>Being assigned to a prison as a guard for local anthro prison >Got in with some recommendations from your instructor >Pulled a few strings to get you in >You're fresh out of the local college >Bachelor's degree criminal justice >Previous experience in counseling as well >Tailborne Federal penitentiary >Place is mainly focused on rehabilitation of prisoners & the such >Pay's pretty good from the looks of it, but hadn't done much research into the place before coming here >Just know it's only anthros >Arrive at the front gates, with one of the councilors you talked to over the phone >You exchange pleasantries with the cheetah woman in question & go off to the offices to meet with the warden >early in the morning, it's a quiet day & you don't really see many people out & about right now, beyond the paper pushers >Meeting finally with the warden, you step into the office of a fairly large Albion crocodile. >A female >The warden turns to you & greets you shaking your hand >Explains how she's finally glad to meet the newest hire after hearing so much about you from your instructor >You try to play it modestly >Saying how you're happy for the opportunity, you claim you're ready to help out in any way possible around the place & are anxious to start >Laughing it off, she says you'll have plenty of time for that >Looking to the clock you realise just how early it is >6:21am >Day doesn't start until 7am sharp >The warden then politely offers to buy you a coffee before the day starts proper >With a quick show around the offices, you are shown toward the break lounge >Pretty comfy looking. >A pair of couches, tv, fridge, & microwave. Of course a big ol' coffee vending machine >Nice >as you get your coffee dispensed you do some small talk with the warden before finally getting a nice hot cup of joe >Not too long after that the first of the guards show up >Turning to wave at her >then another woman steps in as well. >Well turning to wave at both of them now >Both wolves that easily have 2ft on you in height >>You're told that they will be going with you on your first rounds to help you get acclimated to your surroundings >Sounds simple enough >Given a uniform to change into, you make it back just before 7:00AM and are immediately on the clock. >Officers July & Lupa both meet up with you soon after as you make your way down to the cell blocks >Officer July takes the lead & starts on the morning rounds, making sure that everyone is where they should be and that she doesn't have a Shawshank situation on her hands... Err well paws >With a clipboard in hand you go down the line with her as she start shouting off the first names on the list >It isn't until you hear the first voice that something clicks for a moment >In the cell is a large hyena woman with a severely scarred & disfigured muzzle with almost a sweet look on her face & a butch hair cut >You paused at this for a moment >Then with a single sentence from one of the prisoners, a shit show started >"No fucking way, man meat's on the menu!" >"Man meat? What?" >"Fresh meat girls!" >"Fox in the hen house! Fuck yeah!" >Many muzzles begin suddenly jutting out from the bars as hooting & hollering begins quickly spreading through the cell block >The other guards start shouting back at the prisoners to try & calm down the situation >Suddenly you feel dozens of eyes on you as the prisoners shouting grows louder >The tell tale signs of hyena yapping echoes through the block as well >"Hey hunk over here! I'll let you put some handcuffs on me alright!" >"Yo officers, what you packing?" >The guards are of course ignored by much of this >You're a bit confused as this point >Shit were you seriously sent to a female prison? >There had to have been a mix up in the middle of all this. >Seeing the situation was getting out of hand, your fellow guards (that you've now taken the opportunity to see Are all in fact woman as well) take out some ear protection >Then a whistle is pulled out >"Shreecher!" >All that's shouted by one last prisoner before the whistle is blown >Many of the prisoners go quite as they drop away from the bars clutching their ears >You of course don't hear anything beyond the whimpers of the cell block >After a few moments that seem to carry on a bit longer than you expected the whistle blower of officer July pulls the whistle out of her mouth & the block goes quite >You all the meanwhile stand there awkwardly as you try to maintain a calm demeanor >Taking off their ear protection the officers in the room now count among 5 new guards, ranging from a pair of gators, a cheetah, a lion & what you were to guess was a snow leopard >"ROLL CALL MEANS SHUT YOUR MOUTHS UNTIL YOUR NAME'S CALLED! NOW! SHUT UP! HIMERESS!" >"...here..." >Well. That sure happened. Officer lupa & July urge you to keep up with them as they go down the list of prisoners >The awkward quite begins growing in a low mumbling as the prisoners begin talking amongst each other again & a few start trying to peek through their cell bars trying to catch a sniff towards you even >"Hayswater... Betrny... Clemmons..." >"sup" >"yeah" >"i hear ye" >Passing by another cell one by one you feel hungry eyes locked on you >The hyena gals make kissy faces at you, suggestively lick between their fingers, & a few even do some kind of almost flashing at you >This.... Wasn't what you were expecting >a female prison is one thing >a female anthro prison is another >a female anthro prison where the prisoners immediately start acting like... Well like that "little" outburst >sure you had gone through all the proper courses to qualify for this job, but that wasn't What you- >your thoughts are cut off as a arm suddenly extended from between the bars & grabbed your tie >holy shit that's some arms reach >A hyena gal >this one makes the other two your with look like pip squeaks. Easily 3-4ft taller than you >she yanks you against the bars >hard >she begins roughly sniffing into your collar & shoulder, & quickly gives several wide & quite frankly sloppy licks across your neck >You're definitely thrown off by this >You quickly try to pull back from this, but with another slamming pull, you're slammed against the bars once again >that's gonna leave a bruise >She's now fervently sniffing & trying to lick & kiss you >With a yank by officer Lupa, you're thrown backwards away from the cell bars as a nightstick is pulled out & cracks the prisoner across the inside of her elbows bend from officer July >"You just earned yourself a week in the hole!" >Officer Lupa kneels down, helping you up >"Are you ok anon?" >The only thing that hurts is slight bruising & your ego you assure her >Wouldn't mind a wet wipe to clean off the slobber though, but you opt to just use your sleeve >You decide to take a deep breath & simply encourage the continuing of the rounds >The rest of this portion goes fairly uneventful after that however >Seeing one of the other prisoners get a clubbing seemed to have calmed some of the urges of the prisoners...for