspace, illuminating the room in a pulsing glow of azure and pearl that danced across our bodies. Kita’s eyes widen, her first true glimpse of light speed dazzling her and driving her to new heights of pleasure. “Oh Anon” she cries, tightening her hold on me and pressing her feet onto the bed, thrusting back into me “it’s so beautiful! I have never seen anything like it before!” Her hands drift to my shoulders, pulling back to lock my eyes with hers “Thank you” she smiles, tears dribbling down her face. “This is the greatest moment of my life” she grinds into my crotch, swirling me around inside her “I love it, In love you” she presses her lips to mine. It's a long kiss, as our tongues press as close as our bodies, daring the break our physical limitations and merge as one. Again and again I thrust into her, my rhythm growing in tempo as we near release. My need burns hot. I want Kita. I want to hold her, and love her, and claim her and take her and- We break our kiss, panting in pace with each other. “Anon” she declares again “I love you!” A moment later we climax together, my warmth pouring into her as her ecstasy coats my waist. She shivers, wrapping and tightening around me as a million million possibilities flow from me into the Nelvaanian. Her hips buck, her body twitches, she experiences climax for the first time and it rocks her to her core. Spent, we lie on the bed, adrift in our afterglow, buoyed by our embrace. Kita showered my face with kisses. I returned what I can, but I couldn’t match her enthusiasm. I had shown her a new kind of bliss and she was overcome by it. Not that I was complaining, it only fueled my desire. The burning need never left my core. It continued to burn, demanding I take Kita again and again. The Nelvaanian awakened a deep need in me, to hold her, to claim her. Base lust mixed with longing. Nurturing care mixed with carnal pleasure. I wanted to hold her, and love her; but at the same time I wanted to ravage her, show her the heights of ecstasy such union could bring. I shift, pulling Kita with me, still firmly within her. My hand closed down on the back of her hands, enclosing around her palm as her own fingers tighten around my digits. Kita watches the show of lightspace as I watch her. Her hair is messy, mussed from grinding against the bedsheets. She giggles as I attempt to fumble around, bringing myself clumsily back into her welcoming mound. Entrance is difficult this time, but I manage as I feel the familiar folds wrapping around me, pulling me in as I push. I lightly shift my lap underneath her, feeling myself engorge again as her body holds my manhood in place. She leans her head back, laying it against my shoulder as she licks my cheek. My fire burns bright. I can wait no longer. Hooking my arms under her legs, I brace her as I thrust up again. Her giggles melt away into moans as I plow her fertile fields again. I spread her legs as I push upwards, our mixed liquids spilling out with every bounce. The force of our rhythm drives her up, and Kita kisses my face, my lips, my chin at the peak of her ascent. Every thrust, every time out legs meet and I hilt within her, I can feel that wonderful pressure building ever higher and higher. Her fingers dig into my palms as she cries out my name again. I can feel myself approaching-no! I want to see her when I claim her body again. Pulling out, exposing myself to the cold air of the cabin, I lay her down on the bed gently, Kita offers no resistance. She knows what I want and spreads her legs. I grasp her thighs as I press back in. “Kita” I breathe “I want you.” “You have me Anon” Kita replies breathlessly. “I want you to have me. Take me Anon! Take me again and again!” My head swims as I fill her, feeling a throbbing pulse within me as I plant my seed in her. Kita arches her back as her own climax hits her, hips bucking against me as she involuntarily squeezes around me, trying to coax more from my spent body. I free myself from Kita, lying by her side as I try to catch my breath. Kita brushes up next to me, hugging my arm. “Does this make you my mate?” I ask. “It does.” she whispers. “Good. I will still try to bring you home.” Kita doesn’t say anything to that. She simply straddles me, giving me a deep kiss. The fire is suddenly ignited again as I feel myself rising. Mild aphrodisiacs my foot! We spend the rest of the voyage in bed. Well not entirely. I did get up to order room service. ///Lomax, 6 months later Success is not as glamorous as some may like to think. My new position in the family meant my workload increased several times. Bills, disputes, forms, receipts, requests and complaints piled all over my desk, once so clean, now cluttered to the point I couldn’t even see the surface anymore. Somewhere in the mire of bureaucracy was a thermos of mollgo tea B2 brewed for me, and I was in dire need of a cup. At the rate work was piling up, the tea would run cold, and any relief I could find in it would go with it. “Take a break Anon” I hear from behind me. “You’ll work yourself to death.” Kita was on the balcony, hair billowing in the mid third autumn breeze. I come up behind her, putting my hands on her shoulders. She looks back at me for a moment before returning her gaze to the setting sun. “I’ve narrowed the location of your home down to three systems. We can investigate them when I have time off” I murmur. Kita hums in reply. “Do you still want to go home?” Silence. There’s uncertainty in her eyes. When I first found her, Kita would have said yes in a heartbeat. “Maybe someday” she says quietly. “If only to see what has happened to my people. This is my home now.” She turns her head to me, smiling as she guides my hand to her swelling belly. “And I don’t think it would be right to deprive our children of their father” she nuzzles my face “or you deprive me of a perfect mate.”