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base repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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base: 800e892b5489
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head repository: mockingbirdnest/Principia
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compare: 79e4ea88063e
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  • 18 commits
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Oct 6, 2019

  1. Possible setup for Toutatis.

    pleroy committed Oct 6, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    ead26fb View commit details
  2. Fix the matchers.

    pleroy committed Oct 6, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    a51f426 View commit details
  3. Construction of Toutatis.

    pleroy committed Oct 6, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    a14a6e1 View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    d2416d6 View commit details
  5. Another test, that fails.

    pleroy committed Oct 6, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    00eb7fa View commit details

Commits on Oct 7, 2019

  1. Merge.

    pleroy committed Oct 7, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    4477084 View commit details
  2. Merge.

    pleroy committed Oct 7, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    af9940c View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    7b1beb4 View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    c20e0df View commit details
  5. More points, unhappiness...

    pleroy committed Oct 7, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    56b95ca View commit details
  6. Copy the full SHA
    2040543 View commit details
  7. Tabulated data.

    pleroy committed Oct 7, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    686fdb7 View commit details
  8. More data.

    pleroy committed Oct 7, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    aec1fac View commit details

Commits on Oct 8, 2019

  1. Test with tabulated values.

    pleroy committed Oct 8, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    ef48681 View commit details
  2. Pure Takahashi.

    pleroy committed Oct 8, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    a565ea1 View commit details

Commits on Oct 9, 2019

  1. Correct data.

    pleroy committed Oct 9, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    f9ac351 View commit details
  2. Cleanup.

    pleroy committed Oct 9, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    fa0169b View commit details

Commits on Oct 10, 2019

  1. Merge pull request #2354 from pleroy/Toutatis

    A test based on the rotational motion of 4179 Toutatis
    pleroy authored Oct 10, 2019


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
    Copy the full SHA
    79e4ea8 View commit details
Showing with 343 additions and 43 deletions.
  1. +5 −1 geometry/permutation.hpp
  2. +6 −3 physics/euler_solver.hpp
  3. +20 −11 physics/euler_solver_body.hpp
  4. +312 −28 physics/euler_solver_test.cpp
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion geometry/permutation.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -77,10 +77,14 @@ class Permutation : public LinearMap<FromFrame, ToFrame> {
not_null<serialization::Permutation*> message) const;
static Permutation ReadFromMessage(serialization::Permutation const& message);

// TODO(phl): This used to be private, but it's convenient for operating on
// R3Elements representing the principal moments of inertia. Revert when we
// have proper transformations for the inertia tensor.
template<typename Scalar>
R3Element<Scalar> operator()(R3Element<Scalar> const& r3_element) const;

CoordinatePermutation coordinate_permutation_;

template<typename From, typename Through, typename To>
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions physics/euler_solver.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ namespace principia {
namespace physics {
namespace internal_euler_solver {

using geometry::AngularVelocity;
using geometry::Bivector;
using geometry::Instant;
using geometry::R3Element;
@@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ class EulerSolver {
// Computes the angular momentum at the given time.
AngularMomentumBivector AngularMomentumAt(Instant const& time) const;

AngularVelocity<PrincipalAxesFrame> AngularVelocityFor(
AngularMomentumBivector const& angular_momentum) const;

// Computes the attitude at the given time, using the angular momentum
// computed by the previous function.
AttitudeRotation AttitudeAt(AngularMomentumBivector const& angular_momentum,
@@ -66,9 +70,8 @@ class EulerSolver {

static Rotation<PrincipalAxesFrame, ℬₜ> Compute𝒫ₜ(
R3Element<MomentOfInertia> const& moments_of_inertia,
AngularMomentumBivector const& angular_momentum);
Rotation<PrincipalAxesFrame, ℬₜ> Compute𝒫ₜ(
AngularMomentumBivector const& angular_momentum) const;

// Construction parameters.
R3Element<MomentOfInertia> const moments_of_inertia_;
31 changes: 20 additions & 11 deletions physics/euler_solver_body.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ EulerSolver<InertialFrame, PrincipalAxesFrame>::EulerSolver(
ℛ_([this, initial_attitude]() -> Rotation<ℬʹ, InertialFrame> {
auto const 𝒴ₜ₀⁻¹ = Rotation<ℬʹ, ℬₜ>::Identity();
auto const 𝒫ₜ₀⁻¹ = Compute𝒫ₜ(moments_of_inertia_,
auto const 𝒫ₜ₀⁻¹ = Compute𝒫ₜ(initial_angular_momentum_).Inverse();

