Agent anon arrives at what must be the sheriff station, a tiny box of a building, with only "Red wood Pines Sherrif department" on the front. It's has only 3 patrol cars outside so it must be pretty peaceful crime wise, Anon walks him to talk to the receptionist at the desk a female golden retriever she's too busy being ingrossed in her magazine to notice anon >Um, excuse me >Obviously hearing agent anon his tone quickly change, So this must be the welcome party >Agent anon thinks to himself >Miss; anon draws his wallet with his id like a gun slinger in the West >Special agent Anon I'm with the HBI is the Sherrif around? Anon said in a demanding tone like anon we're telling her. >Uggh she slowly closes her magazine and storms over to a door down the corridor as anon brisk walks to keep up her >She arrives and pounds on door while giving anon a glaring look "here's here~" dropping in decibel and walks back to her desk >Come in... You hear a deep and tired voice from behind the door Anon walks in he sees the sheriff of red wood pines he's a droppy eyed beagel who looked like he hasn't slept in days he's wearing all plaid with a cowboy hat sat in dark room with only the cloudy sky as light peeping through the blinds >Hi agent anon nice to meet you holding out a hand for a handshake >He just stares at anon's hand inhales a long breath > you're here about the human... >Um, yes sir agent anon replying like lighting compared to the Sherrif >Cause we anthros are just too stupid to solve human murders right¿ Talking more at a normal speed >No not at all we- >You think we're just going shake and scratch like a bunch of Fucking animals around bodies¿! Is that it!