#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014-2022 GPLv3, Slideshow Crypto Ticker by Mike Kilday: Mike@DragonFrugal.com echo " " echo "PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: https://github.com/taoteh1221/Slideshow_Crypto_Ticker/issues" echo " " echo "Initializing, please wait..." echo " " # EXPLICITLY set any dietpi paths # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -f /boot/dietpi/.version ]; then PATH=/boot/dietpi:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi # EXPLICITLY set any ~/.local/bin paths # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -d ~/.local/bin ]; then PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi # EXPLICITLY set any /usr/sbin path # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -d /usr/sbin ]; then PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi ###################################### # Path to app (CROSS-DISTRO-COMPATIBLE) get_app_path() { app_path_result=$(whereis -b $1) app_path_result="${app_path_result#*$1: }" app_path_result=${app_path_result%%[[:space:]]*} app_path_result="${app_path_result#*$1:}" echo "$app_path_result" } ###################################### # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947742/how-to-change-the-output-color-of-echo-in-linux if hash tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then red=`tput setaf 1` green=`tput setaf 2` yellow=`tput setaf 3` blue=`tput setaf 4` magenta=`tput setaf 5` cyan=`tput setaf 6` reset=`tput sgr0` else red=`` green=`` yellow=`` blue=`` magenta=`` cyan=`` reset=`` fi ###################################### # Get logged-in username (if sudo, this works best with logname) TERMINAL_USERNAME=$(logname) # If logname doesn't work, use the $SUDO_USER or $USER global var if [ -z "$TERMINAL_USERNAME" ]; then if [ -z "$SUDO_USER" ]; then TERMINAL_USERNAME=$USER else TERMINAL_USERNAME=$SUDO_USER fi fi # Get date / time DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') TIME=$(date '+%H:%M:%S') # Current timestamp CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s) # If a symlink, get link target for script location # WE ALWAYS WANT THE FULL PATH! if [[ -L "$0" ]]; then SCRIPT_LOCATION=$(readlink "$0") else SCRIPT_LOCATION="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )/"$(basename "$0")"" fi # Now set path / file vars, after setting SCRIPT_LOCATION SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$SCRIPT_LOCATION")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$SCRIPT_LOCATION") # Get the operating system and version if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # freedesktop.org and systemd . /etc/os-release OS=$NAME VER=$VERSION_ID elif type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # linuxbase.org OS=$(lsb_release -si) VER=$(lsb_release -sr) elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then # For some versions of Debian/Ubuntu without lsb_release command . /etc/lsb-release OS=$DISTRIB_ID VER=$DISTRIB_RELEASE elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Older Debian/Ubuntu/etc. OS=Debian VER=$(cat /etc/debian_version) elif [ -f /etc/SuSe-release ]; then # Older SuSE/etc. ... elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # Older Red Hat, CentOS, etc. ... else # Fall back to uname, e.g. "Linux ", also works for BSD, etc. OS=$(uname -s) VER=$(uname -r) fi ###################################### echo " " if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] || [ "$TERMINAL_USERNAME" == "root" ]; then echo "${red}Please run as a NORMAL USER WITH 'sudo' PERMISSIONS (NOT LOGGED IN AS 'root').${reset}" echo " " echo "${cyan}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${cyan}Your system has been detected as Debian-based, which is compatible with this automated installation script." PACKAGE_INSTALL="sudo apt install" PACKAGE_REMOVE="sudo apt --purge remove" echo " " echo "Continuing...${reset}" echo " " elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then echo "${cyan}Your system has been detected as Arch-based, which is compatible with this automated installation script." PACKAGE_INSTALL="sudo pacman -S" PACKAGE_REMOVE="sudo pacman -R" echo " " echo "Continuing...${reset}" echo " " else echo "${red}Your system has been detected as NOT BEING Debian-based. Your system is NOT compatible with this automated installation script." echo " " echo "Exiting...${reset}" exit fi ###################################### # clean_system_update function START clean_system_update () { if [ -z "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" ]; then echo " " echo "${yellow}Does the Operating System on this device update using the \"Rolling Release\" model (Kali, Manjaro, Ubuntu Rolling Rhino, Debian Unstable, etc), or the \"Long-Term Release\" model (Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, Armbian Stable, Diet Pi, etc)?" echo " " echo "${red}(You can SEVERLY MESS UP a \"Rolling Release\" Operating System IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE CORRECTLY HERE! In that case, you can SAFELY choose \"I don't know\".)${reset}" echo " " echo "Enter the NUMBER next to your chosen option.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="rolling long_term i_dont_know" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "long_term" ]; then ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE="yes" echo " " echo "${green}Allowing system-wide updates before installs.