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base repository: NixOS/nix
base: b341b5f15673^
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head repository: NixOS/nix
compare: 0b9e795e5b27
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  • 2 commits
  • 9 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Oct 29, 2019

  1. Recursive Nix support

    This allows Nix builders to call Nix to build derivations, with some
      let nixpkgs = fetchTarball channel:nixos-18.03; in
      with import <nixpkgs> {};
      runCommand "foo"
          buildInputs = [ nix jq ];
          NIX_PATH = "nixpkgs=${nixpkgs}";
          hello=$(nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).hello.overrideDerivation (args: { name = "hello-3.5"; })')
          mkdir -p $out/bin
          ln -s $hello/bin/hello $out/bin/hello
          nix path-info -r --json $hello | jq .
    This derivation makes a recursive Nix call to build GNU Hello and
    symlinks it from its $out, i.e.
      # ll ./result/bin/
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 63 Jan  1  1970 hello -> /nix/store/s0awxrs71gickhaqdwxl506hzccb30y5-hello-3.5/bin/hello
      # nix-store -qR ./result
    This is implemented as follows:
    * Before running the outer builder, Nix creates a Unix domain socket
      '.nix-socket' in the builder's temporary directory and sets
      $NIX_REMOTE to point to it. It starts a thread to process
      connections to this socket. (Thus you don't need to have nix-daemon
    * The daemon thread uses a wrapper store (RestrictedStore) to keep
      track of paths added through recursive Nix calls, to implement some
      restrictions (see below), and to do some censorship (e.g. for
      purity, queryPathInfo() won't return impure information such as
      signatures and timestamps).
    * After the build finishes, the output paths are scanned for
      references to the paths added through recursive Nix calls (in
      addition to the inputs closure). Thus, in the example above, $out
      has a reference to $hello.
    The main restriction on recursive Nix calls is that they cannot do
    arbitrary substitutions. For example, doing
      nix-store -r /nix/store/kmwd1hq55akdb9sc7l3finr175dajlby-hello-2.10
    is forbidden unless /nix/store/kmwd... is in the inputs closure or
    previously built by a recursive Nix call. This is to prevent
    irreproducible derivations that have hidden dependencies on
    substituters or the current store contents. Building a derivation is
    fine, however, and Nix will use substitutes if available. In other
    words, the builder has to present proof that it knows how to build a
    desired store path from scratch by constructing a derivation graph for
    that path.
    Probably we should also disallow instantiating/building fixed-output
    derivations (specifically, those that access the network, but
    currently we have no way to mark fixed-output derivations that don't
    access the network). Otherwise sandboxed derivations can bypass
    sandbox restrictions and access the network.
    When sandboxing is enabled, we make paths appear in the sandbox of the
    builder by entering the mount namespace of the builder and
    bind-mounting each path. This is tricky because we do a pivot_root()
    in the builder to change the root directory of its mount namespace,
    and thus the host /nix/store is not visible in the mount namespace of
    the builder. To get around this, just before doing pivot_root(), we
    branch a second mount namespace that shares its /nix/store mountpoint
    with the parent.
    Recursive Nix currently doesn't work on macOS in sandboxed mode
    (because we can't change the sandbox policy of a running build) and in
    non-root mode (because setns() barfs).
    edolstra committed Oct 29, 2019
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  2. Use nix to cache g++ invocations

    We call nix to run g++ on the preprocessed C++ source file. Thus
    recompilation can be avoided if the file was previously built with the
    same contents.
    For example:
      $ time make src/libstore/build.o
      CPP    src/libstore/build.o
      CXX    src/libstore/build.o
      [1 built, 0.0 MiB DL]
      real    0m32.560s
      user    0m0.516s
      sys     0m0.252s
    Then after changing a comment in
      $ time make src/libstore/build.o
      CPP    src/libstore/build.o
      CXX    src/libstore/build.o
      real    0m0.844s
      user    0m0.514s
      sys     0m0.296s
    edolstra committed Oct 29, 2019
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