#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2014-2024 GPLv3, Open Crypto Tracker by Mike Kilday: Mike@DragonFrugal.com (leave this copyright / attribution intact in ALL forks / copies!) echo " " echo "PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: https://github.com/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker/issues" echo " " echo "Initializing, please wait..." echo " " # EXPLICITLY set any dietpi paths # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -f /boot/dietpi/.version ]; then PATH=/boot/dietpi:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi # EXPLICITLY set any ~/.local/bin paths # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -d ~/.local/bin ]; then PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi # EXPLICITLY set any /usr/sbin path # Export too, in case we are calling another bash instance in this script if [ -d /usr/sbin ]; then PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH export PATH=$PATH fi ###################################### # Path to app (CROSS-DISTRO-COMPATIBLE) get_app_path() { app_path_result=$(whereis -b $1) app_path_result="${app_path_result#*$1: }" app_path_result=${app_path_result%%[[:space:]]*} app_path_result="${app_path_result#*$1:}" echo "$app_path_result" } ###################################### # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5947742/how-to-change-the-output-color-of-echo-in-linux if hash tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then red=`tput setaf 1` green=`tput setaf 2` yellow=`tput setaf 3` blue=`tput setaf 4` magenta=`tput setaf 5` cyan=`tput setaf 6` reset=`tput sgr0` else red=`` green=`` yellow=`` blue=`` magenta=`` cyan=`` reset=`` fi ###################################### # Get logged-in username (if sudo, this works best with logname) TERMINAL_USERNAME=$(logname) # If logname doesn't work, use the $SUDO_USER or $USER global var if [ -z "$TERMINAL_USERNAME" ]; then if [ -z "$SUDO_USER" ]; then TERMINAL_USERNAME=$USER else TERMINAL_USERNAME=$SUDO_USER fi fi # Get date / time DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') TIME=$(date '+%H:%M:%S') # Current timestamp CURRENT_TIMESTAMP=$(date +%s) # If a symlink, get link target for script location # WE ALWAYS WANT THE FULL PATH! if [[ -L "$0" ]]; then SCRIPT_LOCATION=$(readlink "$0") else SCRIPT_LOCATION="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$0")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )/"$(basename "$0")"" fi # Now set path / file vars, after setting SCRIPT_LOCATION SCRIPT_PATH="$( cd -- "$(dirname "$SCRIPT_LOCATION")" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; pwd -P )" SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename "$SCRIPT_LOCATION") # Get the operating system and version if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then # freedesktop.org and systemd . /etc/os-release OS=$NAME VER=$VERSION_ID elif type lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then # linuxbase.org OS=$(lsb_release -si) VER=$(lsb_release -sr) elif [ -f /etc/lsb-release ]; then # For some versions of Debian/Ubuntu without lsb_release command . /etc/lsb-release OS=$DISTRIB_ID VER=$DISTRIB_RELEASE elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Older Debian/Ubuntu/etc. OS=Debian VER=$(cat /etc/debian_version) elif [ -f /etc/SuSe-release ]; then # Older SuSE/etc. ... elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # Older Red Hat, CentOS, etc. ... else # Fall back to uname, e.g. "Linux ", also works for BSD, etc. OS=$(uname -s) VER=$(uname -r) fi ###################################### echo " " if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] || [ "$TERMINAL_USERNAME" == "root" ]; then echo "${red}Please run as a NORMAL USER WITH 'sudo' PERMISSIONS (NOT LOGGED IN AS 'root').${reset}" echo " " echo "${cyan}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${cyan}Your system has been detected as Debian-based, which is compatible with this automated installation script." PACKAGE_INSTALL="sudo apt install" PACKAGE_REMOVE="sudo apt --purge remove" echo " " echo "Continuing...${reset}" echo " " elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then echo "${cyan}Your system has been detected as Arch-based, which is compatible with this automated installation script." PACKAGE_INSTALL="sudo pacman -S" PACKAGE_REMOVE="sudo pacman -R" echo " " echo "Continuing...${reset}" echo " " else echo "${red}Your system has been detected as NOT BEING Debian-based. Your system is NOT compatible with this automated installation script." echo " " echo "Exiting...${reset}" exit fi ###################################### # clean_system_update function START clean_system_update () { if [ -z "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" ]; then echo " " echo "${yellow}Does the Operating System on this device update using the \"Rolling Release\" model (Kali, Manjaro, Ubuntu Rolling Rhino, Debian Unstable, etc), or the \"Long-Term Release\" model (Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, Armbian Stable, Diet Pi, etc)?" echo " " echo "${red}(You can SEVERLY MESS UP a \"Rolling Release\" Operating System IF YOU DO NOT CHOOSE CORRECTLY HERE! In that case, you can SAFELY choose \"I don't know\".)${reset}" echo " " echo "Enter the NUMBER next to your chosen option.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="rolling long_term i_dont_know" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "long_term" ]; then ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE="yes" echo " " echo "${green}Allowing system-wide updates before installs.${reset}" break else ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE="no" echo " " echo "${green}Disabling system-wide updates before installs.${reset}" break fi done echo " " fi if [ "$PACKAGE_CACHE_REFRESHED" != "1" ]; then PACKAGE_CACHE_REFRESHED=1 if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then echo "${cyan}Making sure your APT sources list is updated before installations, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # In case package list was ever corrupted (since we are about to rebuild it anyway...avoids possible errors) sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 2 sudo apt update sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}APT sources list update complete.${reset}" echo " " fi if [ "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" == "yes" ]; then echo "${cyan}Making sure your system is updated before installations, please wait...${reset}" echo " " if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then #DO NOT RUN dist-upgrade, bad things can happen, lol sudo apt upgrade -y elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then sudo pacman -Syu fi sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}System updated.${reset}" echo " " fi fi } # clean_system_update function END ###################################### # Get SIMILAR (CROSS-DISTRO) primary dependency apps, if we haven't yet # Install git if needed GIT_PATH=$(get_app_path "git") if [ -z "$GIT_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component git, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL git -y fi # Install curl if needed CURL_PATH=$(get_app_path "curl") if [ -z "$CURL_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component curl, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL curl -y fi # Install jq if needed JQ_PATH=$(get_app_path "jq") if [ -z "$JQ_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component jq, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL jq -y fi # Install wget if needed WGET_PATH=$(get_app_path "wget") if [ -z "$WGET_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component wget, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL wget -y fi # Install sed if needed SED_PATH=$(get_app_path "sed") if [ -z "$SED_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component sed, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL sed -y fi # Install less if needed LESS_PATH=$(get_app_path "less") if [ -z "$LESS_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component less, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL less -y fi # Install expect if needed EXPECT_PATH=$(get_app_path "expect") if [ -z "$EXPECT_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component expect, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL expect -y fi # Install avahi-daemon if needed (for .local names on internal / home network) AVAHID_PATH=$(get_app_path "avahi-daemon") if [ -z "$AVAHID_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component avahi-daemon, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL avahi-daemon -y fi # Install bc if needed (for decimal math in bash) BC_PATH=$(get_app_path "bc") if [ -z "$BC_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component bc, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL bc -y fi # SIMILAR (CROSS-DISTRO) dependency check END ###################################### # Install bsdtar if needed (for opening archives) BSDTAR_PATH=$(get_app_path "bsdtar") # Distro-specific logic, to set variables, get dependencies, etc if [ -f "/etc/debian_version" ]; then # Get the host ip address IP=`hostname -I` # Get a list of PHP-FPM packages THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO INSTALL PHP_FPM_LIST=$(apt-cache search php-fpm) FPM_PACKAGE=`expr match "$PHP_FPM_LIST" '.*\(php[0-9][.][0-9]-fpm\)'` FPM_PACKAGE_VER=`expr match "$FPM_PACKAGE" '.*\([0-9][.][0-9]\)'` if [ -z "$BSDTAR_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component libarchive-tools, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 18.x and higher $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive-tools -y fi elif [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then # Get the host ip address IP=$(ip -json route get | jq -r '.[].prefsrc') # Get a list of PHP-FPM packages THAT ARE AVAILABLE TO INSTALL PHP_FPM_LIST=$(pacman --sync --search php-fpm) FPM_PACKAGE=`expr match "$PHP_FPM_LIST" '.*\(php-fpm [0-9][.][0-9]\)'` FPM_PACKAGE_VER=`expr match "$FPM_PACKAGE" '.*\([0-9][.][0-9]\)'` if [ -z "$BSDTAR_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component libarchive, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 18.x and higher $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive -y fi # Install cronie if needed (for a crond impementation) CRONIE_PATH=$(get_app_path "crond") if [ -z "$CRONIE_PATH" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing required component cronie, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL cronie -y sleep 3 systemctl enable --now cronie.service fi fi ###################################### # Start in user home directory # WE DON'T USE ~/ FOR PATHS IN THIS SCRIPT BECAUSE: # 1) WE'RE #RUNNING AS SUDO# ANYWAYS (WE CAN INSTALL ANYWHERE WE WANT) # 2) WE SET THE USER WE WANT TO INSTALL UNDER DYNAMICALLY # 3) IN CASE THE USER INITIATES INSTALL AS ANOTHER ADMIN USER cd /home/$TERMINAL_USERNAME # For setting user agent header in curl, since some API servers !REQUIRE! a set user agent OR THEY BLOCK YOU CUSTOM_CURL_USER_AGENT_HEADER="User-Agent: Curl (${OS}/$VER; compatible;)" ###################################### # WE NEED TO SET THIS OUTSIDE OF / BEFORE ANY OTHER SETUP LOGIC, AS WE'RE SETTING THE SYSTEM USER VAR echo " " echo "${yellow}We need to know the SYSTEM username you'll be logging in as on this machine to edit web files..." echo " " echo "Enter the SYSTEM username to allow web server editing access for:" echo "(leave blank / hit enter for default username '${TERMINAL_USERNAME}')${reset}" echo " " read APP_USER echo " " if [ -z "$APP_USER" ]; then APP_USER=${1:-$TERMINAL_USERNAME} echo "${green}Using default username: $APP_USER${reset}" else echo "${green}Using username: $APP_USER${reset}" fi echo " " ###################################### echo "${yellow}Enter the FULL SYSTEM PATH to the document root of the web server:" echo "(this does NOT automate setting apache's document root, you would need to do that manually)" echo "(DO !NOT! INCLUDE A #TRAILING# FORWARD SLASH)" echo " " echo "(leave blank / hit enter to use the default value: /var/www/html)${reset}" echo " " read DOC_ROOT echo " " if [ -z "$DOC_ROOT" ]; then DOC_ROOT=${1:-/var/www/html} echo "${green}Using default website document root:" echo "$DOC_ROOT${reset}" else echo "${green}Using custom website document root:" echo "$DOC_ROOT${reset}" fi echo " " if [ ! -d "$DOC_ROOT" ] && [ "$DOC_ROOT" != "/var/www/html" ]; then echo "The defined document root directory '$DOC_ROOT' does not exist yet." echo "Please create this directory structure before running this script." echo "Exiting..." exit fi ###################################### echo " " echo "${yellow}TECHNICAL NOTE:" echo " " echo "This script was designed to install on popular Debian-based (MATURE / STABLE) / Arch-based (STILL UNSTABLE!!) operating systems (Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS [Raspbian], Armbian, DietPi, Arch, Manjaro, etc)," echo "for running as an app server WHICH IS LEFT TURNED ON 24/7 (ALL THE TIME).${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}This script MAY NOT work on ALL Debian-based / Arch-based system setups.${reset}" echo " " echo "${cyan}Your operating system has been detected as:" echo " " echo "$OS v$VER${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}Recommended MINIMUM system specs:${reset}" echo " " echo "${yellow}1 Gigahertz CPU / 512 Megabytes RAM / HIGH QUALITY 16 Gigabyte MicroSD card (running Nginx or Apache headless with PHP v7.2+)${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}If you already have unrelated web site files located at $DOC_ROOT on your system, they may be affected." echo "Please back up any important pre-existing files in that directory before proceeding.${reset}" echo " " if [ -f $DOC_ROOT/config.php ]; then echo "${yellow}Configuration files from a previous install of Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition) have been detected on your system." echo " " echo "${green}During this upgrade / re-install, they will be backed up to:" echo " " echo "$DOC_ROOT/[filename].php.BACKUP.$DATE.[random string]${reset}" echo " " echo "This will save any custom settings within them, so you can migrate settings to the new config files MANUALLY." echo " " echo "(ALL plugin configuration files will be backed up in the same manner)" echo " " echo "You will need to manually move any CUSTOMIZED DEFAULT settings from backup files to the NEW configuration files with a text editor," echo "otherwise you can just ignore or delete the backup files." echo " " echo "${red}IF ANYTHING STOPS WORKING AFTER UPGRADING, CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE (temporary files), AND RELOAD OR RESTART THE APP. This will load the latest Javascript / Style Sheet upgrades properly.${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}IMPORTANT *UPGRADE* NOTICES:" echo " " echo " " echo "v6.00.33 and higher changed a few duplicate text gateway keys, so if you use" echo "email-to-text gateways in this app, MAKE SURE YOURS STILL HAS THE SAME NAME." echo " " echo " " echo "v6.00.32 and higher COMPLETELY RESTRUCTURES THE PLUGIN CONFIGURATION FORMAT. USE THE LATEST/UPGRADED PLUG_CONF.PHP," echo "FOR *ALL* BUNDLED PLUGINS, AND MIGRATE ANY CUSTOM PLUGIN CONFIGS TO THE NEW FORMAT (see revised plugin developer documentation)." echo " " echo " " echo "v6.00.32 and higher renames / restructures MANY settings in the config. USE THE LATEST/UPGRADED CONFIG.PHP," echo "AND MIGRATE YOUR EXISTING CUSTOM SETTINGS TO THE NEW FORMAT." echo " " echo " " echo "v6.00.32 AND HIGHER RESETS LIGHT (TIME PERIOD) CHARTS FROM ARCHIVAL DATA, ONE-TIME DURING" echo "UPGRADES FROM V6.00.31 OR LOWER." echo " " echo " " echo "v6.00.31 and higher restructures the mobile text gateways config formatting. USE THE LATEST/UPGRADED CONFIG.PHP," echo "AND MIGRATE YOUR EXISTING CUSTOM GATEWAYS TO THE NEW FORMAT." echo " " echo " " echo "v6.00.31 and higher restructures the price alerts / price charts config formatting. USE THE LATEST/UPGRADED CONFIG.PHP," echo "AND MIGRATE YOUR EXISTING CUSTOM PRICE ALERTS / PRICE CHARTS TO THE NEW FORMAT." echo " " echo " " echo "v6.00.29 and higher restructures the 'price-target-alert' plugin. USE THE LATEST/UPGRADED PLUG_CONF.PHP," echo "AND MIGRATE YOUR EXISTING CUSTOM PRICE TARGET ALERTS TO THE NEW FORMAT." echo " " echo " " echo "${reset} " fi echo "${red}VERY IMPORTANT *SECURITY* NOTES:" echo " " echo "YOU WILL BE PROMPTED TO CREATE AN ADMIN LOGIN (FOR SECURITY OF THE ADMIN AREA)," echo "#WHEN YOU FIRST RUN THIS APP AFTER INSTALLATION#. IT'S #HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO DO THIS IMMEDIATELY#," echo "ESPECIALLY ON PUBLIC FACING / KNOWN SERVERS, #OR SOMEBODY ELSE MAY BEAT YOU TO IT#." echo " " echo "!!VERY IMPORTANT *HOSTING* NOTICE!!:" echo " " echo "This auto-install script is ONLY FOR SELF-HOSTED ENVIRONMENTS, THAT #DO NOT# ALREADY" echo "HAVE A WEB SERVER OR CONTROL PANEL INSTALLED ON THE SYSTEM. If this is a managed hosting" echo "environment that a service provider has already provisioned, please quit this auto-install" echo "session, and refer to the \"Manual Install\" section of the README.txt file documentation.