${reset}" break else ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE="no" echo " " echo "${green}Disabling system-wide updates before installs.${reset}" break fi done echo " " fi if [ "$PACKAGE_CACHE_REFRESHED" != "1" ]; then PACKAGE_CACHE_REFRESHED=1 if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${cyan}Making sure your APT sources list is updated before installations, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # In case package list was ever corrupted (since we are about to rebuild it anyway...avoids possible errors) sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 sudo apt update sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}APT sources list update complete.${reset}" echo " " fi if [ "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" == "yes" ]; then echo "${cyan}Making sure your system is updated before installations, please wait...${reset}" echo " " if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then #DO NOT RUN dist-upgrade, bad things can happen, lol sudo apt upgrade -y elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then sudo pacman -Syu fi sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}System updated.${reset}" echo " " fi fi } # clean_system_update function END ###################################### # Get SIMILAR (CROSS-DISTRO) primary dependency apps, if we haven't yet # Install git if needed GIT_PATH=$(get_app_path "git") if [ -z "$GIT_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component git, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL git -y fi # Install curl if needed CURL_PATH=$(get_app_path "curl") if [ -z "$CURL_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component curl, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL curl -y fi # Install jq if needed JQ_PATH=$(get_app_path "jq") if [ -z "$JQ_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component jq, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL jq -y fi # Install wget if needed WGET_PATH=$(get_app_path "wget") if [ -z "$WGET_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component wget, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL wget -y fi # Install sed if needed SED_PATH=$(get_app_path "sed") if [ -z "$SED_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component sed, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL sed -y fi # Install less if needed LESS_PATH=$(get_app_path "less") if [ -z "$LESS_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component less, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL less -y fi # Install expect if needed EXPECT_PATH=$(get_app_path "expect") if [ -z "$EXPECT_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component expect, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL expect -y fi # Install avahi-daemon if needed (for .local names on internal / home network) AVAHID_PATH=$(get_app_path "avahi-daemon") if [ -z "$AVAHID_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component avahi-daemon, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL avahi-daemon -y fi # Install bc if needed (for decimal math in bash) BC_PATH=$(get_app_path "bc") if [ -z "$BC_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component bc, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL bc -y fi # SIMILAR (CROSS-DISTRO) dependency check END ###################################### # Install bsdtar if needed (for opening archives) BSDTAR_PATH=$(get_app_path "bsdtar") # Distro-specific logic, to set variables, get dependencies, etc if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then # Get the host ip address IP=`hostname -I` if [ -z "$BSDTAR_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component libarchive-tools, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 18.x and higher $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive-tools -y fi elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then # Get the host ip address IP=$(ip -json route get | jq -r '.[].prefsrc') if [ -z "$BSDTAR_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component libarchive, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 18.x and higher $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive -y fi # Install cronie if needed (for a crond impementation) CRONIE_PATH=$(get_app_path "crond") if [ -z "$CRONIE_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component cronie, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL cronie -y sleep 3 systemctl enable --now cronie.service fi fi ###################################### # For setting user agent header in curl, since some API servers !REQUIRE! a set user agent OR THEY BLOCK YOU CUSTOM_CURL_USER_AGENT_HEADER="User-Agent: Curl (${OS}/$VER; compatible;)" echo " " echo "${yellow}Enter the system username to configure installation for:" echo "(leave blank / hit enter for default of username '${TERMINAL_USERNAME}')${reset}" echo " " read APP_USER echo " " if [ -z "$APP_USER" ]; then APP_USER=${1:-$TERMINAL_USERNAME} echo "${green}Using default username: $APP_USER${reset}" else echo "${green}Using username: $APP_USER${reset}" fi if [ ! -d "/home/$APP_USER/" ]; then echo " " echo "${red}Directory /home/$APP_USER/ DOES NOT exist, cannot install Slideshow Crypto Ticker." echo " " echo "Please create user $APP_USER's home directory before running this installation.