// This ℛ follows the assumptions in the third paragraph of section 2.3
// of [CFSZ07], that is, the inertial frame is identified with the
@@ -214,13 +213,28 @@ EulerSolver<InertialFrame, PrincipalAxesFrame>::AngularMomentumAt(

template<typename InertialFrame, typename PrincipalAxesFrame>
EulerSolver<InertialFrame, PrincipalAxesFrame>::AngularVelocityFor(
AngularMomentumBivector const& angular_momentum) const {
auto const& m = angular_momentum;
auto const& m_coordinates = m.coordinates();

auto const& I₁ = moments_of_inertia_.x;
auto const& I₂ = moments_of_inertia_.y;
auto const& I₃ = moments_of_inertia_.z;
Bivector<Quotient<AngularMomentum, MomentOfInertia>, PrincipalAxesFrame> const
ω({m_coordinates.x / I₁, m_coordinates.y / I₂, m_coordinates.z / I₃});

return ω;

template<typename InertialFrame, typename PrincipalAxesFrame>
typename EulerSolver<InertialFrame, PrincipalAxesFrame>::AttitudeRotation
EulerSolver<InertialFrame, PrincipalAxesFrame>::AttitudeAt(
AngularMomentumBivector const& angular_momentum,
Instant const& time) const {
Rotation<PrincipalAxesFrame, ℬₜ> const 𝒫ₜ =
Compute𝒫ₜ(moments_of_inertia_, angular_momentum);
Rotation<PrincipalAxesFrame, ℬₜ> const 𝒫ₜ = Compute𝒫ₜ(angular_momentum);

Time const Δt = time - initial_time_;
Angle ψ;
@@ -262,17 +276,12 @@ template<typename InertialFrame, typename PrincipalAxesFrame>
typename EulerSolver<InertialFrame, PrincipalAxesFrame>::ℬₜ>
EulerSolver<InertialFrame, PrincipalAxesFrame>::Compute𝒫ₜ(
R3Element<MomentOfInertia> const& moments_of_inertia,
AngularMomentumBivector const& angular_momentum) {
AngularMomentumBivector const& angular_momentum) const {
auto const& m = angular_momentum;
auto const& m_coordinates = m.coordinates();

// Compute ṁ using the Euler equation.
auto const& I₁ = moments_of_inertia.x;
auto const& I₂ = moments_of_inertia.y;
auto const& I₃ = moments_of_inertia.z;
Bivector<Quotient<AngularMomentum, MomentOfInertia>, PrincipalAxesFrame> const
ω({m_coordinates.x / I₁, m_coordinates.y / I₂, m_coordinates.z / I₃});
AngularVelocity<PrincipalAxesFrame> const ω = AngularVelocityFor(m);
Bivector<Variation<AngularMomentum>, PrincipalAxesFrame> const ṁ =
Commutator(m, ω) / Radian;

340 changes: 312 additions & 28 deletions physics/euler_solver_test.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,28 +7,47 @@
#include <set>
#include <vector>

#include "astronomy/epoch.hpp"
#include "astronomy/frames.hpp"
#include "astronomy/time_scales.hpp"
#include "geometry/frame.hpp"
#include "geometry/named_quantities.hpp"
#include "geometry/orthogonal_map.hpp"
#include "geometry/permutation.hpp"
#include "geometry/r3_element.hpp"
#include "geometry/rotation.hpp"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "quantities/elementary_functions.hpp"
#include "quantities/quantities.hpp"
#include "quantities/si.hpp"
#include "serialization/geometry.pb.h"
#include "testing_utilities/almost_equals.hpp"
#include "testing_utilities/approximate_quantity.hpp"
#include "testing_utilities/componentwise.hpp"
#include "testing_utilities/is_near.hpp"
#include "testing_utilities/numerics_matchers.hpp"
#include "testing_utilities/vanishes_before.hpp"

namespace principia {
namespace physics {

using astronomy::ICRS;
using astronomy::operator""_UTC;
using geometry::AngleBetween;
using geometry::AngularVelocity;
using geometry::Bivector;
using geometry::DefinesFrame;
using geometry::EulerAngles;
using geometry::Frame;
using geometry::Instant;
using geometry::OrthogonalMap;
using geometry::Permutation;
using geometry::R3Element;
using geometry::RadiusLatitudeLongitude;
using geometry::Rotation;
using quantities::Abs;
using quantities::Angle;
using quantities::AngularFrequency;
using quantities::AngularMomentum;
using quantities::Cos;
@@ -38,41 +57,43 @@ using quantities::Sin;
using quantities::SIUnit;
using quantities::Sqrt;
using quantities::Time;
using quantities::si::Day;
using quantities::si::Degree;
using quantities::si::Radian;
using quantities::si::Second;
using testing_utilities::AbsoluteErrorFrom;
using testing_utilities::AlmostEquals;
using testing_utilities::ApproximateQuantity;
using testing_utilities::Componentwise;
using testing_utilities::IsNear;
using testing_utilities::RelativeError;
using testing_utilities::RelativeErrorFrom;
using testing_utilities::VanishesBefore;
using testing_utilities::operator""_⑴;
using ::testing::Lt;
using ::testing::Matcher;

class EulerSolverTest : public ::testing::Test {
using ICRSFrame = Frame<serialization::Frame::SolarSystemTag,
/*frame_is_inertial*/ true>;
using PrincipalAxesFrame = Frame<serialization::Frame::PhysicsTag,
/*frame_is_inertial*/ false>;
using PrincipalAxes = Frame<serialization::Frame::PhysicsTag,
/*frame_is_inertial*/ false>;

using Solver = EulerSolver<ICRSFrame, PrincipalAxesFrame>;
using Solver = EulerSolver<ICRS, PrincipalAxes>;

: identity_attitude_(
PrincipalAxesFrame>::AttitudeRotation::Identity()) {}
EulerSolver<ICRS, PrincipalAxes>::AttitudeRotation::Identity()) {}

// Checks that the angular momentum transformed by the attitude to the
// inertial frame satisfies the given matcher.
void CheckAngularMomentumConservation(
std::vector<Solver::AngularMomentumBivector> const& angular_momenta,
std::vector<Solver::AttitudeRotation> const& attitudes,
Matcher<Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRSFrame>> const& matcher) {
Matcher<Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRS>> const& matcher) {
CHECK_EQ(angular_momenta.size(), attitudes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < angular_momenta.size(); ++i) {
Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRSFrame> const angular_momentum_in_inertial =
Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRS> const angular_momentum_in_inertial =
EXPECT_THAT(angular_momentum_in_inertial, matcher);
@@ -81,23 +102,21 @@ class EulerSolverTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Checks that the kinetic energy computed using the attitude has the right
// value.
void CheckPoinsotConstruction(
R3Element<MomentOfInertia> const& moments_of_inertia,
Solver const& solver,
std::vector<Solver::AngularMomentumBivector> const& angular_momenta,
std::vector<Solver::AttitudeRotation> const& attitudes,
int const ulps) {
CHECK_EQ(angular_momenta.size(), attitudes.size());
Energy maximum_kinetic_energy;
Energy minimum_kinetic_energy = quantities::Infinity<Energy>();
for (int i = 0; i < angular_momenta.size(); ++i) {
Bivector<AngularMomentum, PrincipalAxesFrame> const angular_momentum =
Bivector<AngularMomentum, PrincipalAxes> const angular_momentum =
Bivector<AngularFrequency, PrincipalAxesFrame> const angular_velocity(
{angular_momentum.coordinates().x / moments_of_inertia.x,
angular_momentum.coordinates().y / moments_of_inertia.y,
angular_momentum.coordinates().z / moments_of_inertia.z});
Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRSFrame> const angular_momentum_in_inertial =
AngularVelocity<PrincipalAxes> const angular_velocity =
Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRS> const angular_momentum_in_inertial =
Bivector<AngularFrequency, ICRSFrame> const
AngularVelocity<ICRS> const
angular_velocity_in_inertial = attitudes[i](angular_velocity);
Energy const kinetic_energy = 0.5 *
@@ -350,16 +369,15 @@ TEST_F(EulerSolverTest, ShortFatSymmetricTopPrecession) {
Instant() + t));

Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRSFrame> const reference_momentum =
Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRS> const reference_momentum =
Componentwise(VanishesBefore(1 * SIUnit<AngularMomentum>(), 0, 32),
AlmostEquals(reference_momentum.coordinates().y, 0, 4),
AlmostEquals(reference_momentum.coordinates().z, 0, 2)));
moments_of_inertia, angular_momenta, attitudes, /*ulps=*/13);
CheckPoinsotConstruction(solver, angular_momenta, attitudes, /*ulps=*/13);

TEST_F(EulerSolverTest, TallSkinnySymmetricTopPrecession) {
@@ -403,16 +421,15 @@ TEST_F(EulerSolverTest, TallSkinnySymmetricTopPrecession) {
Instant() + t));

Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRSFrame> const reference_momentum =
Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRS> const reference_momentum =
Componentwise(AlmostEquals(reference_momentum.coordinates().x, 0, 3),
VanishesBefore(1 * SIUnit<AngularMomentum>(), 0, 24),
AlmostEquals(reference_momentum.coordinates().z, 0, 6)));
moments_of_inertia, angular_momenta, attitudes, /*ulps=*/4);
CheckPoinsotConstruction(solver, angular_momenta, attitudes, /*ulps=*/4);

// This test demonstrates the Джанибеков effect, also known as tennis racket
@@ -507,16 +524,283 @@ TEST_F(EulerSolverTest, ДжанибековEffect) {

Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRSFrame> const reference_momentum =
Bivector<AngularMomentum, ICRS> const reference_momentum =
Componentwise(VanishesBefore(1 * SIUnit<AngularMomentum>(), 0, 10),
AlmostEquals(reference_momentum.coordinates().y, 0, 13),
AlmostEquals(reference_momentum.coordinates().z, 0, 965)));
moments_of_inertia, angular_momenta, attitudes, /*ulps=*/33);
CheckPoinsotConstruction(solver, angular_momenta, attitudes, /*ulps=*/33);

// The data in this test are from Takahashi, Busch and Scheeres, Spin state and
// moment of inertia characterization of 4179 Toutatis, 2013.
TEST_F(EulerSolverTest, Toutatis) {
Instant const epoch = "1992-11-09T17:49:47"_UTC;

// Takahashi et al. adopt a bizarre convention where their x axis is our I₂,
// their y axis is our I₃ and their z axis is our I₁, see Table 2. This
// appears to contradict Figure 1, but it is consistent with ω₁, ω₂, ω₃ being
// along their x, y, z axes respectively.
struct TakahashiPrincipalAxes;
using TakahashiAttitudeRotation = Rotation<TakahashiPrincipalAxes, ICRS>;
using TakahashiPermutation = Permutation<TakahashiPrincipalAxes,
TakahashiPermutation const takahashi_to_vanilla(TakahashiPermutation::ZXY);

R3Element<MomentOfInertia> const takahashi_moments_of_inertia{
3.0836 * SIUnit<MomentOfInertia>(),
3.235 * SIUnit<MomentOfInertia>(),
1 * SIUnit<MomentOfInertia>()};

TakahashiAttitudeRotation const takahashi_initial_attitude(
/*α=*/145.498 * Degree,
/*β=*/65.865 * Degree,
/*γ=*/241.524 * Degree,

AngularVelocity<TakahashiPrincipalAxes> const
takahashi_initial_angular_velocity({14.51 * Degree / Day,
33.529 * Degree / Day,
-98.709 * Degree / Day});

Bivector<AngularMomentum, TakahashiPrincipalAxes> const
{takahashi_initial_angular_velocity.coordinates().x *
takahashi_initial_angular_velocity.coordinates().y *
takahashi_initial_angular_velocity.coordinates().z *

// From Zhao et al., Orientation and rotational parameters of asteroid 4179
// Toutatis: new insights from Change'e-2's close flyby.
auto const angular_momentum_orientation_in_inertial = Bivector<double, ICRS>(
RadiusLatitudeLongitude(1.0, -54.75 * Degree, 180.2 * Degree)

Solver::AttitudeRotation const initial_attitude =
(takahashi_initial_attitude.Forget() *
Solver::AngularMomentumBivector const initial_angular_momentum =

// Check that the angular momentum in the body frame is consistent with that
// in the inertial frame transformed by the initial attitude. The data come
// from different sources, so this is not a trivial check.
Bivector<double, PrincipalAxes> const angular_momentum_orientation_in_body =

// Same check as above, but in the inertial frame. The y coordinate is small
// because the longitute is close to 180°, so we only check the absolute error
// for it.