${reset}" echo " " echo "PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES HERE: https://github.com/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker/issues" echo " " echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $"Press y to continue (or press n to exit)..." key echo "${reset} " if [ "$key" = 'y' ] || [ "$key" = 'Y' ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Continuing...${reset}" # If all clear for takeoff, make sure a group exists with same name as user, # AND user is a member of it (believe it or not, I've seen this not always hold true!) groupadd -f $APP_USER > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 3 usermod -a -G $APP_USER $APP_USER > /dev/null 2>&1 echo " " else echo " " echo "${green}Exiting...${reset}" echo " " exit fi echo " " ###################################### echo " " # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update ###################################### echo " " echo "${yellow}OPTIONAL SECURITY-HARDENING:" echo " " echo "Before we install a PHP web server and Open Crypto Tracker (server edition), let's review a few OPTIONAL security-hardening configurations below. If you enable all of these security options, it will significantly improve the security of this app server (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)...${reset}" echo " " ###################################### echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $'Disable bluetooth, for higher app server security? (press y to run, or press n to skip)...\n' keystroke echo "${reset} " if [ "$keystroke" = 'y' ] || [ "$keystroke" = 'Y' ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Disabling bluetooth, please wait...${reset}" systemctl disable hciuart.service systemctl disable bluealsa.service systemctl disable bluetooth.service # Raspberry pi devices if [ -f "/usr/bin/raspi-config" ]; then # Enhanced security for raspi config RASPI_CONF="/boot/config.txt" CHECK_RASPI_CONF=$(sed -n '/disable-bt/p' $RASPI_CONF) # Raspi security if [ "$CHECK_RASPI_CONF" == "" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Disabling bluetooth in $RASPI_CONF, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Don't nest / indent, or it could malform the setting addition read -r -d '' RASPI_SECURITY <<- EOF \r # Disable on-board bluetooth dtoverlay=disable-bt \r EOF # Backup config before editing, to be safe \cp $RASPI_CONF $RASPI_CONF.BACKUP.$DATE sleep 1 # APPEND the config echo -e "$RASPI_SECURITY" >> $RASPI_CONF sleep 1 echo "${green}Disabling bluetooth in $RASPI_CONF has been completed.${reset}" echo " " else echo " " echo "${green}Bluetooth was already disabled in $RASPI_CONF.${reset}" echo " " fi sleep 2 echo " " echo " " fi echo " " echo "${green}Disabling bluetooth has been completed.${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}YOU MUST RESTART the computer for this to take affect (ONLY AFTER THIS SCRIPT IS FINISHED RUNNING).${reset}" echo " " else echo "${green}Disabling bluetooth has been skipped.${reset}" echo " " fi ###################################### echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $'Install / configure a firewall, for higher app server security? (press y to run, or press n to skip)...\n' keystroke echo "${reset} " if [ "$keystroke" = 'y' ] || [ "$keystroke" = 'Y' ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing / configuring a firewall, please wait...${reset}" $PACKAGE_INSTALL ufw -y ufw allow ssh ufw limit ssh/tcp ufw allow 80 ufw allow 443 ufw enable echo " " echo "${green}Installing / configuring a firewall has been completed." echo " " echo "USER GUIDE: https://www.linux.com/training-tutorials/introduction-uncomplicated-firewall-ufw/" echo "${reset}" echo " " else echo "${green}Installing / configuring a firewall has been skipped.${reset}" echo " " fi ###################################### # Raspberry pi devices require sudo password if [ -f "/usr/bin/raspi-config" ]; then echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $'Require sudo password, for higher app server security? (press y to run, or press n to skip)...\n' keystroke echo "${reset} " if [ "$keystroke" = 'y' ] || [ "$keystroke" = 'Y' ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Setting up requiring sudo password, please wait...${reset}" sed -i "s/NOPASSWD/PASSWD/g" /etc/sudoers.d/010_pi-nopasswd > /dev/null 2>&1 echo " " echo "${green}Setting up requiring sudo password has been completed.${reset}" echo " " else echo "${green}Setting up requiring sudo password has been skipped.${reset}" echo " " fi fi ###################################### echo "${yellow} " read -n1 -s -r -p $'Make your home directory private, for higher app server security? (press y to run, or press n to skip)...\n' keystroke echo "${reset} " if [ "$keystroke" = 'y' ] || [ "$keystroke" = 'Y' ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Making your home directory private, please wait...${reset}" APP_USER_HOME="/home/$APP_USER" chmod 750 $APP_USER_HOME HOME_RECURSIVE_CHOWN="-R ${APP_USER}:$APP_USER ${APP_USER_HOME}/*" #$RECURSIVE_CHOWN must be in double quotes to escape the asterisk at the end chown $HOME_RECURSIVE_CHOWN echo " " echo "${green}Making your home directory private has been completed.${reset}" echo " " else echo "${green}Making your home directory private has been skipped.${reset}" echo " " fi ###################################### echo "We need to know which version of PHP-FPM (fcgi) to use." echo "Please select a PHP-FPM version NUMBER from the list below..." echo "(PHP-FPM version 7.2 or greater is REQUIRED)" echo " " echo "$PHP_FPM_LIST" echo " " echo "${yellow}#PREFERRED# PHP-FPM package auto-detected: $FPM_PACKAGE" echo " " echo "Enter the PHP-FPM version (numeric only) that you want to install / uninstall:" echo "(leave blank / hit enter for default of '$FPM_PACKAGE_VER')${reset}" echo " " read PHP_FPM_VER echo " " if [ -z "$PHP_FPM_VER" ]; then PHP_FPM_VER=${1:-$FPM_PACKAGE_VER} echo "${green}Using default PHP-FPM version: $PHP_FPM_VER${reset}" else echo "${green}Using custom PHP-FPM version: $PHP_FPM_VER${reset}" fi echo " " INSTALL_FPM_VER="php${PHP_FPM_VER}-fpm php${PHP_FPM_VER}-mbstring php${PHP_FPM_VER}-xml php${PHP_FPM_VER}-curl php${PHP_FPM_VER}-gd php${PHP_FPM_VER}-zip php${PHP_FPM_VER}-mysql -y" INSTALL_APACHE="apache2 php php-fpm php-db php-mbstring php-xml php-curl php-gd php-zip libapache2-mod-fcgid apache2-suexec-custom ssl-cert -y" # There are #NOT# PHP-FPM version choices on arch-based systems if [ -f "/etc/arch-release" ]; then #PHP_FPM_VER="${PHP_FPM_VER//./}" PHP_FPM_VER="" echo " " echo "${cyan}php${PHP_FPM_VER} packages will be installed on your system.${reset}" echo " " INSTALL_FPM_VER="php php-fpm php-cgi php-gd php-xsl -y" INSTALL_APACHE="apache php-apache -y" fi ###################################### echo "${yellow}Select 1, 2, or 3 to choose whether to auto-install / remove the PHP web server, or skip.