${reset}" exit fi echo " " ###################################### echo "${green}You have set the user information as..." echo " " echo "User: $APP_USER" echo " " echo "User home directory: /home/$APP_USER/${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}If this information is NOT correct, please exit installation and start again.${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"Press y to continue (or press n to exit)..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" = 'Y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Continuing...${reset}" # If all clear for takeoff, make sure a group exists with same name as user, # AND user is a member of it (believe it or not, I've seen this not always hold true!) groupadd -f $APP_USER > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 3 usermod -a -G $APP_USER $APP_USER > /dev/null 2>&1 echo " " else echo " " echo "${green}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi echo " " ###################################### # MIGRATE SAFELY TO NEW APP NAMED DIR (we delete the old one if the user completes installation) \cp -r /home/$APP_USER/dfd-crypto-ticker /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "${yellow}TECHNICAL NOTE:" echo " " echo "This script was designed to install on popular Debian-based (MATURE / STABLE) / Arch-based (STILL UNSTABLE!!) operating systems (Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS [Raspbian], Armbian, DietPi, Arch, Manjaro, etc)," echo "for small single-board computers WITH SMALL LCD SCREENS TO RUN THE TICKER 24/7 (ALL THE TIME)." echo " " echo "It is ONLY recommended to install this ticker app IF your device has an LCD screen installed.${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}This script MAY NOT work on ALL Debian-based / Arch-based system setups.${reset}" echo " " echo "${cyan}Your operating system has been detected as:" echo " " echo "$OS v$VER${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}USE A #FULL# DESKTOP SETUP, #NOT# LITE, OR YOU LIKELY WILL HAVE SOME #UNICODE SYMBOL ISSUES# WITH CHROMIUM BROWSER EVEN" echo "AFTER UPGRADING TO GUI / CHROME (trust me)." echo " " echo "(Chromium, Epiphany, and Firefox are supported [firefox is recommended for reliability, all these browsers will be installed if available])${reset}" echo " " if [ -f /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js ]; then echo "${yellow}A configuration file from a previous install of Slideshow Crypto Ticker has been detected on your system." echo " " echo "${green}During this upgrade / re-install, it will be backed up to:" echo " " echo "/home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js.BACKUP.$DATE${reset}" echo " " echo "This will save any custom settings within it." echo " " echo "You will need to manually move any custom settings in this backup file to the new config.js file with a text editor.${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}IF ANYTHING STOPS WORKING AFTER UPGRADING, CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE (temporary files), AND RELOAD OR RESTART THE APP. This will load the latest Javascript / Style Sheet upgrades properly.${reset}" echo " " fi echo "PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: https://github.com/taoteh1221/Slideshow_Crypto_Ticker/issues" echo " " echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"Press y to continue (or press n to exit)..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" = 'Y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Continuing...${reset}" echo " " else echo " " echo "${green}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi echo " " ###################################### # If we are NOT running raspi os, AND lxde desktop IS NOT INSTALLED, # then we offer the option to install LXDE if [ ! -f /usr/bin/raspi-config ] && [ ! -d /etc/xdg/lxsession ]; then echo "${red}WE NEED TO MAKE SURE LXDE #AND# LIGHTDM ARE INSTALLED," echo "IF YOU WANT THE TICKER TO #AUTOMATICALLY RUN ON SYSTEM STARTUP# / REBOOT." echo " " echo "CHOOSE \"LIGHTDM\" IF ASKED, FOR \"AUTO-LOGIN AT BOOT\" CAPABILITIES.${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to install LXDE Desktop, or skip.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="setup_lxde skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "setup_lxde" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing LXDE desktop and required components, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update $PACKAGE_INSTALL xserver-xorg lightdm lxde -y sleep 3 # Enable GUI on boot systemctl set-default graphical echo " " echo "${cyan}LXDE desktop has been installed.${reset}" echo " " break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping LXDE desktop installation...${reset}" break fi done fi ###################################### # SET EARLY (IMMEADIATELY #AFTER# ANY LXDE INSTALL ABOVE), AS WE USE THIS IN A FEW PLACES # KNOWN raspi LXDE profile if [ -f /usr/bin/raspi-config ]; then LXDE_PROFILE="LXDE-pi" # UNKNOWN generic LXDE profile elif [ -d /etc/xdg/lxsession ]; then # Auto-detect or set to KNOWN LXDE default # Unfortunately not much documentation on listing LXDE profile names, # BUT looks fairly reliable to just check in /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxpanel # (IT SHOULD EXIST ALREADY AT THIS POINT) LXDE_PROFILE=$(ls /etc/xdg/lxsession) LXDE_PROFILE=$(echo "${LXDE_PROFILE}" | xargs) # trim whitespace # If LXDE profile var was NOT auto-setup properly # (contains whitespace MID-VARIABLE or is empty), # go with KNOWN default from LXDE documentation if [[ $LXDE_PROFILE =~ " " ]] || [ -z "$LXDE_PROFILE" ]; then LXDE_PROFILE="LXDE" LXDE_ALERT=1 fi fi ###################################### # If LXDE is installed if [ -d /etc/xdg/lxsession ]; then echo "${red}WE NEED TO MAKE SURE LXDE #AND# LIGHTDM AUTO-LOGIN AT STARTUP, AS THE USER '${APP_USER}'," echo "IF YOU WANT THE TICKER TO #AUTOMATICALLY RUN ON SYSTEM STARTUP# / REBOOT." echo " " echo "CHOOSE \"LIGHTDM\" IF ASKED, FOR \"AUTO-LOGIN AT BOOT\" CAPABILITIES.