the time being at least >After finishing his count at around 9:00AM, a senior correctional officer follows by double-checking their numbers. >In essence, the job of all of these guards is to maintain status quo >i.e., days when nothing happens are a victory. >Each clock tick is a clap of applause for a job well done. >When nothing happens at least.... >At least that's how officer Lupa had put it >After the morning count, You Are told next on the docket is to accompany a group of inmates to a classroom >they're going to be taught basic English, hoping to earn their GED/high school equivalency exam. >the wardens hope, so that they can become a tradesman after they're released in a few years Officer Lupa explains >These are the lucky and motivated prisoners who still believe they have a life. >or at least are on good enough behavior to be given the opportunity >Most of the others usually just end up playing poker for cigarettes and other favors >Not too big of a surprise there at least >with the other guards on standby, the good noodle club gets set free first, with their cells being opened >among them is that one with the torn up muzzle all scarred to shit >there's also a big burly girl with a haircut that largely covers her eyes >Scattered in behind them is a few other yeens, one being exceptionally short by anthro standards >you think that even you might be taller than her >she looks incredibly bored >the others in tow all seem to be of varying degrees of fairly inconsequential as they begin blending in with one another >with a knock & rasp of her stick, officer Lupa begins leading the group down & out of the cell block, with you & two other officers bringing up the rear of the line >You could swear a few of the prisoners were trying to flash you along the way but with a quick shout coming from one of the anthro guards, they fall back in line >it isn't long until you make it to the library of the complex >& yeah, its an actual library & all that >Modern monitor computers >rows & rows of shelves of books >Carts & trolleys & all that jazz >fairly straight forward really >the prisoner escorts, with a nod from the guards scatter among the library & go about their would be learning time >as you begin slowly walking through the library, you double check your walkie. Check. Your club. Check. & you are sure to keep enough distance between you & the yeens... & tight corners, all the while making sure to keep an eye out of them >Most go about their allotted time reading & such, though you do spot the mutilated muzzle girl from earlier >Pushing a trolly, she's actually restocking the shelves >Looking at her muzzle you actually manage to get a better look at it >A scar starting (or ending) above her muzzle, between her eyes. It goes down towards the side of her mouth where a... Well a hole left in her muzzle exposes her teeth at all times & even carving a small portion of her left nostril. >It doesn't look like oral cancer >Or oral ulcers >It looks like someone ripped through it & tore a chunk of flesh out >Though from the scar tissue's look, it must have been a long time ago >"Uhh.... did you need something officer?" >Wat >Oh shit you've been staring >& you were walking. >You're like 10ft from her just... Staring >You stop there awkwardly for a moment or two before clearing your throat & apologising to her >she gives a toothy grin & mutters... Something >you couldn't really make that out >she gives your a lascivious look before seemingly having an internal debate, taking a step towards you >An outstretched arm darts towards you & then... Oh she was grabbing a book behind you >Though she does linger a bit, standing over you as she leans down, sniffing the top of your head >Then simply walks away with the trolley. >You could swear you heard her say something, but damned if you could tell what it was >After making sure she didn't pick pocket anything off you, you wonder just what that was about >The rest of the library is quite, as one would expect >Beyond the ruffling of papers, or sounds of chairs scraping against the hardwood floor, the only other thing that was audible enough to hear was a pair of women at the far end of the library, going back & forth as one was apparently reading to the other from a history book >"& when did the Gaul invade Rome?" >"shit...uhh I know dis one..." >The smaller woman had a bright blue collar around her neck & was apparently trying to learn about Roman history >The one with the book, meanwhile had a cigarette... No that's a sucker.. A sucker hanging out of her mouth >"come on baby girl, i know you know this one, it's the easiest in the book" >"I know this shit, uhhh..." >With a hand cupping the collared girls face, the would be teacher begins scratching along & under her chin >Soon after, the sounds of what you can only assume are hyena whimpering & a foot bouncing off the floor >The collared yeen's eyes become wistful in their gaze with their mouth hung open >"i... Know this I swear I do..." >"say it with me. Three hundred ninety bc. That's my girl" >390bc? Huh you learned something.... >Who are the Gauls anyways? >Then as you walk past the two, idly listening to the conversation for a lack of any thing better to do, the lollipop gal, tilts her head & looks at you over her shoulder >"Hey officer, you wanna join in on this lesson? I think I need to give my girl here some proper motivation, & you look like you'd fit the bill" >A wide toothy grin is thrown your way, as she waves the book in her hand, all the while she still scratches the muzzle of the collared one >You take a breath & give a polite decline to the offer >"You sure? Hey, offers open, I could always use another teacher's pet" >you assure them you're more than sure >Walking past them, she snakes a hand out & takes the opportunity to grab your ass with a pinch >You grab your nightstick as she quickly draws her hand back & holds them up & out in a defensive manner >don't push it >heading back to the front of the library, you meet back up with Lupa & Lucy who have taken seats by the doors >Pulling up a chair you sit with them with a sigh as officer Lupa is the first to speak up >"The pinnacle of excitement, am I right?" >Excitement seems to be what's going on around here you suppose. You do manage to speak up on how handsy the prisoners seem to be >"Whatcha expect? Most These girls in here haven't seen a real man in months if not years." >"You do seem to be the popular one around here today" >"Half em are either on their way of becoming dykes or are wound up like springs" >They're... Quite candid with how they're talking >"Too far?" >Not really too much per say, just a bit unexpected. This is probably the most attention you've ever gotten come to think of it. Though as a prison guard you wonder if you actually want to draw attention to yourself >"Well it's a little late for that. Word's gonna spread like wildfire. Hope you enjoy being popular." >"Ignore July, but look. We got your back. You're never gonna