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base repository: m-labs/nmigen-soc
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base: 1f20170dbe32
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head repository: m-labs/nmigen-soc
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compare: dc918fc20b66
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  • 1 commit
  • 5 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Oct 21, 2019

  1. csr.bus: add CSRElement and CSRMultiplexer.

    whitequark committed Oct 21, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    dc918fc View commit details
Showing with 507 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +4 −0 .gitignore
  2. 0 nmigen_soc/csr/
  3. +255 −0 nmigen_soc/csr/
  4. 0 nmigen_soc/test/
  5. +248 −0 nmigen_soc/test/
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,3 +2,7 @@

# tests
Empty file added nmigen_soc/csr/
Empty file.
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions nmigen_soc/csr/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
from functools import reduce
from nmigen import *
from nmigen import tracer

__all__ = ["CSRElement", "CSRMultiplexer"]

class CSRElement(Record):
"""Peripheral-side CSR interface.
A low-level interface to a single atomically readable and writable register in a peripheral.
This interface supports any register width and semantics, provided that both reads and writes
always succeed and complete in one cycle.
width : int
Width of the register.
name : str
Name of the underlying record.
r_data : Signal(width)
Read data. Must be always valid, and is sampled when ``r_stb`` is asserted.
r_stb : Signal()
Read strobe. Registers with read side effects should perform the read side effect when this
strobe is asserted.
w_data : Signal(width)
Write data. Valid only when ``w_stb`` is asserted.
w_stb : Signal()
Write strobe. Registers should update their value or perform the write side effect when
this strobe is asserted.
def __init__(self, width, access, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
if not isinstance(width, int) or width < 0:
raise ValueError("Width must be a non-negative integer, not {!r}"
if access not in ("r", "w", "rw"):
raise ValueError("Access mode must be one of \"r\", \"w\", or \"rw\", not {!r}"

self.width = int(width)
self.access = access

layout = []
if "r" in self.access:
layout += [
("r_data", width),
("r_stb", 1),
if "w" in self.access:
layout += [
("w_data", width),
("w_stb", 1),
super().__init__(layout, name=name, src_loc_at=1)

class CSRMultiplexer(Elaboratable):
"""CPU-side CSR interface.
A low-level interface to a set of peripheral CSR registers that implements address-based
multiplexing and atomic updates of wide registers.
The CSR multiplexer splits each CSR register into chunks according to its data width. Each
chunk is assigned an address, and the first chunk of each register always has the provided
minimum alignment. This allows accessing CSRs of any size using any datapath width.
When the first chunk of a register is read, the value of a register is captured, and reads
from subsequent chunks of the same register return the captured values. When any chunk except
the last chunk of a register is written, the written value is captured; a write to the last
chunk writes the captured value to the register. This allows atomically accessing CSRs larger
than datapath width.
Reads to padding bytes return zeroes, and writes to padding bytes are ignored.
Writes are registered, and add 1 cycle of latency.
Wide registers
Because the CSR bus conserves logic and routing resources, it is common to e.g. access
a CSR bus with an *n*-bit data path from a CPU with a *k*-bit datapath in cases where CSR
access latency is less important than resource usage. In this case, two strategies are
possible for connecting the CSR bus to the CPU:
* The CPU could access the CSR bus directly (with no intervening logic other than simple
translation of control signals). In this case, the register alignment should be set
to 1, and each *w*-bit register would occupy *ceil(w/n)* addresses from the CPU
perspective, requiring the same amount of memory instructions to access.
* The CPU could also access the CSR bus through a width down-converter, which would issue
*k/n* CSR accesses for each CPU access. In this case, the register alignment should be
set to *k/n*, and each *w*-bit register would occupy *ceil(w/k)* addresses from the CPU
perspective, requiring the same amount of memory instructions to access.
If alignment is greater than 1, it affects which CSR bus write is considered a write to
the last register chunk. For example, if a 24-bit register is used with a 8-bit CSR bus and
a CPU with a 32-bit datapath, a write to this register requires 4 CSR bus writes to complete
and the 4th write is the one that actually writes the value to the register. This allows
determining write latency solely from the amount of addresses the register occupies in
the CPU address space, and the width of the CSR bus.
addr_width : int
Address width. At most ``(2 ** addr_width) * data_width`` register bits will be available.
data_width : int
Data width. Registers are accessed in ``data_width`` sized chunks.
alignment : int
Register alignment. The address assigned to each register will be a multiple of
``2 ** alignment``.
addr : Signal(addr_width)
Address for reads and writes.
r_data : Signal(data_width)
Read data. Valid on the next cycle after ``r_stb`` is asserted.
r_stb : Signal()
Read strobe. If ``addr`` points to the first chunk of a register, captures register value
and causes read side effects to be performed (if any). If ``addr`` points to any chunk
of a register, latches the captured value to ``r_data``. Otherwise, latches zero
to ``r_data``.
w_data : Signal(data_width)
Write data. Must be valid when ``w_stb`` is asserted.
w_stb : Signal()
Write strobe. If ``addr`` points to the last chunk of a register, writes captured value
to the register and causes write side effects to be performed (if any). If ``addr`` points
to any chunk of a register, latches ``w_data`` to the captured value. Otherwise, does
def __init__(self, *, addr_width, data_width, alignment=0):
if not isinstance(addr_width, int) or addr_width <= 0:
raise ValueError("Address width must be a positive integer, not {!r}"
if not isinstance(data_width, int) or data_width <= 0:
raise ValueError("Data width must be a positive integer, not {!r}"
if not isinstance(alignment, int) or alignment < 0:
raise ValueError("Alignment must be a non-negative integer, not {!r}"