${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to setup LXDE Desktop auto-login, or skip.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="autologin_lxde skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "autologin_lxde" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Configuring lightdm auto-login at boot for user '${APP_USER}', please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Auto-login LXDE logic... if [ -d /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d ]; then CHECK_LIGHTDM_D=$(ls /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d) CHECK_LIGHTDM_D=$(echo "${CHECK_LIGHTDM_D}" | xargs) # trim whitespace else CHECK_LIGHTDM_D="" fi if [ ! -f /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ] && [ -z "$CHECK_LIGHTDM_D" ]; then # Don't nest / indent, or it could malform the settings read -r -d '' LXDE_AUTO_LOGIN <<- EOF \r autologin-user=$APP_USER user-session=LXDE autologin-session=lxde \r EOF # Setup LXDE to run at boot touch /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf echo -e "$LXDE_AUTO_LOGIN" > /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf elif [ -f /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ]; then DETECT_AUTOLOGIN=$(sudo sed -n '/autologin-user=/p' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf) if [ "$DETECT_AUTOLOGIN" != "" ]; then sed -i "s/#autologin-user=.*/autologin-user=${APP_USER}/g" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf sleep 2 sed -i "s/autologin-user=.*/autologin-user=${APP_USER}/g" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf elif [ "$DETECT_AUTOLOGIN" == "" ]; then sudo bash -c "echo 'autologin-user=${APP_USER}' >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" fi sleep 2 sed -i "s/user-session=.*/user-session=LXDE/g" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf sed -i "s/autologin-session=.*/autologin-session=lxde/g" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf elif [ -n "$CHECK_LIGHTDM_D" ]; then # Find the PROPER config file in the /lightdm.conf.d/ directory LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE=$(grep -r 'user-session' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d | awk -F: '{print $1}') LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE=$(echo "${LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE}" | xargs) # trim whitespace DETECT_AUTOLOGIN=$(sudo sed -n '/autologin-user=/p' $LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE) if [ "$DETECT_AUTOLOGIN" != "" ]; then sed -i "s/#autologin-user=.*/autologin-user=${APP_USER}/g" $LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE sleep 2 sed -i "s/autologin-user=.*/autologin-user=${APP_USER}/g" $LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE elif [ "$DETECT_AUTOLOGIN" == "" ]; then sudo bash -c "echo 'autologin-user=${APP_USER}' >> ${LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE}" fi sleep 2 sed -i "s/user-session=.*/user-session=LXDE/g" $LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE sed -i "s/autologin-session=.*/autologin-session=lxde/g" $LIGHTDM_CONFIG_FILE else echo "${cyan}AUTO-LOGIN CONFIGURATION ERROR, AUTO-LOGIN #NOT# SETUP!${reset}" fi sleep 2 # Enable GUI on boot systemctl set-default graphical echo " " echo "${cyan}LXDE desktop auto-login has been configured.${reset}" echo " " # If we are running dietpi OS, WARN USER AN ADDITIONAL STEP #MAY# BE NEEDED if [ -f /boot/dietpi/.version ]; then echo "${red}DietPi #SHOULD NOT REQUIRE# USING THE dietpi-autostart UTILITY TO SET LXDE TO AUTO-LOGIN" echo "AS THE USER '${APP_USER}', SINCE #WE JUST SETUP LXDE AUTO-LOGIN ALREADY#.${reset}" fi break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping LXDE desktop setup...${reset}" break fi done else echo "${red}THIS TICKER #REQUIRES# RUNNING #LIGHTDM# AND THE DESKTOP INTERFACE #LXDE# IN AUTO-LOGIN MODE AT STARTUP," echo "AS THE USER '${APP_USER}', IF YOU WANT THE TICKER TO #AUTOMATICALLY RUN ON SYSTEM STARTUP# / REBOOT.${reset}" fi echo " " ###################################### echo "Do you want this script to automatically download the latest version of Slideshow Crypto Ticker" echo "from Github.com, and install it?" echo " " echo "(auto-install will overwrite / upgrade any previous install located at: /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker)" echo " " echo "${yellow}Select 1, 2, or 3 to choose whether to auto-install / remove Slideshow Crypto Ticker, or skip.