be too far from help round here. & tomorrow you'll get your assigned partner. I think the warden assigned Abby to you" >Abby huh? Sounds like an alright name. >As you continue to shoot the shit with your fellow correctional officers, you find yourself occasionally getting up to do another round around the library, heading up & down the aisles >Beyond the occasional book being on the ground, or not pushed in all the way, you find it incredibly uneventful, beyond catching sight of the would be teacher pet combo going about their lessons &... Well teasing >You keep an eye out for pretty much anything else, but it goes quietly >You're just anxious you guess >Then an alarm goes off on Officer Lupa's watch >With a nod to July, she stands >"alright ladies, line up, lunch time" >The prisoners all begin getting up from whatever they were on, all lining up >Going down the line, you list & check off them all, until you're sure you've got everyone. >Then it's off to the cafeteria >The way back down the halls to the cafeteria is a long walk but you aren't complaining. The thought of grabbing a meal yourself doesn't sound too bad >Prison slop? Shit you forgot to pack a lunch. Ehh might as well grab something while you're here. Will need to get use to it anyways >it's near 12 on the dot as you enter the mess hall >& damn is this place big. >Dozens of tables, all bolted to the ground & packed in with anthros >looks like today is oatmeal & honey buns >As everyone goes about their ways to get food, you also get in line &boy do you grab the cafeterias attention >Though it's not as big of a reaction as you saw in cell block-H. >They must have spread the word beforehand >But now, you start to notice just how many different kinds of anthros are here >Ranging from wolves, Hyenas, bears, dogs, tigers, leopards, jaguars, lions & many traditional other big predators >& far too many of them are staring you down like their next fresh prey >You however opt to play it cool >don't let them know they can get to you >....& watch them trying to grab your ass >Claws hurt >You get a bowl with a side serving of a honey bun from the cafeteria worker, a leopard woman >She blows a kiss at you as you pass by >You're pretty sure she's blind in her left eye, it looked glassed over at least >with your plate in tow, you shake it out of your mind. Staring is rude anon >...might give them the wrong idea >you do however spot a free & empty table at the far end of the cafeteria, not yet taken >making your way over, you do start noticing a few things in here >most of the tables seem to be taken up by one species or another >The wolves are seemingly huddled around a single large grey furred woman >The lions all sit around one that lounges across a table >The bears look like they're arm wrestling or... Well you can't tell as the biggest sorta just watches >the hyenas all don't seem to have any big chick in charge odly. Though maybe you're not familiar enough to know the difference >Wait was that a shark? >.... Double takes are for chumps >You take your seat with your plate & decide to start chowing down >wow yeah. This is basically terrible. >You're really gonna have to bring in something next time >Maybe some chinese food >The oatmeal is bland & you're pretty sure uses actual oats in place of the "meal" >More along the lines of a brown paste like substance that might be called food >The honey bun on the other hand tastes fairly... Ok. It's a bread muffin, baked with actual honey apparently >It's dry but what can you say beyond that? >Though you're still on the thoughts from earlier, mainly being should a guy really work guard duty at an all female prison? >pay rate is fair, food is almost edible, & the drive is just barely tolerable, all in all, better than what you expected for your first job out of college >though you're finding it interesting so far it is just the first day. Can't complain too much >there was no orientation, & no real training on the job beyond shadowing your supervisors, & apparently they were already planning on giving you your partner >they threw you way in the deep end >it dawns on you now, that your supervisor might have either played you up a bit too much in his recommendations or maybe just the fact that you were his student carried name recognition >you had fairly good grades so it's not like you weren't qualified it's more along the lines of- >The table rattles a bit, drawing you from your thoughts >Looking up, there across from you stands a Lion, licking her teeth with both hands on the table top >man these tables sure do get scratched to shit & beyond >oh right the inmate >of course you ask if they wanted to sit & join you, no reason to not be polite when it might save you from getting shanked later >The look on her face went from a ravenous grin to a look that almost spoke of mild disappointment, before running a clawed hand over & through her hair...fur? The top of her head. >"Actually, was gonna ask if you wanted to join us over at our table, the Pride was hoping to get to know you officer..." >Anon, you answer >You politely decline but say they're more than welcome to join your table >Last thing you need is a game of favouritism >She glances over her shoulder as many of the other tables seem to be already eyeing over at the two of you >This apparently was enough to dissuade her for the time being >You're not sure why though >She then stands & turns back to walk over to their 'Prides' table >oddly enough this same thing is repeated by the other tables, ranging from the wolf's 'pack', to the bear's 'sleuth', the hyena's 'cackle' & even the leopard's 'leap' >You gave the same answer each time >though none of them took you up on it as they slump back to their groups >you showing up definitely 'ruffled some fur' as the saying goes >even the 'bask' of crocodiles declined >go figure, this was all a game of posturing & you were caught in the middle now >it didn't take too long for you to finish that slop, & to take care of your tray. >& with that being done, you began to walk & patrol the cafeteria, as much as patrolling a lunch room does at least >12:37 >lunch was only a few more minutes, then Lupa & July were gonna head onto the next item on the docket >& after meeting up with them again, all the prisoners were all let out into the yard >you however were dragged back along with some of the officers >"Time for a healthy bonding experience" >"It's just contraband search" >After lunch, it's another set of rounds, shaking down a few prison rooms. >you're told simply >you're all gonna tear apart the bed, the wall socket, the sink faucet receptacle, and every other nook and cranny in which contraband might be hidden >drugs, weapons, dirty looks >There are gangs and fights all over the complex and right right you're trying to protect the innocent, or relatively innocent, from getting killed >this made sense enough to you, so with your team you get to work >with gloves & determination, you all start ripping the rooms