self.addr_width = int(addr_width)
self.data_width = int(data_width)
self.alignment = alignment

self._next_addr = 0
self._elements = dict()

self.addr = Signal(addr_width)
self.r_data = Signal(data_width)
self.r_stb = Signal()
self.w_data = Signal(data_width)
self.w_stb = Signal()

def add(self, element):
"""Add a register.
element : CSRElement
Interface of the register.
Return value
An ``(addr, size)`` tuple, where ``addr`` is the address assigned to the first chunk of
the register, and ``size`` is the amount of chunks it takes, which may be greater than
``element.size // self.data_width`` due to alignment.
if not isinstance(element, CSRElement):
raise TypeError("Element must be an instance of CSRElement, not {!r}"

addr = self.align_to(self.alignment)
self._next_addr += (element.width + self.data_width - 1) // self.data_width
size = self.align_to(self.alignment) - addr
self._elements[addr] = element, size
return addr, size

def align_to(self, alignment):
"""Align the next register explicitly.
alignment : int
Register alignment. The address assigned to the next register will be a multiple of
``2 ** alignment`` or ``2 ** self.alignment``, whichever is greater.
Return value
Address of the next register.
if not isinstance(alignment, int) or alignment < 0:
raise ValueError("Alignment must be a non-negative integer, not {!r}"

align_chunks = 1 << alignment
if self._next_addr % align_chunks != 0:
self._next_addr += align_chunks - (self._next_addr % align_chunks)
return self._next_addr

def elaborate(self, platform):
m = Module()

# Instead of a straightforward multiplexer for reads, use a per-element address comparator,
# clear the shadow register when it does not match, and OR every selected shadow register
# part to form the output. This can save a significant amount of logic; the size of
# a complete k-OR or k-MUX gate tree for n inputs is `s = ceil((n - 1) / (k - 1))`,
# and its logic depth is `ceil(log_k(s))`, but a 4-LUT can implement either a 4-OR or
# a 2-MUX gate.
r_data_fanin = 0

for elem_addr, (elem, elem_size) in self._elements.items():
shadow = Signal(elem.width, name="{}__shadow".format(
if "w" in elem.access:
m.d.comb += elem.w_data.eq(shadow)

# Enumerate every address used by the register explicitly, rather than using
# arithmetic comparisons, since some toolchains (e.g. Yosys) are too eager to infer
# carry chains for comparisons, even with a constant. (Register sizes don't have
# to be powers of 2.)
with m.Switch(self.addr):
for chunk_offset in range(elem_size):
chunk_slice = slice(chunk_offset * self.data_width,
(chunk_offset + 1) * self.data_width)
with m.Case(elem_addr + chunk_offset):
if "r" in elem.access:
chunk_r_stb = Signal(self.data_width,
name="{}__r_stb_{}".format(, chunk_offset))
r_data_fanin |= Mux(chunk_r_stb, shadow[chunk_slice], 0)
if chunk_offset == 0:
m.d.comb += elem.r_stb.eq(self.r_stb)
with m.If(self.r_stb):
m.d.sync += shadow.eq(elem.r_data)
# Delay by 1 cycle, allowing reads to be pipelined.
m.d.sync += chunk_r_stb.eq(self.r_stb)

if "w" in elem.access:
if chunk_offset == elem_size - 1:
# Delay by 1 cycle, avoiding combinatorial paths through
# the CSR bus and into CSR registers.
m.d.sync += elem.w_stb.eq(self.w_stb)
with m.If(self.w_stb):
m.d.sync += shadow[chunk_slice].eq(self.w_data)

with m.Default():
m.d.sync += shadow.eq(0)

m.d.comb += self.r_data.eq(r_data_fanin)

return m
Empty file added nmigen_soc/test/
Empty file.
248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions nmigen_soc/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
import unittest
from nmigen import *
from nmigen.hdl.rec import Layout
from nmigen.back.pysim import *

from ..csr.bus import *

class CSRElementTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_1_ro(self):
elem = CSRElement(1, "r")
self.assertEqual(elem.width, 1)
self.assertEqual(elem.access, "r")
self.assertEqual(elem.layout, Layout.cast([
("r_data", 1),
("r_stb", 1),