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="install_ticker_app remove_ticker_app skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "install_ticker_app" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Proceeding with required component installation, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # bsdtar installs may fail (essentially the same package as libarchive-tools), # SO WE RUN BOTH SEPERATELY IN CASE AN ERROR THROWS, SO OTHER PACKAGES INSTALL OK AFTERWARDS echo "${yellow}(you can safely ignore any upcoming 'bsdtar' install errors, if 'libarchive-tools'" echo "installs OK...and visa versa, as they are essentially the same package)${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 16.x, and other debian-based systems $PACKAGE_INSTALL bsdtar -y sleep 1 # Firefox on raspbian $PACKAGE_INSTALL firefox-esr -y sleep 1 # Firefox on ubuntu, etc $PACKAGE_INSTALL firefox -y sleep 1 # epiphany on raspbian $PACKAGE_INSTALL epiphany-browser -y sleep 1 # Chromium on raspbian $PACKAGE_INSTALL chromium-browser -y sleep 5 # Look for 'epiphany-browser' EPIPHANY_PATH=$(get_app_path "epiphany-browser") # If 'epiphany-browser' NOT found, install epiphany UNLESS THIS IS RASPI OS if [ -z "$EPIPHANY_PATH" ] && [ ! -f /usr/bin/raspi-config ]; then # epiphany on ubuntu, etc $PACKAGE_INSTALL epiphany -y sleep 1 fi # Look for 'chromium-browser' CHROMIUM_PATH=$(get_app_path "chromium-browser") # If 'chromium-browser' NOT found, install chromium UNLESS THIS IS RASPI OS # ('chromium-browser' IS DEFAULT ON RASPI OS, AND THIS WOULD TRIGGER REPLACING IT WITH A #DOWNGRADED# VERSION) if [ -z "$CHROMIUM_PATH" ] && [ ! -f /usr/bin/raspi-config ]; then # Chromium on ubuntu, etc $PACKAGE_INSTALL chromium -y sleep 1 fi # Safely install other packages seperately, so they aren't cancelled by 'package missing' errors... # Grapics card detection support for firefox (for browser GPU acceleration) $PACKAGE_INSTALL libpci-dev -y sleep 1 # Not sure we need this Mesa 3D Graphics Library / OpenGL stuff, but leave for # now until we determine why firefox is having issues enabling GPU acceleration $PACKAGE_INSTALL freeglut3-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL libglu1-mesa-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL mesa-utils -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL mesa-common-dev -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL mesa-vulkan-drivers -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL vulkan-icd -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL xdotool unclutter -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL x11-xserver-utils -y sleep 1 $PACKAGE_INSTALL xautomation -y sleep 3 # FIX FOR 2022-1-28 RASPI OS CHROMIUM BUG (DOES #NOT# FIX SAME ISSUE ON ARMBIAN) # https://github.com/RPi-Distro/chromium-browser/issues/28 # /etc/chromium.d/ticker-fix-egl CAN BE NAMED ANYTHING, AS LONG AS IT'S IN /etc/chromium.d/ mkdir -p /etc/chromium.d/ > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 CHROMIUM_GL=$(sed -n '/ --use-gl=egl/p' /etc/chromium.d/ticker-fix-egl) if [ "$CHROMIUM_GL" == "" ]; then echo " " echo "${red}EGL not enabled for chromium, enabling it now, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Add EGL config to /etc/chromium.d/ticker-fix-egl echo 'export CHROMIUM_FLAGS="$CHROMIUM_FLAGS --use-gl=egl"' | tee /etc/chromium.d/ticker-fix-egl fi echo " " echo "${cyan}Required component installation completed.${reset}" sleep 3 echo " " if [ -f /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js ]; then \cp /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js.BACKUP.$DATE chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js.BACKUP.$DATE CONFIG_BACKUP=1 fi echo "${cyan}Downloading and installing the latest version of Slideshow Crypto Ticker, from Github.com, please wait...${reset}" echo " " mkdir Slideshow-Crypto-Ticker-TEMP cd Slideshow-Crypto-Ticker-TEMP ZIP_DL=$(curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/taoteh1221/Slideshow_Crypto_Ticker/releases/latest' | jq -r '.zipball_url') wget -O Slideshow-Crypto-Ticker-TEMP.zip $ZIP_DL bsdtar --strip-components=1 -xvf Slideshow-Crypto-Ticker-TEMP.zip rm Slideshow-Crypto-Ticker-TEMP.zip # Remove depreciated directory structure from any previous installs rm -rf /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/apps > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/scripts > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache/json > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache/js > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 # Copy over the upgrade install files to the install directory, after cleaning up dev files # No trailing forward slash here mkdir -p /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker rm -rf .git > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf .github > /dev/null 2>&1 rm .gitattributes > /dev/null 2>&1 rm .gitignore > /dev/null 2>&1 rm .whitesource > /dev/null 2>&1 rm CODEOWNERS > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/switch-display.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/ticker-auto-start.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/chromium-refresh.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/chromium.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/epiphany.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/firefox.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/ticker-init.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/cron.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/cron/kucoin-auth.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/cron/raspi-temps.