apart >checking The pillows, the faucet nozzle, inside or underneath the mattresses, & along the trim of any area >Ripping open a pillow that had a bit of it's trim pre torn >tossing a bed upside down to lock underneath >unscrewing the sinks cap for the faucet >even reluctantly stick a gloved hand in to search a toilets tank >your own personal search didn't turn up what would be catching them red handed >the raid (shadow legends) however was more of a success than not as far as the rest of your group was concerned >your fellow raiders found drugs, knives, and other paraphernalia in the jail cells >a pair of steak knives from the kitchen was tucked into an inmate's mattress, a trowel was very poorly hidden in the corner of the room under a pillow, even a sharpened spoot was slid into a pillow >so yeah Someone was planning something stupid >As far as drugs went, those ones were fairly straight forward >an orange bottle of unmarked pills that were hidden in the toilet water, a small bag of weed that someone tried hiding in socks, some kind of white powder that made the testing kit turn purple was found & one that the others insisted was more serious than not, was nip... Since when was nip a drug? >so a bunch of guys (gals) are now in double-trouble as they are destined to head downstairs to lockdown—a.k.a a big fat time out in solitary. >on the other hand what you found was interesting to say the least >first thing? >Well... No reason to beat around the bush. It was a dildo. Not your run of the mill silicon one, his was some abomination of jolly ranchers melted into something that 'resembled' a penis shaped toy. It didn't look safe to use, so it got tossed in the trash at the encouraging of The others in the team >after that, was mostly just pictures of family or porn, or a combination of the two >you even found a little plastic bottle of hooch >needless to say most of the stuff you found were rounded up & tossed or turned over to the supervisors >"Well.... Prison girls make due i guess" >It's not the only one you find >a pringles can, a maxi pad in a tube, hell you find a couple cucumbers that seemed starting to pickle >all in the trash >you do place the books & photos back on the beds after checking the insides for anything like a razor blades or anything >Only found one >Of course you mark down everything you found, listing it off & with which cells they were, so you can fill out the paperwork later >They have paperwork for that right? >You'll have to figure that out at your desk later >Wait shit you don't know if you have a desk >err... Well Lupa will know >finally after searching the least room, you look over the small horde of contraband, weapons, drugs, & a surprising amount of DIY sex toys >conjugal visits must not be very common here >oh yeah This is a federal prison >...that Probably explains some of the behaviour you've been seeing >This Is gonna be an interesting job >You don't say that out loud of course >& of course the other officers go off to snatch up the prisoners to be put in confinement, you're with a few others, Lupa include off to drop off the newly gathered evidence & get rid of the 'trash' items >You do wonder where they managed to get the hooch from but whatever >making your way down the halls & leaving the cell blocks, you come to the offices again >a little side room that seems to have far too many filing cabinets & plastic totes all them numbered >at the front desk is a small name plate >P. Abigail >A blonde haired, pink skinned woman >Not a human of course >A pig, Not sure what kind >She looks a bit chubby around the sides, though she has that burrly kinda look. The kind that says, i throw hay barrels for a living & it's boring shit >but instead of hay barrels, she pushes paper >You don't get the chance to talk to her, as you simply place your bin & list onto the desk & one of the other officers talk to her, it's one of the alligator women from this morning... you didn't catch the badge but whatever >This goes on for a bit >You're given a sheet to sign & they take your fingerprints as to not accidentally list your in the swabbing >Didn't you give them those already? >eh whatever >you're given very little to do at this moment as the gator woman handles the paperwork beyond that >You do spot officers Lupa & July seemingly whispering to one another but you're not one to eavesdrop on colleagues >you're sorta just stuck there standing & waiting for what's next >you then see the would be swine woman Abigail, pass a piece of paper to the gator guard, which in turn gets passed to, July, which in turn gets passed to Lupa >She gives a tired sigh then takes it & reads it over >"...huh I guess it's time for someone to get a trim... How good are you with a pair of clippers anon?" >clippers? What? You? ...you shave your beard & moustache every week or so & stuff so... not terrible if you have to guess? >"Great, cuz it's trimming time for L-Block" >Trimming? Like haircuts? >"Yup near-full body trim for them. It's about time for it so we have to get it out of the way" >Lupa & July wave you over with an additional pair of officers being called over as well >paper specifically name drops them for the duty >mumbling a few complaints they get up to follow of course, needing to leave to their apparent oasis of the water cooler >after a bit of rounding up being done in the cell block, your group now escorts a dozen or so inmates to the hair salon for their monthly haircuts >Lions >A big ball of hair is a great place to hide a nail, so it has to come off. >Lupa ensures you it's better to just get it out of the way >They aren't declawed or anything so it's kinda redundant, isn't it? >"Claws are always out in the open, least those you can watch for, but a nail or a pen-shiv hidden under the fur, & you're looking at a nasty wound" >Makes sense you suppose. Keeps both you, the other guard, & the prisoners safe at least >eventually you meet up with a few other officers who are already there >After the obligatory "what took you so long" jokes are passed around the prisoners are told to line up >They step out of their cells & sure enough, lions... Lionesses? Plural female lions. >The same ones from the cafeteria actually >you recognize the one that went up to you & tried to get you to come over >along with that big gal that was laying across the table >She looks a bit like she's graying but damn if she doesn't look like she's a young adult at most >& well... Yeah they're all rocking some pretty long fur >Far too long in these temperatures for it to be comfortable >& you're supposed to give them a cut? >What, this place couldn't spring for a barber? >Lots of things don't add up in that regard but you don't question it much more than that for now >You'll definitely need to talk to the warden though tomorrow >a few of the lions do begin eyeing you with looks that you can't well decipher >but they still lineup so you choose to just focus on doing your job for now >It is only the first day after