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base repository: NixOS/hydra
base: 471b036eef4f
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head repository: NixOS/hydra
compare: a1e08d88191b
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  • 2 commits
  • 4 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on May 26, 2020

  1. Improve handling of Perl's block eval errors

    Taken from `Perl::Critic`:
    A common idiom in perl for dealing with possible errors is to use `eval`
    followed by a check of `$@`/`$EVAL_ERROR`:
        eval {
        if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
    There's a problem with this: the value of `$EVAL_ERROR` (`$@`) can change
    between the end of the `eval` and the `if` statement. The issue are object
        package Foo;
        sub DESTROY {
            eval { ... };
        package main;
        eval {
            my $foo = Foo->new();
        if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
    Assuming there are no other references to `$foo` created, when the
    `eval` block in `main` is exited, `Foo::DESTROY()` will be invoked,
    regardless of whether the `eval` finished normally or not. If the `eval`
    in `main` fails, but the `eval` in `Foo::DESTROY()` succeeds, then
    `$EVAL_ERROR` will be empty by the time that the `if` is executed.
    Additional issues arise if you depend upon the exact contents of
    `$EVAL_ERROR` and both `eval`s fail, because the messages from both will
    be concatenated.
    Even if there isn't an `eval` directly in the `DESTROY()` method code,
    it may invoke code that does use `eval` or otherwise affects
    The solution is to ensure that, upon normal exit, an `eval` returns a
    true value and to test that value:
        # Constructors are no problem.
        my $object = eval { Class->new() };
        # To cover the possiblity that an operation may correctly return a
        # false value, end the block with "1":
        if ( eval { something(); 1 } ) {
        eval {
            or do {
                # Error handling here
    Unfortunately, you can't use the `defined` function to test the result;
    `eval` returns an empty string on failure.
    Various modules have been written to take some of the pain out of
    properly localizing and checking `$@`/`$EVAL_ERROR`. For example:
        use Try::Tiny;
        try {
        } catch {
            # Error handling here;
            # The exception is in $_/$ARG, not $@/$EVAL_ERROR.
        };  # Note semicolon.
    "But we don't use DESTROY() anywhere in our code!" you say. That may be
    the case, but do any of the third-party modules you use have them? What
    about any you may use in the future or updated versions of the ones you
    already use?
    knl committed May 26, 2020
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    f79810b View commit details
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Commits on May 27, 2020

  1. Merge pull request #768 from knl/improve-handling-of-perl-block-eval-…

    Improve handling of Perl's block eval errors
    edolstra committed May 27, 2020
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    a1e08d8 View commit details
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