- 📍 I live in Warsaw, Poland 🇵🇱
- 👨💻 I specialize in Front-end Delelopment
- ⚛️ I have the most experience writing application with the help of React...
- ✨ ...but also have experience with WebGL and Three.js specifically
- 👐 I believe in open-source supremacy and have a small project myself!
- 🗣️ You can refer to me in English, Polish, Belarusian and Russian...
- 📫 ...and you can do this via e-mail, LinkedIn and Telegram
- JavaScript and TypeScript
- React and it's ecosystem (Next.js, Redux, React-Router, Dnd-kit, etc.)
- 3D graphics using WebGL, Three.js, React Three Fiber
- GraphQL as a networking tool and state manager (!)
- HTML5 and CSS3 with a11y in mind
- Various styling approaches (css-in-js, Sass, Stylus, CSS-modules, Tailwind CSS)
- Various unit test suites (Jest, React Testing Library) and Cypress for automated tests
- Micro-frontends (with single-spa)
- Webpack, Vite
- CI/CD (GitLab, GitHub, BitBucket, Jenkins)
- Git
- Linux, Bash