all >With them in line they all start on their way down the halls >it's a good 20 minute walk before you finally make it to the barber's area >seats are situated in the room that you'd see in any barber shop. >equipped to lean, rise, & rinse >& yeah, there's some scissors & shavers as well >shavers creams, combs, brushes, pretty much what you'd expect >it's pretty straight forward really >though you do notice the arm rests have straps & claw marks on them & look like they've been reupholstered more times that would be normally necessary by the different colored fabric >Why not just get wooden arm rests? >Then A small argument breaks out >Lupa & that graying lioness >You move over to assist & to see what the issue is >"Let me spell it out for you... you are not touching my fucking fur... I'm not getting a haircut, & that is final" >"prison policy, you don't have a choice, either you get the cut, or you're going to the box. Understand?" >"I'll tell you what I told those other loose lipped cunts, you touch my fur, I'll kick your ass" >You see things are quickly escalating here & are bound to get out of hand >Lupa really doesn't seem to have... well... People skills when it comes to the prisoners >You loudly clear your throat as both the women turn to look at you, with the lioness clacking her teeth mid speaking >You do your best to look as non-confrontational as you can & politely ask why the prisoner's not willing to get a trim >"She isn't touching my fucking fur, & that's the fucking end of it" >ok. But like. Why such furver? Is it like religion or something? >Lupa scoffs >"I don't give a fuck even if it is, policy says trims for all predators every month" >Lupa you're really not helping here >You point out very gently to Lupa that if you were to violate religious beliefs, the lawyers would have a field day >knowing the subject enough, you gather that this woman could easily sue if that were the case >she has all the time in the world and that it would likely cost the state $15,000 to defend this lawsuit regardless of the outcome. >still you quietly curse the stupid politicos making the rules above you >You then straighten out yourself & clear your throat again at the two snearing teeth bared anthro women & ask what the lioness practices by Chance >Sikhism >That's from India right? You think so at least >You decide to make a unilateral decision here to calm some nerves at the very least >to diffuse the situation before it turns ugly. Or…uglier. After all there are scissors nearby >You ask the lioness to let you comb through her fur instead >it's a compromise really >you're not too keen on violating religious rights of any one here >You do though decide to do a little digging on the whole no haircuts thing later but for now you've got a plan >Lupa is not happy about this >"Anon, you don't compromise with the prisoners. You tell them what to do & they do it" >Lupa please >You offer them this >a full body comb down for anything & not fighting it >in exchange, no fur trimming >"So you want to comb down the queen of the pride? Hmph... Fine, but you've gotta do it. The mut doesn't touch me" >Lupa is staring daggers at the lioness at this point as the other lion prisoners all let out low murmurs among themselves >You gesture to a seat nearby >The lioness turns her head up in indigency at Lupa & sits in the chair >"You can't be serious here anon, you can't let them walk all over you" >You'd rather not start unneeded drama. If you find anything, a blade, nail, fork, whatever, Lupa can have her >Lupa scoffs at this & sighs, rolling her eyes & moving onto another prisoner >Ok then >You however move over to the lioness... You now realize she has almost 2ft on you in height. Most anthros are taller than your average human, but it's still a bit jarring at times >You take a comb & brush & get to work >You start at her head fur >Methodically combing through her fur in the longer patches, you occasionally spread the tufts along her neck & shoulders that she seems more than alright with letting grow out >Comb to untangle, brush to straighten & flatten, with the occasional catches of furred knots >so far nothing >you eventually get to their arms as you patiently ask them to raise their arms out so you can check >she of course complies, as you begin combing through her fur on her biceps & triceps, even checking the shoulder. >soon you get to the wrists & at this point the fur is really to short at the end to both combing there >Then for a moment it clicks to you, she's chuffing >Out of the corner of your eye you actually realize she's staring down at you with a all too wide grin >You do try to ignore it as best you can >You really hope no rumors get started from this >you ask her to stand & stand in a t-pose, & keep their legs still >Hey, stop chuckling >Every one stop giggling >You say screw it & tell Lupa she can take back over >"You started this, you can finish it" >Seriously Lupa? >"What's wrong officer? Scared of a little tlc? I won't bite... Much" >You think to yourself on the implications of that, given they're an actual lion >With that she drops her shirt, with only her sports bra left >Just bam, one fluid motion >With an internal sigh you get back to the combing for anything >You do try to back out again once or twice just to avoid rumors, but apparently the other guards are enjoying the chance to tease you over it >Fine then >you begin combing through the fairly long back hair, though really that's fairly easy compared to the other spots >The stomach fur is easy too >Through all of it, you note that she does have a fairly toned body, but seriously, you're not trying to be skeevy >It doesn't help that she's periodically trying to lean into you through it all >She also seems to be trying to show off to the other lions in the room oddly enough >Weird flex but ok >eventually you get done with the last of the front side of her, ignoring a few jeers from the crowd of watchers that you wouldn't take her bra off >you're just about to put the comb away before Lupa speaks up again >"nah nah nah Mr. Anon. This was supposed to be a full body trim. You got her legs left. & hurry up will ya? We got like 20 other girls to get to" >You're about to argue when you hear the distinct sound of pants dropping to the ground >You really don't wanna turn around right now (mostly on principle) >But you relent & do so >yup that's lion ass >Tail flicking between her legs, she's hiked a leg onto the chair looking at you expectantly >You're fairly certain this counts as sexual harassment >You really feel like you've been thrown to the wolves here. The lions? Uh that saying really doesn't work here >But of course the would be queen of the lions has her legs spread, with one leg up on the chair in a way that makes you think back to Captain Morgan beer commercials >at least she has underwear on >It's not like you're gay or anything, you just wanna at least have the image of a professional >with comb & brush both in hand you go over