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base repository: m-labs/nmigen
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base: f8428ff5051c
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head repository: m-labs/nmigen
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compare: 7df70059d148
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  • 1 commit
  • 7 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Nov 28, 2019

  1. back.pysim: redesign the simulator.

    The redesign introduces no fundamental incompatibilities, but it does
    involve minor breaking changes:
      * The simulator commands were moved from hdl.ast to back.pysim
        (instead of only being reexported from back.pysim).
      * back.pysim.DeadlineError was removed.
    Summary of changes:
      * The new simulator compiles HDL to Python code and is >6x faster.
        (The old one compiled HDL to lots of Python lambdas.)
      * The new simulator is a straightforward, rigorous implementation
        of the Synchronous Reactive Programming paradigm, instead of
        a pile of ad-hoc code with no particular design driving it.
      * The new simulator never raises DeadlineError, and there is no
        limit on the amount of delta cycles.
      * The new simulator robustly handles multiclock designs.
      * The new simulator can be reset, such that the compiled design
        can be reused, which can save significant runtime with large
      * Generators can no longer be added as processes, since that would
        break reset(); only generator functions may be. If necessary,
        they may be added by wrapping them into a generator function;
        a deprecated fallback does just that. This workaround will raise
        an exception if the simulator is reset and restarted.
      * The new simulator does not depend on Python extensions.
        (The old one required bitarray, which did not provide wheels.)
    Fixes #28.
    Fixes #34.
    Fixes #160.
    Fixes #161.
    Fixes #215.
    Fixes #242.
    Fixes #262.
    whitequark committed Nov 28, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    7df7005 View commit details
Showing with 1,170 additions and 912 deletions.
  1. +11 −13 examples/basic/
  2. +944 −738 nmigen/back/
  3. +18 −9 nmigen/compat/sim/
  4. +55 −52 nmigen/test/
  5. +50 −50 nmigen/test/
  6. +87 −49 nmigen/test/
  7. +5 −1
24 changes: 11 additions & 13 deletions examples/basic/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -19,17 +19,15 @@ def elaborate(self, platform):

print(verilog.convert(ctr, ports=[ctr.o, ctr.en]))

with pysim.Simulator(ctr,
vcd_file=open("ctrl.vcd", "w"),
gtkw_file=open("ctrl.gtkw", "w"),
traces=[ctr.en, ctr.v, ctr.o]) as sim:
def ce_proc():
yield; yield; yield
yield ctr.en.eq(1)
yield; yield; yield
yield ctr.en.eq(0)
yield; yield; yield
yield ctr.en.eq(1)
sim = pysim.Simulator(ctr)
def ce_proc():
yield; yield; yield
yield ctr.en.eq(1)
yield; yield; yield
yield ctr.en.eq(0)
yield; yield; yield
yield ctr.en.eq(1)
with sim.write_vcd("ctrl.vcd", "ctrl.gtkw", traces=[ctr.en, ctr.v, ctr.o]):
sim.run_until(100e-6, run_passive=True)