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="install_webserver remove_webserver skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "install_webserver" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${green}Proceeding with PHP web server installation, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # !!!RUN FIRST!!! PHP FPM (fcgi) version $PHP_FPM_VER, run SEPERATE in case it fails from package not found $PACKAGE_INSTALL $INSTALL_FPM_VER sleep 3 # PHP FPM (fcgi), Apache, required modules, etc $PACKAGE_INSTALL $INSTALL_APACHE sleep 3 echo " " mv $DOC_ROOT/index.html $DOC_ROOT/index.php > /dev/null 2>&1 ###################################### # SSL / Rewrite setup echo " " # Regenerate new self-signed SSL cert keys with ssl-cert (for secure HTTPS web pages) make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil --force-overwrite #https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-ssl-certificate-on-apache-on-arch-linux echo "${cyan}New SSL certificate keys have been self-signed, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Enable SSL (for secure HTTPS web pages) a2enmod ssl a2ensite default-ssl sleep 1 echo " " # Enable mod-rewrite, for upcoming REST API features a2enmod rewrite sleep 1 # PHP FCGI Proxy a2enmod proxy_fcgi setenvif sleep 1 CONF_FPM_VER="php${PHP_FPM_VER}-fpm" # Config PHP FPM (fcgi) version $PHP_FPM_VER a2enconf $CONF_FPM_VER sleep 1 # Suexec a2enmod suexec # Fcgid a2enmod fcgid # actions a2enmod actions # Set PHP-FPM user to $APP_USER (to run Apache PHP as this user) sed -i "s/user = .*/user = $APP_USER/g" /etc/php/$PHP_FPM_VER/fpm/pool.d/www.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 sed -i "s/group = .*/group = $APP_USER/g" /etc/php/$PHP_FPM_VER/fpm/pool.d/www.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 echo " " if [ -f /etc/init.d/apache2 ]; then echo "${cyan}New Apache modules have been enabled, restarting the Apache web server, please wait...${reset}" /etc/init.d/apache2 restart echo " " else echo "${red}New Apache modules have been enabled, YOU MUST RESTART the Apache web server for these to activate.${reset}" echo " " fi ###################################### # Enhanced security for apache MAIN config APACHE_CONF="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" if [ ! -f $APACHE_CONF ]; then echo "${red}$APACHE_CONF could NOT be found on your system." echo "Please enter the FULL path to the MAIN Apache config file:${reset}" echo " " read APACHE_CONF echo " " if [ ! -f $APACHE_CONF ] || [ -z "$APACHE_CONF" ]; then echo "${red}No MAIN Apache config file detected, skipping enhanced security setup.${reset}" SKIP_APACHE_CONF_EDIT=1 else echo "${green}Using MAIN Apache config file:" echo "$APACHE_CONF${reset}" CHECK_APACHE_1=$(sed -n '/ServerTokens/p' $APACHE_CONF) CHECK_APACHE_2=$(sed -n '/ServerSignature/p' $APACHE_CONF) fi echo " " else CHECK_APACHE_1=$(sed -n '/ServerTokens/p' $APACHE_CONF) CHECK_APACHE_2=$(sed -n '/ServerSignature/p' $APACHE_CONF) fi # Apache security if [ "$SKIP_APACHE_CONF_EDIT" != "1" ] && [ "$CHECK_APACHE_1" == "" ] && [ "$CHECK_APACHE_2" == "" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Enabling enhanced security for the MAIN Apache config, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Don't nest / indent, or it could malform the setting addition read -r -d '' APACHE_SECURITY <<- EOF \r # Disable showing apache product name and version number ServerTokens Prod ServerSignature Off \r EOF # Backup the MAIN Apache config before editing, to be safe \cp $APACHE_CONF $APACHE_CONF.BACKUP.$DATE sleep 1 # APPEND the config echo -e "$APACHE_SECURITY" >> $APACHE_CONF sleep 1 # Restart Apache if [ -f /etc/init.d/apache2 ]; then echo "${cyan}Enhanced security has been enabled for the MAIN Apache config," echo "restarting the Apache web server, please wait...${reset}" /etc/init.d/apache2 restart echo " " else echo "${red}Enhanced security has been enabled for the MAIN Apache config." echo "YOU MUST RESTART the Apache web server for this to take affect.${reset}" echo " " fi elif [ "$CHECK_APACHE_1" == "" ] && [ "$CHECK_APACHE_2" == "" ]; then echo " " echo "Enhanced security NOT DETECTABLE for the MAIN Apache config." else echo " " echo "Enhanced security was already enabled for the MAIN Apache config." echo " " fi sleep 2 echo " " echo " " ###################################### # Enable HTTP (port 80) htaccess #a2ensite 000-default HTTP_CONF="/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf" if [ ! -f $HTTP_CONF ]; then echo "${red}$HTTP_CONF could NOT be found on your system." echo "Please enter the FULL Apache config file path for HTTP (port 80):${reset}" echo " " read HTTP_CONF echo " " if [ ! -f $HTTP_CONF ] || [ -z "$HTTP_CONF" ]; then echo "${red}No HTTP config file detected, skipping Apache config setup for port 80, please wait...${reset}" SKIP_HTTP_CONF_EDIT=1 else echo "${green}Using Apache HTTP config file:" echo "$HTTP_CONF${reset}" CHECK_HTTP=$(<$HTTP_CONF) fi echo " " else CHECK_HTTP=$(<$HTTP_CONF) fi # Htaccess port 80 if [ "$SKIP_HTTP_CONF_EDIT" != "1" ] && [[ $CHECK_HTTP != *"cryptocoin_htaccess_80"* ]]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Enabling htaccess for HTTP (port 80), please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Don't nest / indent, or it could malform the setting addition read -r -d '' HTACCESS_HTTP <<- EOF \r \t#cryptocoin_htaccess_80 \t \t\tOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews \t\tAllowOverride All \t\tRequire all granted \t \r EOF # Backup the HTTP config before editing, to be safe \cp $HTTP_CONF $HTTP_CONF.BACKUP.$DATE # Create the new HTTP config NEW_HTTP_CONF=$(echo -e "$HTACCESS_HTTP" | sed '/:80>/r /dev/stdin' $HTTP_CONF) # Install the new HTTP config echo -e "$NEW_HTTP_CONF" > $HTTP_CONF sleep 1 # Restart Apache if [ -f /etc/init.d/apache2 ]; then echo "${cyan}Htaccess has been enabled for HTTP (port 80)," echo "restarting the Apache web server, please wait...${reset}" /etc/init.d/apache2 restart echo " " else echo "${red}Htaccess has been enabled for HTTP (port 80)." echo "YOU MUST RESTART the Apache web server for this to take affect.${reset}" echo " " fi else echo " " echo "Htaccess was already enabled for HTTP (port 80)." echo " " fi sleep 2 ###################################### # Enable HTTPS (port 443) htaccess #a2ensite default-ssl HTTPS_CONF="/etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf" if [ ! -f $HTTPS_CONF ]; then echo "${red}$HTTPS_CONF could NOT be found on your system." echo "Please enter the FULL Apache config file path for HTTPS (port 443):${reset}" echo " " read HTTPS_CONF echo " " if [ ! -f $HTTPS_CONF ] || [ -z "$HTTPS_CONF" ]; then echo "${red}No HTTPS config file detected, skipping Apache config setup for port 443, please wait...${reset}" SKIP_HTTPS_CONF_EDIT=1 else echo "${green}Using Apache HTTPS config file:" echo "$HTTPS_CONF${reset}" CHECK_HTTPS=$(<$HTTPS_CONF) fi echo " " else CHECK_HTTPS=$(<$HTTPS_CONF) fi # Htaccess port 443 if [ "$SKIP_HTTPS_CONF_EDIT" != "1" ] && [[ $CHECK_HTTPS != *"cryptocoin_htaccess_443"* ]]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Enabling htaccess for HTTPS (port 443), please wait...${reset}" echo " " # Don't nest / indent, or it could malform the setting addition read -r -d '' HTACCESS_HTTPS <<- EOF \r \t#cryptocoin_htaccess_443 \t \t\tOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews \t\tAllowOverride All \t\tRequire all granted \t \r EOF # Backup the HTTPS config before editing, to be safe \cp $HTTPS_CONF $HTTPS_CONF.BACKUP.$DATE # Create the new HTTPS config NEW_HTTPS_CONF=$(echo -e "$HTACCESS_HTTPS" | sed '/:443>/r /dev/stdin' $HTTPS_CONF) # Install the new HTTPS config echo -e "$NEW_HTTPS_CONF" > $HTTPS_CONF sleep 1 # Restart Apache if [ -f /etc/init.d/apache2 ]; then echo "${cyan}Htaccess has been enabled for HTTPS (port 443)," echo "restarting the Apache web server, please wait...${reset}" /etc/init.d/apache2 restart echo " " else echo "${red}Htaccess has been enabled for HTTPS (port 443)." echo "YOU MUST RESTART the Apache web server for this to take affect.${reset}" echo " " fi else echo " " echo "Htaccess was already enabled for HTTPS (port 443)." echo " " fi sleep 2 echo " " echo " " ###################################### # Give the new HTTP server system user a chance to exist for a few seconds, before trying to determine the name / group automatically echo "${cyan}PHP web server installation completed, auto-detecting it's configuration, please wait...