to do your job >& why is this your job? >don't they have prison barbers? >regardless here You are >on a knee yourself, you begin brushing through the furred leg that's raised, trying your damnedest to not glance over at the panties >why the hell is she swaying? >holy shit hold still >you take a hand under her foot for a moment & comb around her ankles & go against the grain of the fur, trying to actually do what you set out to do & catch anything hidden in it >of course you flatten it back down with the brush after & she still lets out those chuffs of hers >You go over her knee & up to her thigh (outer thigh) >Then you ask for the other leg >"you missed a spot there officer Anon" >Other leg please >"what about-" >Other. Leg. Please. >She pouts but switches legs >You quietly hope she doesn't try to flash you as she does so (mostly so you don't get called a pervert) >you don't need rumors hurting your reputation... or your career >her other leg takes its place on the swivel chair with a raised arch of her foot >you go back over her leg fur as you notice something >this one has... Quite a few bald spots on it >scar tissue with missing fur, near... The hammy? That's the only equivalent you could think of really >all along the back of her leg >you don't comment on this in case it's a sensitive subject >but sure enough, through the last bits of combing & brushing you do, you give it a clean bill of 'not have hidden weapons' >nothing of contraband >a lot of madded & knotted fur, but nothing beyond that >But Damn if she doesn't have muscles on these legs >no stop that, you're a professional damn it >taking your hand off of under her other foot, you decide you're done here >you announce to the others that she's clean & you didn't find anything >you make eye contact with the lioness one more time & she has the widest, toothiest predatory grin staring down at you >you do your best to return the smile, with the relief this was over >then you noticed she started to drift forward towards you >Her arched leg pushed forward, as the swivel chair... Well swiveled, & spun >suddenly you had a 7ft tall anthro lioness falling atop you >you tried catching yourself of course, but you were in an awkward position really >& it all happened pretty fast >though that grin never left her face >within moments you were on your back >you felt something fluffy...around your ears? >oh shit >yeah well she fell on you alright >& in the process you were now using her inner thighs as a pair of ear muffs >With her crotch shoved right in your face, pressed right against your nose >shit, you can't breath >You try to push her off but no dice >you tap on her thigh to try to get her to get off you but- >is she grinding on your face now? >The room exploded into a cacophony of cheering & whooping >You only heard it through muffled sounds of course >She was rolling her hips now >"whoops! Sorry about that officer Anon, i think i slipped" >holy shit lady get off >You had lioness muff sitting on your face & she wasn't fucking getting up >Grinding down on your face & rolling her hips, it didn't take a genius to figure out what she was doing >oh shit your nose is wet >You try to shout up at her but with a muffled voice, all you get back from her is a chuff >"Sorry officer, what was that? I can't understand you. I think i twisted my ankle" >she was straddling your face right now & you couldn't get her off of you >what's that smell? >the other officers mean while tried to figure out what just happened & get a control on the situation >The inmates were shouting & whooping >They were being shouted at the get against the wall >You couldn't see any of this of course >Lupa didn't miss a beat though >Tossing the clippers onto the counter she rushed the woman >you had a few moments between staring up at the grinning lioness & a view of her cream & graying fur colored cleavage & seeing a sudden blur of a grey furred wolf that bull tackled her to the ground >hey you can breath again >you cough a bit now, being able to breath, you sit up & wipe your face off with your sleeve >oh >it's wet >Well. That just happened >wait >you're not done here yet >you quickly get to your feet as you see Lupa pinning the lioness woman to the ground >surprisingly they put up very little of a fight >Lupa seems fairly pissed >"You earned yourself a trip to the box bitch!" >Her & another officer (what you assume to be a Kodiak bear) are pinning her to the ground & handcuffing her >"You ok Officer anon?" >beyond a sore elbow from smacking on the ground, you're actually ok >You're not too sure on how you feel about being molested just now.... Wait would that be molestation or what? >You don't really know what to call that >You look over to the lioness &... Oh wait, her ankle actually does look twisted >was that actually an accident? >you point it out to Lupa & with a few paused moments, you can practically see the gears turning in her head & she doesn't look entertained >You suggest getting her to the infirmary >"whoa hey that was an accident i swear" >The lioness actually speaks up now >"the chair spun, that totally wasn't my fault" >she still has that grin, even as she stares up at officer Lupa >Lady You're not helping your case here >You feel conflicted >on one hand you're pretty sure she just tried to get you to eat her out >& on another hand, she actually does have a twisted ankle from the looks of it >Nah she wouldn't be crazy enough to try something like that >right? >"Seriously, I slipped there. I didn't even lay a finger on him, you all saw" >She's still not fighting against the officers though at least >They move to stand her up & the moment she gets on that foot, sure enough, she lets out a string of expletives >She quickly drops to the ground, dead weighting it >raising her left leg in the air, you manage to see a bone seemingly jutting out to the side >yeah that's a sprain... Maybe it's out of socket? Either way her foot is Fucked from the looks of it >"hey cut the shit & stand up" >Lupa, chill seriously >"I can't, my fucking foot hurts" >"i said stand up" >Lupa hooks a hand under her armpit & pulls her up to her feet again >Yeah the lioness isn't really able to stand on that foot >can't even put any of her weight on it really >she nearly stumbles at this as Lupa draws her club >"I'm not playing these games with you. I said stand up!" >Lupa chill out, seriously >You move over & help the lioness stand for a moment >Sure you kinda wanna slap her for what just happened but cooler heads prevail >ok Lupa, look. Her ankles fucked up. You & another officer can take her to the infirmary & get her ankle checked, & file the report later. You insist that it was in fact a accident & no real harm was done >besides, the group's got like 20 anthros to give fur trims out to >Lupa looks pissed but relents after thinking on it >"Ffffffine. Take her to the infirmary, take Officer Tetrerra with you." >You sigh & nod as Lupa takes the cuffs off her >officer Tetrerra, the bear woman is