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base repository: m-labs/nmigen
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base: af7224de5dba
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head repository: m-labs/nmigen
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compare: 378e92428078
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  • 1 commit
  • 9 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Sep 20, 2019

  1. hdl.ast: rename nbits to width.

    Also, replace `bits, sign = x.shape()` with more idiomatic
    `width, signed = x.shape()`.
    This unifies all properties corresponding to `len(x)` to `x.width`.
    (Not all values have a `width` property.)
    Fixes #210.
    whitequark committed Sep 20, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    378e924 View commit details
Showing with 106 additions and 90 deletions.
  1. +1 −1 nmigen/back/
  2. +12 −12 nmigen/back/
  3. +75 −59 nmigen/hdl/
  4. +3 −3 nmigen/hdl/
  5. +4 −4 nmigen/hdl/
  6. +2 −2 nmigen/hdl/
  7. +3 −3 nmigen/test/
  8. +2 −2 nmigen/test/
  9. +4 −4 nmigen/test/
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion nmigen/back/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ def add_domain_signal(signal, domain):
var_init = signal.decoder(signal.reset).expandtabs().replace(" ", "_")
var_type = "wire"
var_size = signal.nbits
var_size = signal.width
var_init = signal.reset

suffix = None
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions nmigen/back/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -283,12 +283,12 @@ def resolve(self, signal, prefix=None):
wire_name =

wire_curr = self.rtlil.wire(width=signal.nbits, name=wire_name,
wire_curr = self.rtlil.wire(width=signal.width, name=wire_name,
port_id=port_id, port_kind=port_kind,
if signal in self.driven and self.driven[signal]:
wire_next = self.rtlil.wire(width=signal.nbits, name=wire_curr + "$next",
wire_next = self.rtlil.wire(width=signal.width, name=wire_curr + "$next",
wire_next = None
@@ -403,10 +403,10 @@ def on_value(self, value):

def on_Const(self, value):
if isinstance(value.value, str):
return "{}'{}".format(value.nbits, value.value)
return "{}'{}".format(value.width, value.value)
value_twos_compl = value.value & ((1 << value.nbits) - 1)
return "{}'{:0{}b}".format(value.nbits, value_twos_compl, value.nbits)
value_twos_compl = value.value & ((1 << value.width) - 1)
return "{}'{:0{}b}".format(value.width, value_twos_compl, value.width)

def on_AnyConst(self, value):
if value in self.s.anys:
@@ -703,13 +703,13 @@ def on_statement(self, stmt):
except LegalizeValue as legalize:
with self._case.switch(self.rhs_compiler(legalize.value),
src=src(legalize.src_loc)) as switch:
bits, sign = legalize.value.shape()
tests = ["{:0{}b}".format(v, bits) for v in legalize.branches]
tests[-1] = "-" * bits
width, signed = legalize.value.shape()
tests = ["{:0{}b}".format(v, width) for v in legalize.branches]
tests[-1] = "-" * width
for branch, test in zip(legalize.branches, tests):
with, (test,)):
self._wrap_assign = False
branch_value = ast.Const(branch, (bits, sign))
branch_value = ast.Const(branch, (width, signed))
with self.state.expand_to(legalize.value, branch_value):
self._wrap_assign = True
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ def _convert_fragment(builder, fragment, name_map, hierarchy):
if signal not in group_signals:
if domain is None:
prev_value = ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.nbits)
prev_value = ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.width)
prev_value = signal
case.assign(lhs_compiler(signal), rhs_compiler(prev_value))
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ def _convert_fragment(builder, fragment, name_map, hierarchy):
if signal not in group_signals:
wire_curr, wire_next = compiler_state.resolve(signal)
sync.update(wire_curr, rhs_compiler(ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.nbits)))
sync.update(wire_curr, rhs_compiler(ast.Const(signal.reset, signal.width)))

# The Verilog simulator trigger needs to change at time 0, so if we haven't
# yet done that in some process, do it.
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ def _convert_fragment(builder, fragment, name_map, hierarchy):
if wire in driven:
wire_curr, _ = compiler_state.wires[wire]
module.connect(wire_curr, rhs_compiler(ast.Const(wire.reset, wire.nbits)))
module.connect(wire_curr, rhs_compiler(ast.Const(wire.reset, wire.width)))