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/js/jquery.min.js > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/js/functions.js > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/js/init.js > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache/cache.js > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache/raspi_data.js > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache/browser.bash > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/ATTRIBUTION-CREDIT-INFO.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/images/upload-cloud-fill.svg > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/reload > /dev/null 2>&1 \cp -r ./ /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker sleep 3 cd ../ rm -rf Slideshow-Crypto-Ticker-TEMP chmod -R 755 /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash # No trailing forward slash here chown -R $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker # If an older depreciated version, just re-create the symlink after deleting to be safe rm /home/$APP_USER/ticker-restart > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 ln -s /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/ticker-restart.bash /home/$APP_USER/ticker-restart chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/ticker-restart ln -s /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/ticker-start.bash /home/$APP_USER/ticker-start chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/ticker-start ln -s /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/ticker-stop.bash /home/$APP_USER/ticker-stop chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/ticker-stop echo " " echo "${green}Slideshow Crypto Ticker has been installed.${reset}" INSTALL_SETUP=1 break elif [ "$opt" = "remove_ticker_app" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Removing Slideshow Crypto Ticker and some required components, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # ONLY removing unclutter, AS WE DON'T WANT TO F!CK UP THE WHOLE SYSTEM, REMOVING ANY OTHER ALREADY-USED / DEPENDANT PACKAGES TOO!! $PACKAGE_REMOVE unclutter -y echo " " echo "${cyan}Removal of 'unclutter' app package completed, please wait...${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}(IF YOU USED unclutter FOR ANOTHER APP, RE-INSTALL WITH: sudo $PACKAGE_INSTALL unclutter)${reset}" echo " " sleep 3 # Remove ticker autostart line in any LXDE autostart file sed -i "/slideshow-crypto-ticker/d" /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart # Remove any #OLD# ticker autostart systemd service (which we no longer use) rm /lib/systemd/system/ticker.service > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /etc/cron.d/ticker > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/ticker-restart > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/ticker-start > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /home/$APP_USER/ticker-stop > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 3 echo " " echo "${green}Slideshow Crypto Ticker has been removed from the system, PLEASE REBOOT to complete the removal process.${reset}" break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping auto-install of Slideshow Crypto Ticker.${reset}" break fi done echo " " ###################################### # REMOVE OLD DIRECTORY LOCATION (if we got this far in this script, new location is now the live install) rm -rf /home/$APP_USER/dfd-crypto-ticker > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "Do you want to automatically configure Slideshow Crypto Ticker for your system (autostart at login / keep screen turned on)?" echo " " echo "${yellow}Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to auto-configure Slideshow Crypto Ticker system settings, or skip it.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="auto_config_ticker_system skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "auto_config_ticker_system" ]; then echo " " echo "${yellow}Select the NUMBER next to the browser you want to use to render the ticker (firefox is recommended for long term reliability).${reset}" echo " " USER_BROWSER="chromium epiphany firefox" select opt in $USER_BROWSER; do if [ "$opt" = "chromium" ]; then SET_BROWSER=$opt break elif [ "$opt" = "epiphany" ]; then SET_BROWSER=$opt break elif [ "$opt" = "firefox" ]; then SET_BROWSER=$opt break fi done echo " " echo "${green}Using $SET_BROWSER as the default ticker browser...${reset}" echo " " echo " " echo "${cyan}Configuring Slideshow Crypto Ticker on your system, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Create cache directory if it doesn't exist yet if [ ! -d /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache ]; then mkdir -p /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache fi echo -e "$SET_BROWSER" > /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache/default_browser.dat chown -R $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/cache > /dev/null 2>&1 # REMOVE #OLD WAY# THIS SCRIPT USED TO DO IT rm /lib/systemd/system/ticker.service > /dev/null 2>&1 # Setup to run at LXDE login if [ -d /etc/xdg/lxsession ]; then # Don't nest / indent, or it could malform the settings read -r -d '' TICKER_STARTUP <<- EOF @/home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/lxde-auto-start.bash $SET_BROWSER \r EOF mkdir -p /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 LXDE_AUTOSTART_NEW=$(sed -n '/lxde-auto-start.bash/p' /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart) LXDE_AUTOSTART_BROWSER=$(sed -n "/lxde-auto-start.bash ${SET_BROWSER}/p" /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart) # https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=294014 # If autostart file doesn't exist yet, create it, and append the ticker autostart code if [ ! -f /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Enabling USER-defined LXDE autostart (/home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart), AND adding ticker autostart, please wait...