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Moving PR from draft to ready to review doesn't trigger TC #20587

gsnedders opened this issue Dec 3, 2019 · 6 comments

Moving PR from draft to ready to review doesn't trigger TC #20587

gsnedders opened this issue Dec 3, 2019 · 6 comments


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cc/ @jgraham

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Is this new as of the decision task change, or was it true before as well?

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jgraham commented Dec 4, 2019

Hmm, this is supposed to work. We check for the ready_for_review action on the event and trigger if that's set. Do you have a PR where this didn't work?

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Member Author

@jgraham #20459 (comment)

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foolip commented Feb 12, 2020

This may have happened in #21724. @jgraham closed and reopened to fix it.

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stephenmcgruer commented May 4, 2020

This is 100% reproducible, as far as I know. #23396 is an example; TaskCluster just stays at Community-TC (pull_request) Expected — Waiting for status to be reported.

I can't see the logs for what is sent to TaskCluster because it's an app, but from another webhook that PR dumped the below event payload. The event.action seems to be 'ready_for_reviewandevent.pull_request.draftseems to befalse`, so is there some internal TaskCluster problem?

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We started running Taskcluster on draft reviews, so this is no longer relevant.

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4 participants