# Collect the names we've given to our ports in RTLIL, and correlate these with the signals
# represented by these ports. If we are a submodule, this will be necessary to create a cell
134 changes: 75 additions & 59 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ def _enum_shape(enum_type):
max_value = max(member.value for member in enum_type)
if not isinstance(min_value, int) or not isinstance(max_value, int):
raise TypeError("Only enumerations with integer values can be converted to nMigen values")
sign = min_value < 0 or max_value < 0
bits = max(bits_for(min_value, sign), bits_for(max_value, sign))
return (bits, sign)
signed = min_value < 0 or max_value < 0
width = max(bits_for(min_value, signed), bits_for(max_value, signed))
return (width, signed)

def _enum_to_bits(enum_value):
bits, sign = _enum_shape(type(enum_value))
return format(enum_value.value & ((1 << bits) - 1), "b").rjust(bits, "0")
width, signed = _enum_shape(type(enum_value))
return format(enum_value.value & ((1 << width) - 1), "b").rjust(width, "0")

class Value(metaclass=ABCMeta):
@@ -347,24 +347,23 @@ class Const(Value):
value : int
shape : int or tuple or None
Either an integer `bits` or a tuple `(bits, signed)`
specifying the number of bits in this `Const` and whether it is
signed (can represent negative values). `shape` defaults
to the minimum width and signedness of `value`.
Either an integer ``width`` or a tuple ``(width, signed)`` specifying the number of bits
in this constant and whether it is signed (can represent negative values).
``shape`` defaults to the minimum possible width and signedness of ``value``.
nbits : int
width : int
signed : bool
src_loc = None

def normalize(value, shape):
nbits, signed = shape
mask = (1 << nbits) - 1
width, signed = shape
mask = (1 << width) - 1
value &= mask
if signed and value >> (nbits - 1):
if signed and value >> (width - 1):
value |= ~mask
return value

@@ -375,14 +374,20 @@ def __init__(self, value, shape=None):
shape = bits_for(self.value), self.value < 0
if isinstance(shape, int):
shape = shape, self.value < 0
self.nbits, self.signed = shape
if not isinstance(self.nbits, int) or self.nbits < 0:
self.width, self.signed = shape
if not isinstance(self.width, int) or self.width < 0:
raise TypeError("Width must be a non-negative integer, not '{!r}'"
self.value = self.normalize(self.value, shape)

# TODO(nmigen-0.2): move this to nmigen.compat and make it a deprecated extension
@deprecated("instead of `const.nbits`, use `const.width`")
def nbits(self):
return self.width

def shape(self):
return self.nbits, self.signed
return self.width, self.signed

def _rhs_signals(self):
return ValueSet()
@@ -391,7 +396,7 @@ def _as_const(self):
return self.value

def __repr__(self):
return "(const {}'{}d{})".format(self.nbits, "s" if self.signed else "", self.value)
return "(const {}'{}d{})".format(self.width, "s" if self.signed else "", self.value)

C = Const # shorthand
@@ -402,13 +407,13 @@ def __init__(self, shape, *, src_loc_at=0):
if isinstance(shape, int):
shape = shape, False
self.nbits, self.signed = shape
if not isinstance(self.nbits, int) or self.nbits < 0:
self.width, self.signed = shape
if not isinstance(self.width, int) or self.width < 0:
raise TypeError("Width must be a non-negative integer, not '{!r}'"

def shape(self):
return self.nbits, self.signed
return self.width, self.signed

def _rhs_signals(self):
return ValueSet()
@@ -453,41 +458,41 @@ def _bitwise_binary_shape(a_shape, b_shape):
def shape(self):
op_shapes = list(map(lambda x: x.shape(), self.operands))
if len(op_shapes) == 1:
(a_bits, a_sign), = op_shapes
(a_width, a_signed), = op_shapes
if self.op in ("+", "~"):
return a_bits, a_sign
return a_width, a_signed
if self.op == "-":
if not a_sign:
return a_bits + 1, True
if not a_signed:
return a_width + 1, True
return a_bits, a_sign
return a_width, a_signed
if self.op in ("b", "r|", "r&", "r^"):
return 1, False
elif len(op_shapes) == 2:
(a_bits, a_sign), (b_bits, b_sign) = op_shapes
(a_width, a_signed), (b_width, b_signed) = op_shapes
if self.op == "+" or self.op == "-":
bits, sign = self._bitwise_binary_shape(*op_shapes)
return bits + 1, sign
width, signed = self._bitwise_binary_shape(*op_shapes)
return width + 1, signed
if self.op == "*":
return a_bits + b_bits, a_sign or b_sign
return a_width + b_width, a_signed or b_signed
if self.op == "%":
return a_bits, a_sign
return a_width, a_signed
if self.op in ("<", "<=", "==", "!=", ">", ">="):
return 1, False
if self.op in ("&", "^", "|"):
return self._bitwise_binary_shape(*op_shapes)
if self.op == "<<":
if b_sign:
extra = 2 ** (b_bits - 1) - 1
if b_signed:
extra = 2 ** (b_width - 1) - 1
extra = 2 ** (b_bits) - 1
return a_bits + extra, a_sign
extra = 2 ** (b_width) - 1
return a_width + extra, a_signed
if self.op == ">>":
if b_sign:
extra = 2 ** (b_bits - 1)
if b_signed:
extra = 2 ** (b_width - 1)
extra = 0
return a_bits + extra, a_sign
return a_width + extra, a_signed
elif len(op_shapes) == 3:
if self.op == "m":
s_shape, a_shape, b_shape = op_shapes
@@ -683,7 +688,7 @@ class Signal(Value, DUID):
shape : int or tuple or None
Either an integer ``bits`` or a tuple ``(bits, signed)`` specifying the number of bits
Either an integer ``width`` or a tuple ``(width, signed)`` specifying the number of bits
in this ``Signal`` and whether it is signed (can represent negative values).
``shape`` defaults to 1-bit and non-signed.
name : str
@@ -716,7 +721,7 @@ class Signal(Value, DUID):
nbits : int
width : int
signed : bool
name : str
reset : int
@@ -750,27 +755,27 @@ def __init__(self, shape=None, name=None, *, reset=0, reset_less=False, min=None
.format(min, max + 1))
self.signed = min < 0 or max < 0
if min == max:
self.nbits = 0
self.width = 0
self.nbits = builtins.max(bits_for(min, self.signed),
self.width = builtins.max(bits_for(min, self.signed),
bits_for(max, self.signed))