${reset}" echo " " \cp /etc/xdg/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/ sleep 2 echo -e "$TICKER_STARTUP" >> /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart # OR if we have not appended our ticker to an EXISTING autostart yet elif [ "$LXDE_AUTOSTART_NEW" == "" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Adding ticker autostart to USER-defined LXDE autostart (/home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart), please wait...${reset}" echo " " echo -e "$TICKER_STARTUP" >> /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart # OR if we just changed to a different browser elif [ "$LXDE_AUTOSTART_BROWSER" == "" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Updating ticker autostart browser to ${SET_BROWSER}, in USER-defined LXDE autostart (/home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart), please wait...${reset}" echo " " sed -i "s/lxde-auto-start.bash .*/lxde-auto-start.bash ${SET_BROWSER}/g" /home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart fi AUTOSTART_ALERT=1 sleep 2 fi # Make sure any new files / folders have user permissions chown -R $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/.config > /dev/null 2>&1 # Setup cron (to check logs after install: tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep cron -i) CRONJOB="* * * * * $APP_USER bash /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/cron/cron.bash > /dev/null 2>&1" # Play it safe and be sure their is a newline after this job entry echo -e "$CRONJOB\n" > /etc/cron.d/ticker # cron.d entries must be a permission of 644 chmod 644 /etc/cron.d/ticker # cron.d entries MUST BE OWNED BY ROOT chown root:root /etc/cron.d/ticker CRON_SETUP=1 echo " " echo "${green}Slideshow Crypto Ticker system configuration complete.${reset}" echo " " if [ "$LXDE_ALERT" = "1" ]; then echo " " echo "${red}WARNING: LXDE Desktop's profile could NOT be determined (default 'LXDE' was used), TICKER AUTO-START MAY FAIL!${reset}" echo " " fi CONFIG_SETUP=1 break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping auto-configuration of Slideshow Crypto Ticker system settings.${reset}" break fi done echo " " ###################################### echo "${red}WARNING:" echo "#DO NOT INSTALL# THE 'goodtft LCD-show' LCD DRIVERS BELOW, UNLESS YOU HAVE A 'goodtft LCD-show' LCD SCREEN!${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to install 'goodtft LCD-show' LCD drivers, or skip.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="install_goodtft skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "install_goodtft" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Setting up for 'goodtft LCD-show' LCD drivers, please wait...${reset}" echo " " ln -s /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/bash/goodtft-only.bash /home/$APP_USER/goodtft-only chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/goodtft-only mkdir -p /home/$APP_USER/goodtft/builds cd /home/$APP_USER/goodtft/builds git clone https://github.com/goodtft/LCD-show.git chmod -R 755 /home/$APP_USER/goodtft/builds # No trailing forward slash here chown -R $APP_USER:$APP_USER /home/$APP_USER/goodtft/builds echo " " echo "${green}'goodtft LCD-show' LCD driver setup completed.${reset}" echo " " GOODTFT_SETUP=1 break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping 'goodtft LCD-show' LCD driver setup...${reset}" break fi done echo " " ###################################### # Return to user's home directory cd /home/$APP_USER/ echo "${yellow} " echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "# SAVE THE INFORMATION BELOW FOR FUTURE ACCESS TO THIS APP #" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "${reset} " if [ "$CONFIG_BACKUP" = "1" ]; then echo "${green}The previously-installed Slideshow Crypto Ticker configuration" echo "file /home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js has been backed up to:" echo " " echo "/home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js.BACKUP.$DATE${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}You will need to manually move any custom settings in this backup file to the new config.js file with a text editor.${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}IF ANYTHING STOPS WORKING AFTER UPGRADING, CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE (temporary files), AND RELOAD OR RESTART THE APP. This will load the latest Javascript / Style Sheet upgrades properly.${reset}" echo " " fi if [ "$AUTOSTART_ALERT" = "1" ]; then if [ "$LXDE_ALERT" = "1" ]; then echo " " echo "${red}WARNING: LXDE Desktop's profile could NOT be determined (default 'LXDE' was used), TICKER AUTO-START MAY FAIL!