Solver const solver(takahashi_to_vanilla(takahashi_moments_of_inertia),

Bivector<double, PrincipalAxes> const e1({1, 0, 0});
Bivector<double, PrincipalAxes> const e2({0, 1, 0});
Bivector<double, PrincipalAxes> const e3({0, 0, 1});

struct Observation {
Instant t;
Angle α;
Angle β;
Angle γ;
AngularFrequency ω₁;
AngularFrequency ω₂;
AngularFrequency ω₃;
ApproximateQuantity<double> angular_velocity_norm_error;
ApproximateQuantity<Angle> angular_velocity_direction_error;
ApproximateQuantity<Angle> e1_direction_error;
ApproximateQuantity<Angle> e2_direction_error;
ApproximateQuantity<Angle> e3_direction_error;

// The errors for 1992 seem consistent with the residuals from Takahashi (3 σ
// for the attitude on 1992-12-04, 1.5 σ on 1992-12-07, for instance, figures
// 7 and 8) and they are generally smaller for the angular velocity than for
// the attitude, in agreement with that paper.
// The errors for 2008 are caused by the fact that we ignore the torque
// exerted by the Earth and the Sun. As shown in figure 6 of Takahashi, this
// results in a completely different orientation, estimated in the text to be
// around 100°, which is again generally consistent with our results.
std::vector<Observation> const observations = {
122.2 * Degree, 86.5 * Degree, 107.0 * Degree,
-35.6 * Degree / Day, 7.2 * Degree / Day, -97.0 * Degree / Day,

0.011_⑴, 4.5_⑴ * Degree,
7.9_⑴ * Degree, 5.4_⑴ * Degree, 5.9_⑴ * Degree},
86.3 * Degree, 81.8 * Degree, 24.5 * Degree,
-16.4 * Degree / Day, -29.1 * Degree / Day, -91.9 * Degree / Day,

0.076_⑴, 0.5_⑴ * Degree,
6.6_⑴ * Degree, 7.7_⑴ * Degree, 4.7_⑴ * Degree},
47.8 * Degree, 60.7 * Degree, 284.0 * Degree,
29.1 * Degree / Day, -23.2 * Degree / Day, -97.8 * Degree / Day,

0.005_⑴, 5.0_⑴ * Degree,
13_⑴ * Degree, 15_⑴ * Degree, 9.4_⑴ * Degree},
14.6 * Degree, 39.4 * Degree, 207.1 * Degree,
33.3 * Degree / Day, 8.2 * Degree / Day, -92.2 * Degree / Day,

0.064_⑴, 1.1_⑴ * Degree,
9.4_⑴ * Degree, 4.3_⑴ * Degree, 8.4_⑴ * Degree},
331.3 * Degree, 23.7 * Degree, 151.6 * Degree,
6.6 * Degree / Day, 34.5 * Degree / Day, -95.8 * Degree / Day,

0.032_⑴, 0.8_⑴ * Degree,
2.0_⑴ * Degree, 0.6_⑴ * Degree, 2.1_⑴ * Degree},
222.5 * Degree, 25.4 * Degree, 143.9 * Degree,
12.8 * Degree / Day, 25.4 * Degree / Day, -104.1 * Degree / Day,

0.028_⑴, 24_⑴ * Degree,
5.7_⑴ * Degree, 15_⑴ * Degree, 15_⑴ * Degree},
169.8 * Degree, 45.5 * Degree, 106.9 * Degree,
-31.1 * Degree / Day, -21.9 * Degree / Day, -97.7 * Degree / Day,

0.0001_⑴, 2.7_⑴ * Degree,
3.0_⑴ * Degree, 2.6_⑴ * Degree, 2.6_⑴ * Degree},
137.3 * Degree, 71.3 * Degree, 22.3 * Degree,
11.8 * Degree / Day, -36.9 * Degree / Day, -94.9 * Degree / Day,

0.028_⑴, 3.4_⑴ * Degree,
3.4_⑴ * Degree, 3.4_⑴ * Degree, 1.1_⑴ * Degree},
103.1 * Degree, 85.2 * Degree, 292.6 * Degree,
35.8 * Degree / Day, -8.9 * Degree / Day, -97.9 * Degree / Day,