${reset}" echo " " sleep 3 #WWW_GROUP=$(ps -ef | egrep '(httpd|httpd2|apache|apache2)' | grep -v `whoami` | grep -v root | head -n1 | awk '{print $1}') WWW_GROUP=$(ps axo user,group,comm | egrep '(httpd|httpd2|apache|apache2)' | grep -v ^root | cut -d\ -f 2 | uniq) echo "The web server's user group has been detected as:" if [ -z "$WWW_GROUP" ]; then WWW_GROUP="www-data" echo "User group NOT detected, using default group 'www-data'" else echo "$WWW_GROUP" fi echo " " echo "${yellow}Enter the web server's user group:" echo "(leave blank / hit enter to use default group '$WWW_GROUP')${reset}" echo " " read APACHE_USERNAME echo " " if [ -z "$APACHE_USERNAME" ]; then APACHE_USERNAME=${1:-$WWW_GROUP} echo "${green}The web server's user group has been declared as: $WWW_GROUP${reset}" else echo "${green}The web server's user group has been declared as: $APACHE_USERNAME${reset}" fi sed -i "s/${APACHE_USERNAME}/${APP_USER}/g" /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/php${PHP_FPM_VER}-fpm.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 echo " " if [ -f /etc/init.d/apache2 ]; then echo "${cyan}Updated /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/php${PHP_FPM_VER}-fpm.conf, restarting the Apache web server, please wait...${reset}" /etc/init.d/apache2 restart echo " " else echo "${red}Updated /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/php${PHP_FPM_VER}-fpm.conf, YOU MUST RESTART the Apache web server for these to activate.${reset}" echo " " fi echo " " # We no longer need to have the app user added to the web server's default group # (since we now run PHP-FPM AS THE APP USER, so we remove it for TIGHTER SECURITY) # PARAMS ARE *BACKWARDS* COMPARED TO "usermod -a -G" gpasswd -d $APP_USER $APACHE_USERNAME > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 # We STILL NEED to add the web server user to the app user's default group # (for access to files like .htaccess / .user.ini) usermod -a -G $APP_USER $APACHE_USERNAME echo " " echo "${cyan}Access for user '$APACHE_USERNAME' within group '$APP_USER' is completed, please wait...${reset}" sleep 1 chmod 770 $DOC_ROOT echo " " echo "${cyan}Document root access is completed (chmod 770, owner:group set to '$APP_USER'), please wait...${reset}" sleep 1 BASE_HTDOC="$(dirname $DOC_ROOT)" RECURSIVE_CHOWN="-R ${APP_USER}:$APP_USER ${BASE_HTDOC}/*" #$RECURSIVE_CHOWN must be in double quotes to escape the asterisk at the end chown $RECURSIVE_CHOWN sleep 3 OS_INFO=$(lsb_release -a) # If Kali OS, set apache and php-fpm to run at boot (as they won't by default) IS_KALI='Kali' if [[ "$OS_INFO" == *"$IS_KALI"* ]]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Telling Kali to start Apache / PHP-FPM at boot, please wait...${reset}" echo " " update-rc.d apache2 enable systemctl enable php${PHP_FPM_VER}-fpm fi echo " " echo "${green}PHP web server configuration is complete.${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}You MUST RESTART YOUR DEVICE (#after# you finish running this auto-install script) TO ALLOW THE SYSTEM TO PROPERLY RUN THE PHP WEB SERVER CONFIGURATIONS DONE (or you may get configuration errors), by running this command:" echo " " echo "sudo reboot" echo "${reset} " SERVER_SETUP=1 ###################################### break elif [ "$opt" = "remove_webserver" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${green}Removing PHP web server, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # WE USE --purge TO REMOVE ANY MISCONFIGURATIONS, IN CASE SOMEBODY IS TRYING A UN-INSTALL / RE-INSTALL TO FIX THINGS # !!!RUN FIRST!!! PHP FPM (fcgi) version $PHP_FPM_VER, run SEPERATE in case it fails from package not found REMOVE_FPM_VER="php${PHP_FPM_VER}-fpm php${PHP_FPM_VER}-mbstring php${PHP_FPM_VER}-xml php${PHP_FPM_VER}-curl php${PHP_FPM_VER}-gd php${PHP_FPM_VER}-zip -y" $PACKAGE_REMOVE $REMOVE_FPM_VER sleep 3 # SKIP removing openssl / ssl-cert / avahi-daemon, AS THIS WILL F!CK UP THE WHOLE SYSTEM, REMOVING ANY OTHER DEPENDANT PACKAGES TOO!! $PACKAGE_REMOVE apache2 php php-fpm php-mbstring php-xml php-curl php-gd php-zip libapache2-mod-fcgid apache2-suexec-pristine apache2-suexec-custom -y sleep 3 echo " " echo "${green}PHP web server has been removed from the system.${reset}" break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping PHP web server setup...${reset}" break fi done echo " " ###################################### echo "Do you want this script to automatically download the latest version of Open Crypto Tracker" echo "(Server Edition) from Github.com, and install / configure it?" echo " " echo "${yellow}Select 1, 2, or 3 to choose whether to auto-install / remove Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition), or skip.${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}(!WARNING!: REMOVING Open Crypto Tracker WILL DELETE *EVERYTHING* IN $DOC_ROOT !!)${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="install_portfolio_app remove_portfolio_app skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "install_portfolio_app" ]; then if [ ! -d "$DOC_ROOT" ]; then # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${red}Directory $DOC_ROOT DOES NOT exist, cannot install Open Crypto Tracker." echo "Skipping auto-install of Open Crypto Tracker.${reset}" else echo " " echo "${cyan}Proceeding with required component installation, please wait...${reset}" echo " " # bsdtar installs may fail (essentially the same package as libarchive-tools), # SO WE RUN BOTH SEPERATELY IN CASE AN ERROR THROWS, SO OTHER PACKAGES INSTALL OK AFTERWARDS echo "${yellow}(you can safely ignore any upcoming 'bsdtar' install errors, if 'libarchive-tools'" echo "installs OK...and visa versa, as they are essentially the same package)${reset}" echo " " # Ubuntu 16.x, and other debian-based systems $PACKAGE_INSTALL bsdtar -y sleep 3 # Ubuntu 18.x and higher $PACKAGE_INSTALL libarchive-tools -y sleep 3 # Safely install other packages seperately, so they aren't cancelled by 'package missing' errors $PACKAGE_INSTALL pwgen openssl -y sleep 3 echo " " echo "${cyan}Required component installation completed.${reset}" echo " " echo "${cyan}Downloading the latest version of Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition) from Github.com, please wait...${reset}" echo " " mkdir DFD-Cryptocoin-Values-TEMP cd DFD-Cryptocoin-Values-TEMP # Set curl user agent, as the github API REQUIRES ONE curl -H "$CUSTOM_CURL_USER_AGENT_HEADER" ZIP_DL=$(curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/taoteh1221/Open_Crypto_Tracker/releases/latest' | jq -r '.zipball_url') wget -O DFD-Cryptocoin-Values-TEMP.zip $ZIP_DL sleep 2 echo " " echo "${cyan}Extracting download archive, please wait...${reset}" echo " " bsdtar --strip-components=1 -xvf DFD-Cryptocoin-Values-TEMP.zip sleep 3 rm DFD-Cryptocoin-Values-TEMP.zip if [ -f $DOC_ROOT/config.php ]; then # Generate random string 16 characters long RAND_STRING=$(pwgen -s 16 1) # If pwgen fails, use openssl if [ -z "$RAND_STRING" ]; then RAND_STRING=$(openssl rand -hex 12) fi # If openssl fails, create manually if [ -z "$RAND_STRING" ]; then echo " " echo "${red}Automatic random hash creation has failed, please enter a random alphanumeric string" echo "of text (no spaces / symbols) at least 10 characters long." echo " " echo "IF YOU SKIP THIS, no backup of the previous install's configuration files will be created (for security reasons)," echo "and YOU WILL LOSE ALL PREVIOUSLY-CONFIGURED SETTINGS.${reset}" echo " " read RAND_STRING echo " " fi # If $RAND_STRING has a value, backup config.php, otherwise don't create backup file (for security reasons) if [ ! -z "$RAND_STRING" ]; then echo " " echo "Backing up old configuration file(s) before upgrading, please wait..." echo " " # MIGRATE OLD FILE NAMING BEFORE BACKING UP... # 'address-balance-tracker' plugin config MIGRATION (NEW FILE NAME) MOVE_CONF="/plugins/recurring-reminder" mv $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plugin-config.php $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plug-conf.php > /dev/null 2>&1 chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plug-conf.php > /dev/null 2>&1 # 'price-target-alert' plugin config MIGRATION (NEW FILE NAME) MOVE_CONF="/plugins/price-target-alert" mv $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plugin-config.php $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plug-conf.php > /dev/null 2>&1 chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plug-conf.php > /dev/null 2>&1 # 'recurring-reminder' plugin config MIGRATION (NEW FILE NAME) MOVE_CONF="/plugins/recurring-reminder" mv $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plugin-config.php $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plug-conf.php > /dev/null 2>&1 chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER $DOC_ROOT$MOVE_CONF/plug-conf.php > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 3 # NOW THAT WE'VE MIGRATED FROM OLDER FILE NAMES, PROCEED WITH BACKUPS... # Main config BACKUP_CONF="/config.php" cp $DOC_ROOT$BACKUP_CONF $DOC_ROOT$BACKUP_CONF.BACKUP.$DATE.$RAND_STRING > /dev/null 2>&1 chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER $DOC_ROOT$BACKUP_CONF.BACKUP.$DATE.$RAND_STRING > /dev/null 2>&1 # Dynamic config BACKUP_CONF="/dynamic-config.php" cp $DOC_ROOT$BACKUP_CONF $DOC_ROOT$BACKUP_CONF.BACKUP.$DATE.$RAND_STRING > /dev/null 2>&1 chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER $DOC_ROOT$BACKUP_CONF.BACKUP.$DATE.$RAND_STRING > /dev/null 2>&1 # Backup all plugin configs too for plugin_dir in $DOC_ROOT/plugins/*; do cp $plugin_dir/plug-conf.php $plugin_dir/plug-conf.php.BACKUP.$DATE.$RAND_STRING > /dev/null 2>&1 chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER $plugin_dir/plug-conf.php.BACKUP.$DATE.$RAND_STRING > /dev/null 2>&1 done sleep 3 CONFIG_BACKUP=1 else echo " " echo "${red}No backup of the previous install's configuration files was created (for security reasons)." echo "The new install WILL NOW OVERWRITE ALL PREVIOUSLY-CONFIGURED SETTINGS in $DOC_ROOT/config.php...${reset}" echo " " fi fi echo " " echo "${cyan}Making sure any previous install's DEPRECIATED directories / files are cleaned up, please wait...${reset}" # Move to new locations mv $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/app_version.dat $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/state-tracking/app_version.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 mv $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_bitcoin_primary_currency_pair.dat $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/state-tracking/default_bitcoin_primary_currency_pair.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 mv $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_ct_conf_md5.dat $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/state-tracking/default_ct_conf_md5.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 mv $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/light_chart_struct.dat $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/state-tracking/light_chart_struct.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 mv $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/php_timeout.dat $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/state-tracking/php_timeout.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 mv $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/upgrade_check_latest_version.dat $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/state-tracking/upgrade_check_latest_version.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 # Delete old directory / file structures # Directories rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/app-lib > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/backups > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/apis > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/1_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/3_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/7_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/30_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/90_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/180_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/365_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/730_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/1460_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/all_day > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/1_week > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/1_month > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/3_months > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/6_months > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/1_year > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/2_years > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/4_years > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite/all > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/logs/debugging > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/logs/errors > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/secured/external_api > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/internal-api > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/queue > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/rest-api > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/secured/apis > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/lite_chart_rebuilds > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/system/lite > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cache/charts/spot_price_24hr_volume/lite > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/misc-docs-etc > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/templates > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/ui-templates > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/cron-plugins > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/plugins/debt-tracker > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/plugins/crypto-data-bot > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/plugins/transaction-fee-charts > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/plugins/address-balance-tracker/plugin-lib > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/plugins/price-target-alert/plugin-lib > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/plugins/recurring-reminder/plugin-lib > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/plugins/transaction-fee-charts > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 3 # Files rm $DOC_ROOT/CONFIG.EXAMPLE.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/HELP-FAQ.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/PORTFOLIO-IMPORT-EXAMPLE-SPREADSHEET.csv > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/oauth.php > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/webhook.php > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/rest-api.php > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/logs.php > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/dynamic-config-only.php > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/cacert.pem > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/notifications-queue-processing.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/check-domain-security.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/email-debugging-logs.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/purge-debugging-logs.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/email-error-logs.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/purge-error-logs.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/charts-first-run.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/cron-first-run.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/emulated-cron-lock.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/ui_upgrade_alert.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/events/upgrade_check_reminder.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/logs/errors.log > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/logs/error.log > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/logs/debugging.log > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/logs/debug.log > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/app_config_md5.