idly scratching herself. >The two of you make eye contact & she simply shrugs >You prop up the lioness & pass her clothes to her >She puts her shirt on easy enough but it takes a few tries to get her pants on without her swearing bloody murder under her breath >from there, you half expect the anthro bear guard to help you walk & prop up the lioness... >but she simply leads you to the infirmary & doesn't bothering offering help >Well, time to do your best impression of a crutch >Helping her stand, you take her arm around your shoulder & begin to walk >It's actually quite the distance too >The bear lady has already seemingly lost interest in you two as she simply walks on towards the place you're going >the lioness however is still fixated on you though >There's that grin of hers again >"I do love me a man in a uniform" >Seriously, don't push it >"pfft I'd rather deal with you than the mut" >isn't she injured? Where'd that go? >she isn't really doing much but limping on it though, so you choose to ignore it >She's heavier than you expected >She doesn't look fat, though being much taller (& in better condition from the looks of it) you're not all that surprised >Maybe you should hit the gym sometime >it doesn't help she's leaning into you so much >she has a tendency to try & rest her tits on your shoulder, instead of walking straight & it's not hard for you to notice >You clear your throat a few times to try & get your point across, though this seemingly just encourages her more >You briefly ponder the idea of dropping her if she doesn't stop but your decide against it >eventually you all make it to the infirmary as the bear officer, Tetrerra, opens the door for you >As she does, she doesn't even really wait for you & just walks on in >a few moments later she's talking to the nurse & you're helping the lioness into a infirmary bed >You end up helping her swing her leg over the side & get her up in place >with that, you're satisfied you did your job >"oh what's wrong officer anon? Leaving so soon? I thought we could pick up where we left off" >Yeah haha very funny, Don't push it >She makes another of those odd chuff sounds >"playing hard to get will get you everywhere with me officer" >You ignore this & insist the nurse will take care of you mam >"Please, you can call me Arya, officer Anon" >Arya huh? >Stop making my job harder Arya >You don't say it out loud though go figure >Well. Ok. Arya. Well like you said, the nurse should be more than able to take care of her from here >You've got work to get back to >The nurse will get her ankle settled >"Don't forget to cuff her to the bed" >Huh? >Oh yeah the nurse, right >turning around & sure enough, there she is. A honey badger? Yeah you're pretty sure at least >What's her name badge say? >Dr. Honee >Not gonna drop any puns here >"so, what did you bring me officer.... Anon?" >She reads your badge as well, before turning back to face Arya >You explain how Mrs. Arya here slipped on a chair &... Uhh... She either sprained her ankle or popped it out of socket >Not sure which, but the bone's jutting out >She moves over to the grayed lioness & places a hand on their ankle looking it over >"Yeah it's dislocated alright." >Is it serious? You've popped in your shoulder back in place before >She of course shakes her head >"A dislocated ankle usually is very unstable. Your foot is generally pulled outward, but the joint does not pop back into place as a shoulder might. Usually with the aid of nurses, we'd position the foot in the ankle joint and hold it in place while a cast is applied. But I'm the only one here today" >She gets one of those straps that you generally see used for pregnant women, the ones used for elevating legs >She lowers it with a winch & places it under the felines calf before raising it back up >"looks like I'll have to settle for you" >wait. You're totally not qualified for that >"ehh it's easy. Besides, if anything goes wrong, we've got insurance" >You & Arya both share a look that doesn't show confidence >"First up, pain killers for the kitty here." >She goes across the room & grabs a cup & unlocks & relocks a cabinet with pills in hand >oh shit right >You do click a pair of handcuffs to the bed frame & the lion's (other) leg >almost forgot that part >"swallow this" >They pass a small red pill to Arya & with the water in hand, throws it back & gulps it >You take the cup back & set it on the counter >"you're not gonna just slam it back in place like you might with a shoulder. You're gonna need a splint & cast once we align it, so don't expect to be going out to the yard any time soon" >Arya makes a few Sounds that clearly indicate a lack of happiness >"Seriously? I can walk with a cast" >"Seriously, no you can't. It'll be maybe a week, not like it's permanent" >Dr. Honee moves to a little mini fridge (opened with a key of course) & pulls out an ice pack >Makes sense >placing it to the side, she rolls up the pant leg & looks over the foot >"hold her leg still please" >it's kinda in a strap already but ok >The Doctor Begins tilting & turning the ankle this way & that way, with her palm over the jutting bone point >"Closed reduction is a pain in the ass if you ask me, but it's better than cutter her open to set it by force" >Then you hear a click sound & you feel her leg muscles tense up. Hard. >Just as her leg tries to kick, you manage to hold it against your chest & prevent the doc from getting a clawed foot to the jaw, & the foot broken any further >You were raised like a foot off the ground >Holy shit she has strong legs >then the doc pulls you towards her end >"Hold her foot right there. Don't let out move, right there, ok? I need a minute" >Sure enough you take her foot in hand once again >the way she took your hand to it, you have her toe beans in hand >oddly soft >"*chuff* officer of I didn't know better I'd say You like playing with my feet" >she does know you can just let her foot go & fuck up her ankle evenfurther right? >You take a deep breath & sigh >Dr. Honee comes back soon enough >Two thin slabs of plastic, in the shape of anthros weird non-human feet >it's not that weird, but whatever >some cotton padding in hand too >Oh it's a splint, right >"Alright, let me take that paw back from you" >You ask if there's anything else for you to do at this point >"Yeah, place the splint on the hock please. Keep it under her knee, & wrap the straps near the midpoint & ankle" >uhh human relevant terms? >"oh for the love of... Hock is the ankle arch, midpoint is basically the shin. & i hope you know what a knee is" >"leave space open at the top hock joint by 2 inches & by two inches at the bottom hock joint, align it & wrap the velcro. Just don't get her fur caught in it" >uhh shit right Ok >Oh wait it fits in place pretty easily >of course it does, it's suppose to, duh >You of course flatten out her fur along her ankle (earning a slight hiss from Arya in the process) before fitting the splint in place >A couple velcro straps later & it's