${reset}" echo " " else echo "${green}Ticker autostart at login has been configured at:" echo " " echo "/home/$APP_USER/.config/lxsession/$LXDE_PROFILE/autostart${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}(the ticker should now start at boot/login with the $SET_BROWSER browser)${reset}" echo " " fi fi if [ "$CRON_SETUP" = "1" ]; then echo "${green}A cron job has been setup for user '$APP_USER', as a command in /etc/cron.d/ticker:" echo " " echo "$CRONJOB" echo "${reset} " fi if [ "$AUTOSTART_ALERT" = "1" ]; then echo "${yellow}If autostart does not work, you can run this command MANUALLY," echo "#AFTER BOOTING INTO THE DESKTOP INTERFACE#, to start Slideshow Crypto Ticker:" echo " " echo "~/ticker-start" echo " " echo "If you prefer chromium, epiphany, or firefox (you set $SET_BROWSER as the default):" echo " " echo "~/ticker-start chromium" echo " " echo "~/ticker-start epiphany" echo " " echo "~/ticker-start firefox" echo " " echo "To stop Slideshow Crypto Ticker:" echo " " echo "~/ticker-stop" echo "${reset} " else echo "${yellow}#AFTER BOOTING INTO THE DESKTOP INTERFACE#, to start Slideshow Crypto Ticker:" echo " " echo "~/ticker-start" echo " " echo "If you prefer chromium, epiphany, or firefox (firefox is recommended for long term reliability):" echo " " echo "~/ticker-start chromium" echo " " echo "~/ticker-start epiphany" echo " " echo "~/ticker-start firefox" echo " " echo "To stop Slideshow Crypto Ticker:" echo " " echo "~/ticker-stop" echo "${reset} " fi echo "${yellow}Edit the following file in a text editor to activate different exchanges / crypto assets / base pairings," echo "and to configure settings for slideshow speed / font sizes and colors / background color / vertical position /" echo "screen orientation / google font used / monospace emulation / activated pairings / etc / etc:" echo " " echo "/home/$APP_USER/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js" echo " " echo "Example editing config.js in nano by command-line:" echo " " echo "nano ~/slideshow-crypto-ticker/config.js" echo " " echo "After updating config.js, restart the ticker with this command:" echo " " echo "~/ticker-restart" echo "${reset} " echo "${cyan}Ticker installation / setup should be complete (if you chose those options), unless you saw any error" echo "messages on your screen during setup." echo "${reset} " if [ "$GOODTFT_SETUP" = "1" ]; then echo "${yellow}TO COMPLETE THE 'goodtft LCD-show' LCD DRIVERS SETUP, run this command below" echo "to configure / activate your 'goodtft LCD-show' LCD screen:" echo " " echo "~/goodtft-only" echo " " echo "(your device will restart automatically afterwards)" echo "${reset} " elif [ "$AUTOSTART_ALERT" = "1" ]; then echo "${red}You MUST RESTART YOUR DEVICE to auto-start the ticker, by running this command:" echo " " echo "sudo reboot" echo "${reset} " fi if [ "$AUTOSTART_ALERT" = "1" ]; then echo " " echo "${red}TICKER AUTO-START #REQUIRES# RUNNING THE LXDE DESKTOP AT STARTUP, AS THE USER: '${APP_USER}'${reset}" echo " " else echo " " echo "${red}TICKER #REQUIRES# RUNNING A DESKTOP INTERFACE AT STARTUP, AS THE USER: '${APP_USER}'${reset}" echo " " fi echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo " " ###################################### echo "${yellow}ANY DONATIONS (LARGE OR SMALL) HELP SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF MY APPS..." echo " " echo "${cyan}Bitcoin: ${green}3Nw6cvSgnLEFmQ1V4e8RSBG23G7pDjF3hW" echo " " echo "${cyan}Ethereum: ${green}0x644343e8D0A4cF33eee3E54fE5d5B8BFD0285EF8" echo " " echo "${cyan}Solana: ${green}GvX4AU4V9atTBof9dT9oBnLPmPiz3mhoXBdqcxyRuQnU" echo " " ###################################### # Mark the ticker install as having run already, to avoid showing # the OPTIONAL ticker install options at end of the portfolio install export TICKER_INSTALL_RAN=1 if [ -z "$FOLIO_INSTALL_RAN" ]; then echo " " echo "${red}!!!!!BE SURE TO SCROLL UP, TO SAVE #ALL THE TICKER APP USAGE DOCUMENTATION#" echo "PRINTED OUT ABOVE, BEFORE YOU SIGN OFF FROM THIS TERMINAL SESSION!!!!!${reset}" echo " " echo "Also check out my 100% FREE open source PRIVATE cryptocurrency investment portfolio tracker," echo "with email / text / Alexa / Telegram alerts, charts, mining calculators," echo "leverage / gain / loss / balance stats, news feeds and more:" echo " " echo "https://taoteh1221.github.io" echo " " echo "https://github.com/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker" echo " " echo "Would you like to ${red}ADDITIONALLY / OPTIONALLY${reset} install Open Crypto Portfolio Tracker (server edition), private portfolio tracker on this machine?" echo " " echo "Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to ${red}optionally${reset} install the private portfolio tracker, or skip." echo " " OPTIONS="install_portfolio_tracker skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "install_portfolio_tracker" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Proceeding with portfolio tracker installation, please wait...${reset}" echo " " wget --no-cache -O FOLIO-INSTALL.bash https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker/main/FOLIO-INSTALL.bash chmod +x FOLIO-INSTALL.bash chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER FOLIO-INSTALL.bash ./FOLIO-INSTALL.bash break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping the OPTIONAL portfolio tracker install...${reset}" echo " " echo "${cyan}Installation / setup has finished, exiting to terminal...${reset}" echo " " exit break fi done else echo " " echo "${cyan}Installation / setup has finished, exiting to terminal...${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}!!!!!BE SURE TO SCROLL UP, TO SAVE #ALL THE TICKER APP USAGE DOCUMENTATION#" echo "PRINTED OUT ABOVE, BEFORE YOU SIGN OFF FROM THIS TERMINAL SESSION!!!!!${reset}" echo " " exit fi ######################################