“Global Mart” is an online store super giant having worldwide operations. It takes orders and delivers across the globe and deals with all the major product categories - consumer, corporate & home office.
Now they wanted to finalise the plan for the next 6 months i.e. Need sales and demand forecast for the next 6 months, that would help them to manage the revenue and inventory accordingly. The store caters to 7 different market segments and in 3 major categories and wanted to forecast at this granular level, so the data had to be subseted into 21 (7*3) buckets before analysing the data. But not all of these 21 market buckets were of importance from the store’s point of view. So they wanted to found out the 2 most profitable (and consistent) segment from these 21 and forecast the sales and demand for these segments.
- Segmented the whole dataset into the 21 subsets based on the market and the customer segment level.
- Convert the transaction-level data into a time series. Aggregate the 3 attributes - Sales, Quantity & Profit, over the Order Date to arrive at monthly values for these attributes.Then I got the three time-series
- Found the 2 most profitable and consistently profitable segments. Used the coefficient of variation for finding out the profitable segments among 21 market segments.
- Smoothen the data (require for classical decomposition).
- Separate out the last 6 months values from the dataset
- Build the model using-
Classical decomposition
- Fitted a multiplicative or additive model with trend and seasonality to the data, to find the global value of series
- Subtracted the global values from the series
- Modelled the residual series using the ARMA model, to get the local predictible series
- Subracted the local predictible part from the residual series, we should be left with the noise
- To check for the white noise performed ADF and KPSS tests
Auto ARIMA methodfor forecasting
- Build a ARIMA model
- Performed ADF and KPSS tests for checking white noise
- Forecasted the sales and quantity for the next 6 months using the above build models using MAPE.