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base repository: NixOS/nixpkgs-channels
base: d57d9ba288eb
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head repository: NixOS/nixpkgs-channels
compare: f03a88e18474
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  • 2 commits
  • 4 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Sep 10, 2019

  1. buildRustCrate: add support for renaming crates

    Before this change, buildRustCrate always called rustc with
    --extern libName=[...]libName[...]
    However, Cargo permits using a different name under which a dependency
    is known to a crate. For example, rand 0.7.0 uses:
    getrandom_package = { version = "0.1.1", package = "getrandom", optional = true }
    Which introduces the getrandom dependency such that it is known as
    getrandom_package to the rand crate. In this case, the correct extern
    flag is of the form
    --extern getrandom_package=[...]getrandom[...]
    which is currently not supported. In order to support such cases, this
    change introduces a crateRenames argument to buildRustCrate. This
    argument is an attribute set of dependencies that should be renamed. In
    this case, crateRenames would be:
      "getrandom" = "getrandom_package";
    The extern options are then built such that if the libName occurs as
    an attribute in this set, it value will be used as the local
    name. Otherwise libName will be used as before.
    (cherry picked from commit 85c6d72)
    danieldk authored and andir committed Sep 10, 2019
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    573f244 View commit details
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  2. Merge pull request #68410 from andir/nixos-19.09/build-rust-crate-ren…

    [19.09] buildRustCrate: add support for renaming crates
    andir committed Sep 10, 2019
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    f03a88e View commit details
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