if not (min is None and max is None):
raise ValueError("Only one of bits/signedness or bounds may be specified")
if isinstance(shape, int):
self.nbits, self.signed = shape, False
self.width, self.signed = shape, False
self.nbits, self.signed = shape
self.width, self.signed = shape

if not isinstance(self.nbits, int) or self.nbits < 0:
raise TypeError("Width must be a non-negative integer, not '{!r}'".format(self.nbits))
if not isinstance(self.width, int) or self.width < 0:
raise TypeError("Width must be a non-negative integer, not '{!r}'".format(self.width))

reset_nbits = bits_for(reset, self.signed)
if reset != 0 and reset_nbits > self.nbits:
reset_width = bits_for(reset, self.signed)
if reset != 0 and reset_width > self.width:
warnings.warn("Reset value {!r} requires {} bits to represent, but the signal "
"only has {} bits"
.format(reset, reset_nbits, self.nbits),
.format(reset, reset_width, self.width),
SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2 + src_loc_at)

self.reset = int(reset)
@@ -800,9 +805,9 @@ def range(cls, *args, src_loc_at=0, **kwargs):
signed = value_range.start < 0 or (value_range.stop - value_range.step) < 0
signed = value_range.start < 0
nbits = max(bits_for(value_range.start, signed),
bits_for(value_range.stop - value_range.step, signed))
return cls((nbits, signed), src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at, **kwargs)
width = max(bits_for(value_range.start, signed),
bits_for(value_range.stop - value_range.step, signed))
return cls((width, signed), src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at, **kwargs)

def enum(cls, enum_type, *, src_loc_at=0, **kwargs):
@@ -839,8 +844,19 @@ def like(cls, other, *, name=None, name_suffix=None, src_loc_at=0, **kwargs):
return cls(**kw, src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at)

# TODO(nmigen-0.2): move this to nmigen.compat and make it a deprecated extension
@deprecated("instead of `signal.nbits`, use `signal.width`")
def nbits(self):
return self.width

@deprecated("instead of `signal.nbits = x`, use `signal.width = x`")
def nbits(self, value):
self.width = value

def shape(self):
return self.nbits, self.signed
return self.width, self.signed

def _lhs_signals(self):
return ValueSet((self,))
@@ -1028,11 +1044,11 @@ def _iter_as_values(self):
return (Value.wrap(elem) for elem in self.elems)

def shape(self):
bits, sign = 0, False
for elem_bits, elem_sign in (elem.shape() for elem in self._iter_as_values()):
bits = max(bits, elem_bits + elem_sign)
sign = max(sign, elem_sign)
return bits, sign
width, signed = 0, False
for elem_width, elem_signed in (elem.shape() for elem in self._iter_as_values()):
width = max(width, elem_width + elem_signed)
signed = max(signed, elem_signed)
return width, signed

def _lhs_signals(self):
signals = union((elem._lhs_signals() for elem in self._iter_as_values()), start=ValueSet())
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ def _set_ctrl(self, name, data):

def _check_signed_cond(self, cond):
cond = Value.wrap(cond)
bits, sign = cond.shape()
if sign:
width, signed = cond.shape()
if signed:
warnings.warn("Signed values in If/Elif conditions usually result from inverting "
"Python booleans with ~, which leads to unexpected results: ~True is "
"-2, which is truthful. Replace `~flag` with `not flag`. (If this is "
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ def _pop_ctrl(self):
fsm_state_src_locs = data["state_src_locs"]
if not fsm_states:
fsm_signal.nbits = bits_for(len(fsm_encoding) - 1)
fsm_signal.width = bits_for(len(fsm_encoding) - 1)
if fsm_reset is None:
fsm_signal.reset = fsm_encoding[next(iter(fsm_states))]
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions nmigen/hdl/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ def __init__(self, memory, domain, *, transparent):
def elaborate(self, platform):
f = Instance("$memrd",
p_CLK_ENABLE=self.domain != "comb",
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ def __init__(self, memory, domain, *, priority, granularity):
def elaborate(self, platform):
f = Instance("$memwr",