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_app_config_md5.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_ocpt_conf_md5.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_pt_conf_md5.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_oct_conf_md5.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_btc_prim_curr_pairing.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_btc_prim_currency_pairing.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/default_btc_prim_currency_pair.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/lite_chart_structure.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/lite_chart_struct.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/cache/vars/beta_v6_admin_pages.dat > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/DOCUMENTATION-ETC/CONFIG.EXAMPLE.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/DOCUMENTATION-ETC/CRON_PLUGINS_README.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/DOCUMENTATION-ETC/CRON-PLUGINS-README.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/DOCUMENTATION-ETC/RASPBERRY-PI-HEADLESS-WIFI-SSH.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/DOCUMENTATION-ETC/RASPBERRY-PI-SECURITY.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 # Force-resets script timeout from config.php (automatically / dynamically re-created by app) rm $DOC_ROOT/.htaccess > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/.user.ini > /dev/null 2>&1 # sleep 3 echo " " echo "${cyan}Installing Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition), please wait...${reset}" # Copy over the upgrade install files to the install directory, after cleaning up dev files # No trailing forward slash here rm -rf .github > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf .git > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 3 rm .whitesource > /dev/null 2>&1 rm .gitattributes > /dev/null 2>&1 rm .gitignore > /dev/null 2>&1 rm .travis.yml > /dev/null 2>&1 rm CODEOWNERS > /dev/null 2>&1 \cp -r ./ $DOC_ROOT sleep 3 cd ../ rm -rf DFD-Cryptocoin-Values-TEMP # Group read/write/exec chmod 770 $DOC_ROOT/cache chmod 770 $DOC_ROOT/plugins # Group exec chmod 750 $DOC_ROOT/cron.php sleep 1 # No trailing forward slash here chown -R $APP_USER:$APP_USER $DOC_ROOT sleep 3 echo " " echo "${green}Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition) has been installed.${reset}" ###################################### echo " " echo "If you want to use price alerts or charts, you'll need to setup a background task (cron job) for that." echo " " echo "${yellow}Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to setup a background task (cron job) for price alerts / charts, or skip it.${reset}" echo " " OPTIONS="auto_setup_cron skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "auto_setup_cron" ]; then echo " " echo "${yellow}Enter the FULL system path to cron.php:" echo "(leave blank / hit enter for default of $DOC_ROOT/cron.php)${reset}" echo " " read SYS_PATH echo " " if [ -z "$SYS_PATH" ]; then SYS_PATH=${1:-$DOC_ROOT/cron.php} echo "${green}Using default system path to cron.php:" echo " " echo "$SYS_PATH${reset}" else echo "${green}System path set to cron.php:" echo " " echo "$SYS_PATH${reset}" fi echo " " echo "${yellow}Options for choosing a time interval to run the background task (cron job)..." echo " " echo "${red}IT'S RECOMMENDED TO GO #NO LOWER THAN# EVERY 20 MINUTES FOR CHART DATA, OTHERWISE LIGHT CHART" echo "DISK WRITES MAY BE EXCESSIVE FOR LOWER END HARDWARE (Raspberry PI MicroSD cards etc)." echo " " echo "${yellow}Enter the time interval in minutes to run this cron job:" echo "(#MUST BE# either 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30...leave blank / hit enter for default of 20)${reset}" echo " " read INTERVAL echo " " if [ -z "$INTERVAL" ]; then INTERVAL=${2:-20} echo "${green}Using default time interval of $INTERVAL minutes.${reset}" else echo "${green}Time interval set to $INTERVAL minutes.${reset}" fi # Setup cron (to check logs after install: tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep cron -i) # PHP FULL PATHS PHP_FPM_PATH=$(which php${PHP_FPM_VER}) PHP_PATH=$(which php) # If PHP $PHP_FPM_VER specific CLI binary not found, use the standard path if [ -f $PHP_FPM_PATH ]; then CRONJOB="*/$INTERVAL * * * * $APP_USER $PHP_FPM_PATH -q $SYS_PATH > /dev/null 2>&1" else CRONJOB="*/$INTERVAL * * * * $APP_USER $PHP_PATH -q $SYS_PATH > /dev/null 2>&1" fi # Play it safe and be sure their is a newline after this job entry echo -e "$CRONJOB\n" > /etc/cron.d/cryptocoin sleep 1 # cron.d entries must be a permission of 644 chmod 644 /etc/cron.d/cryptocoin sleep 1 # cron.d entries MUST BE OWNED BY ROOT, OR THEY CRASH! chown root:root /etc/cron.d/cryptocoin echo " " echo "${green}A background task (cron job) has been setup for user '$APP_USER'," echo "as a command in /etc/cron.d/cryptocoin:" echo " " echo "$CRONJOB" echo " " echo " " echo "Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition) has been configured.${reset}" CRON_SETUP=1 break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping cron job setup.${reset}" echo " " break fi done ###################################### APP_SETUP=1 fi break elif [ "$opt" = "remove_portfolio_app" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Removing Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition), please wait...${reset}" rm /etc/cron.d/cryptocoin > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/.htaccess > /dev/null 2>&1 rm $DOC_ROOT/.user.ini > /dev/null 2>&1 rm -rf $DOC_ROOT/* > /dev/null 2>&1 sleep 3 echo " " echo "${green}Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition) has been removed from the system.${reset}" break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping auto-install of Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition).${reset}" break fi done echo " " ###################################### echo "Enabling the built-in SSH server on your system allows easy remote" echo "installation / updating of your web site files via SFTP (from another computer" echo "on your home / internal network), with Filezilla or any other SFTP-enabled FTP software." echo " " echo "If you choose to NOT enable SSH on your system, you'll need to install / update your" echo "web site files directly on the device itself (not recommended)." echo " " echo "If you do use SSH, ---make sure the password for username '$APP_USER' is strong---," echo "because anybody on your home / internal network will have access if they know the username/password!" echo " " if [ -f "/usr/bin/raspi-config" ]; then echo "${yellow}Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to setup SSH (under 'Interfacing Options' in raspi-config), or skip it.${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}IF YOU CHOOSE OPTION 1, AND IT ASKS IF YOU WANT TO REBOOT AFTER CONFIGURATION, CHOOSE 'NO'" echo "OTHERWISE #THIS AUTO-INSTALL WILL ABORT PREMATURELY#! ONLY REBOOT #AFTER# AUTO-INSTALL WITH: sudo reboot${reset}" else echo "${yellow}Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to setup SSH, or skip it.${reset}" fi echo " " OPTIONS="setup_ssh skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "setup_ssh" ]; then if [ -f "/usr/bin/raspi-config" ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Initiating raspi-config, please wait...${reset}" # WE NEED SUDO HERE, or raspi-config fails in bash sudo raspi-config elif [ -f /boot/dietpi/.version ]; then echo " " echo "${cyan}Initiating dietpi-software, please wait...${reset}" dietpi-software else # Clears / updates cache, then upgrades (if NOT a rolling release) clean_system_update echo " " echo "${green}Proceeding with openssh-server installation, please wait...${reset}" echo " " $PACKAGE_INSTALL openssh-server -y sleep 3 echo " " echo "${green}openssh-server installation completed.${reset}" fi SSH_SETUP=1 break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping SSH setup.