holding fairly easily >The doc then let's go unceremoniously & grabs the ice pack, placing it on the ankle >"congrats, you're a trained professional now" >fucking hooray >she then goes & grabs what looks like a oversized boot-flip flop hybrid >"put that on & I'll go get the wheelchair" >wheelchair? God damn it >You take the boot & fit it over their splint & fit it under her toes >well she could probably "walk" on it now but apparently they're getting a wheelchair >Shit you're gonna have to walk her aren't you? >"Man, a woman could get use to this kind of attention" >You don't even have a walkie on you to ask where to take her >& where the hell did officer Tetrerra go? >uhh right the doc, where are you supposed to take her? >"Huh? Stock ward I guess? Take her to the t.v. room or something. Take her back to their cell block later or something" >"shit, can't i just sit in this yard?" >on a fucked foot? No probably not >wait, Which way is that? >"on the library's hall can't miss it" >...ok >& there's the wheelchair >Welp. You unlock their cuffs & then with a bit of lifting, you help this kitty >You thank the doctor for their time before heading back on your way >giving her a helping hand, you get the lioness into the wheelchair with a slight heft >sure she's bigger than you, but you're not a total weakling >thus she's in the chair >& with that you begin walking her down the halls once again, closingb the door behind you >at this point Arya is simply leaning on her armb resting her palm under her chin watching the hell in half interest,before occasionally glancing over her shoulder at you >you of course areb only paying half attention to her at this point as you try to remember just where the hell to go to get to the library wing >it was left at the brown pillar then a right from that big window that looked like it had a face print in it... No right at the brown pillar, the brown stain towards the ceiling? Wait that's more beige than brown. Maybe red? Uhh sand stone? Fuck it it's brown. >good, it's looking familiar at least >Past J-Block & through the check point >Hey there's the library, cool >Ok past the library and- >Wait since when was Arya holding onto your hand? >Over her shoulder, she has her hand on yours >Gently clasping the back of your hand, she's not really looking at you, nor is she having that big ol cocky look >you clear your throat a bit at this, & it only is really answered by a slight squeeze on your hand >it goes on like this for a bit longer thanyou're really comfortable with before she simply lets her hand slide off >ok? What was that about? >You're still walking either way & looking for the tv room >uhhh past the library? In the same hall. That's a load of information thanks doc >You then decide to simplify it & ask Arya where it is >"Fuck if I know, they never gave me t.v. time" >thanks for contributing >Peaking in the door sites, you either walk past what looks like a few offices, a meeting room, a room with a bunch of chairs in a circle & a room with just a table & two chairs >Seriously where the fu- oh there it is >T.v. room, big ol sign & everything >you roll up & sure enough, doors open. >there's a pair couches & even a few old lazy-goy© recliner chairs >A ping pong table is off to the side >oh hey, also a small group of prisoners are here & another officer, A... Lynx you think >"here to take over? About time, i gotta hit the bathroom" >huh? Wait what? Uhh no you're just here to drop off Arya &- >She's already jogging past you, not even hesitating >Hold on you're not assigned over here right now, you gotta get back to- >Wait where the fuck did that officer go? >Shit she's far down the hall >...ok >well you wheel Arya over to the couch area & ask where she wants to go >"what ever, any where" >The other prisoners in the room are all watching soam old soap opra >Days of our 9 lives or something >Jesus that's old >You wheel her up to a empty spot & after you go to stand pretty much where the other officer was >you do manage to look at the local clock though >oh hey, you've got like an hour left >Honestly, you hope the lynx chick doesn't take long, you need to get back to the others & figure out you're actual schedule >"hey officer Anon?" >You're pretty sure this isn't how things are suppose to be run either, like, usually they got officers in pairs right? >"hello? Hey boy toy, talking to you" >maybe you're just too new to have the hang of it yet, maybe you'd get use to it >"dude, are you even listening?" >wait, do you get assigned a desk? You're full time but they didn't say you had a set time sheet or not >"Hey!" >huh? >oh shit people are talking to you >What did Arya want >"what you don't like me now? & here i thought we had something special" >She makes a fake pouty face, obviously enough >"Come watch tv with us, shit's boring" >You blink a bit >Oh. Tv. Right. >Then you do notice, these other prisoners are all looking at you too, with verying degrees of interest >mostly felines with 3 of them being... Jaguars? Yeah jaguars. You think on it for a moment, before taking a seat on a coach near an arm rest >There's not as many claw marks on the rests as you'd expect there'd to be > The cushion however look like they've been replace a dozen times over though >you realize this is probably a fairly dumb idea to sit with them, but you figure they don't want to lose t.v. privileges >they probably won't do anything... Probably >so. Is This what they usually watch? >"it's the only thing that's ever on. One of those wolf bitches broke the old remote & can't change it no more" >That was one of the jaguar women speaking up >Just change the channel on the tv &- oh. The tv has coverings. >to keep the inmates from fucking it up? >It's a "flat screen" tv. Maybe one from the 2010s with a cable box on top of it >roughly a 40' you'd guess >But yeah, on the tv is just some old drama network with what looks like old reruns. >You'd probably see the three stuges or leave it with Mrs. Beaver if you watched long enough >regardles you're sitting there on the couch as you watch tv with the inmates, from time to time scanning the room of them all to make sure they're not doing anything stupid >Same count as before >beyond the occasional long glance that is usually followed by some variant of a chuff or purr, they look incredibly bored >maybe you could bring in an old universal remote you have around your place >wait, would that be allowed? >maybe? >you can't think of any reason why not >it would make tv time a little less shit at least >from looking around, you don't notice much to the room >It's just a small Room with a tv, a couple couches & chairs in front of it & a ping pong table in the corner >it doesn't look like there's any balls though >Maybe they lost them? >after making another intetnal note you are brought back to reality to the lioness known as Arya plopping down awkwardly next to you >she was hopping on one foot >wouldn't it have been easier to just stay in the wheel chair? (Cont. 29)