0.0009_⑴, 0.8_⑴ * Degree,
3.1_⑴ * Degree, 1.4_⑴ * Degree, 3.4_⑴ * Degree},
77.0 * Degree, 85.7 * Degree, 225.5 * Degree,
31.0 * Degree / Day, 17.0 * Degree / Day, -96.3 * Degree / Day,

0.022_⑴, 1.0_⑴ * Degree,
2.8_⑴ * Degree, 1.6_⑴ * Degree, 2.7_⑴ * Degree},
42.8 * Degree, 70.2 * Degree, 133.2 * Degree,
-1.3 * Degree / Day, 37.0 * Degree / Day, -95.9 * Degree / Day,

0.025_⑴, 2.2_⑴ * Degree,
2.0_⑴ * Degree, 3.2_⑴ * Degree, 2.6_⑴ * Degree},
13.7 * Degree, 44.4 * Degree, 51.9 * Degree,
-38.3 * Degree / Day, 17.9 * Degree / Day, -97.3 * Degree / Day,

0.013_⑴, 3.4_⑴ * Degree,
2.5_⑴ * Degree, 5.3_⑴ * Degree, 5.3_⑴ * Degree},
323.7 * Degree, 14.0 * Degree, 0.0 * Degree,
-70.5 * Degree / Day, -30.6 * Degree / Day, -91.1 * Degree / Day,

0.119_⑴, 22_⑴ * Degree,
4.1_⑴ * Degree, 3.8_⑴ * Degree, 4.5_⑴ * Degree},
193.2 * Degree, 24.4 * Degree, 21.4 * Degree,
22.1 * Degree / Day, -26.6 * Degree / Day, -96.6 * Degree / Day,

0.026_⑴, 4.9_⑴ * Degree,
3.2_⑴ * Degree, 8.2_⑴ * Degree, 8.0_⑴ * Degree},
165.1 * Degree, 46.4 * Degree, 310.6 * Degree,
33.4 * Degree / Day, -3.4 * Degree / Day, -93.7 * Degree / Day,

0.052_⑴, 2.6_⑴ * Degree,
7.3_⑴ * Degree, 5.8_⑴ * Degree, 8.0_⑴ * Degree},
130.6 * Degree, 76.1 * Degree, 234.9 * Degree,
12.6 * Degree / Day, 33.9 * Degree / Day, -94.0 * Degree / Day,

0.045_⑴, 2.1_⑴ * Degree,
0.8_⑴ * Degree, 1.1_⑴ * Degree, 1.2_⑴ * Degree},
91.6 * Degree, 81.6 * Degree, 142.4 * Degree,
-24.3 * Degree / Day, 29.6 * Degree / Day, -102.0 * Degree / Day,

0.036_⑴, 2.1_⑴ * Degree,
5.6_⑴ * Degree, 6.3_⑴ * Degree, 4.1_⑴ * Degree},
86.2 * Degree, 85.0 * Degree, 0.3 * Degree,
-0.4 * Degree / Day, -36.2 * Degree / Day, -98.9 * Degree / Day,

0.0005_⑴, 40_⑴ * Degree,
29_⑴ * Degree, 122_⑴ * Degree, 131_⑴ * Degree}};

for (auto const& observation : observations) {
Instant const& t = observation.t;
TakahashiAttitudeRotation const takahashi_expected_attitude(
AngularVelocity<TakahashiPrincipalAxes> const
{observation.ω₁, observation.ω₂, observation.ω₃});

Solver::AttitudeRotation const expected_attitude =
(takahashi_expected_attitude.Forget() *
AngularVelocity<PrincipalAxes> const expected_angular_velocity =

auto actual_angular_momentum = solver.AngularMomentumAt(t);
auto actual_angular_velocity =
auto actual_attitude = solver.AttitudeAt(actual_angular_momentum, t);

AngleBetween(actual_angular_velocity, expected_angular_velocity),

EXPECT_THAT(AngleBetween(actual_attitude(e1), expected_attitude(e1)),
EXPECT_THAT(AngleBetween(actual_attitude(e2), expected_attitude(e2)),
EXPECT_THAT(AngleBetween(actual_attitude(e3), expected_attitude(e3)),

} // namespace physics