${reset}" break fi done echo " " ###################################### # Return to user's home directory cd /home/$APP_USER/ echo "${yellow} " echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "# SAVE THE INFORMATION BELOW FOR FUTURE ACCESS TO THIS APP #" echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" echo "${reset} " if [ "$SERVER_SETUP" = "1" ]; then echo "${red}REMINDER...You MUST RESTART YOUR DEVICE (#after# you finish running this auto-install script) TO ALLOW THE SYSTEM TO PROPERLY RUN THE PHP WEB SERVER CONFIGURATIONS DONE (or you may get configuration errors), by running this command:" echo " " echo "sudo reboot" echo "${reset} " fi if [ "$APP_SETUP" = "1" ]; then echo "${cyan}Web server setup and installation / configuration of Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition)" echo "should now be complete (if you chose those options), unless you saw any errors on screen during setup." echo " " echo "${green}Open Crypto Tracker is located at (and can be edited) inside this folder:" echo " " echo "$DOC_ROOT" echo " " echo "${yellow}You may now optionally edit the APP DEFAULT CONFIG (configuration file config.php) remotely via SFTP," echo "or by editing it locally with nano or any other installed text editor." echo "${reset} " if [ "$CONFIG_BACKUP" = "1" ]; then echo "${green}The previously-installed configuration files $DOC_ROOT/config.php AND $DOC_ROOT/dynamic-config.php have been backed up to:" echo " " echo "$DOC_ROOT/[filename].php.BACKUP.$DATE.$RAND_STRING" echo " " echo "${yellow}The bundled plugin's configuration files were also be backed up in the same manner." echo " " echo "You will need to manually move any CUSTOMIZED DEFAULT settings from backup files to the NEW configuration files with a text editor," echo "otherwise you can just ignore or delete the backup files." echo "${reset} " echo "${red}IF ANYTHING STOPS WORKING AFTER UPGRADING, CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE (temporary files), AND RELOAD OR RESTART THE APP. This will load the latest Javascript / Style Sheet upgrades properly.${reset}" echo " " fi if [ "$CRON_SETUP" = "1" ]; then echo "${green}A background task (cron job) has been setup for user '$APP_USER', as a command in /etc/cron.d/cryptocoin:" echo " " echo "$CRONJOB" echo "${reset} " fi else echo "${yellow}Web server setup should now be complete (if you chose that option), unless you saw any errors on screen during setup." echo " " echo "${green}Web site app files must be placed inside this folder:" echo " " echo "$DOC_ROOT" echo " " echo "${yellow}If web server setup has completed successfully, Open Crypto Tracker (Server Edition) can now be" echo "installed (if you haven't already) in $DOC_ROOT remotely via SFTP, or by copying over app files locally." echo "${reset} " fi if [ "$SSH_SETUP" = "1" ]; then echo "${yellow}SFTP login details are..." echo " " echo "${green}INTERNAL NETWORK SFTP host (port 22, on home / internal network):" echo " " echo "$IP" echo " " echo "SFTP username: $APP_USER" echo " " echo "SFTP password: (password for system user $APP_USER)" echo " " echo "SFTP remote working directory (where web site files should be placed on web server):" echo " " echo "$DOC_ROOT" echo "${reset} " fi echo "${yellow}#INTERNAL# NETWORK SSL / HTTPS (secure / private SSL connection) web addresses are..." echo " " echo "${green}IP ADDRESS (may change, unless set as static for this device within the router):" echo " " echo "https://$IP" echo " " echo "HOST ADDRESS (ONLY works on linux / mac / windows, NOT android as of 2020):" echo " " echo "https://${HOSTNAME}.local${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}IMPORTANT NOTES:" echo " " echo "YOU WILL BE PROMPTED TO CREATE AN ADMIN LOGIN (FOR SECURITY OF THE ADMIN AREA)," echo "#WHEN YOU FIRST RUN THIS APP#. IT'S #HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO DO THIS IMMEDIATELY#," echo "ESPECIALLY ON PUBLIC FACING / KNOWN SERVERS, #OR SOMEBODY ELSE MAY BEAT YOU TO IT#." echo " " echo "The SSL certificate created on this web server is SELF-SIGNED (not issued by a CA)," echo "so your browser ---will give you a warning message--- when you visit the above HTTPS addresses." echo "This is --normal behavior for self-signed certificates--. Google search for" echo "'self-signed ssl certificate' for more information on the topic." echo "THAT SAID, ONLY TRUST SELF-SIGNED CERTIFICATES #IF YOUR COMPUTER CREATED THE CERTIFICATE#." echo "!NEVER! TRUST SELF-SIGNED CERTIFICATES SIGNED BY THIRD PARTIES!" echo " " echo "${yellow}If you wish to allow external access to this app (when not on your home / internal network)," echo "a static internal ip address / port forwarding / dynamic DNS service on your router needs to be setup" echo "(preferably with strict firewall rules using a 'guest network' configuration, to disallow this device" echo "requesting access to other machines on your home / internal network, and only allow it an access" echo "route through the internet gateway)." echo " " echo "A #VERY HIGH# port number is recommended (NON-STANDARD is above 1,023 / UNREGISTERED is from 49,152 to 65,535)," echo "to help avoid port scanning bots from detecting your machine (and then starting hack attempts on your bound port)." echo " " if [ "$ALLOW_FULL_UPGRADE" == "yes" ]; then echo "${red}FOR ADDED SECURITY, YOU SHOULD #ALWAYS KEEP THIS OPERATING SYSTEM UP-TO-DATE# WITH THIS TERMINAL COMMAND:" echo " " echo "${green}sudo apt update;sudo apt upgrade -y" echo " " fi echo "${yellow}SEE /DOCUMENTATION-ETC/RASPBERRY-PI/ for additional information on securing and setting" echo "up Raspberry Pi OS (disabling bluetooth, firewall setup, remote login, hostname, etc)." echo " " echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~${reset}" echo " " ###################################### echo "${yellow}ANY DONATIONS (LARGE OR SMALL) HELP SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF MY APPS..." echo " " echo "${cyan}Bitcoin: ${green}3Nw6cvSgnLEFmQ1V4e8RSBG23G7pDjF3hW" echo " " echo "${cyan}Ethereum: ${green}0x644343e8D0A4cF33eee3E54fE5d5B8BFD0285EF8" echo " " echo "${cyan}Solana: ${green}GvX4AU4V9atTBof9dT9oBnLPmPiz3mhoXBdqcxyRuQnU" echo " " ###################################### # Mark the portfolio install as having run already, to avoid showing # the OPTIONAL portfolio install options at end of the ticker install export FOLIO_INSTALL_RAN=1 if [ -z "$TICKER_INSTALL_RAN" ]; then echo " " echo "${red}!!!!!BE SURE TO SCROLL UP, TO SAVE #ALL THE PORTFOLIO APP USAGE DOCUMENTATION#" echo "PRINTED OUT ABOVE, BEFORE YOU SIGN OFF FROM THIS TERMINAL SESSION!!!!!${reset}" echo " " echo "Also check out my 100% FREE open source multi-crypto slideshow ticker for Raspberry Pi LCD screens:" echo " " echo "https://sourceforge.net/projects/dfd-crypto-ticker" echo " " echo "https://github.com/taoteh1221/Slideshow_Crypto_Ticker" echo " " echo "Would you like to ${red}ADDITIONALLY / OPTIONALLY${reset} install Slideshow Crypto Ticker," echo "multi-crypto slideshow ticker for Raspberry Pi LCD screens on this machine?" echo " " echo "Select 1 or 2 to choose whether to ${red}optionally${reset} install the crypto ticker" echo "for Raspberry Pi LCD screens, or skip." echo " " OPTIONS="install_crypto_ticker skip" select opt in $OPTIONS; do if [ "$opt" = "install_crypto_ticker" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Proceeding with crypto ticker installation, please wait...${reset}" echo " " wget --no-cache -O TICKER-INSTALL.bash https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taoteh1221/Slideshow_Crypto_Ticker/main/TICKER-INSTALL.bash chmod +x TICKER-INSTALL.bash chown $APP_USER:$APP_USER TICKER-INSTALL.bash ./TICKER-INSTALL.bash break elif [ "$opt" = "skip" ]; then echo " " echo "${green}Skipping the ${red}OPTIONAL ${green}crypto ticker install...${reset}" echo " " echo "${cyan}Installation / setup has finished, exiting to terminal...${reset}" echo " " exit break fi done else echo " " echo "${cyan}Installation / setup has finished, exiting to terminal...${reset}" echo " " echo "${red}!!!!!BE SURE TO SCROLL UP, TO SAVE #ALL THE PORTFOLIO APP USAGE DOCUMENTATION#" echo "PRINTED OUT ABOVE, BEFORE YOU SIGN OFF FROM THIS TERMINAL SESSION!!!!!${reset}" echo " " exit fi ######################################