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base repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
base: 2ee84ca8e2ad
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head repository: NixOS/nixpkgs
compare: 459cf9499175
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  • 1 commit
  • 6 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jun 17, 2020

  1. Nixpkgs support for dhall-to-nixpkgs

    The motivation for this change is to enable a new Dhall command-line
    utility called `dhall-to-nixpkgs` which converts Dhall packages to
    buildable Nix packages.  You can think of `dhall-to-nixpkgs` as the
    Dhall analog of `cabal2nix`.
    You can find the matching pull request for `dhall-to-nixpkgs` here:
    The two main changes required to support `dhall-to-nixpkgs` are:
    * Two new `buildDhall{Directory,GitHub}Package` utilities are added
      `dhall-to-nixpkgs` uses these in the generated output
    * `pkgs.dhallPackages` now selects a default version for each package
      using the `prefer` utility
      All other versions are still buildable via a `passthru` attribute
    Gabriella439 authored and Profpatsch committed Jun 17, 2020
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