def test_8_rw(self):
elem = CSRElement(8, access="rw")
self.assertEqual(elem.width, 8)
self.assertEqual(elem.access, "rw")
self.assertEqual(elem.layout, Layout.cast([
("r_data", 8),
("r_stb", 1),
("w_data", 8),
("w_stb", 1),

def test_10_wo(self):
elem = CSRElement(10, "w")
self.assertEqual(elem.width, 10)
self.assertEqual(elem.access, "w")
self.assertEqual(elem.layout, Layout.cast([
("w_data", 10),
("w_stb", 1),

def test_0_rw(self): # degenerate but legal case
elem = CSRElement(0, access="rw")
self.assertEqual(elem.width, 0)
self.assertEqual(elem.access, "rw")
self.assertEqual(elem.layout, Layout.cast([
("r_data", 0),
("r_stb", 1),
("w_data", 0),
("w_stb", 1),

def test_width_wrong(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
r"Width must be a non-negative integer, not -1"):
CSRElement(-1, "rw")

def test_access_wrong(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
r"Access mode must be one of \"r\", \"w\", or \"rw\", not 'wo'"):
CSRElement(1, "wo")

class CSRMultiplexerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.dut = CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=16, data_width=8)

def test_addr_width_wrong(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
r"Address width must be a positive integer, not -1"):
CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=-1, data_width=8)

def test_data_width_wrong(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
r"Data width must be a positive integer, not -1"):
CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=16, data_width=-1)

def test_alignment_wrong(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
r"Alignment must be a non-negative integer, not -1"):
CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=16, data_width=8, alignment=-1)

def test_attrs(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.addr_width, 16)
self.assertEqual(self.dut.data_width, 8)
self.assertEqual(self.dut.alignment, 0)

def test_add_4b(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(4, "rw")),
(0, 1))

def test_add_8b(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(0, 1))

def test_add_12b(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(12, "rw")),
(0, 2))

def test_add_16b(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(16, "rw")),
(0, 2))

def test_add_two(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(16, "rw")),
(0, 2))
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(2, 1))

def test_add_wrong(self):
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
r"Width must be a non-negative integer, not -1"):
CSRElement(-1, "rw")

def test_align_to(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(0, 1))
self.assertEqual(self.dut.align_to(2), 4)
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(4, 1))

def test_sim(self):
elem_4_r = CSRElement(4, "r")
elem_8_w = CSRElement(8, "w")
elem_16_rw = CSRElement(16, "rw")

def sim_test():
yield elem_4_r.r_data.eq(0xa)
yield elem_16_rw.r_data.eq(0x5aa5)

yield self.dut.addr.eq(0)
yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(1)
yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_4_r.r_stb), 1)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.r_stb), 0)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.r_data), 0xa)

yield self.dut.addr.eq(2)
yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(1)
yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_4_r.r_stb), 0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.r_stb), 1)
yield self.dut.addr.eq(3) # pipeline a read
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.r_data), 0xa5)

yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(1)
yield self.dut.r_stb.eq(0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_4_r.r_stb), 0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.r_stb), 0)
self.assertEqual((yield self.dut.r_data), 0x5a)

yield self.dut.addr.eq(1)
yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0x3d)
yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(1)
yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_stb), 1)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_data), 0x3d)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_stb), 0)

yield self.dut.addr.eq(2)
yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0x55)
yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(1)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_stb), 0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_stb), 0)
yield self.dut.addr.eq(3) # pipeline a write
yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0xaa)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_stb), 0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_stb), 0)
yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_8_w.w_stb), 0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_stb), 1)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_16_rw.w_data), 0xaa55)

with Simulator(self.dut, vcd_file=open("test.vcd", "w")) as sim:

class CSRAlignedMultiplexerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.dut = CSRMultiplexer(addr_width=16, data_width=8, alignment=2)

def test_attrs(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.alignment, 2)

def test_add_two(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(0, 4))
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(16, "rw")),
(4, 4))

def test_over_align_to(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(0, 4))
self.assertEqual(self.dut.align_to(3), 8)
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(8, 4))

def test_under_align_to(self):
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(0, 4))
self.assertEqual(self.dut.align_to(1), 4)
self.assertEqual(self.dut.add(CSRElement(8, "rw")),
(4, 4))

def test_sim(self):
elem_20_rw = CSRElement(20, "rw")

def sim_test():
yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(1)
yield self.dut.addr.eq(0)
yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0x55)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 0)
yield self.dut.addr.eq(1)
yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0xaa)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 0)
yield self.dut.addr.eq(2)
yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0x33)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 0)
yield self.dut.addr.eq(3)
yield self.dut.w_data.eq(0xdd)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 0)
yield self.dut.w_stb.eq(0)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_stb), 1)
self.assertEqual((yield elem_20_rw.w_data), 0x3aa55)

with Simulator(self.dut, vcd_file=open("test.vcd", "w")) as sim: