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Commit cf52115

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committedJun 17, 2021
add 2 week 2 hour expiry rule to nickname policy
1 parent cea9773 commit cf52115

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1 file changed

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1 file changed

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@@ -97,12 +97,14 @@ additional names to your account, but please remember that these are not
collectibles and should not be hoarded or squatted.

Nickname and account registrations expire ten weeks after they are last used.
For grouped nicknames, "used" means that you were using the nickname while
logged in to the account which owns it. For accounts, "used" means that you
logged in to the account, regardless of the nickname you used to do so.
Nicknames which are the primary account name expire only when the entire
account is expired. If you know or plan to be absent for longer, please
contact network staff in advance for potential options.
Nicknames belonging to accounts that are older than two weeks but were last
used within two hours of registration are also considered to be expired. For
Has conversations. Original line has conversations.
grouped nicknames, "used" means that you were using the nickname while logged
in to the account which owns it. For accounts, "used" means that you logged
in to the account, regardless of the nickname you used to do so. Nicknames
which are the primary account name expire only when the entire account is
expired. If you know or plan to be absent for longer, please contact network
staff in advance for potential options.

In some cases, such as for very old accounts, we may, at our discretion,
extend the expiry time of a nickname or account, usually not beyond 15 weeks

17 commit comments


MelchiorGaspar commented on Jun 22, 2021


So what does that mean?
do I have to stay logged in all the time or at least once a week or so?
because I don't usually stay logged in all the time..

grantwwu commented on Jun 22, 2021


So what does that mean?
do I have to stay logged in all the time or at least once a week or so?
because I don't usually stay logged in all the time..

My interpretation is that this rule change only impacts accounts where the only usage was within 2 hours of registration.

FeepingCreature commented on Jun 22, 2021


No, if you used your nick more than two hours after you registered it, you're fine. This is (I'm guessing) about cleaning up all the Freenode nicknames people snatched up early in the network's lifetime and then sat on.

THolding commented on Jun 22, 2021


So what does that mean?
do I have to stay logged in all the time or at least once a week or so?
because I don't usually stay logged in all the time..

You need to log in once every 10 weeks. Unless your account is less than two weeks old, then you have to log in at least once 2 hours after registration, and then once every 10 weeks. I think.

pastly commented on Jun 22, 2021


So what does that mean?
do I have to stay logged in all the time or at least once a week or so?
because I don't usually stay logged in all the time..


Don't create an account and then never use it. That's what it means.

You don't have to stay logged in all the time.

SadieCat commented on Jun 22, 2021


It's just a policy change to stop people from hoarding nicknames and then never actually using them.

emanuelserpa commented on Jun 22, 2021


Was this 10 week rule present on the former Freenode network? I remember that I got almost a year without logging on freenode and my account worked fine.

relrod commented on Jun 22, 2021


this 10 week rule was present on the former Freenode network? I remember that I got almost a year without logging on freenode and my account worked fine.

yes, but someone could have asked for it to be dropped during that time. It doesn't get dropped automatically, but it's considered expired and could be dropped if someone wanted it, since you hadn't logged in and reset the timer.

Mikaela commented on Jun 22, 2021


Are you enabling automatic nickname expiration?

swantzter commented on Jun 22, 2021


@Mikaela no, as with the 10 week rule someone actually have to ask for the nickname for it to be dropped

mquin commented on Jun 22, 2021


edk0 commented on Jun 22, 2021


To clarify for everyone here I'm going to reiterate what I've been saying in #libera: If you have ever been logged into your account while it was more than two hours old, your account and nicks are not affected by this change, and never will be.

jaesharp commented on Jun 23, 2021


To clarify for everyone here I'm going to reiterate what I've been saying in #libera: If you have ever been logged into your account while it was more than two hours old, your account and nicks are not affected by this change, and never will be.

That's great to hear. I suppose it's the section on grouped nicks that's a little unclear for me. Does this apply to those as well? While I use my account regularly, I have a few grouped nicks that identify me on other platforms (or are often used as aliases like {nick}_ and {nick}__) that I keep reserved to avoid people impersonating me. However, I rarely use them directly as a primary identity on Libera.Chat. Will I need to cycle through these grouped nicks on a regular basis to ensure they don't become eligible for expiration?

winks commented on Jun 23, 2021


That's great to hear. I suppose it's the section on grouped nicks that's a little unclear for me. Does this apply to those as well? While I use my account regularly, I have a few grouped nicks that identify me on other platforms (or are often used as aliases like {nick}_ and {nick}__) that I keep reserved to avoid people impersonating me. However, I rarely use them directly as a primary identity on Libera.Chat. Will I need to cycle through these grouped nicks on a regular basis to ensure they don't become eligible for expiration?

Same for me here, less the impersonating part, but the only nick I had (before the move) and have (now) registered is {nick}_ which is also configured in all my clients as my alternative nick. In a perfect world auth on reconnect would always work, but the years have shown that this works well enough if you still have a ghost {nick} lingering.

Is this simply a real edge case or do we simply need to use our alt nick for a bit now? Because of course it was registered at the start and without sifting through logs I couldn't tell you now if I got disconnected and had used it in the last month.

winks commented on Jun 23, 2021


Per (thanks kline) I think I misunderstood, but the wording really needs clarification. (so semi-ignore my last post)

fionnb commented on Jun 23, 2021


While I am generally positive about a nick expiration policy I am a bit doubtful about the current attempt.
Users that have been logged in regularly for more than six months should - IMHO - get at least 6 months worth of account protection by default.
A mere ten weeks can easily go by when you have an accident or get seriously sick and then your lost account adds up to the pile of other undeserved hassles that usually come along with such a blow of fate.
Please think about that. Just my 2c.

zyklotomic commented on Jun 30, 2021


How about also giving the user a grace period, notifying them that they have to login once within the next X amount of days/weeks to reclaim their account if another user requests to have the nick. As in, give the original owner a chance to respond to a nick drop request. This way, users don't suddenly lose their account without warning. If this is already how it works, my bad.

Just my 2c 2.

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